Proofreader: Jesse

From Midori: According to the schedule, today is not 59 Seconds" day, but due to some circ.u.mstances, in which I will explain in my profile later. So I decided to move the update for 59 Seconds to today (Thursday) and then tomorrow it will be Pa.s.serby update ^^ And I will find what to update on LOL Now I hope you all enjoy the fun ^^ 

Xia Chen looked at his phone and didn"t know whether to laugh or cry, the boy actually hung up on him...

Right when he finished that sentence, he was greeted with a long silence and when he checked his phone it showed that the call had ended for XX seconds...Professor Xia clutched his phone as his face showed a frustrated expression, he suspected that Wu Han Ying did not hear what he said. However, the probability of not hearing his words was quite low; why would he hang up if hadn"t heard?

Xia Chen pushed his keyboard to the side and stood up as his phone began to ring loudly, he believed that there was no way it was from Xiao Wu. The caller ID showed 【Jun Zhe】.

"Lao Da! Where"s he? d.a.m.n, you haven"t gotten him into your arms yet. Everyone is exploding on the game, don"t tell me Sao Zi was scared off by you! I"m telling you to hurry up and chase him."

Right when the call was connected, Jun Zhe began to say a whole bunch of sentences within one breath.

"I"m going after him, hang up now."

Wu Han Ying at this moment also clutched his a daze...

The expression on his face was one where he didn"t know whether to laugh or cry, and a little bit confused. He did not intend to hang up, he was so nervous that his hand twitched and pressed the b.u.t.ton...

Professor Xia suddenly frightened him with that one sentence and his first reaction was to check the caller ID to make sure it really was Xia Chen calling. Right when he heard that sentence, he really thought that it was Love You 59 Seconds on the phone, however Love You 59 Seconds does not know his phone number.

Wu Han Ying shuddered, Xia Chen is Love You 59 Seconds?!

Wu Han Ying did not have time to react before there was a knock on the door which caused him to stiffen up from shock; his guilty conscience was trying to fool him into believing that couldn"t be Professor Xia, right?!

"Professor Xia...?!" exclaimed Jiang Tan. He was the person closest to the door, so after hearing the knock he got up but when he answered the door his eyes became wide after finding out the person"s ident.i.ty.

Wu Han Ying became startled as he subconsciously turned around, tight as his eyes met those of Xia Chen he felt as if his head had exploded. His hand was still holding onto the phone, so he guiltily slipped it into his pocket.

"Xiao Wu, come here for a bit." Xia Chen"s expression was very calm, but it seemed like he was in a very good mood, the corner of his lips were slightly curved up.

Jiang Tan watched as Wu Han Ying stiffly let out an "Oh", then stiffly stood up and stiffly walked out of the door. He quietly sent his roommate a sympathetic look, he only thought that the other was getting caught for not turning in the a.s.signment last time...

Wu Han Ying was holding his breathing. However, right when he was about to "calmly" ask why he was looking for him, he was met with the faintly smiling eyes of Xia Chen, he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"Come with me." Xia Chen did not say anything else, he only waved his hand but saw that the other person did not even move. He decided to drag the person downstairs with him.

Wu Han Ying stumbled along, he did not know where the other was taking him. When Xia Chen pulled him into a room, he was surprised to look around and recognize Professor Xia"s dorm room.

An opened laptop was placed on the table and it was the TLBB game window, a big Wudang was standing in Luoyang with the ID Love You 59 Seconds on top of his head. Wu Han Ying was so shocked that he could not say anything, he only stared at Xia Chen for a long time with his mouth hanging open, he didn"t know what to say.

Xia Chen looked at him quite amused, "Why did you suddenly log out? Then you also hung up my call."

"No..." Wu Han Ying finally got his act together and quickly closed his gaping mouth which made him look like a fool, yet he had the feeling that he was being teased, "Earlier the connection was suddenly disconnected, so I couldn"t log into the game..."

Xia Chen nodded, "Then why did you hang up the phone?"

Wu Han Ying become distressed as he unconsciously reached his hand into his pocket to touch the phone, "I was not being careful...and pressed..." Even after personally experiencing it, he still would not believe such an excuse; he really wanted to bite off his own tongue.

"So it"s like that." Xia Chen knit his brows together and took a step forward, "Then did you hear what I said earlier? Xiao Wu."

"Ah?..." Xia Chen lowered his head, which closed the gap between them inch by inch, subconsciously Wu Han Ying took a step back, but behind him was a desk, there was no place for him to run to. When he heard the other man"s words through the phone he was beyond shocked, Xia Chen only called to say a total of five words, how could he not hear it.

Wu Han Ying looked up and his eyes were filled with confusion. Xia Chen sighed helplessly, "Xiao Wu, I like you. I thought about it for a long time before I decided to take a leap of faith and say that to you. At first in the game, I only thought that you weren"t noisy and didn"t cause trouble. You are well-behaved and obedient and to take you along as my apprentice did not feel bad at all. But later on, it had become a habit to first check and see if you were on whenever I logged in. I like to take you around the world map and train your character, but when you"re not online I feel irritated, or in no mood to do anything."

Wu Han Ying listened to every word, the other man"s tone was obviously very gentle, but he did not know why his heart rate started to accelerate. Can he count this as being confessed to? His eyes blinked rapidly as he scolded himself for blushing, wanting to remain calm had now become a hard mission. Suddenly he remembered that he had heard Love You 59 Seconds" voice before, that time he was singing on YY for a very long time...after hearing it again, he realized that it does sound so much like Professor Xia"s voice, just that he never actually put two and two together.

"...I don"t know." Wu Han Ying"s lips moved a bit, yet he really did not know what he himself was thinking now; his mind was equivalent to a bucket of paste, to put it simply it was completely muddled.

Xia Chen looked at Wu Han Ying"s reaction and started to laugh, "Actually I planned to tell you later today, but I was afraid that you might misunderstand and then suddenly disappear. Am I being too abrupt? Is it really so hard to accept? I can wait for you patiently."

"..." Wu Han Ying really could not come up with anything to say, the more Xia Chen used such a gentle voice to talk to him, the more he felt confused. He thought about the time he spent playing the game with Love You 59 Seconds, those were really happy memories, there was not one unhappy event. Then thinking back on these past two days, Xia Chen accompanied him to buy a suit, cooked for him, sent him off to his interview, and then drove him back to school; actually they do get along quite well.

He really wanted to bang his head against something now, because he really had a bad migraine. He could only sum everything up into one sentence...he does not know...

If Love You 59 Seconds were a woman, after being confessed to, would he really be extremely happy? Wu Han Ying felt gooseb.u.mps all over at his thought. He moved his eyes over to Xia Chen...a woman...hard to imagine...

Xia Chen watched as Wu Han Ying"s face convulsed quite badly, he could not hold it in any longer and started to laugh, he really could not tell what the boy was thinking. Suddenly he bowed down and leaned in closer, one hand circled around the boy"s shoulder and the other lifted his chin, and quickly printed a kiss on the boy"s lips.

Wu Han Ying was caught by surprise, his eyes instantly widened as his face was covered in a very becoming blush. He just stood there stunned and looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hate it?"

Wu Han Ying did not have time to feel whether he hated it or did not hate it, Xia Chen"s kiss was quick as he left his lips instantly, almost like a lip touches lip feeling, maybe it did not even last two seconds. But Wu Han Ying got scared to the point that his mind was completely blank for thirty seconds, when he finally woke out of his dream, there was only a soft and still wet feeling on his lips.

After a "snap" sound, Wu Han Ying quickly covered his mouth with his hands and stared accusingly at Xia Chen, "Why did you do that!..." He felt something was not right after he had said that sentence. No matter how one looks at it, it seemed like he was a little girl who was being molested by a pervert on the daily TV drama, really cliche..."

Xia Chen smiled at the boy"s reaction, the boy"s ears got all red, so he raised his hand and touch the red earlobe while saying each word clearly, "I kissed you, do you hate it?"

Wu Han Ying felt quite confused as his body started trembling, Xia Chen"s fingers felt much cooler than his own body temperature, which caused him to shiver uncomfortably. The other person"s tone was very calm and he had a smile on his lips, one would know that he is quite content.

Hate it or don"t hate it? Perhaps besides feeling surprised, Wu Han Ying really did not feel a sense of hate. Maybe he also did not feel disgusted by it, instead being confessed to by a man made him hesitate.

"Can I take your silence as not hating it?"

Xia Chen"s hot breath brushed his neck while saying those words, it caused him to feel itchy. The man"s fingers seemed to take an interest in his ear as they would not leave it. Wu Han Ying did not dare to move, the other man"s words led him from confusion into hesitation, when he fully understood them he became a bit excited. Perhaps two men being together seemed a bit strange, but to have someone take care of him does feel good and to have someone that he can rely on does feel nostalgic.

But...the other man"s tone made him just want to glare at him, the other"s expression of certainty annoyed him to no end; such a serene calm tone coupled with that tranquil smile, it made him blush and his heart flutter.

"I don"t hate it." Wu Han Ying eyes lit up as he lightly slapped the hand kneading his ear away.

A flash of joy obviously crossed Xia Chen"s eyes; Wu Han Ying secretly smiled at such a discovery and went on to say, "But it doesn"t seem to be as soft as Xiao Shang"s lips."

After saying that, Wu Han Ying immediately felt completely content in his heart, the other man"s face first twisted into a confused expression followed by an uncertain one. He feigned innocence as he blinked his eyes at the other, after all what he said was true. Last time he was smooched by Xiao Shang, although it was just an accident, the child"s lips were much softer than the other man"s.

"Soft?" Xia Chen knitted his brows together before he suddenly reached out and pulled the boy to sit into the chair next to them. He placed his hands on either side of Wu Han Ying and leaned on the chair"s armrests, locking the boy in, "Shall we try it one more time to see who is softer?"

"No, no need to, I..." Wu Han Ying got scared and became spineless and shrank his body into the chair, he wanted to retreat back but there was nowhere to run. When he realized this he tried to give a pleasing smile, but he did not get to speak when he was completely taken by surprise.

Xia Chen lifted his chin up, then kissed down on his lips; this time was not as innocent as last time because he directly shoved his tongue into the boy"s mouth.

Wu Han Ying stared wide eyes and his mouth also opened up in surprise, this only made it easier for the older man to shove his tongue in as he had no opportunity to resist the attack. He felt a slippery soft thing channeling inside his mouth as if telling him to close his mouth, but when he closed it he only created the perfect situation to be able to feel the soft tongue vividly, such an itchy and tingly feeling caused him to not know what to do. Originally his eyes were wide open, but sometime throughout the kiss they were shut tightly and his whole body became stiff, he did not dare to move which resulted in letting the other man do as he pleased.

Wu Han Ying held his breath and his face became flushed. He wasn"t quick enough to swallow before a shiny silver trail was visible before it slipped out of sight down into his collar, Xia Chen followed the silver line and kissed down the boy"s neck.

"How is it? Hm? Whose is softer?" Xia Chen"s voice was hoa.r.s.e as he kissed down the boy"s closed eyes, "I think Xiao Wu"s lips are the softest."

"..." when Wu Han Ying opened his eyes slightly they fluttered rapidly, they seemed to be responding from the fright he just received. His mouth was still open and gasping for air. His whole body felt like it was paralyzed and had very little energy.

After a few minutes, he slowly pulled himself together. When he looked up he found that Xia Chen"s face was very close to his; their foreheads touched and "teng" he could feel his own face get red from embarra.s.sment. He he he he he he was being kissed to the point of losing his own sense of direction...

"I...I have to go back." Wu Han Ying tried to use his hands to push Xia Chen away since he had literally pressed his whole body on him, his voice sounded somewhat awkward...It was so bad that he really just wanted to dig a hole and hide in it, "Get up, the chair will collapse, we are really heavy. I have to go back."

"I thought you said you didn"t have internet in your room? Bring your laptop here, the power won"t turn off and the internet will not be disconnected." said Xia Chen as he very obediently stood up.

"No need to, I want to sleep." Wu Han Ying quickly shook his head and looked up at the clock on the wall...8:20...

"Then I"ll send you back." Xia Chen just smiled at Wu Han Ying"s awkwardness. He really could not force this on the boy, he had to remember that taking this step by step is very important.

Xia Chen walked Wu Han Ying to his dorm room, after they arrived he simply dropped him off and went downstairs he didn"t try anything further.

Wu Han Ying kept pacing around in front of his dorm room for a long time since his face was still very hot, needless to say it was even worse than if he had just done some cross country running. He aimlessly made his way to the public bathroom to wash his face. After wetting his face to cool down the heat a gusty wind blew at him which caused his teeth to chatter, the combination of the cold weather and the cold water was like placing ice on his face.

He dawdled back to his dorm room, when he finally entered he encountered his roommates huddled together with sympathetic looks plastered on their faces as they curiously asked why Professor Xia came looking for him.

Wu Han Ying quickly came up with a random story, he felt somewhat funny as he silently paid tribute to Xia Chen. Look at your character, every day you show up with that poker face, which causes others to see you as a plague.

After he returned he was told that they could now access the internet. After hearing the news Wu Han Ying hesitated for a long time, he really wanted to log into the game and see how things were going. However, he also felt embarra.s.sed because he told Xia Chen that he wanted go to sleep...go to sleep at 8:30...really hard to believe...

He was moving his mouse around when he suddenly paused because he remembered the Qi Yue Wei matter...and the promise to delete his Xiao Wu. account.

Last time, Xia Chen explained the matter with Qi Yue Wei to him on YY. He said that Qi Yue Wei is not his fiancee, but it is an irrefutable fact that the girl likes him, even the blind could easily see it...

Wu Han Ying was troubled by his thoughts when his phone vibrated. There was a new message and it was sent by Xia Chen.

A new message 【Xia Chen】:

Have a good rest, see you tomorrow in cla.s.s


Wu Han Ying vigorously typed in his phone and replied with a very long message, after looking at the word count he realized it would turn into two messages if he typed in a few more characters, so he modified it for a long time before sending it over.

The message was sent and in less than a minute his phone immediately vibrated in his hand, it was not a message, it was Xia Chen calling.


"Xiao Wu."

Xia Chen"s voice came through the phone, Wu Han Ying was surprised for a moment, but then he had the urge to hang up the phone right away; he was internally scolding himself for being such a hot head and sending over such a message...

"Xiao Wu, are you jealous?"

A low treble voice asked with a hint of a deep smile, for the first time Wu Han Ying thought his phone"s speaker was quite loud, so he quickly adjusted the volume because he was afraid his roommates would hear it.

"I"m working on the matter with Qi Yue Wei, it will be over soon enough. I don"t have feelings for her, when she says she cannot lose me she really means she cannot lose my family"s power. Therefore, you don"t have to delete your account in the game."

"Oh." grunted Wu Han Ying as he held onto his phone and shrank back into his seat, which made him feel like a thief. He gave it some thought before he decided he did not want to continue to play his Xiao Wu account since it had started to make him feel uncomfortable and caused him to feel quite a bit of stress, "I want to create a new character."

"Uh." Xia Chen answered straightforwardly, "If you want to create a new character, change servers or change to a new game, it is all good with me; after all it is just a game. If you"re not happy staying here then change to another one because no matter what you decide, I"ll accompany you."


End of Chapter 57

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