I got a bit busy mid-week so this is quite late. I’ll try to update more before it’s Monday GMT -4

Chapter 49

“Kawazu-san…… you went overboard”

“Ghu…… are you talking talking about me?”

Right in front of me was a dehydrated Kawazu-san, with only about 30%
left of his body moisture.

He was against the pond of alcohol that I made, but when I tried to make
a bath where alcohol flows out endlessly…… he was reduced to this.

That’s why I told him to stop.

For humans, there’s no such thing as satifying greed.

In the first place, it was problematic when you get drunk just by entering

know of those.

“But……, wasn’t it a wonderful performance?”

While swallowing the water that contained a lot of my magical power,

but nod as I looked away.

“Ah, that’s right…… I think it turned out to be a nice bath?”

However, looking at it in its entirety, the results were unmistakably pretty

We made rooms according the Naito-san’s and k.u.ma Emon’s tastes, and
they gladly accepted those.

For k.u.ma Emon, he can enjoy the scent of gra.s.s in the tatami room, and I
don’t know how much he’s been rolling there.

By the way, Naito-san’s room was in the first floor, and the second floor
was k.u.ma Emon’s j.a.panese-style room.

The third floor is a warehouse.

You can enter and exit the bath through that warehouse.

The others had returned after they’ve seen that the bath was completed,
and are nowhere to be seen.

I also found it was time to depart when the surroundings were becoming

went to Naito-san’s room in the first floor.

At first, I thought that there was no one there but I felt someone’s

sitting on the railing and seemed to be looking out.

Bathed in the colors of the sunset, Naito-san was gazing out with her silver
hair. I sucked in a breath.

This is what picturesque looks like.

I can hardly believe that she’s made from the same stuff as I am.

No, maybe she’s fundamentally different from me because she’s a fairy?

Then I must be made up of things that the world had discarded.

Naito-san seemed to have noticed my staring.

I wanted to stare some more, but there’s nothing that I can do when I’m
already discovered.

Thinking that, I went out. Naito-san turned impa.s.sively and I became
curious of shadowed smile that she had.

“Ah, Tarou-sama. Everyone had descended and left earlier. Tonbo-dono
took k.u.ma somewhere”

“It’s good if they get along…… let’s just hope that he doesn’t get toyed

“That’s right, hahahah. k.u.ma can’t seem to go against Tonbo-done”

Naito-san also laughed after she said that.

Tonbo is quite aggressive ,so by now, the bear is probably being pulled
around by the dragonfly.

“Is something the matter, Tarou-sama?”

After I was asked that, I brought forth Kawazu-san, who I was holding.

“Me? Oh the bath is mostly complete but Kawazu-san got a little carried
away, so I thought I should take him home”

“…… zzz”

Kawazu-san was snoring in his sleep when I took him out.

…… it’s unexpectedly disgusting*.

Even Naito-san’s calm face grimaced.

“Um…… that would be for the best”


I nodded for the time being, but nevermind Kawazu-san, Naito-san really
seemed down when I tried to have a conversation.

She didn’t show it explicitly, but I feel like there’s something off about her

What could have happened?

What’s the reason for Naito-san’s melancholy…….

Thinking that far, the problem is that there are many possible causes.

Like how this day was too much…….

I recalled the folly of just doing whatever I wanted, then I guiltily asked,

“Um…… have I done something bad after all? If you really don’t like it, I
could make you a normal house”

After I said that, Naito-san hurriedly waved her arms to deny what I asked.

“Ah no! I’m very grateful for it. It’s a wonderful house…… I was wondering
if its really alright for me to live in such a house ”

“So you were worrying about that! There’s no problem at all! It’s not
anyone else’s, as this house belongs to you guys”

I told her that cheerfully, but Naito-san’s expression didn’t clear up.

Rather than that, she looked more and more down, to my anxiety.

“My house……?”

“That’s right, that’s right! …… do you not like it?”

“No…… I also wanted to try living in a house that’s on top of a tree. Long
ago, there was a time that I thought about it”

It was surprising to hear Naito-san say something like that, and it showed
up on her face.

As if noticing it herself, she became embarrased and shyly blushed, then
she scratched her head.

“It’s a story from when I was a kid, this…… would really be wasted on me”

“I don’t think that’s true…… ”

At least, as I recall her illuminated by the sunset, I won’t be able to draw
such a picture with this frog as a model.

I think that that much is enough of a qualification to be the owner of this

“How can I express it? The days after you came to the village, everything

was no certainty on what would happen next”

Naito-san hastily murmured her thoughts for the past few days. Even for
me, I can’t really say that I don’t find the past few days strange.

“Well, that was indeed a slapstick-filled trip”

Remembering our excursion to the Elf Village, there were too many stupid
events that makes me want to hold my head.

It’s rare to exprience those drastic situational changes.

Even I can’t keep up with such a dizzying pace, and being led around by
idiots, there’s no way that I won’t be confused.

“I even did Sailor-dono wrong”

Between the serious discussions, an interesting topic came up, and I
unintentionally burst out laughing.

“Sailor-dono, you say?”

“Eh? Is she not called Sailor? I only followed how Tarou-sama adressed

“Hm? Ah, yes that’s right, and it’s fine”


Hm, let’s have her called Sailor-dono for now.

What, I’m happy if it becomes a one-time surprise.

Naito-san had a strange look but she turned to face me again, and
suddenly said some words of thanks to me this time.

“I really want to thank you so much for this…… actually, I wasn’t really
expecting that you’d accept us. I thought of going on a journey otherwise”

“Oh, then perhaps I have done something that I shouldn’t have?”

If you had come expecting that you’d be refused, I guess I would have
stopped there.

Had I not accidentally narrowed down their wide range of choices?

I honestly thought that it was bad, but Naito-san quietly shook her head.

“No, that’s not it. We didn’t have anywhere to go. It’s also true that we

Thanks to you, I was able to build my mother a proper grave. I’m really
really grateful”

“No no, we have also troubled you. Plus, aren’t we supposed to help if a
beauty is in trouble?”

I replied jokingly but Naito-san had a troubled expression after hearing my

“In the first place, saying something like that is strange……”

“Really? That’s strange?”

“Yes. It’s strange to apply that to Dark Elves. Whether or not our existence
itself is even acceptable…… anyway, it’s like that”

If you perceive them like that, Naito-san, how did you manage to live with
yourself as a Dark Elf until now?

I can only imagine, and it’s probably on the point that whatever I say
would only remain as spoken words and not reach her.

“Haaah, what can I say, there are a lot of things in this world that cannot
be explained”

I just found some applicable words to summarize, since I naturally can’t
say anything nice. Naito -san nodded lightly and smiled.

“That may be right. But sometimes, I think the fact that people like you
exist, is also interesting”

“I got to be thought of as interesting……”

“Have you not been aware of it?”

Naito-san’s eyes met with mine, and we laughed with each other.

“No no, I knew. By the way, there’s something that I have to tell Naito-san.

Serenade-san. Even the reason why you stayed in that village…… ”

Since I will have to reveal it at some point, I thought that it would be

didn’t think much of it.

“Ah, so you’ve heard that. I don’t really mind since it’s something that I
wished for”

“…… I see”

“Yes, that’s why there’s no need for you to worry about it”

She had said it just like that, but she’s undoubtably taking me into

With all those said, in the end, I still didn’t manage to know what caused
Naito-san to be low-spirited.

I’m the type of man thats bad at knowing what I should do.

In the first place, had I been such an attentive man, I wouldn’t have made
her look lacking in experience for her age.

While it was somewhat depressing, I couldn’t leave Kawazu-san out cold
for much longer so I reluctantly wrapped up our conversation.

“…… got it. Then I should bring Kawazu-san away now. Naito-san should
drop by sometimes. I’m sorry about everything”

“No, Tarou-sama has nothing to apologize for. It would be inappropriate of
me if I won’t even talk to the person who helped us out”

I’m a bit relieved after she said that. However, there was something else
that I was bothered about so I added,

“…… by the way, can I ask for a favour?”

“What is it?”

“Can you stop addressing me with a ‘-sama"”

“…… I definitely cannot. Anything but this”

“Is that so……”

Since I was flatly refused, I grumbled about futility and went out of the

But right then, a lighbulb lit on top of my head.

That’s right, if I can’t cheer her up, then I could just call someone that

If anyone could see my expression, they would notice that I’m laughing.

I casted the magic that I thought of while closing the door.

s i d e Naito

Tarou-sama went out and I was left alone again.

Was it really alright to have followed here?

Putting the bear aside, I’m aware that I’m not used to this.

“He even made us such a wonderful house…… haven’t we just managed to
disturb him?”

I’m always like that.

I’ll always cause some incovenience to someone by simply existing.

This somehow brings me back to when I was small.

It’s an old memory when both my father and mother were still around.

My father was a human while my mother was from a race called Elf. Since

inferiority complex.

Thinking about it now, my father knew what it means to follow a dark elf
when he was knighted by a human kingdom.

He deligently prepared a place where we can live so my mother and I
could hide.

My mother always had a smile as she taught me various things.

I would remember my father’s tenderness once in a while, as my mother
would smile more brilliantly.

And my knight father had always said this.

I wasn’t born a knight, but since I am, I will continue to be strive to be one.

I had always looked up to father when I was young.

I always asked my father for sword training.

My father was initially fl.u.s.tered about it, but he eventually taught me
properly when I had asked so enthusiastically.

Of course, I’m not a knight.

Rather, I’m the opposite of that.

That’s why I’ve come to think that I musn’t be thought of as one, now and

But what am I right now?

As I silently stared at the closed door, I furrowed my brows and sighed.

“Really…… what am I doing?”

My father lost his life in battle, and my mother died of illness, so I left on a

In her deathbed, my mother kept begging for forgiveness for something
while she feverish.

I didn’t know anything, and I couldn’t understand what she meant. I

but on that journey, I learned just what kind of beings Dark Elves are.

Remembering it now, my mother probably felt guilty for giving birth to me.

And although everything might have been brought forth by mere luck, my
mother’s sins are indeed forgiven.

I have also received my freedom.

With that being the case, I was supposed to return the favor when I
sought out my benefactor.

On top of that, I’ve even troubled the bear by involving him as well, there’s
no going around that.

“I can’t be a knight, rather aren’t I too much unlike one?”

It’s a self-deprecating thought.

I’ve reached this far by just going with the flow, but I’m uneasy as I feel
myself without an anchor.

Actually, I myself have realized that I have lost my original goals.

“…… mother, father, what should I do now?”

Even I surprised myself by uttering such words, but perhaps I let my guard
down because I was alone.

Then, as if in response to my voice, the room was engulfed in a blue light,
and I was suddenly yanked away from my self-loathing.

“…… what?”

I naturally put up my guard as I couldn’t wrap my mind around the

But I felt an enormous amount of mana.

I pulled out the dagger that I always carry with me, but magic arrays had
already appeared behind me before I noticed them.

But seeing the figure that emerged from the magical array shook me to
the core, the dagger dropped from my hand.

A familiar person appeared out of the light.

There’s no way I’m mistaken.


I mumbled, and the Elven woman in the light slowly opened her eyes.

And when our eyes met, she smiled that nostalgic smile.

[…… it’s been a long time]

“…… are you, really my mother?”

I unconciously let out a pathetic voice.

The strange, illogical sight in front of me had stolen all my attention.

[Yes. That’s…… right. I was also surprised that this kind of magic exists. It
seems that I could talk to you now, even for just a little while]

The laughing voice of my mother was exactly the same as the one from my

Is this a dream?

I can’t believe my own eyes.

That the mother who’s voice I’ve been longing for, is really right in front of

But I don’t know what I’m supposed to say, my words are stuck on my

There are a lot of things I want to say.

Even if it’s a phantom or a dream, there are a lot of things in my chest that
I wanted to unload.

There’s no way that this could be real.

But my weakened heart cannot bear to deny the miracle that occurred.

Besides…… I have some things that I have to report first.

I was completely drawn in.

“Mother, please listen. I went to the place where you were born. Then, I

Mother’s grave was also built. And since father’s town no longer existed,
his name was also included”

I thought she would be pleased with my report.

But mother’s expression somehow clouded over, why does she look so

[I see…… thank you. It must have been hard on you]

I was confused, I couldn’t understand the meaning of what my mother

“Eh? But hasn’t it always bothered mother? When you were on your
deathbed, didn’t you apologize so much?”

I said that dumbfoundedly. Mother closed her eyes and denied.

“No, the one that I was apologizing to…… should be you”

“…… me?”

For a moment, I couldn’t comprehend my mother’s voice.

For what would she have to apologize to me?

My mother did nothing that she needs me to forgive.

She had always been kind to me.

My mother hesistated for a bit and explained to my confused self, she told
me in a very serene voice.

[Yes. The world will always look at you with judgemental eyes for simply

lifespans. I’m sorry…… you endured a lot of hardships, didn’t you? …… I’m
really sorry”

My mother might be phantom, but her words were immeasurably kind,
and incredibly sad.

Have you been concerned over something like that……?

But even so, I still felt down.

“…… so…… it was like that. I’m really no good. I can only create trouble.
Didn’t mother also regret that you gave birth to a dark elf?”

I had always been worried about that.

Ever since I came to the Elven Village, I had nurtured my misgivings about
the existence called Dark Elf.

I had no intention of letting that out of my mouth, but I unconciously said

With me being like that, my mother showed an expression that I’ve never
seen before and raised her voice.

[That’s not true!]


[It’s absolutely not true. Being your mother had always been my pride.


My mother reached out for me when she said that.

Of course, I can’t touch it.

I wasn’t supposed to feel anything on my cheek, but the moment mother
touched it, I could feel a warmth there.

It was warmly flowing and dripping down, and I finally realized that they
were my own tears.

“…… mother, but dark elves were a bad thing in mother’s home village,

that you blamed me for that”

The young me didn’t know why mother was apologizing.

[…… that’s wrong. I never did. No matter what anyone thinks, we love you.
That’s why you shouldn’t hate yourself”


I had always been anxious.

On whether or not I had been loved. As time pa.s.sed by, I knew more about
myself and the anxiety grew within my chest until it was like an illness.

Droplets of water fell to the floor one after another.

When was the last time that I cried like this?

I feel like I’ve forgotten how to shed tears until now.

[It’s okay, because I’ll always be by your side and watching over you. Laugh
free when the times are fun, cry freely when it’s sad]

With how she so gently spoke to me, I raised my head.

I have to say it properly.

I want to be kind like my mother, I want to be proud like my father.

“Alright…… but I’m fine. I’ve grown stronger despite it all. That’s why
mother should stay by father’s side”

Mother looked at my face and laughed in relief.

[……. that’s right, but once in a while, it’s fine to show your weakness to

Well then, we’re almost out of time. Please thank the person that cast this

I’ve always regretted that I wasn’t able to properly left you some parting

Please be happy. I’m sure that your luck will also come”

“Yes. Thank you. Farewell, mother”

[Alright, please take care……”

When I reached out, my mother’s hand disappeared like a phantom before
it touched mine.

I thought it was lonely, but my fading mother’s hand was certainly
received inside my chest.

Perhaps everything was an illusion.

However, there was no way that I could think that the words I received
were fake.

s i d e Tarou

“I wonder if it all went well…… ”

“…… you’re such a-, just what did you do this time?”

I was s.p.a.cing out while sitting at the roots of the World Tree when I heard
Kawazu-san’s cry.

The rehydration was apparently successful.

Since he said that, he might’ve had an inkling on what I had done.

Just a frog yet he feigns sleep in one moment then becomes energetic in

“Ah, are you up, Kawazu-san? Well Naito-san seemed kinda depressed, so I

to cheer up”

“You’ve once again released some extreme and frightening magic……

“Ah, I think it went well?”

It seemed like Naito-san had always been concered about her family.

It would be great if she would feel a little bit better after this, I thought

can see that he wasn’t amused.

“…… but do you really know, Tarou?”


“My oh my. In the first place, you don’t really know if that girl’s mother

we know, she disliked her child”

It was only after I was told that, that I just realized the possibility.

I felt as if I could hear the blood drain away from my face.

Indeed, it was premature to decide after a brief thought.

Worst case is if she really was despised, then it wouldn’t be strange if
Naito-san had herself wounded deeper.

Why hadn’t I noticed such a basic thing?

I felt nauseated from my own blunder.


“What’s wrong? ……don’t tell that you haven’t even considered that

“…… I-it’s alright, I think? She can’t possibly be holding a grudge, after just
coming from the afterlife …… right? ……”

I said with hesitation, Kawazu-san let out a big sigh and suddenly stood
up, brandishing his arms in front of me.

He made fist and beckoned me over.

“Hmm, Tarou ……put down your barriers for a moment”


I understood what he meant.

I undid my barriers and braced myself, clenching my teeth.

Then I was on the receiving end of Kawazu-san’s strong fist. I endured the
tears that threatened to spill out.


“Well there really was no point in what I did, and I wonder if that girl

shouldn’t do something just because you can do it. That’s why I always say
that you don’t think things through”

“……you’re precisely right”

“If you really think you did bad, then be sincere to the person herself”

“……as I should. I’m really know good when I thought that doing this
would be fine……”


This time really was severely lacking in thought.

If it didn’t go well, Naito-san might not just receive some wounds, it might
have become something more serious.

“……what do you think should I do?”

“Just – *croak*!?”

He was just flailing about and suddenly raised his voice, I hurriedly turned
around and there stood Naito-san.

I thought my heart would leap out.

Then I jumped to prostrate myself.

I was so scared that I can’t even raise my face.

However, I slowly lifted my eyes away from my feet, and I stiffened once I
settled on her face.

Because her eyes were red from crying.


“……that magic was your doing, wasn’t it?”

“…… I-I admit!”

I was being stared at with such intensity, so I straigtened my spine and sat

“Um…… did it really go badly? I mean, I’m sorry!”

When I rubbed my head on the ground, Naito-san lifted her brows.

“…… please don’t do those kind of things so abruptly. This is the result
from that”

She pointed to her own eyes, and after Naito-san said that, I wanted to die
because of my own idiocy.

d.a.m.n it! This might really end up being extremely serious!

However, just when I was preparing to receive any punishment that may
kill me,

Naito-san suddenly smiled and laughed.

That smile was very beautiful, Kawazu-san was taken in and I couldn’t help
myself either.

“However…… I have to thank you. Also, I’m sorry for I have greatly troubled

negligible, but I swear on my life that I will surely return this grat.i.tude. For
now, please take my words for it”

I seem to have become a clay figure because she unexpectedly gave her
grat.i.tude and apology.

“Huh? Um…… you’re not going to kill me?”

Naito-san shrugged her shoulders to my outrageous question.

“…… just what do you take me for? I won’t do such a thing. But that’s

Naito-san cleared her throat with a cough. I responded by straitening my
spine further.

What is the judgement?

I prepared myself, then Naito-san pointed her finger and said clearly,

“Then for this, I would cease on addressing you with ‘-sama’. I’ll be calling
you Tarou-dono from now on”

My eyes widened when I heard her words.

It seems like it didn’t go badly.

Looking at Naito-san’s face, even I could tell so.

That smile had never been as peaceful as it is now.

It felt like it became a wonderful smile.

Special thanks to Paul for motivating me this chapter~

T/N: *グロイ – I wasn’t sure what this was, so I used google image search. I
regret it. I should’ve just guessed. One random thing about Tarou’s language, it really teaches me search for new and mashed-up j.a.p words, hahaha.

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