One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 27 – Killing you

OSI Chapter 27 – Killing you



Sun Bo Fang felt like something was amiss with Xu Liao’s condition. Then after thinking for a moment, he said:

“Your condition now is great! Why not use this chance to retrieve the object from the Void world?”

After so many days of training and battles, Xu Liao had not only trained on his battle techniques, but also learnt how to properly control his demonic Qi. As a result, his personality slowly changed, becoming more mature as time went by.

“So what exactly do you want me to retrieve for you? After being so mysterious for so long, surely you can tell me now?”

Sun Bo Fang nodded his head in satisfaction with Xu Liao’s reaction.

“I need a plant called the Ghost vine! It is an object required for part of my cultivation of a skill.”

Xu Liao went silent for a while before suddenly laughing.

“Actually… this isn’t the most urgent matter; I have something even more urgent!”

Sun Bo Fang narrowed his eyes and stared at Xu Liao, slightly stunned by Xu Liao’s statement.

“… What urgent matter do you have?”

“I want to know!! My ability … improved so much … am I strong enough … to kill you!?”

Xu Liao used a slow pace, yet very serious tone while speaking, pausing for a second after every spoken word.

Xu Liao was indeed serious!

During this long period of time, he had been improving his demonic Qi non-stop; the dark green demonic Qi released by the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon was much stronger by five to six times.

Sun Bo Fang couldn’t help but laugh and said:

“You think you got what it takes to kill me?”

Xu Liao cheekily laughed, and said nothing as he threw a strong punch to answer Sun Bo Fang’s question.

Sun Bo Fang just stared at Xu Liao as if he was an idiot.

“Have you forgotten that the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon is a battle beast that I personally nurtured and under my control?”

With a wave of hs hand, the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon’s ghost suddenly condensed, and Xu Liao was naturally frozen in place, as if he was controlled under a spell.

Sun Bo Fang relaxingly shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Xu Liao.

The sides of Xu Liao’s mouth curved upwards as he murmured something silently. The jasper Seven Stars mantis Demon’s ghost suddenly shattered! Xu Liao then broke free from the spell and his punch continued forward as if nothing could stop him. The demonic Qi had turned from dark green to pitch black.

Sun Bo Fang never thought that this brat could actually break the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon demonic Qi seal! As a result, he got hit by Xu Liao’s punch in his abdominal region.

The punch wasn’t strong; Sun Bo Fang didn’t feel even a bit of sensation from the impact. But when he saw that Xu Liao was smiling from ear to ear, he couldn’t help but feel his heart sinking. And by that time he realized something was wrong, he felt something sinking into his stomach, giving him a searing pain.

Sun Bo Fang’s expression turned really dark and said icily:

“What did you put into my body?”

“Nothing! Just a mere stone.” Xu Liao cheekily replied.

Sun Bo Fang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, then he snapped:

“You think that I am those kind of useless demonic beast?”

At the same moment that he replied Xu Liao, he manipulated his energy, moving his muscles in his body as he forced a stone the size of a palm out of his stomach.

Sun Bo Fang crushed the stone with his fingers and said blandly:

“As long as I want, I can easily force anything you put into my body out. But since you want to taste death, I shall give it to you. Enjoy my tasty dark beetles.”

Sun Bo Fang waved both his hands and immediately two pieces of dark clouds flew out!

These two dark clouds were formed by countless of dark beetles, making whong whongflapping vibration sounds as they flew towards Xu Liao.

Xu Liao’s heart sank. He didn’t expect Sun Bo Fang to be able to force the stone out from his body.

“Dark Demonic Qi will never be able to defend against these dark beetles! These demonic bugs were born to devour spirits. I have to go all out with them!”

Xu Liao firmed his resolve as he sped towards Sun Bo Fang, totally ignoring the threat from the dark beetles.

Sun Bo Fang clicked his tongue and said with a mocking tone:

“You actually made such a bold choice. You really are courages! However, what you don’t know is that our Xian Faction martial arts are mainly focused on nurturing our battle beasts’ ability.”

Sun Bo Fang then casually waved his hand, in a split second, a protection field covered Sun Bo Fang . As long as he can slightly block the attack from Xu Liao for that instant, the dark beetles will be able to devour him!

Sun Bo Fang surely did not believe that Xu Liao had the capability to resist his very own dark beetles he had painstakingly trained personally. However, he was slightly disappointed because his plan to retrieve the Ghost Vine had failed.

At this crucial moment, Xu Liao activated the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill. Energy coursed through his entire body as he used his most powerful and overbearing set – Stars Devouring Formula!

When Xu Liao had just mastered the Stars Devouring Formula, he hadn’t tried to use the power before. However, when the Demonic Qi was vibrating, he found that the Stars Devouring Formula was somewhat linked! As if forming a black hole after the death of a star that devours everything into nothingness, the biggest mystery about of the Stars Devouring Formula was not about the devouring, but – a.s.similation!

Xu Liao knew that Sun Bo Fang’s dark beetles were brutal and merciless, but after all, he had only recently awakened his blood pulse, thus his offensive skills were lacking. As such, he could only use his most powerful offensive ability he knew so far, the < stars="" devouring="" formula="">> !!

The Stars Devouring Formula operated as eight paths of dark demonic energy seethed through the pores of his skin, exiting out of his body. These eight strands of dark demonic energy were like pythons as they swirled in the air menacingly, emitting a majestic devouring power from each strand.

When the eight strands clashed with Sun Bo Fang’s protection field, Sun Bo Fang realized that his own spirit was draining rapidly from the clash! He was shocked! In a panic, he turned around and threw a roundhouse kick at Xu Liao’s chest that made Xu Liao fly back several meters. However, Xu Liao just got back up and charged towards Sun Bo Fang.

Both of them exchanged attacks at a speed that the naked eye could not see. Flashes of light appeared and disappeared as they clashed. Despite receiving help from the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon, he was not a match for Sun Bo Fang who had been cultivating with the help of the Xian Faction since young. Although he had gained the upper hand initially, but after being kicked away several times, he could not make full use of the Stars Devouring Formula’s power.


Xu Liao was kicked into midair, the dark beetles surrounded him in an instant. He started to feel his scalp going numb, but his strong intent to survive fuelled his aggression and adrenaline to the max. Forcing the dark demonic energy through his four limbs, he suddenly burst forth with power.

At this time, the dark beetles began brutally biting on Xu Liao’s body, the sound of the beetles grinding Xu Liao could be heard throughout the courtyard.

It was at this point when Sun Bo Fang gave a relaxed sigh as he knew that the battle would be over once the beetles reached Xu Liao. He then thought seriously to himself.

“How did this brat received the knowledge about the dharma of the devouring skill? He had recently awakened his blood pulse.. there isn’t any possibility to learn other skills. Could it be the blood pulse inheritance…?”

He then sighed once again.

“The dark beetles are utterly brutal. Even if I wanted to let you off now… maybe it’s too late.”

Just when Sun Bo Fang decided to withdraw his beetles, he realized something was off. A large portion of his dark beetles was losing reaction. Sun Bo Fang immediately waved his hand and the dark beetles returned backt o his side. However, at least thirty percent of the dark beetles weren’t listening to Sun Bo Fang’s command anymore. One by one, they disappeared into Xu Liao’s dark demonic energy.

Xu Liao let out an odd laughter as he stood back up on his feet. His shirt was torn. He looked terrible, but there was a sense of extreme danger spreading from within his body.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason

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