Proofreader: Jesse

In order to find a socket for his laptop, Wu Han Ying deliberately picked a seat in the middle row section at the far right corner; there were five more people next to him. It would be quite embarra.s.sing if he was to collect his laptop and ask each one of them to let him go through since the cla.s.s had already started and the whole cla.s.sroom was very quiet...

He stayed there through half the lecture, Professor Xia did not glance over to his seat once which made him feel somewhat relieved. His portable mouse kept making the "click click" sound as he tapped on it, so he put it away and resorted to using the touchpad. He then moved his character to the outer field to complete some quests by himself.

Xiao Wu. wandered around outside of the city for some time, only to find out that the skill bar on the bottom of the screen was somewhat different from last night; there were some new skills added and then he looked at the avatar at the upper left corner of the screen, it showed that he is already at level 60. The new skills were Blessed Recovery and Setback Arrow.

{Translator Input: Time for me to explain these two skills

Blessed Recovery - One time use, rebuff the target"s blood by 10%

Setback Arrow - to shoot out an arrow that knocks your enemy off their horse if they"re on a mount, and immobilize them for 2 seconds.}

It must be Love You 59 Seconds who logged into this account yesterday when he had nothing to do since the Blessed Recovery skill is already at max level. Wu Han Ying carefully observed the skill bar again and then moved his character to the field to complete the quests.

Once he was in the field he habitually released his baby, even though he knew his Blue Skin Calcium is a blood supply baby that is useless when in battle since it simply cannot produce an attack; but whatever it can do is better than nothing. Once he released the baby, he was shocked. The one supposedly jumping next to him was that blue Crocodile, right? What was beside him was a snowy white thing with two long ears holding onto a mooncake with its "hands" while carrying a basket on its back...obviously it is a bunny =.=


Wu Han Ying had once seen a bunny baby like this. When he was waiting to be added into a team at the gathering place for Tricyclic, he saw some people pa.s.sing by and one player carried one; it is actually particularly cute and very eye-catching. However...the other player was a female character!

And then he looked at the name of the bunny---Strolling No. 1 ...

Wu Han Ying suddenly felt 囧; Strolling No. 1, this name really is...

He opened his pet tab and found that his squirrel had disappeared, only three rare babies were displayed...Bunny baby Strolling No. 1, b.u.t.terfly Flower Girl Strolling No. 2 and a Crocodile named Blue Skin Calcium...

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