This was the first time I have felt silence to be so uncomfortable.

Usually, Shizuku who talks with people without breaking her smile, is now expressionless as if it had fallen out of her face and on the contrary, Kirasaka is smiling as if enjoying the situation.

Somehow or the other, I and Shizuku had been acquaintances for a long time, but I feel very scared of this face, I have never seen before.
I have heard that people who normally don’t get angry, look very scary when they finally do. Is it a pattern like that…?

It was Shizuku, who broke the silence.

“You look to be having so much fun. This is the first time, I have ever seen you talking to a man.”

“Unexpectedly I am actually very talkative, you know? Furthermore, he is very amusing to talk to.”

“…Am I making such a funny face?”

It was pretty upsetting.
Certainly, I am not a handsome guy.
Rather, I am aware that I am plain but I never had any intention of having an amusing face.
The two continued their conversation as if ignoring my words.

“Today, I only came for greetings… I look forward to working with you for this year.”

“Yes… only “greetings”. Best regards from my side as well.”

The two shook their hands and ended the situation with that… So I thought but contrary to expectations, the white hands of the two girls were red, congested with blood till their fingers.

I wonder how strong they had been gripping. The redness kept increasing rapidly.
It felt like I could hear the creaking sounds, but the girls’ expressions gave nothing away. They kept putting strength into their grips.
I was anxious about where, to try defusing the situation.

Nevertheless, Shizuku is somewhat strange, today.
Certainly, Yuuto was belittled in the presence of cla.s.smates, but I never thought she would display her emotions to this extent.
Rather, I felt that her emotions had been reduced to zero.

From now on, let’s stop talking badly about Yuuto in front of Shizuku.
If you are not tactful, there is a chance of getting attacked from behind.

With good timing, the homeroom teacher entered the cla.s.s and the “greeting” between the girls came to an end.

After finishing simple businesslike communication, the homeroom teacher started leading the students towards the corridor.
According to our teacher’s guidance, we moved towards the gymnasium and the opening ceremony began.

Approximately an hour later.
After thankfully listening to the long speech from our, we returned back to our cla.s.sroom and did light self-introductions. After finishing the introductions, it was the end of the school day.
As expected, at the time of Yuuto and Shizuku’s introduction, there were lots of cheering and applause. At the time of Kirasaka’s introduction, there were people who had been angry after observing the previous situation, however particularly the men applauded vigorously.

Incidentally, during my introduction, the ovation was very small. Near the end, most people had stopped clapping. I felt it was more of a reluctant applause, looking at the figures of Yuuto and Shizuku, clapping.

I remembered the faces of the students who were giggling while looking over here…. Bear in mind, I will eventually return back every unpleasant thing.

I gathered my baggage, stood up from my seat, exchanged light farewell greetings with my neighbour, Kirasaka and left the cla.s.sroom.

Are Yuuto and Shizuku still talking with their cla.s.smates and will end up hanging out with them?
Naturally I would not be invited and even if I am, I won’t go. Trying to reach my home even a little sooner, I started progressing towards my home’s direction.

“…That cla.s.s… is the worst.”

The residential area during noon, where no one is around.
Is it because there is no one to hear? Unintentionally, my real opinions came out of my mouth.

When I think about the school days ahead, my walking pace falls down naturally. It was one of the many days to come, where against my better judgement, I felt it would be better if tomorrow didn’t arrive.

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