One Sweet Life

Chapter Eighteen

OSL – Chapter Eighteen

Warning: Chapter Eighteen has mature content. Readers not of a mature age, skip chapter eighteen.

A wet towel covers Gu Tian Tian’s face, but she doesn’t dare pull down the wet towel because An Yin Zhu is naked.

Gu Tian Tian takes one step back to the door, An Yin Zhu holds her hand and guides her to the bed.

‘Sit here first,’ An Yin Zhu says.

Gu Tian Tian sits on the bed and doesn’t make a sound. She hears An Yin Zhu put on clothes, and her face reddens. Where can she hide her embarra.s.sment?

Minutes later, An Yin Zhu’s footsteps makes Gu Tian Tian’s heart pound. He sits on the bed, pulls the wet towel onto her head and she sees light again.

‘I think a traditional wedding isn’t a bad suggestion,’ An Yin Zhu teases.

An Yin Zhu’s damp hands caresses Gu Tian Tian’s hot face from her forehead to her jaw. He arches his back, and kisses her lips. A second later she reacts, and mumbles sounds in his mouth.

An Yin Zhu and Gu Tian Tian falls onto the bed together. Having him kiss her lips while the wet towel is on her head does feel like a traditional wedding night where the groom raises the bride’s red veil.

Ten seconds later, Mrs. An opens the bedroom door.

‘Aya, continue,’ Mrs. An says, walks out the bedroom and closes the door. ‘Next time remember to lock the door.’

An Yin Zhu lets go of Gu Tian Tian. She stares at the ceiling. Why didn’t she jump off the bed, and run outside the bedroom to explain everything to Mrs. An? Now even if she jumps into a river, Mrs. An will misunderstand she lost her innocence.

An Yin Zhu listens to Mrs. An, he locks the bedroom door.

Gu Tian Tian looks around the bedroom for an escape. Then she looks at An Yin Zu’s devilish smile, and knows even if she screams, Mrs. An will misunderstand her screams.

‘I… I have something I need to do,’ Gu Tian Tian stammers.

Gu Tian Tian jumps out of bed. She wants to unlock the door, but walking to the door is like walking straight into a tiger’s lair.

‘Why did you want to see me?’ An Yin Zhu asks, and guards the door.

‘Nothing,’ Gu Tian Tian says, and looks helplessly at the locked door.

‘Are you worried?’ An Yin Zhu asks.

‘I’m a bit worried,’ Gu Tian Tian says, and pretends to be calm.

‘Saying yes or no is easy,’ An Yin Zhu says. ‘You don’t need to worry. If you say no, I won’t do anything to you.’

‘Really?’ Gu Tian Tian asks suspiciously. ‘Honestly, I think everything is happening a bit fast… I should leave first.’

‘No,’ An Yin Zhu says, and shakes his head.

‘Do you want something?’ Gu Tian Tian asks.

‘Yes, I want something,’ An Yin Zhu says. ‘I’m thinking about whether we should play love games in bed together.’

‘Yamete!’ Gu Tian Tian says softly.

‘If we play love games in bed together tonight, it doesn’t matter if we get caught because we’ll just get married,’ An Yin Zhu says. ‘My mum will scold me, and your mum will voice a little displeasure. But after our wedding, our mums won’t interfere in our love games again.’

Gu Tian Tian feels like Mrs. An and Mrs. Gu will encourage her and An Yin Zhu playing love games instead of stopping them.

An Yin Zhu steps closer to Gu Tian Tian, and she steps back.

‘Don’t try any funny business or I’ll call your mum,’ Gu Tian Tian says.

‘You can escape the first time,’ An Yin Zhu says. ‘But you can’t escape the inevitable.’

‘Big brother Yin Zhu, let’s negotiate,’ Gu Tian Tian says sweetly.

‘We’ll negotiate if you say you’ll marry me,’ An Yin Zhu says.

Gu Tian Tian keeps quiet. She doesn’t believe An Yin Zhu will force her to do anything against her will.

An Yin Zhu can read Gu Tian Tian’s train of thoughts. He walks to the desk, and turns on loud music.

‘Go ahead and call my mum,’ An Yin Zhu says. ‘See if my mum can hear you.’

An Yin Zhu wraps his arms around Gu Tian Tian’s waist. He bends his head, kisses her lips and their tongues tangle. Even if she’s free to call Mrs. An, she won’t call Mrs. An because being caught kissing in bed with him once is enough. Besides, throughout the years she has known him, he hasn’t done anything to hurt her deeply.

An Yin Zhu and Gu Tian Tian fall onto the bed again. He lies on top of her, and his hands explores under her shirt.

It’s not the first time An Yin Zhu’s hands intimately touches Gu Tian Tian’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s. But no matter how many times his hands touches her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her heart always races.

Gu Tian Tian looks confidently in An Yin Zhu’s eyes to tell him to dream on if he thinks she’s scared of him.

An Yin Zhu pulls up Gu Tian Tian’s loose T-shirt, and she feels a little scared. But she calms down herself, because she doesn’t believe he’ll go all the way even if he sees her naked.

Gu Tian Tian and An Yin Zhu roll on the bed, fighting over her T-shirt. A while later, he succeeds taking off her T-shirt. She only has her jeans and underwear left to cover her body.

‘I’m giving you one last chance to say you’ll marry me and we’ll negotiate,’ An Yin Zhu says.

An Yin Zhu’s words rea.s.sure Gu Tian Tian that he won’t go all the way.

‘I don’t believe you have guts,’ Gu Tian Tian says. ‘Don’t think I’m scared of you. I saw you naked already.’

An Yin Zhu knows Gu Tian Tian is provoking him, and that he doesn’t have intentions to bed her tonight. But it doesn’t mean they can’t pleasure each other in other ways, especially with her ripe b.r.e.a.s.t.s on display.

Gu Tian Tian and An Yin Zhu go for another round of rolling on the bed. He unb.u.t.tons and unzips her jeans then he pulls her jeans and underwear down to her knees.

‘An Yin Zhu, let go of me!’ Gu Tian Tian orders.

An Yin Zhu lies on top of Gu Tian Tian. ‘Why? Are you scared? Won’t you a moment ago?’

End of Chapter Eighteen

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