Publishedat 17th of March 2020 08:49:00 PM
Chapter 84

Translator – Vodka

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I forgot to renew the domain . A few more days and this site would have been up for sale, lol . So, wow, vodkatranslations . com turns one . By the way, regarding the co-translator, I think I will drop that notion . I know it can be a b.u.mmer for you guys, but two translators have two different ways of translating and expressing themselves . I want to avoid that, if possible . Well, let’s see .

Author – Corrected typos and missing words, modified the scenario and did some revision .

The school devoid of students was quiet .

The footsteps of a single person resonating in the hallway even gave off the illusion that n.o.body else was in the world .

The only person in the world……

These words tickled the sensibilities of a high school boy a little .

I was playing the character of the cool solitary guy, all alone by himself in the world . Man, it was a tremendous feeling .

It would surely be perfect if I put my hands in my pockets and walked with a hunched back .

However, unfortunate it was that I didn’t have the time . The cla.s.sroom was in front of me .

I pulled open the sliding door . The sliding functionality on it had deteriorated over the long years of usage . As I entered the cla.s.sroom, I saw three students seated on their respective seats, illuminated by only the sunlight .

Kirasaka was by the window, Shizuku was in the middle, and Yuuto was near Shizuku .

Kirasaka had a book in one hand . Shizuku was probably going about today’s homework, and Yuuto was looking at those two .

It wasn’t as if I was conveniently able to have all the three of them here, together like this .

Kirasaka was in the library, and Yuuto was playing football .

It would seem that Shizuku was working on the homework all along .

However, when I was talking with her over the phone, I felt like I heard Kirasaka’s voice……let’s pretend that it was only my imagination .

“I am last?……I am sorry to have suddenly called you guys . ”

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I suddenly called out .

I didn’t sit down on my seat . Instead, I stood behind the teacher’s desk .

I put my hands on the desk and let out a breath .

“It’s quite rare for Minato to have something to talk about . Is it a student council job?”

Yuuto raised the most natural question .

Shizuku and Kirasaka too looked at my direction .

Well then, how should I start?

The very notion of somebody else like me, talking about how popular they were, was strange .

Being on the receiving end of that kind of talk, they too shouldn’t be in a good mood either .

Depending on how I said it, the impression of the student council would considerably change .

My usual way of speaking was such that there was even the possibility of the listener thinking that they were being spoken to, in a commanding tone .

Since I will be talking on behalf of the student council here, I ought to be careful .

“……Well, it’ true that this a student council job . ”

Rather than saying it myself, since they were the people concerned, there shouldn’t be any problem if I showed it to them .

I brought out the student council doc.u.ment from inside of the bag . It was the piece of paper that contained the anonymously written requests of the students .

As I showed it to them, Shizuku tilted her head to the side and asked .

“What is that?”

“Anonymously written requests sent to the student council . ”

I pa.s.sed the paper to Yuuto, seated the closest to the teacher’s table .

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He looked over it wordlessly . A strained expression could be seen on his face, but it lasted for no more than a moment . Then, he handed it over to Shizuku .

“This kind of request……Kirasaksan, do you want to see it too?”

“No, thank you . I more or less know what to expect . ”

Without looking away from the book in her hand even once, Kirasaka replied .

Just from hearing the word “requests”, she was able to perceive the content of the doc.u.ment .

I couldn’t help but think, “As expected of Kirasaka . ”

She really does know what is written on it, doesn’t she?

“So, then? What came out of the student council discussion?”

“……To decide on a date and time . ”

“Is that so?……A reasonable plan, huh . ”

Kirasaka issued a flat response, as though she wasn’t interested .

She placed the bookmark on the page she finished reading, closed the book and stood up .

“Well then, does that mean we are done for today? There is nothing else to talk about, right?”

“Wait a minute! At the very least, we should discuss this among ourselves——”

“Why I wonder?”

Kirasaka cut Shizuku off and asked this in return, in a cold voice……no, a voice that made it impossible to discern the emotion of the speaker .

It sounded like she couldn’t comprehend the further need for any discussion .

I had already predicted this .

If it’s Kirasaka, even if I brought up this matter, if she didn’t find it amusing, she wouldn’t demonstrate any interest in it either .

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For some reason, even fun things didn’t seem interesting to her .

[TN – help again, can someone tell me what you can make out of this sentence, 彼女にとっては楽しい対象でも、何やら面白そうなイベントではないからだ。]

“But……that would cause us a considerable amount of problems……”

“There shouldn’t be any problems, though?”

Kirasaka let out a breath and sat down on her chair one more time . Her expression couldn’t conceal the ha.s.sle this situation has brought forth on her .

She put her hand on her cheek and said this in an admonishing manner .

“This is their problem, not ours . At the very least, do we need to change something ourselves?”

“……True that . ”

She was right .

No matter how many students had submitted this request to the student council, this wasn’t their problem .

They didn’t need to discuss this . They could just could about their usual lives, without changing anything .

It is because I knew these people in the cla.s.sroom, that I had been able to gather them like this and carry out this discussion . Otherwise, the student council probably would have had, even without any discussion, treated this matter as a joke and pulled the lid on it .

The female student named Kirasaka Ren didn’t have any interest in this matter . Neither was she looking for a solution .

Apart from the student she had taken a liking to, she was equally disinterested in every other student .

That was why there was no need for any discussion . She would simply reject any confession . She wouldn’t join any group .

Why? Because she didn’t feel the need to .

Even if she was called out, she would simply choose not to comply . No matter what anyone might have to say, she didn’t need to listen to someone she wasn’t interested in .

And that was how she came to be known as “The Ice Queen” .

In the first place, her thought process regarding this issue was different from that of Yuuto or Shizuku’s .

Two people who felt not a small amount of guilt, and another one who felt nothing .

The latter might sound bad, but from my perspective, I thought her att.i.tude was the normal reaction .

This was why, at the student council meeting earlier today, I couldn’t agree to the proposal of imposing those selfish obligations upon these three .

It was because, somewhere in my head, I knew that it was going to be like this .

“This is, until the bitter end, the plan that the student council had come up with . Mine is different . ”

I said with clear emphasis that I had a different plan .

It was so that they would understand that this was not an idea that I supported .

“Minato thinks differently?”

“Aa……I am opposed to the student council’s plan……even if I say that, since I am now a part of the student council, it would be correct to say that we have two plans . ”

From his perspective, I was also a student council officer .

Only saying that I was opposed to the student council’s plan would result in an erroneous explanation .

Therefore, as someone who was part of the same student council, it would be correct to explain that the student council had two plans .

Without a change in her posture, Shizuku awaited my words . Kirasaka too was looking at my direction .

Compared to before, she is showing some interest . At least, let’s think like that .

From here on out, it was important to explain the merits and demerits of the plan I was going to be proposing .

I would have to be careful while answering every one of their questions .

I formed a quadrilateral with my hands and said this .

“It is fine if we built boxes, right?”

“Boxes?” (in unison)

“That’s right, boxes . ”

The incomprehensibility of what I was saying was painted on the faces of the three before me . Their expressions told it all . Then, I indifferently proceeded to explain my designs .

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