Proofreader: Jesse

Wu Han Ying lied back on his bed, the remaining three people in the room really did plan to stay up all night; while they played the game they were very noisy. He did not know whether it was them being noisy or him thinking about what he had done that he could not fall asleep. Fortunately, it was getting closer to final exam time and many had ended, so he did not have to get up early the next day.

Wu Han Ying drowsily woke up and squinting for a long time before picking up his phone to turn it on, the time was 8:40am; it was not too early but not too late either. His roommates were still peacefully sleeping, it seemed like they would not get out of bed until it was noon.

This was the first time he felt like being lazy and dawdling to get out of bed and turn on his laptop since starting TLBB. Wu Han Ying covered himself under the quilt to continue sleeping, he was hoping to sleep soundly just like his roommates. Really he just wanted to sleep until 12 o"clock.

He was lying down for a long time yet he didn"t feel sleepy at all, he was completely awake now. He grabbed his phone and played with it for a while. Even though he had his phone for a few days now, he has been too busy playing the game so he didn"t have time to explore it, there are new features that he had never seen before.

Wu Han Ying was playing with his phone lying down, he tossed and turned a few times and then threw the phone to the side, it was very boring...

Thinking about what he had done last night, he suddenly felt a bit guilty. He didn"t know why, but when he thought about it now, he was a bit calmer and clear minded.

9:10, he could play the game for a bit now if he opened his laptop; after all his first cla.s.s today would start at 2pm. Wu Han Ying decided to get up and get out of bed to wash up. So he dawdled while getting ready, chomped down on a piece of bread to waive his hunger and then opened his laptop, but after he did that he felt that something was not right...

Wu Han Ying looked at the TLBB icon and felt somewhat uneasy, he wondered if Love You 59 Seconds was currently online or not; he rarely logged in during the day on weekdays, so he did not know whether the person was currently busy working or online. It would be worse if Love You 59 Seconds was online now, since he really did not know how to greet the other without being awkward.

Wu Han Ying took a bite from his bread, he would have to say last night he was acting on impulse. He even deliberately tried to cause a power outage in their room, taking advantage of the time that he knew Love You 59 Seconds wouldn"t be online to one-sidedly "divorce" him...he did not even say anything or even leaving a message to the other player...

At that time Wu Han Ying did not think of sending Love You 59 Seconds a message, his heated brain caused him to have a sudden low IQ. At that time it wasn"t telling him to run to the other man to confirm the fiance"s matter, really that is impossible. The two of them are both males, this marriage thing in the game was just a joke. The other person"s fiance came to you and asked you to divorce the person, if you were to run to the person saying "your fiance wants us to divorce, what do you think? Should we divorce or not?"

The more Wu Han Ying thought about it the more he became 囧, to go questioning Love You 59 Seconds? Impossible. He was not being abandoned by anyone, why did he have to act like a begrudging wife trying to find out the truth?

On the other hand, he was really afraid to go ask the other. He was trying think in a reverse perspective; if your game friend came to you and asked you, "your fiance is telling me to divorce you, shall we divorce or not?" The person being asked would feel very embarra.s.sed. If the person would have to answer, they would still be speechless with a yes and no answer.

Moreover, he really did not want to know Love You 59 Seconds" real thinking...

Wu Han Ying dejectedly opened his laptop to surf the web and did not enter the game, he simply searched for an internship since he would soon be on his winter break; he should take this opportunity to go out to work and take this chance to obtain some good experience.

Unfortunately, he had been looking for a long time and came up with nothing due to his absent mindedness. He hadn"t played TLBB for very long, to be honest he had only really played it for a few days; although his buddy list had many names on it, no doubt the majority of those people he knew through Love You 59 Seconds. They are all Love You 59 Seconds" friends, and the person he is closest with is still Love You 59 Seconds.

He really could not read the other"s thinking, that person was someone that if you hit him with a bat three times he would not even utter a word, a very tight lipped person, but he is still a very good person...

The more Wu Han Ying thought about it the more he got depressed, he felt like he had turned into a teenage girl that keeps on daydreaming about a boy all day...=口= it felt like he was being jealous, so strange...

He laughed at himself, but decided to stop all his thinking; he opened his inbox and attached his resume to the email. He was really hoping to find a good place for an internship, so then he would not have to stay home for the long winter break.

At 12 o"clock, sure enough the alarms on his roommates phones began to ring loudly, one after another. It was as if they were competing in a ringing compet.i.tion, it was really annoying. Half an hour later, they slowly dragged their bodies out of bed, brushed their teeth and glomped anything within reach to calm their grumbling stomachs; then they logged into the game to play.

Wu Han Ying heard the background music at the login screen for TLBB coming from his roommate"s laptop...irritated!

"I"m going to cla.s.s to save us seats." Wu Han Ying closed his laptop and casually collected his stationeries and the key to go out.

"So early, why the sudden motivation?" Jiang Tan looked at the time.

"Yo, don"t tell me that you"re going on a date." His roommates laughed teasing him, "At this hour, you and your date have more than an hour to be lovey-dovey talking with each other. I"m telling you, there is a tea shop that opened on the second floor in our canteen, you should buy some desserts to go there."

"Everyone give me your book, so I can save your seat." Wu Han Ying rolled his eyes and casually said: "You dare to chase the skirts of the girls at our school? I still cherish my life."

"True." Jiang Tan was amused by him, "They"re all scary women haha, then you should hurry to chase a guy"s pants, remember to find a pleasant looking undercla.s.sman."

"Jiang Tan, you wretched mind," The room burst into laughter, "but Xiao Wu should be the one being chased ah."

"The f.u.c.k." Wu Han Ying was too lazy to listen to their nonsense so he left. The cla.s.s was not supposed to start until 2pm and the lecture room was on the 5th floor...

Wu Han Ying was holding a pile of books with a few pens in his hands, he headed out to save some seats but as he got up to the third floor he only felt regret; he began to realize that the steps are very high and the books in his hand are quite thick.....which means they are super heavy.

When he got to the 5th floor, he turned into the corridor and saw someone"s silhouette standing next to the window at the end of the hall. He was looking at the angle of backlight, so he could not tell who it was; he only saw a silhouette of a man and he seemed to be looking out the window with a cigarette in between his fingers.

Room 512 was located right across that window. Wu Han Ying thought the cla.s.smate was blatantly smoking in the teachers building, really he was quite arrogant. Just as he walked up a few steps he was stunned; that person was not a student, it was clearly Xia Chen.

The two people"s eyes met, Wu Han Ying politely said "Professor Xia." He silently asked himself why Xia Chen is here, does he have an afternoon cla.s.s in the room across from his?

But that had nothing to do with him. Wu Han Ying"s arms were getting tired from carrying so many books; he just wanted to quickly enter the cla.s.sroom, so he could be freed of this torture. He tried to hold the books with one hand, while the other reached out to open the door to the cla.s.sroom.

"They are having a meeting inside."

"Oh..." his hand had reached halfway when Wu Han Ying heard Xia Chen suddenly say that, only after he was told that the cla.s.sroom was in use did he notice someone"s voice coming from within; he was 80% positive that it was the meeting of the School Student a.s.sociation.

He was about to say thanks but before he could get the words out of his mouth the books in his hand began to slip, "crash"; the book in the middle slipped first and then one by one they started to fall down...

Wu Han Ying"s eyes started to twitch, that crash was quite loud; he wanted to immediately bend down and pick up the books, but the pens he placed on the remaining books also rolled down...

"I"ll pick them up for you."

"Thank you." If Wu Han Ying had another arm, he would like to cover his face with it. He felt that Xia Chen might not notice, but he was terribly embarra.s.sed; people were having a meeting inside, yet he made such loud noises as if there was a battle going on outside...

Wu Han Ying had learned his lesson, so he placed the books and pens onto the window sill. After Xia Chen helped Wu Han Ying pick up the books, he returned to smoking his cigarette.

Wu Han Ying stood a few steps away as he walked back and forth in the corridor like a headless fly. The main reason he was walking back and forth was because Professor Xia seemed to be in a bad mood today, he did not dare to provoke the professor.

The last time he went to the zoo with Xia Chen, he found out the forever poker face professor in fact is very easy to get along with and a very good person; he wasn"t sure how to put it, but he found that sometimes he is very gentle. But was not that hard to see that Professor Xia is in a bad mood, the words "do not approach" were written clearly on his face!

Xia Chen had the cigarette in between his fingers and would occasionally take a drag from it, but in fact it didn"t change that he was in a very bad mood. Last night, he waited for the gift boxes to appear and picked up a few, while other people were looking forward to picking up the nourishing medicine for rare pets, fashion clothing and the like. He was happy when there was a transformation pill because no one would take it, since transformation pills are very useless; their only use is for entertaining, not even worth a few pennies.

Love You 59 Seconds specifically liked to pick up transformation pills and he especially liked to pick up the small bunny transformation pills. TLBB"s inventory is not that big, unlike other games like JX3 {another Chinese MMORPG} where a player can pick up a lot at one time; Love You 59 Seconds" largest inventory was bought by money, but two-third of the inventory was filled with bunny transformation pills, it was quite spectacular.

After he picked up all the needed items, Xia Chen logged out of the game. He had other things to do. He had originally started to play the game to relieve stress and kill time, but recently he was starting to realize that he spent quite a bit of time online.

He waited until after Xiao Wu had logged out before he decided to logout and prepare the lecture lessons. After all he was now a teacher and he could not ignore his duty. After he was done with preparing the lessons, he busied himself with organizing a few things in the company, since he would be able to acquire another company soon.

He had left the house for more than a year, Jun Zhe and Xiao Mo had tried to persuade him to come back, but he chose not to listen. At the beginning, it was quite tough on him. It wasn"t that he didn"t have enough money because he had saved enough money for himself; it was that he had invested all of his money when he opened his small company. He had a year"s time to reach his short term goal. Even though it was quite a rush, he was very confident in his victory; after all, he knew the other company pretty well.

If he had to use shortcuts it seemed justified because Xia Chen doesn"t care what people say, he only wants result.

Xia Chen was done with his work around 4 o"clock and thought since there would be no morning cla.s.s tomorrow he did not have to go to sleep early. He directly logged into two accounts, he was thinking of taking Xiao Wu to level up.

Talking about it, Xia Chen felt somewhat amused with himself, this was the first time he has been so laborious in leveling up a character. He has a few max level accounts besides XC"s, but none of them were actually trained by him, he paid people to level those accounts up to 119 with max level stone equipment. He made sure that when the people handed it over to him everything had been prepared for the account, essentially it is a finished product.

But Xia Chen did not expect the notification that greeted him just as he logged into Love You 59 Seconds, he received the notification that Xiao Wu had one-sided divorced him...

Xia Chen was stunned for a moment, thinking he must have seen it wrong. However, he had also logged into the other person"s account, and Xiao Wu was standing at Yue Lao the matchmaker in Luoyang; there was not even a soul around her.

Honestly speaking, Xia Chen was a little angry, so he lit up a cigarette and stared at the screen for a long time. His first thought was to take Xiao Wu"s account together with Love You 59 Seconds and get married again, but he paused in his action and did not click on the NPC.

He really did not know why the other person wanted to "force" a divorce. Talking about it, this was his first time getting married in an online game and although it could be considered as half-joke at tying the knot; his impression of Xiao Wu was very good. He found that the other player wasn"t very noisy, didn"t cause any trouble, was very obedient, was a bit of a slow poke, and was occasionally naughtily playful.

After looking at the empty s.p.a.ce on top of Xiao Wu"s head, a missing t.i.tle, he had an inexplicable irritation. The cigarette soot piled up on the table, he simply pinched them together and threw them into the wastebasket.

The meeting in the cla.s.sroom seemed to be very enthusiastic, Wu Han Ying felt like crying as he walked around in circles under the pressure of deciding what to do. Around and around the corridor he walked; after a dozen times he looked at the display on his cellphone, it was 1:05! If they were planning to disperse at 2:oo, then he had to stand out here for another hour?!

He was thinking it was best to head back to his dorm first...

"Leave your books here; I"ll help you save seats." Xia Chen saw him walking back and forth in the corridor, so he pointed at the books on the windowsill.

Wu Han Ying jumped a bit after hearing Xia Chen"s sudden statement, "Ah? Thank you Professor Xia."

"How many seats?" asked Xia Chen as he tapped on his cigarette.

"Four please." Wu Han Ying again said thank you and then ran straight downstairs feeling a bit lucky. If only he were to know the upcoming misfortune, he can say without a doubt that he would not let Xia Chen save the seats for him.

When he got back to the dorm, he learned that their squad leader came around after he left to announce the afternoon teacher has something to take care of, so he temporarily switched with Professor Xia. The four people waited until 1:50 to leave their room, they weren"t in a rush to head to cla.s.s since their seats had been saved already. As the four of them looked around the large cla.s.sroom for a long time to find their books, they were struck speechless when they finally found them; Xia Chen had placed them on the middle seats in the first row...

Actually they could just change seats...but instead the four of them swallowed down their pride and sat in the front row for the whole 3-hour lecture. Once the cla.s.s was dismissed they were the first ones to run out of the cla.s.sroom. Everyone was in a hurry to get out of the room because they could tell that Professor Xia is in a very bad mood today, it felt like the temperature around him was dropping one degree every moment. The girls sitting in the back row kept saying "so cool, so handsome" and the like, hearing these statements caused the four people sitting in the front row to collectively silently despise the girls...

When he was leaving Wu Han Ying realized that this was the first time he had sat in the front row and seriously listened to the lecture. Fortunately, Xia Chen"s lecture was not like those aspirating old teachers that lullaby you to sleep, his lecture was not that difficult to understand.

It was 6 o"clock when they returned to the dorm, Wu Han Ying sat facing his laptop and kept staring at it for a long time; he decided to finish his homework first before logging on. That was the first time he finished homework the same day it was a.s.signed . It made his roommates exclaim that he must be "possessed"...

Wu Han Ying cursed with a smile, "Next time I won"t let you copy it, you can all do it by yourselves." After hearing that everyone of them shut up.

"Xiao Wu, why aren"t you logging into the game?" Jiang Tan saw Wu Han Ying sitting in a daze in front of the laptop; he was copying the homework on the side as he asked.

"Oh, nothing." Wu Han Ying obviously answered an unasked question, he had a perfunctory look on his face.

"Don"t tell me you"re getting bored of playing already. You have only been playing the game for a few days, what activities have you done so far? Later, do you want me to take you to partic.i.p.ate in those activities?"

"Oh, ok, first you should finish copying that." Wu Han Ying nodded; he really hadn"t done many of the game activities. Mainly because those activities require a team of 6 people max. Even though the minimum requirement is a 3 person team, he had always been with Love You 59 Seconds and a team of 2 people really cannot partic.i.p.ate in any of the activities. Mostly they were just exploring all the region maps and fighting off the field monsters.

At 10:00pm, Wu Han Ying dawdled onto the game. He double-clicked on the game icon, entered the account pa.s.sword and sat waiting for the game to log in...

Translator Note:

This chapter we get to read more of Xia Chen"s thought on the matter with Xiao Wu. I hope you guys are enjoying it~ Since the author creates a glacier/poker face seme we don"t get to read Xia Chen"s thoughts very often, since he is not a talkative person anyway XDDD So mostly throughout the story, you will see him be the silent type whether he likes or dislikes something. I believe we all have experienced someone with this type of personality ^^


End of Chapter 46

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