Translator: Neko

Proofreader: Jesse

From Midori: I slacked off yesterday ^^ supposed to post this chapter last night but then I went to the fair and when I got back it was super late and I was d.a.m.n tired T.T Of course the schedule is still the same, another chapter of this will be posted tomorrow. I hope to make it on time. Hopefully XDDD Now enjoy this~ ^^ 

Two days after the offline meeting, Xia Chen took Wu Han Ying out for a short vacation; although it was the winter season, they still wanted to go to the beach to walk around.

Xia Chen switched to a big Jeep and also brought along a big box of snacks for Xiao Wu, they decided to depart at night since the drive would take around 10 hours or more.

Wu Han Ying got so excited that he jumped around the Jeep for several laps. There weren"t that many cars at such a late hour, Xia Chen saw the eagerness flash in the boy"s eyes, so he let the boy take over the wheel for a short time. But...

After the boy settled himself behind the wheel...he started the engine then sat there in a stupor for 5 minutes...

Wu Han Ying looked at Xia Chen with frustration and helplessness in his eyes. He does have a driver license and it has been stored away in his wallet for a long time. It was a little more than a month from when he first started to learn traffic regulations and rules to when he actually acquired a driver license, it could be described as the fastest speed one has ever done it, so that the driving teacher did not even have time to teach him how to turn on the engine using the gas pedal and stick shift together. It could be imagined that once he got into the car, the engine kept turning on and off...

Xia Chen face-palmed himself, it would be better if he drove, otherwise he didn"t know when they would reach their destination.

Wu Han Ying felt completely dejected, but Xia Chen said that when they get there, he will find an open s.p.a.ce to let him practice driving.

They both drove to a small coastal city, which is very quiet. It was just a few days away from the Spring Festival, plus it was during the winter season so there weren"t as many tourists coming to Linhai city, it was very quiet and peaceful.

They were used to seeing a crowded and noisy Beijing, suddenly coming to a small and quiet place like this made them feel quite good. On the wide road of 8 lanes in total {4 on each side}, there weren"t any other cars lined up behind them at the traffic light, it was a good opportunity to let Xiao Wu practice his driving.

They first went to check into their hotel room and drop off their luggage, then took a short break before heading out to play. At around 1 o"clock, the two drove their car along the coastal road a few rounds to look for a restaurant to have lunch, they found a street full of barbecue restaurants. Since it was winter, it naturally became the right choice to have some grilled seafood.

They visited some attractions in the afternoon, they both decided on sightseeing at the wild plant park near the beach and inside the park there is a huge open coastside that has very fine sand.

There were not that many cars on the big road and the speed limit was 40, which was perfect for Xiao Wu to practice.

Wu Han Ying practiced dozen of times to start the car, but it kept on turning off. Every time the car cut out Xia Chen felt completely helpless and after awhile he simply said to switch to an automatic transmission when they got back, so the boy didn"t have to deal with turning on the engine using the gas pedal and stick shift. Wu Han Ying made a double eyelid expression, after all his driving test was on a manual transmission.

Finally the boy was able to turn on the engine without it turning off. However, his horror started when the driving began: he got so nervous that he forgot to shift the stick shift; if he remembered to shift then he didn"t step on the gas pedal; if he stepped on the gas pedal, his steering was messed up; and when he got control of the steering wheel, he forgot to shift...

He struggled with it until 4 o"clock and then he finally got the hang of everything. The seaside road was not very wide, he was left with 4 lanes total {2 lanes each side}. The speed limit was 40 so Wu Han Ying was driving in third gear, it was at a consistent speed so no need to worry much, it felt like they were aboard a sightseeing car. Although occasionally they would encounter a few traffic lights and wait a bit, there weren"t any cars lined up behind them, so Wu Han Ying was not under any pressure and he slowly picked up the speed without much worry.

Xia Chen smiled and said, "Starting the car like you, I bet this red light only you would be able to pa.s.s it."

"..." =口=

The speed limit within the parks premise dropped down to 20, this place is huge so they made a large round to get to the seaside.

"Let"s drive our car down there too." Wu Han Ying clung onto the car window and looked outside, there were many cars heading down to the seaside area as well and it gave a kind of feeling that the sea is just outside their car window.

Xia Chen nodded his head, then headed over to the driver side to take over. He drove the car down the slope and looked for a parking spot.

Wu Han Ying jumped out of the car and the salty breeze touched his face. He had been struggling with driving the car for two hours, it had started to make his whole body feel uncomfortable. He had back pain, neck cramps, legs were stiff and it felt like his whole body was about to break. Getting out of the car felt so comfortable that he could not describe the bliss, he could not help but to breathe a sigh of relief.

"What are they doing?" he turned and saw three or four people circling around a car.

"Their car got stuck in the sand." Xia Chen furrowed his brows.

Wu Han Ying almost unkindly let out a loud chuckle. Sure enough, the other car"s front wheel was stuck in the sand, there were several deep tire prints on the sand trailing behind the car. Luckily, the two of them didn"t drive their car forward...

"Let"s pick up some stones."


Colorful round stones in all shapes and sizes are at the end of the fine white sand on the coast, those stones look very nice and quite charming. Occasionally they would find some broken among the stones, it was not that easy to find one whole sh.e.l.l though. Next to them there were some people holding a keg and shovel to pick up some stones, they had quite a full bucket of stones.

He dragged Xia Chen to squat down and then picked up a few stones, "Pretty?"

Xia Chen nodded his head, Wu Han Ying ran back to the car to grab a small basket, he poured everything out from the basket into the trunk and placed the stones inside it. Then ran back to continue picking up the stones.

There is sand stuck to the stones, after they picked up a fistful, they put them into the basket and pushed the basket to the water. They were waiting for a big wave to hit the it so that the force from the water would wash away the sand from the stones and the basket. The small basket has many small holes, so it made it easier for the sand to slip through it and be washed away.

But the task of putting the basket in front of the wave for it to wash away the sand is quite arduous!

"Xiao Wu, quickly come back, don"t get your pants wet." Xia Chen stood behind the boy, watching as a wave was about to crash in, so he quickly called out. It wouldn"t be that comfortable to have wet clothes on during winter.

"Coming, coming!" said Wu Han Ying as he pushed the basket out and quickly stood up to run back, he almost got caught by the crashing wave from behind.

"Don"t play anymore, your hands are getting cold." Xia Chen saw the boy staggering, so he reached out to support the boy, "Change into the coat in the car, since your sleeves got all wet."

"Oh, wait for me to take the things back." Wu Han Ying replied obediently, but after he took back the small basket, he continued to squat down and pick up more stones.

Xia Chen had no choice but to head back to the car, retrieve the coat and return with it for the boy. All he could do was place it over the boys shoulders and then accompany him in picking up the stones.

Wu Han Ying squatted there until his feet became numb, then he stood up. He held up the basket to look at his hard work; he had collected more than 30 pieces, although they are small, they are quite heavy.

"Eh?" Wu Han Ying was being pulled by the arm, he looked up at Xia Chen, "Did you find a pretty one?"

"Yup, how about this? Certainly this is the best one." Xia Chen smiled as he held something up in front of the boy and then dropped that something into the boy"s palm.

That something was very light weight in his palm, Wu Han Ying thought it was a very small stone. So when he looked down, he was extremely shocked; they were very pretty, but obviously they were not stones---two shiny rings.

The design is very simple and a generously elegant silver-white, the red sunset reflected on the surface of the ring creating a gentle red flame; there are several small and shiny diamonds inlaid in the ring.

"Do you like it?" Xia Chen picked one up and took out a silver chain from his pocket and looped the ring through it, "Let me put it on for you."

Wu Han Ying could feel the texture of the cool metal on his neck, he could not help but shiver and reach out to it, "Why not put it on my finger?"

Xia Chen smiled, "You"re still in school, it"s not good to wear it on your finger. After you have graduated, let"s go abroad and get a marriage license."

Wu Han Ying put the ring on Xia Chen"s finger, "I"m not going. Even if we get a dozen marriage licenses overseas, it is just wasted effort if our marriage is not recognized domestically."

Xia Chen held the boy"s hand in his. He was carrying the basket in one hand while he dragged Wu Han Ying back to the car with the other, "This is a good idea, actually I"ve been wondering where would be a good place and with this we will just simply get a dozen."

Wu Han Ying was speechless, so he climbed into the pa.s.senger seat and made himself comfortable and sighed, "I don"t want to drive, so you drive; I"m so exhausted."

"Sleep if you feel tired, we will have some activities tonight."

"Hm? Where are we going tonight?"

Xia Chen tilted his head to the side and smiled, "We aren"t going anywhere, of course, we are staying in our room." He leaned down to kiss the boy"s ear after saying that, "There will be no one disturbing us this time."


Wu Han Ying shrank his face deeper into his collar since he could feel his face heat up from the man"s words, "Drive safely, I"m gonna sleep."

Xia Chen smiled and patted the boy"s head and started the engine, the goal is...the hotel.

By the time the two of them got back to the hotel, it was just in time for dinner, but since they ate a lot during lunch they did not want to go out foraging, Xia Chen said to order some food through room service at the hotel.

Wu Han Ying got super was his first time to experience the luxury of room service.

Xia Chen called the receptionist and let Wu Han Ying order their meal, the boy did not know the prices, so he casually ordered two dishes, two bowls of rice and one seafood soup.

After the boy finished ordering, Xia Chen took the phone back and said, "Charge this to room 416, I"ll sign when you deliver the meal."

After the man hung up the phone, Wu Han Ying blinked his eyes at the man, "What is this signing thing?"

Xia Chen was being stared at by the boy, it was a stare that made him want to kiss the boy that instant. His mouth curved up into a smile and said very calmly, "Kiss me and I"ll tell you."


"Or I"ll kiss you and then I can tell you what it is."

Wu Han Ying did not get to react before he was held by the neck, right as he tried to divert the man he realized that he had created the perfect angle for Xia Chen to kiss him.

Xia Chen used one hand to support his neck, while the other hand held Wu Han Ying"s waist and gently kneaded the skin underneath the clothes of his pajamas.


Wu Han Ying was trembling under the man"s touch, he could feel the restless hand slowly undress his clothes, warm hands covered his skin and made Wu Han Ying unable to suppress his shivering.

He suddenly felt something cool touching the side of his waist, Wu Han Ying shivered when he remembered the silver ring on the man"s finger. A silver ring that was a pair with the one he had around his neck, he could not help but heat up from such a thought.

Xia Chen could feel the other person responding to his touch, so he inched in closer to press the boy down on the bed even more.

"Get...get up, they are going to deliver our room service."

"They aren"t here yet."

Wu Han Ying became speechless at the man"s words, well it was true that no one was at the door, but soon they would be there...

"Later tonight..."

He did not get to finish saying his sentence, when he saw the older man seriously shake his head.

The b.u.t.tons were being undone one by one, which made Wu Han Ying bite down on his lips, "After dinner."

Unfortunately, Professor Xia still shook his head and continued to undo all the b.u.t.tons of the boy"s pajamas, then he leaned down to kiss the boy"s clavicle, which made the boy jerk up due to excitement.

Wu Han Ying bit his lips again, "After they deliver our room service!"

"You said it." This time Xia Chen listened to the boy and nodded with satisfaction, "Since you"re not too hungry now, we can eat the food later tonight."

Right when the man finished saying that, someone knocked on their door, Wu Han Ying got scared so he covered himself up under the quilt and made a small hill in the bed.

Xia Chen went to open the door in a good mood and let the person push the dining cart into their room. Once the food was in the room he signed the paper and then even handed the person a red bill for the tip.

Wu Han Ying heard the door close, he was about to pull off the quilt but he was dug out by the man the next second.

As he said after their food was delivered, Wu Han Ying righteously seized Xia Chen"s hands that were trying to dig him out of the quilt, which resulted in the man"s slightly surprised expression; he then pushed and pressed the older man down on the bed.

His posture made it look like he had the upper hand, Wu Han Ying took off Xia Chen"s and put them on the bedside table, "I"ll do it."

If one was to ignore the disoriented clothes with an unb.u.t.toned shirt that exposed the white porcelain skin to the naked eye and slightly shivering hands, then Wu Han Ying could be described as having great posture...

Xia Chen only smiled and did not resist, he let his hands stretch out and relax at his sides, showing a position of letting the boy do whatever he wants to his body.

The boy lowered his head and kissed Xia Chen, this was the most pure innocent kiss that Xia Chen had ever received. It was a kiss where a pair of soft lips pressed down on his own it was like he was stamping a kiss on his lips, the boy did not even pause; although Xia Chen did not have his on, it was not that hard to see that the one who should be "ravishing" his lips was currently flushed like a red cherry.

After they finished kissing, the boy did not seem to initiate any further action; Wu Han Ying frowned, bit his lips in thought for a moment and then he suddenly jumped from the bed and ran into the bathroom.

Xia Chen did not know what the boy was up to. When he was about to get up to check on the boy, Wu Han Ying came back and jumped onto the bed with his hands clasped together as if holding something fragile.

Xia Chen propped himself up with one hand and became startled after just one glance, he thought it would have been better had he not looked at what was in his hands. Cupped in Wu Han Ying"s palm was a pink liquid that looked sticky, obviously it is bodywash.

"What are you doing with this?"

Wu Han Ying blinked his eyes for a long time at being asked this question, he bit down on his lips and said seriously, "We need to...need to lube it up, I I I...I"m afraid you"ll get hurt..."


Xia Chen for the first time really did not know how to respond, it seemed that his prestige was being swept away by the boy"s thought. The righteous att.i.tude of the boy with a deep flushed face in front of him is afraid that he is going to get hurt, so the boy wants to use the lubricant on him!

Moreover, the boy even thought of using the body wash, which is like on the same level of an enema; if they really had to use it, then they can just directly do it in the bathroom...


Wu Han Ying had just finished saying that, when he was picked up and carried by the older man.

When Xia Chen looked at the boy being like that he could not restrain himself anymore; therefore, he directly picked up the boy bridal style, carried him to the bathroom and kicked the door open with a bang, then he lightly set the boy down into the bathtub.

There was no water in the bathtub and the heater was not turned on in the bathroom like in the bedroom. Wu Han Ying shivered from the cold, so Xia Chen quickly turned on the water and adjusted the temperature to the warmest setting.

"Don"t turn on the water, my clothes will get wet."

"Undress." Xia Chen did not have his on and his slender eyes slightly squinted at the end, his smile looked somewhat gentle, or more like he was showing his indisputable prestige...

He reached out his hand to take the boys clothes off and in no time the person in the bathtub became naked.

Xia Chen leaned down and placed one hand on the edge of the bathtub, the other hand took a small amount of the body wash in Wu Han Ying"s hand; he then applied the bodywash to the boy"s neck. With a slippery touch, he glided down along his neck, then along the chest and down to the lower abdomen area, stopping right above the pubic hair, then he drew two small circles around that area and then glided his hand back up.

Wu Han Ying was shuddering from the man"s touch, he tried to push the man"s hand away, but then he was being kissed.

The kiss was monopolizing but very gentle, which gave him a suffocated feeling. Xia Chen"s hands kept rubbing up and down his body with no intention of stopping, however, they got even more presumptuous.

"Mhm ha!"

The man"s fingers kept sliding over the two red dots on his chest, the fingers covered with the body wash flexibly rubbed back and forth on them which caused his body to heat up.

"Hah hah."

Xia Chen saw that the boy was getting into the mood, so he stood up straight and turned off the hot water; then he took off his clothes completely and got into the bathtub.

Two grown men with not so pet.i.te bodies in a bathtub, suddenly it felt quite crowded. A good mood was created with their legs rubbing against each other.

Xia Chen grabbed the boy"s naked slender legs and spread them wide open, then let them hang over the edge of the bathtub; this action made Wu Han Ying"s face flush one degree deeper.

Seeing Xia Chen maintain his usual calmness even though he wasn"t wearing any clothes and didn"t have his, Wu Han Ying felt quite irritated. He had a hard time moving with both legs hanging over the edge of the bathtub, so Wu Han Ying stretched out his hands and pulled the man down on him and then glomped down on Xia Chen"s neck.

Actually he was not that heartless, he was only bluffing by grinding his teeth on the man"s neck; when he released his neck and saw a small red mark, he leaned in to lick on the marked area with his tongue.

Xia Chen took in a restrained breath, being bit and licked by the boy like this was making his breathing become unstable; he embraced the restless body under him and moved his hand under the water so that his index finger rimmed lightly around the boy"s rear entrance.

Wu Han Ying"s body immediately stiffened, his legs started to tremble lightly, "I...I"ll do it!"

Xia Chen smiled and suddenly pushed in his index finger to successfully entered the unknown land, "You want to loosen your entrance?"

"Ah!" Wu Han Ying"s hands reflexively grasped the tub, "I said I"d do it...that thing..."

"What"s that thing?" Xia Chen said with a smile hanging on his lips, he even blinked innocently a few times, while his finger was rotating and probing around inside to loosen the muscle up a bit.

Until Xia Chen was done with preparing the boy, he still wore that pretentious expression of not knowing that thing that the boy said, which made Wu Han Ying grit his teeth in anger.

Hugging the boy in his embrace, he could feel the boy was becoming wanton and ready, he held down Wu Han Ying"s waist, "It might feel a bit uncomfortable."

Wu Han Ying put his chin on the man"s shoulder, he could feel the man"s hot manhood was hovering right at his entrance, before it was slowly pushed in with gentle movements. As it entered his breathing was starting to become unstable, "Too much nonsense, quickly do it...AH!"

Wu Han Ying regretted telling the man to be quick, the man had prepped him so well and with the addition of the water lubricant there was no pain, he just wasn"t used to it yet; however, it did not mean that the man could be unscrupulous.

He could feel his head heat up and was unable to stop his moaning, it was just like coughing where one has no control of its occurrence; they went for a few rounds, then Xia Chen turned him over and let him kneel in the bathtub. The boy clutched his mouth with his hand trying to m.u.f.fle his moaning as best he could, which only turned Xia Chen on even more.

Wu Han Ying became so exhausted that he let Xia Chen do whatever he wanted with his lifeless body; after he was finished the older man helped him clean up and then carried him back to bed. Xia Chen tried to feed him, but Wu Han Ying only ate two spoonfuls and then stopped. He was so worn out that he forgot...about the signing issue...and what it was.

The next day when pa.s.sing by the main lobby, Wu Han Ying heard the receptionist at the front desk after she answered the phone, it seemed someone was complaining about something.

"We"re so sorry to hear that, mister. We will switch you to another room today. Will that be okay with you?"

The female receptionist kept on apologizing for a long time, she then hung up and muttered to herself, "416? There isn"t a baby or little child in room 416, how could there be crying sounds at night? There isn"t a cat either..."

Wu Han Ying quickly rushed out of the hotel and once they were outside only then did he dare to whisper, "It"s all your fault that people heard us!"

Xia Chen did not mind the situation, instead he just chuckled and helped cover the boy with a coat, "It"s because Xiao Wu was very willing."


End of Chapter 66

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