Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei de Shuujuu Keiyaku

Chapter 2: The Secret to Victory is Harmony?PART 1

Chapter 2: The Secret to Victory is Harmony?PART 1

The tag-team examination was to be held from tomorrow.

Despite that……

「eeek! My hair is frozen!」

「It’s your fault to suddenly appear in front of me」

「It can’t be helped! If you people are in front I can’t use my whip as I want!」

「Then go do rope-jumping behind us!」

「What did you say!?」

It is just as it seems like.

Sherry and Victoria always quarrel and they never act in synchronization……ah, me too.

「Don’t quarrel here~」

It was an everyday occurrence for these two to collide, so he couldn’t even put power in keeping them in control.

They are fundamentally a bad-match. They both have egoistic sides in themselves.

Nevertheless, the examinations were from tomorrow. Even he thought that it wouldn’t be a good sign if it kept on going like this……

「I can’t be dawdling at a place like this! Can you not interfere with me!?」

「That’s the same with me」

But it remained just like this……

It was situation where he couldn’t help but sigh.

Moreover, the problem was not only that……

「Haya-Hayate-san! You’re sweating a lot」

「Eh? Ah, you’re right」

「*ahem*! Then it can’t be helped. Because it can’t be helped, I will wipe it dry with my towel」

「Come again?」

「Wait a second Hayate. If you’re sweating, then let’s take a shower together. That way you will feel refreshed」

「What! Can you not interfere in our work, Scharlachrot-san? I will wipe the sweat」

「It is the role of Master to look after their manservant. Yours is the literally useless aid, so better back down」

「Wait, I’ve dried it up by myself, so just stop」

……Like that the strange approach by Victoria had been continuing, and as if oppose that Sherry’s skinship was getting more radical day by day……no, to be precise, more erotic.

Just take yesterday as an example……


「Hm? What happened Victoria?」

Right after the lectures ended, Hayate was called out by Victoria, and he turned around to face her.

After fidgeting for a bit……she presented the knee-socks she had been wearing towards him.

「S-See……I will give my knee-socks to you」

「……No, but why are you doing it?」

「Why, you ask……don’t men like to sniff the scent from things that the girls had worn?」

「You have another great misunderstanding」

No, it wasn’t completely a misunderstanding, but offering her knee-socks so suddenly was wrong thing to do as a maiden.

「What are you trying to hand over to my manservant?」

At that moment Sherry restrained Victoria with her dangerous glare.

「I-It’s up to me to give whatever of mine, by myself, to Hayate-san!」

However, Victoria objected her without faltering.

What she just said, can be interpreted as something too erotic……

Like that Hayate leapt his thoughts in that escapism manner──and that very instant Sherry stood up on top of her chair, and put her hands inside her skirt all of a sudden.


Based on the height of chair, the standing Sherry’s waist area was at a higher place. It was at a position parallel to Hayate’s face, when he was sitting. In that situation it was obvious that insides could be seen by him, after she was turning over the hem of her skirt.

「W-What are you doing!!」

「Here. Take it」

While Hayate protested by covering his face with hands……Sherry handed him something in his hands.


He thought what it was, only to find it was a panty.

Let alone seeing the insides, he was handed that very inside in his hands. Hayate felt his body heat suddenly rising with lot of force. It is still warm……oh s.h.i.t, *nosebleed*.

「Think of it as me and be affectionate with it」

While looking downwards on Hayate, she spoke those words whilst her hands were gripping the hem of skirt.

OOhhh! I can almost see the inside of that inside now……!

「Ho, I-I-I can, I can! Also do that!」

「Yes what!?」

Trying to oppose to Sherry, this time Victoria put her hands in her skirt.

Her thigh joint that wasn’t covered by knee-socks were exposed, but……

「Ugh, Ugh……Waaaaaaaahhh! Don’t think you won with just thiiissssssss!」

In the end Victoria lost to shame and turning over her body she escaped from the cla.s.sroom.


「No, don’t make a smug face and get down from the chair. Everyone is watching」

……Well, days like these kept on continuing.

He didn’t know the reason why Victoria suddenly got so clingy to him, but it was obvious that it made Sherry’s mood worse and the teamwork was in the process of decline.

「sigh……stop and let’s go to the dining hall. Aria and Kiruru are waiting」

For the examinations tomorrow they didn’t go for the part-time job today. Today they had a plan to work out countermeasures of examinations along with Aria and others. Only after finished the after school training.

「That’s right. Let’s go……*yawn*」

「? It’s rare for you to yawn」

「Lack of sleep, I suppose……don’t stare at me」

Maybe she was embarra.s.sed that Sherry averted her eyesight from Hayate with a huff.

There, again, Victoria flared up at Sherry,

「Hmph! Isn’t it common sense for Hexenritters for managing their health in good state? Try to stand in the shoes of the person who is made to team up with a half-asleep person!」

「What did you just say?」

「Yes yes yes! Shut up and let’s go!」

Hayate headed towards the dining hall while pushing their backs, and met up with Aria and Kiruru.

「Hey, how are you doing?」

「so-so……yeah, something below that」

In truth it was「devastatingly below」from that so-so, but still he glossed his words.

「Well then, it’s about the opponents Sherry-kun and Victoria-kun are going face against in examinations」

Just after requesting some beverage from Academy Maid, Aria immediately started to talk.

「I’m sorry, Aria-san. To make you deliberately examine it with us」

「Hm? Don’t worry. Sherry-kun and Victoria-kun might be busy with part-time job every day. And I originally liked to examine things」

「Let me thank you after the examinations end」

「Mu. Even I will give my grat.i.tude after the examinations」

「Is dat so? Well I’ll be waiting for it」

Aria smiled and replied to the two fighting.

「Miria. Show the pic」


Upon being ordered by Aria, the mechanical owl perched on her shoulder──Miming cried once, and a transparent image was projected in the mid-air.

「What is this? It seems similar to the magic of《Clairvoyance》」

「It is the ability of Miria. It is making it easy to see by changing the examined data into a projection」

Aria explained to Victoria tilting her head. Hayate and Sherry had seen that before in the training period with each other, so they weren’t particularly surprised.

Just like she said, in the projection from Miria, the images of two girls were reflected and the data and numerical values of them were being reflected.

「The girl on you people’s left is Led Cromwell.『40th Rank』. The Servant is a Gargoyle. It is a winged beast having a tough body like steel. Her『Wand』 is the rare, Armour Type. Her power is great, but the thing that needs to be paid the most attention is that defensive power. It toughness is best even in the Academy」

Matching the rhythm with the explanation, the projected images kept on changing, and they were able to see the aforementioned Armour Type『Wand』.

The『Wand』of Led was, just like Aria said, a full-body armour. There was a gigantic shield being carried on the back of armour. Her basic tactics were to defend against attacks with impregnable defense and finally crushing the opponent with pure power.

「Next the one on right is Fortena Gracia. 『36th Rank』. Her Servant is a Kamaitachi. It appearance is like a weasel though, but it is a Servant that can control the wind at will. Apparently her『Wand』is a folding fan that can bring forth wind. Her speciality is long-range attacks with wind blades, and it is said that her image of using the folding fan while dancing is beautiful」

The digital data about Fortena kept on changing in accordance to Aria’s explanations, and showed the recorded,『dancing figure』, which Aria just said. Indeed, her movements seemed more like dancing rather than fighting.

The most of projections were still images, but there were some videos among them, and in that the figures of Led and Fortena fighting other tag-teams was reflected.

「Even so, how did you get all this data and images, Aria-san?」

「Most were what I sniffed out from places, but the last video is something I sneakily ripped by invading the mock battle grounds at that time. But I was found out soon and the fight was cancelled, hence I could only get this much. It would’ve been best if I could record one or two of their Magikas」

「No, it’s enough. No more than enough, to the extent that I feel sorry to let you do something like spies」

Sherry thanked Aria and started rereading the data Aria gathered. While leaving the brain work to her, Hayate started up a conversation with Aria and Kiruru.

「By the way, how about you do? Are you fine with the examinations?」

「Yeah? Well, not bad I say. Kiruru’s『Volcanic Gauntlets』are strong, so we might win someway or other」

「No……it’s because Aria gives a cover at back」

Looks like this pair has no problems. Okay, I’m gonna be frank, I seriously jealous.

「You two are childhood friends after all. It is natural to be in sync」

「Ah, if talking about synchronization then Led-senpai and Fortena-senpai also seemed to be on good terms」

「Is that so?」

「Yeah. Apparently they have teamed up various times before during tag-team examinations」


So their teamwork will also be good. Just leave me alone from these increases of anxious factors!

「Hey, shouldn’t we also, finally, divide the roles? At least for the vanguard and rearguard ones……」

To Hayate’s proposal, Sherry and Victoria looked at each other’s faces for just a second,

「It’s obvious, I’m the vanguard!」

「Hayate is the vanguard, Victoria-san is the rearguard. It is the normal」

And almost at the same time, the polar opposite answers came back.

The moment their opinions differed, they clashed with gaze and gaze that caused sparks to flutter. Oh not AGAIN!

「Did you not see the data of Aria-san properly? Only my『Tailworm』can deal with the long-range attacks of Fortena-senpai」

「That is our line. Led-senpai has the best defensive power even in the Academy. Unless it is Hayate’s『Leavateinn』your 『Wand』can never penetrate and destroy it」

They both glared at each and other and didn’t yield at all.

Hayate scratched his head thinking what to do now.

「Hmph! It won’t be of any help to talk with you. I will do whatever I like tomorrow」

Finally Victoria stood up from the seat and left the dining hall.

「……She went away. I’m sorry to you two, but let’s breakup for now」

Successively, Sherry also stood up.

「Aria-san. Kiruru-san. Thanks for today. I will give the grat.i.tude at a later date. Hayate you return to the room first. I need to go somewhere」

「Wait a sec Sherry. Is it fine to leave Victoria like that?」

Hayate stopped Sherry in fl.u.s.ter, but,

「Fine or not, it can’t be helped with how she looked, right? What a thing to say, we both have fundamentally bad affinity. We can’t be good cuddy friends like Aria-san and Kiruru-san」

「No, that is……」

Indeed these two were obstinate and have prideful places, and they couldn’t be said to have good affinity by any standard…….

She heaved a sigh as if fed up and left the dining hall.


Only Hayate, who was left alone there, stood at that place and thought something, and then suddenly saying「alrighty」, he headed towards the exit of dining hall.

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