One Sweet Life

Chapter 31

OMG! It is already Day 7 of our Anniversary Special! How is everyone liking the story to date? We here in is very grateful that trungtnguyen123 grant us the permission to continue what she left off. We were following the translation of the novel closely and was very upset when her hard work got stolen. And then she decided to call it quit. We were very happy that when we reached out to her, seeking her permission to continue the translation, she gave us her blessing. Thank you trungtnguyen123 for the introduction to this lovely novel. And thank you for granting us the permission to continue and complete this work that you have started.

Enjoy the read! 

Chapter 31

Gu Tian Tian keep kicking in the air. An Yin Zhu said angrily: "Can you stay still!"

"If you let me down, I"ll stay still immediately!"

An Yin Zhu throw her on the couch: "Let"s talk."

Gu Tian Tian glared at him, and opened a bag of potato chips: "Go ahead."

An Yin Zhu look around. He picked up Gu Tian Tian"s phone which is on the table. A few seconds later, he grinned: "Blacklisted?"

Gu Tian Tian felt that she is being threaten. She bite a chip with her head down and said slowly: "Since you have girlfriend, although we grew up together since childhood, but it"s better to keep a distance. If being misunderstood….."

The potato chip in her hand was grabbed and threw on the floor by An Yin Zhu. Gu Tian Tian stared at him angrily but silently keep her mouth shut.

An Yin Zhu grab her hand and asked: "Where is the ring?"


An Yin Zhu put his hand in his pocket. Gu Tian Tian feel like crying. Within the next second, she saw him take out a small box from his pocket. He didn"t put the ring on her finger immediately. He turn back and took out something from another pocket. After a while, he grinned and grab her hand. Gu Tian Tian glanced at his expression, and did not dare to resist. Until he put the ring on her middle finger, then she realized something is wrong with the ring. It seems that her finger is being glued.

An Yin Zhu explain slowly: "It definitely won"t go missing this time. I have put some glue on the ring."

Gu Tian Tian: "….."

She remove the ring immediately. The glue on the ring is not dry yet. It is glued on her fingers. She stared at An Yin Zhu speechlessly, doesn’t know what to say at that moment.

"There are three things you need to remember! First, you need to answer my calls anytime. Second, still, you need to answer my calls anytime. Third, if you dare to pretend again….."

Gu Tian Tian think, if An Yin Zhu has sword in his hand, he might chop off a corner of the table. If An Yin Zhu has a cup in his hand, he might threw away the cup….. Unfortunately, An Yin Zhu look around, but there is nothing he could use to show off his formidable power. He raised his leg and step hard on the potato chip that he threw just now, crushing it into pieces. Then he grins and stared at Gu Tian Tian.

Gu Tian Tian: "….."

She bite her lips trying hard to control her laughter. An Yin Zhu also laugh lightly.

"Feeling better?"

Gu Tian Tian clear her throat, "Slightly….."

An Yin Zhu grins, holding her up again. And he walks toward Gu Tian Tian bedroom: "I worry some body might misunderstood too. To avoid the misunderstanding, I think better made you mine."


An Yin Zhu ignored her. Gu Tian Tian starts struggling.

"Today"s timing is just fine. You chose the venue. Is there anything you want to brief?"


An Yin Zhu head down and look at her, "scream later."

Gu Tian Tian: "….."

"An Ge Ge, let"s negotiate."

"Let"s negotiate on bed."

"Don"t do that."

An Yin Zhu kicked to open the door, and then kicked to close the door. He throw Gu Tian Tian onto the bed.

Gu Tian Tian looked around. She decided to apply justification to negotiate with An Yin Zhu.

"I"m only eighteen year old….."

There is no humanity if he did that do her now.

An Yin Zhu starts to take off: "Congratulations you’re turning adult."

"Didn’t you said to wait till we are married….." Gu Tian Tian crawl towards bedside.

"This is the only method. Since someone always deny the fact." An Yin Zhu bend down and grab one of her legs toward him.

"You"re at the one who have an affair, why are you bullying me?"

"Bully you? I"m just want to love you." An Yin Zhu take off his clothes swiftly. He jumped onto the bed and start taking off Gu Tian Tian clothes.

"I…what…Em…" Gu Tian Tian just wanted to say "I don’t want", but An Yin Zhu put something inside her mouth. She just screamed. She was being pressed down and mouth being shut. "What did you put in my mouth?"

Gu Tian Tian pushed him away with effort. She panted, and then she tasted the sweetness, and was forced to swallow it.

"XX." Gu Tian Tian trembling, find it hard to believe it. "Must be kidding."

He ignore her trembling. An Yin Zhu already dragged her toward him.

"Hey, you have to explain this!"

Although she is struggling, but she is not scare as before. Gu Tian Tian thought, how could she get used to it!!!

"I traveled to D City to have a discussion with Maple Hotel. That lady is daughter of the Maple Hotel owner. She is n.o.body. I have taken revenge for you."

Gu Tian Tian pout, "Who care if you took revenge for me!"

"Do you think I wanted to take revenge for you? It"s just because it"s habit. I realized after revenged."

"Then…can you get rid of this habit?"

An Yin Zhu smiled. There is burning hot feeling in his bright eyes, "Seems hard to get rid of it. It might continue for rest of the life."

Gu Tian Tian glanced at the ring glued on her finger. Her eyes slowly showing smiling expression.

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