Proofreader: Jesse

Little Wudang has the lowest level in the team, when high level accounts take a low level account to partic.i.p.ate in the chess tournament, obviously the low level account would not receive any experience. At the same time the high level accounts only receive a small amount of experience. Everyone on the team was chatting up a storm in the team channel. Their main purpose here was to level up their pets.

Before heading to bed, the team decided to do some Villain hunting, they did it for several rounds yet only a few garbages and useless jewels dropped out, none of them were lucky enough to pick up any valuable items.

Wu Han Ying finally got into his bed around 12 o"clock, he was fumbling with his phone while typing in a message for a long time; in the end he did not send it. He was quite embarra.s.sed to tell Xia Chen that he is too nervous to sleep...

However, he really was a bit nervous. Tomorrow he would go meet up with Xia Chen"s friends; he felt a bit strange. Although they knew each other online and talked with each other everyday in the game, meeting them in real life was a completely different matter.

The next day Wu Han Ying slept all the way until his body woke up on its own, he grabbed the phone to look at the time; it was only 7 o"clock. He slowly got out of bed to do his morning routine and eat breakfast, no one was up in the house.

He couldn"t help thinking that Xia Chen wouldn"t be up at this unG.o.dly hour, so he unkindly sent over a message to mess with the man. Apparently things did not go as he had wished, soon his phone showed an incoming call; the phone screen kept on flashing.


"You"re up early? I thought that you would be asleep until 8 or 9 o"clock." Xia Chen"s voice did not sound groggy, obviously the man was already up before his text.

"You woke up even earlier than me." Wu Han Ying lied back down on his bed and rolled on it.

"I"m used to it. Xiao Yan and the others are booked for lunch. Since it is still early there is plenty of time for us to eat some breakfast. How about you come to my place and I make you breakfast?"

Breakfast...Wu Han Ying thought about the bread piece that he successfully stomached within twenty steps from the kitchen to his room; he smacked his lips while thinking about the sesame bread with fried eggs Xia Chen made for him last time.

He jumped up, grabbed his jacket, then ran out the door with his keys, "I want sesame bread with fried eggs!"

Xia Chen heard a small "bang" coming from the other line, it sounded like a door was closing, "No sesame bread with fried eggs, since I don"t have the bread. How about omelette rice?"

Omelette rice (Omurice)

Right when Wu Han Ying entered the place he could smell the cocoa fragrance in the air, his stomach immediately made these embarra.s.sing gurgling sounds. As expected he dislikes bread the most, it really can"t satisfy one"s hunger.

Two dishes of omelette rice were placed on the table, they seemed to be comparable to a restaurant level. In Wu Han Ying"s words, the omelette is so skillfully wrapped that one does not know where to start first, he turned the dish twice to take a look and then started to eat it.

"Don"t eat too much breakfast, leave some room for lunch later."

"Oh." Wu Han Ying nodded his head with the expression of "I"m not eating enough", he couldn"t help thinking there would be a lot of people gathering at lunch, it was inevitable to think that he might not be able to eat so "forthright" like at home. Really it was better to have something in his stomach for now.

He quickly finished the omelette rice and then held his hot cocoa to slowly drink it, the cocoa has a very rich flavor and a sweet aroma emitted into the air. Wu Han Ying was drinking it while waiting for Xia Chen to finish talking on the phone.

Xia Chen only ate a few mouthfuls of his omelette rice, when his phone suddenly rang. Wu Han Ying literally jumped in his seat when Xia Chen picked it up, the male voice coming through the phone piece seemed to be really "excited"; his voice was very loud as if he was standing right next to them instead.

"Lao Da, explain to me the matter with the Qi group..."

Wu Han Ying sympathetically looked at Xia Chen, the voice on the other end was so loud that he could hear it clearly, he could only imagine that it must have felt deafening to the man"s ear.

Xia Chen went to the balcony to talk on the phone, but soon he came back inside and looked at the clock, "Let"s go now?"

"Too early." It would be 10 o"clock when they got there anyway, the place might not have opened then...

"Xiao Yan is very anxious about meeting you, I think that they would be there before us."

"...Then, let"s go."

Wu Han Ying fished out his phone to look at the time, then slowly put on his jacket. He looked at the time again, then slowly followed Xia Chen downstairs to get the car. He looked at the time again after getting into the car and then started fidgeting with his phone.

Actually, he was not afraid to meet Xia Chen"s friends, he had no problem meeting up with online friends...he was a little nervous due to...

Xia Chen looked at the boy who was focused on playing with the phone, he let out a faint smile, "Don"t be worried, you have met Xiao Yan and Jun Zhe; it seems like Xiao Yan is also bringing Xiao Shang with him, that brat said he wants to hang out with you."

"Who is nervous?" With that said, Wu Han Ying fiercely pressed on his phone twice, then muttered to himself as he put it into his pocket...In fact, he was a bit nervous, too nervous that it made his hands turn cold. Speaking of which, he had never had a girlfriend before, so he never experienced the feeling of "meeting the parents" and the like. Although Xiao Yan cannot be considered as the "parents", he is Xia Chen"s brother after all. Besides, Xia Chen is not his "girlfriend", so this made him feel even more..."weird".

Xia Chen smiled, "We"ve arrived, do you want to go in first? Or do you want to go with me to park the car?"

"So fast..." Wu Han Ying"s facial muscles twitched, it was not even a half hour drive, why weren"t there any traffic jams today...

"I"ll go in with you." He looked at the building outside the car window, Wu Han Ying shrank in his neck at such a high-end place he certainly had never been to before.

"Okay." Xia Chen nodded and drove his car to the parking lot, then walked into the place with the boy.

Wu Han Ying felt that his actions must have been very stiff, he bowed down to look at his own jeans and jacket and realized that he was not suitably dressed for this place; however, Xia Chen was in suit pants, shirt and a long coat...

The main door was shut tightly, maybe it was not open for operation. It stayed that way until they got to the door, someone rushed over to open the door, "Mr. Xia, your room is on the second floor, this way please."

Wu Han Ying let out a sigh of admiration after entering the place, as expected the rich sure have different taste; the interior decoration resembles a high-end hotel look, he was pretty sure that the menu would make him feel tongue tied.

He got into the room, closed the door, sat down on his seat and heaved out a relieved sigh. A person like him coming to this place was like torturing himself, making his whole body feel quite terrible.

"Looks like we got here first."

Wu Han Ying gave him a supercilious look, it was not 10 o"clock yet and there was only the two of them in the room. He was about to say something but got shocked at the knock on the door, he quickly recomposed himself. He thought it was Xiao Yan and the others, but it was a false alarm, the waiter came in with the tea pot.

Xia Chen handed him a cup of hot tea. Wu Han Ying shook his head, if he drank that he would be visiting the restroom often. This place is so big, if he exited this room he would for sure get lost; not just to the restroom, even if he walked down the hall to the lower level, he would be lost on the way.

"To warm up your hands, they are very cold." Xia Chen put a small cloth in his hand and told the boy to wrap it around the hot cup.

"Oh." Wu Han Ying clutched onto his cup, the water is very hot and the tea color is beautiful, with a light fragrance and hot steam warming up his eyes. He noticed that the steam collected on his lashes, which made his vision go blurry, "really warm."

Xia Chen came over and covered the boy"s hands with his own. Although the boy"s palms were warmed up by the hot cup, the back of the boy"s hands were still quite cold.

Xia Chen"s hands were very warm, such an obvious contrast with Wu Han Ying"s temperature, "You wear so little but aren"t cold at all."

It was very warm in the car and this room"s temperature was also warm, the temperature is just right. Xia Chen just smiled, the boy was so nervous that it lead to the boy"s feet and hands being cold.

"Your face is also cold." Xia Chen stretched out his hand to touch the boy"s face, it had a cool and soft feeling; the boy"s nose was slightly red from the cold and he suddenly had the urge to lean down to kiss that nose, so...

Something warm was being pressed on his nose, Wu Han Ying was shocked. If it wasn"t for Xia Chen"s hands gripping his, he would have thrown the cup in his hand away.


Xia Chen"s lips nipped his nose, sweeping up and down the nose bridge making him feel itchy, not just his nose, but his body also shook slightly from the touch. It was as if he was being electrocuted. He wanted to lean back his head a bit, yet the older man would lean in forward a bit, the warm hot lips were slowly gliding down from his nose.

Wu Han Ying was so lost in a daze that he forgot to speak, when he opened his lips to say something they were soon kissed by another pair. Even the older man"s lips had a higher temperature than his own, they were moist and hot.

Before Wu Han Ying got back his senses, the boy realized that they are still in the restaurant, if someone were to see them...he really wanted to push the man away with his hand, but the other had a tight hold on them.

The other man"s tongue was quick to entered his mouth and touch his tongue, Wu Han Ying felt somewhat shocked and shrank into his seat due to his frightened state; he could hide but he could not escape, subconsciously he let out a small cry.

"Xiao Chen Chen, you"re bullying people again!"

The door opened with a "bang", such a loud clatter scared Wu Han Ying and he almost bite down on Xia Chen"s tongue as he quickly pushed the man away. He only saw a small white ball running "thump thump thump" over, he pulled on Wu Han Ying"s hand and glared hard at Xia Chen.

{Translator Input: Ok, I do agree with everyone, Xiao Shang is Xia Chen"s nemesis, LOL the kid knows how to trigger the older man XDDD}

"Xiao Shang!" Xia Yan followed in, apparently he was being caught by someone, so Xiao Shang was able to run through.

"Aiyo, I said we would immediately see a restricted image right after opening the door, haha."

Jun Zhe came in and laughed hahaha, his laugh made Wu Han Ying becoming even more embarra.s.sed; it was just that he had not dug up a hole and hide in there yet.

Wu Han Ying was being pulled by Xiao Shang to scoot over a few steps, which almost caused him to somersault; then the little bun plopped down on the chair in between Wu Han Ying and Xia Chen, "I"ll sit next to Big Brother."

It was too late for him to feel nervous, he was so embarra.s.sed that he wanted to die as his face got crimson red, but luckily no waiter came into the room or else he would be even more embarra.s.sed.

Xia Chen on the other hand looked quite calm, as if it was nothing at all. He also did not bother to get petty with the little child, he directly moved his seat and sat beside Wu Han Ying on the other side.

Xia Yan was wearing the long lavender jacket, which was really good-looking. Wu Han Ying remembered that he had seen the man outside of the school cafeteria once. At that time, I remembered thinking this person looks so much like a SD doll and sure enough at a closer look he is more refined. Speaking of which, he does resemble Xia Chen, however his features are much softer and gentle, as well as the temperament and att.i.tude being different.

"You"re early, I thought you would come at a later time."

Xiao Shang stood up on his chair, leaned over the table and grabbed Wu Han Ying to look at the menu with him. Wu Han Ying bet if he were to touch his forehead now, he would feel beads of sweat. The prices on the menu could be mentioned at a later time, Wu Han Ying felt quite uncomfortable to have Xia Yan staring intensely at him from across the table. One minute, two minutes, he gritted down his teeth to endure it...but it was very awkward to be stared at, even the hair on his back was standing up. He had to pretend to be seriously studying the menu with Xiao Shang, as if he was not paying attention to the other person.

"Xiao Yan, your stare is making Xiao Wu"s hair stand up on his back." Jun Zhe saw the boy kept burying his head in the menu, he could not help but to laugh haha.

Xia Yan glared at the man, "I just think sister-in-law looks familiar, but I don"t remember where I saw him."

"Ahem ahem." Wu Han Ying choked on his own saliva causing him to cough up as his face immediately turned red. He did not expect the first words out of Xia Yan"s mouth would be to call him that that...Although he could let these people call him "sister-in-law" in the game, that was a female account! Now they were face-to-face, being called that now was really too much.

Xia Chen thoughtfully poured him a cup of tea, let the boy calm his cough.

"Sister-in-law is Lao Da"s student, last time you went there you might have seen him." Jun Zhe said that then waved his hand at a red Wu Han Ying, "Last time I went to Lao Da"s place to pick up that file, it was sister-in-law who handed it to me. Sao Zi, do you still remember me?"

Wu Han Ying was being called "sister-in-law" this and "sister-in-law" that making him really want to run away, he suddenly felt that he should not go to the offline on Tuesday. Xiao Xiao Xiao and Oh Oh Oh are the devil himself, no way he would make it home alive.

"That"s enough you two." Xia Chen timely rescued the boy, "How is it that Xiao Mo"s not here yet?"

"On his way, maybe he"s almost here. Lao Da you ask even though you know." Jun Zhe also grabbed the menu to take a look, "Xiao Mo just called me, saying that he needs to finish some work. I also got surprised when I heard the news, I say Lao Da this is called foresight. Now is just great, father at home does not know whether he should be angry or happy, but for sure he would not make you marry that Qi Yue Wei girl."

Wu Han Ying became stunned for a moment after hearing Qi Yue Wei"s name, then continued to bow down his head to look at the cup. Xia Chen did not answer Jun Zhe, just touched Wu Han Ying"s hand, "What do you want to eat here? The seafood here is not bad."

"I don"t know." Wu Han Ying looked at Xiao Shang who has been pointing here and there on the menu. The prices are like "invisible" numbers to the eyes, it was more like directly chewing the money down. He looked at the price of the seafood, not made him tremble in fear.

"Brother, I"m not used to seeing you act like this." Xia Yan smiled and covered his eyes.

"Lao Da, where is Sao Zi?"

The door was opened with a loud "bang", the next person to come into the room was a man in a suit and leather shoes; his voice was quite loud, which caused the little girls outside to look into their room.

Besides Xia Chen being very calm, Wu Han Ying was very embarra.s.sed; everyone"s eyes quickly landed on Wu Han Ying"s face, looking at him like that makes Xia Chen want to secretly pinch him.

"Sao Zi, I"m Mo Shan Xi; you can call me Mo Rui." Xiao Mo saw Wu Han Ying sitting next to Xia Chen, so he quickly introduced himself. In Wu Han Ying"s eyes Mo Rui looked like a highschool student that was around seventeen or eighteen years old, "The last thing Jun Zhe told me was that Lao Da said Sao Zi is adorable; haha, so it turns out that Lao Da likes this adorable type."

Wu Han Ying felt like he can"t be saved, his face could be used to fry up an egg. He put his attention back on the menu, then he pulled on Xia Chen"s hand and whispered, "Who"s treating today?"

"My treat, of course it"s my treat; we"re a family, don"t be polite. Sao Zi go ahead and order whatever you like." Mo Rui quickly said after hearing that and then sat down to call a waiter over to order their food.

"Oh." Wu Han Ying nodded, grinding his teeth and then said, "I want to eat crab," it was not Xia Chen"s treat so no need to hold back, it would be a waste to not order what he wants.

"There won"t be much meat in the crab this season." Wu Han Ying heard what Xia Chen said and was about to order something else, but the person next to him continued on to say, "We need to order a lot for it to be enough."

Order a lot so it will be enough...


End of Chapter 60

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