
Chapter 39

Compared to the Fairy Village, It seems like the Elf Village is found deeper within the forest, under a mysterious lake.

Where they live, the royal Elves clan have stricter laws than the fairies, they value blood purity.

I find it hard to see, whether happiness will follow once I saw it.

“Is it a floating Island under the lake? It doesn’t give the feeling of stability, does it?”

“No no, it’s intriguing that way. Besides that, I’m interested by Elven-made crafts.” (K)

“They say Elves’ hands are amazingly dextrous, right! The things they make also seem to have magical effects! My friends were asking for souvenirs, It would be great if I can buy a lot~” (Tonbo)

“Let’s bring pictures when we get back. Tarou? Have you properly recharged the mp?”(K)

“Did and done. Kawazu-san’s crystal is also ready”

“I see, I see. You tend to forget things after all. *croak* *croak*”

“You’re talking to much……, by the way, I made cookies, wanna eat?”

“Eat, eat~!”

“…… completely seem like sighteeing”

Sailor Soldier sighed while watching us being cheerful

She checked her weapons once we were close to our destination.

They seem to be the big sword and knife that she brought when she came into the forest.

It’s a sword that be used with one or both hands called b.a.s.t.a.r.d Sword. It seems that she uses it often.

But it seems a bit overkill.

In the end, it is an invitation this time.

It would be troublesome if you’re too p.r.i.c.kly.

“Isn’t it a bit overkill?”

I tried calling out but, there really is a difference in cognition between Sailor Soldier and I.

She pursed her lips, and said something unbelievable.

“It’s strange that you’re walking inside Alheim without a single piece of equipment! It’s a place where demons wander around!”

Well, now that she mentioned it, that’s true.

My eyes had scales. (T/N: figuratively)

“……. they say wild animals will avoid you if you make a lot of noise? I saw it from the TV back then”

I think this is a good chance to show of my travelling wisdom, but Sailor Soldier’s fed-up face got worse somehow.

“No, do you think they’re the same with the animals from back there?”

“…… the animals back there are very scary for me”

That’s because I didn’t have countermeasures for them.

Compared to that, the devils here run away wherever I stop.

…… somehow it kinda sinks.

“I don’t really understand, but I’ll be on guard this time”

Saying so, she seems to be wary of the surroundings, and anything I say is useless.

“……then we’re counting on you. Even though, don’t force yourself alright?”

“I know. Watching you guys, I feel like I’m overdoing it”

Sailor Soldier had a complicated expression when she laughingly said that.

I looks like Sailor Soldier is trying to adapt to the current situation.

It’s better to put your worries at rest until you get used to it.

Well, it’s a carefree thing, I think she’ll get used to it soon.

The designated place was hidden by a simple magical barrier.

While walking through the thick forest, I slightly felt a mysterious resistance.

However, Elves are said to be fairly high-ranking faries, but what does it mean when the resistance that I feel is weaker compared to when we first arrived at the Fairy Village?

On that point, Kawazu-san seems to be understand that things aren’t as simple.

“Hmm…… it’s the barrier of bewilderment. It means that you’ll lose your direction within the forest. Is this really the Elves’ barrier?”

“We’ll soon pa.s.s the forest, you’ll understand once we come out”

“Let’s see…… we’ve come accross the barrier of bewilderment, do you know when we’ll get there?”

“Well, roughly, the our Fairies’ outskirts was also something like this”

Just like the easy-going dragonfly said, the forest soon opened up.

There was a big lake, in accordance to what I’ve heard.

The idyllic lakefront was beautiful, and I saw some waterfowls flying.

But that’s it.

There’s only the lake.

There’s nothing else here, except for the perfect spot for a picnic.

“Is it really here?”

Sailor Soldier also voice out her doubts, but I felt a certain dissonance.

“Aa, that’s what I heard, do you know something, Kawazu-san?”

I turned to the expert Kawazu-san, and he thought while nodding.

“Hm, this is unmistakably the place. This place seems like a Spot”

“Ah, I see. If that’s so then there’s something there”

You probably can’t say that it’s not a Spot for an Important Base.

On that part, Kawazu-san’s thinking is on point.

“Isn’t the lake suspicious then?” (K)

“Then I’ll go ahead and check” (T)

The Line even reached up to where we are, clearly indicating a Spot is there.

If there are this many indications, it’s natural to think that there’s something hidden.

I immediately used a.n.a.lysis Magic to investigate the lake, and found that there’s clearly a strange fluctuation.

“…… this is strange, isn’t it?”

“What is it?”

“The lake has been applied with a strange magic. This feeling, isn’t it similar to the Fairy Village’s? But it seems to have been hidden more cleverly”

There was something like a wall of fog in the Fairy Village.

However, if you can’t see through it without a.n.a.lysis Magic, it is certeinly much more sophisticated.

So this is the reason for the dissonance.

Because it’s not meant for attacking, it’s hard to see.

Even Kawazu-san hadn’t noticed that much either. This time, I carefully observed the lake as instructed.

“I see, so what do we do now?” (K)

“It’s easy to get in, you’re supposed to jump in while believing that it’s there” (T)

“Is that so, then shall we?” (K)

After saying that, Kawazu-san jumped into the lake without any hesitation.

I also followed accordingly and jumped into the lake.

“Hold on! What does it mean! Explain it!”

I heard Sailor Soldier’s panicked voice, and prompted the dragonfly that it’s okay to hit her head.

“If Tarou and Kawazu-san say that it, it’s probably right. Here we go”

“…… spare me!”

When everyone had jumped in, we felt a freeing lightness as we pa.s.sed through a membrane, the world flipped.

Once we pa.s.sed through the barrier, there lay a totally different world.

“Wooow, amazing”

I looked around the unexpected sight and let out a sigh of admiration.

The other side of the lake was connected to a strange forest.

“So the other side of the lake had something like this huh”

“So this is it. The barrier that you can’t enter unless you’re aware of the village in it. Was that Barrier of Bewilderment a dummy? I thought that barrier probably wasn’t enough for the Elf Village”

“……am I the strange one for being too surprised?”

Pure white, cedar-like plants were growing straight up.

But they were huge and expansive.

Sailor Soldier felt something was wrong and spoke of the feeling of inconguity.

“……. it’s quiet”

“It’s too quiet, I can’t even hear the sounds of animals”

“Oh now that you mention it”

No matter how I strain my ears, I can’t even hear the sound of insects.

I don’t know what this means, but there are more important things aside from that.

Stepping on the ground, I couldn’t hold my excitement down.

“Hey, this is the Elves’ Village, isn’t it! The long-eared elves are here right!”

“Yes? You seem to be too excited”

I wonder what kind of face do I have right now? It’s definitely an incredibly great face.

On that note, the dragonfly’s face was cramped, rude.

“That’s right, but the Elves probably aren’t all that great, you know?”

The dragonfly was speaking of tragic things, so I stroked the clueless Tonbo in the head with pity.

“There are just people who don’t get the Romance of it”

“Uwah…… this really p.i.s.ses me off”

“Do you understand the reason why the tension is raising stupidly on this idiot? From the perspective of an otherworlder”

“Um, I’m not completely sure. It’s probably because Elves are depicted to be incredibly beautiful over there?”

What I want to say is quite easy to understand if I explain it, and it’s showing through.

“Aa, how easy to understand this guy”

“Yea whatever! It’s free to be wishful!

Mysterious with a n.o.ble air, beautiful, and lofty Elves.

In fantasies, it’s not bad to have expectations!

But it’s such a shame that they don’t seem to understand my burning feelings.

The skit of theorizing if I’m doing something stupid myself was halted, because what happened next wasn’t good.

Hearing a courageous cry, and seeing someone falling from the sky would probably shut up anyone’s chattering.




With Sailor Soldier sharply giving out an order,


I watched the sight comfortably, the ground concaved like it would from an explosion, the dust was everywhere.


The dragonfly was immediately hiding behind me, Kawazu-san also didn’t seem to be up to something this time. He grinned and still went behind me.

Sailor Soldier was the only one who had a serious expression, now is definitely an emergency situation.

What fell down was a long-eared giant that wore a rustic armor and held a morningstar.

Round, additionally huge and round.

No no no…… long ears?

It can’t be…….!

Now, for the first time, my face turned pale.

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