One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 25 – Yin Yang Quality Refinery Skill

Chapter 25 – Yin Yang Quality Refinery Skill


Ever since Xu Liao awakened his blood pulse, he hadn’t considered that being a ‘demon’ is a big deal. Subconsciously, he still regards himself as a human; a human that has special abilities.

However, now he no longer feels like he’s a human anymore.

Xu Liao howled mournfully non-stop. But the anger welling in his chest couldn’t be released no matter how much he bellowed.

Sun Bo Fang brows twitched as he tolerated for a moment before releasing a skill that stopped Xu Liao from howling.

“Can you stop!?”

Xu Liao stared at Sun Bo Fang with an ugly expression.

A bland golden skull shining in the darkness, with both pupils flickering with golden flames, no matter what expression he had on his face, it looked horrific.

Xu Liao asked in a coa.r.s.e voice:

“Just a little over 100kHertz and I will become.. this?”

(ED: Raws mentioned it was over 190kHertz but that made absolutely no meaning. Changed to over 100kHertz. If there was a mistake, do post in the comments section or email us~)

Sun Bo Fang had an uglier expression than Xu Liao. Then his expression flickered as he adjusted his emotions, sighing lightly.

“I can teach you a skill to turn yourself back into a human body.”

This sentence made Xu Liao calm down slightly. The golden flames that were flickering brightly dimmed down. Staring intently at Sun Bo Fang, he asked:

“Is there such a skill?”

“The demonic Qi frequency waves range from 80915 to 100191. To make it simpler, I just said referred it to ‘100kHertz’. The condition you are in is the best you can get. So what are you still howling for?” Sun Bo Fang replied with a hint of irritation in his voice.
Xu Liao was slightly startled, but he still had a few doubts in his mind.

“.. as good as I can get? Then what happens if it was the worst?”

Sun Bo Fang didn’t answer him directly. He calmed himself before replying.

“I didn’t predict that not only your demonic Qi vibration was a success, but you even got your own demonic Qi ripples. Now you can even transform yourself into a demonic form! If you join the big four legions now, you’ll be definitely treated as a new generation talent, receiving their nurture… then dying at the hands of us, the Eighteen Xian Faction.

Xu Liao replied curtly:

“Cut the c.r.a.p! Tell me, how do I restore my human form?”

Only after staring at Xu Liao in silence after some time, Sun Bo Fang spoke calmly.

“Have you not heard the stories of demons turning into humans when you’re young? Changing from a demon form into a human form is not difficult, but if the human form no longer exists then it doesn’t matter If demons have the look of humans, they can never change their true nature.”

Xu Liao quietened down and thought for a long while. Then sadly confirmed a fact!

This disciple of the Longevity Sect can teach him the skill to transform himself into a human form, but he really isn’t a human anymore.

Xu Liao once again howled to the sky, unleashing his anger from within his heart!

He deeply resented himself at this moment. Why had he stupidly decided to walk down this path without knowing more about the demon world? If the meteor didn’t strike him, he wouldn’t awaken any demonic blood pulse; if there wasn’t any demonic blood pulse there would be no Sun Bo Fang, and he would still be a happy youngster, secretly admiring his G.o.ddess.  Instead, he’s here doing intense life-or-death trainings every single day, and eventually turning into a real demon.
In an instant, the murderous aura on Xu Liao broke free and rose to the skies. Endless raging flames flared and transformed into a blaze.

Sun Bo Fang faced Xu Liao, whom had murderous intent for battle; he just laughed lightly and waved his hand.

“Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon, seal the hosts’ demonic Qi!”

Xu Liao, as if controlled under a spell, his body froze and rendered unmovable. The raging blaze of demonic Qi naturally calmed down.

Only after a while would then Xu Liao fully calm down and he said:

“Teach me how to restore my human form.”

Sun Bo Fang knew that Xu Liao had somewhat surrendered and did not put on him the spot. He laughed and said:

“Good. You have finally calmed down.”

“Transmit > to Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon.” Sun Bo Fang made a few gestures as an emerald projection emerged from Xu Liao’s body, and the formula that Sun Bo Fang recited appeared on the projection.

Sun Bo Fang taught Xu Liao a skill named < yin="" yang="" quality="" refinery="" skill="">>.

This skill is only useful to make all kinds of demons transform into human form easily. All kind of demons can cultivate this skill, it doesn’t clash with any other demonic Qi, and once you’ve successfully transformed into a human form, your combat ability at most will drop by twenty percent.

When any demon transforms into the human form, their combat abilities will drop drastically. If the transformation is incomplete or immature, it isn’t surprising if the ability drops by over eighty percent. However, demons that cultivate the Yin Yang Quality Refinery Skill would only lose about twenty percent of their abilities. This is the reason why this skill is considered to be a precious treasure to most demons, and is a skill that most could only dream for.

In fact, a few hundred years ago, when this skill was found, there were many demons fighting for it, even up till now in modern society. The Million Demon Clan and the Eighteen Xian Faction had a few contracts, so a lot of low levelled skills had been widely available, which made the current situation much better than compared to before. But skills like > was so rare, and only disciples from the Longevity Sect could acquire it. If there were any accidents during the first transformation, the error could never be reverted, even after hundreds of years of cultivation. Just like the story of Sun Wu Kong from Journey to the West, after transforming into human, his tail would forever remain the same.

Xu Liao learned wholeheartedly, afraid to make any single mistake, even if it was a tiny one, he could lose his chance to restore his human form fully.

Sun Bo Fang taught everything he could about the skill and left Xu Liao alone to comprehend it himself. Sun Bo Fang then returned to the bamboo house to calm himself down.

Xu Liao felt that this transformation skill was highly compatible with the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill. He secretly activated the skill and his demonic Qi started to actively flow through his body. On his forehead appeared a shiny jade like skin, this skin started spreading as it stretched to form a perfect human face. His black hair on his scalp started to re-grow rapidly as well.

Xu Liao slowly opened his eyes, but for some reason he could see his own face. The features on his face were at least ninety percent similar to his original looks, just that ten percent gave his new face a very different feeling.

After forming the face, the snow coloured skin started to stretch down, wrapping around his neck, chest, both of his arms and finally reaching to his feet. His skin was smooth and flawless, without a sign of any blemish. Anyone who knew Xu Liao well enough could still recognize him in a glance because his face features did not change much, but everyone would be shocked as the newly transformed youngster no longer had the fat and thick shape!!

The newly reborn Xu Liao was beaming at the sight of his new body.

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