Chapter 51

“What’s with this mountain, a hara.s.sment……?”

“Please do your best, we still have a long way to go”

“Come on now, stand firm”

As always, Kawazu-san’s teasing voice is annoying.

We’re currently in the middle of climbing.

It’s a mountain road that offers nothing but the view of the mountain, and
we’ve been walking steadily for half a day now.

The only reason why I haven’t done something like Teleport is because this
mountain is complex.

If one doesn’t do it well, there’s a chance that there will be a head-on
collision with the rocks, so continuous teleportation is risky.

No…… there should be a magic that will allow long-distance travel.


[And that’s precisely the reason why you don’t have any physical
endurance (sigh)]

……withdrawing after being told something like that would be like an
emasculation for a man.

That’s why I’m braving the mountain path like this, as the slope of the
mountain becomes more treacherous the further you go.

However, it can already be said that I’m different from a common modern
person who lacks exercise

Ever since I came here, I’ve been travelling here and there.

I’ve also been secretely doing some push-ups and they’re showing some

become a little defined lately.

I can keep up with everyone right now, isn’t that quite something?

I could also keep going a little farther……

“We’re finally a quarter of the way there. The roads would be much more
difficult from here onwards so be careful-…… is something wrong?”

Noob mistake, please go easy on me.

“No, nothing…… ”

I can’t say it, no matter how desperately I’m trying, trying to take another

Naito-san was leading while holding the map with one hand, still wearing

having a hard time breathing?

Kawazu-san was using his froggy body and he’s humming a cheerful song.

I was following behind them like a toddler.

This journey’s representatives are the three of us.

Additionally, the dragonfly and k.u.maemon are house-sitting.

Regarding k.u.maemon, he’s also in need of a new weapon and it would

duties in the forest. He discussed with Naito-san and decided to stay.

The dragonfly…… would probably just be troublesome today.

‘Once you’re there, tell me if something interesting comes up’, it’s still
fresh in my memories how she sent us out while munching on a cookie.

“We’ll soon be near some Wyvern nests. There’s no way to know what will
happen, so please take caution”

It’s not the time to complain as Naito-san briefed us about what to expect
once we neared some places.

But well, something like that isn’t really a problem for me.

“Ah, those parts will probably be alright. I’m quite disliked by beasts, you

“What kind of reasoning is that. ……somehow I kind of understand”

Naito-san showed an immediate understanding.

What does it imply when something like this has become easy to

There’s some necessity for me to deliberate this.

“By the way, aren’t Wyverns creatures that kinda resemble Dragons? Are
they related to Suke-san and the others?”

“No, Wyverns aren’t dragons, they’re categorized as demonic beasts. Better

something like that to them”

The easygoing Kawazu-san was the one who answered my easy question.

Hmm, it seems like there are clans that you can’t lump together.

It really is for the best to remember it because I don’t want to
unintentionally antagonize either of them.

“Got it…… however, just how many dangers are there in this mountain?


I tried to lightly pa.s.s off my anxiety about the future by being talkative, but
Kawazu-san snorted a laugh.

“I wonder? Isn’t it useless to think about that? Rather, it’s your physical
endurance that’s a cause for concern”

“I said…… I’m fine. I can just recover as much as I want with magic…… ah”

Kawazu-san looked incredibly pleased when I unintentionally let that slip,
he laughed as he gathered his hands behind him.

d.a.m.n, I said something unnecessary.

It seemed that his previous remark was meant as a bait.

“Hoho. You’re just good at relying one magic! Well it can’t be helped,

isn’t that impressive after all”

“Guh……. hmph! I didn’t mean it like that! That was just a figure of speech

Sightseeing! Rather, shouldn’t Kawazu-san worry that your skin might dry

“Hmph! My moist body will always velvety damp!”

My useless, stake-less conversation with Kawazu-san should have reached
Naito-san, but she still didn’t break her prim expression and seriously said,

“…… I understand that you’re not worried. However, I can’t be like that. At
least, I don’t know what to expect in these mountains”

“Ah, I can deal with almost anything. Leave it to me, even if it’s a natural

“A natural disaster?…… No, the weather should be fine for a while”

“……you were supposed to tsukkomi*, Naito-san” (T/N: see previous

“R-really? I’m sorry”

You really don’t have to apologize, you know?

It’s a problem how Naito-san’s reactions are never wrong, considering that
it’s not really a joke.

We proceeded forward while in that condition until we could finally see
the first landmark.

I looked around with eyes like a kindergartener’s that went to the zoo for a
field trip.

There were a lot of green-winged reptiles on the huge rocks.

However, the dragons that I’ve seen are really much more intelligent,
resemblings humans a lot. Wyverns are really beast-like.

It like walking in a Safari Park, this uncomfortable atmosphere is really
different from dragons.

They don’t try to approach us at all, in fact, they were fleeing as fast as

I really scare them off after all. What lies ahead gives me a feeling of
loneliness instead of a feeling of crisis.

“They don’t have to be that terrified……”

“……this is actually quite a strange sight to witness. They’re famous for
being ferocious demon beasts”

Naito-san was watching said ferocious demon beasts that were obviously
frightened, she had the secure air of a spectator.

And with that, there’s no problem to pa.s.s by the frightened Wyverns’ nest.

It was then that it occurred, in a place just over the nests.

From somewhere, we clearly heard a scream that’s different from an

“Waaaah! Please help meeee!”

Since it was a voice calling for help, there’s no way we can just ignore it.

“What is this about?”

“Hmm, is it a human?”

The three of us looked at each other, then a large Wyvern appeared from

with all it’s might.

“It seems like someone’s being chased…… I’ll go”

Naito-san made her move before I could say something.

The Wyvern was chasing someone that’s half of my height, and it looked
like a child at first glance.

The Wyvern was engrossed with the prey right before its eyes so it didn’t
seem like it noticed us.

Naito-san quickly jumped away, pa.s.sing the shorty that was being chased.

She sent a kick right between the Wyvern’s brows before it could even
refocus itself.

It’s really huge compared to me, so I prepared my magic in case Naito-san
gets blown away.



It was the Wyvern that was blown away and crashed.

It wasn’t enough to exhaust the force from Naito-san, so it bounced
exaggeratedly on the ground, like a rubber ball.

In the end, it foamed in the mouth and fled to the sky. You can see just
how much panic it was in.

Well, anyone would be like that if they received such a ridiculous kick out
of nowhere.

I actually felt like praising it for surviving that.

“Phew. Are you alright?”


And acting as if nothing happened, Naito-san proceeded to help the
shorty. As for me, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing so I rubbed my eyes.

Is it…… really normal for warriors to kick away a Wyvern with nothing but
sheer strength?

I thought her movements were a little more conventional compared to
Sailor Soldier but……

When it comes to power, Naito-san is really built differently.

“Hey, Kawazu-san…… I thought that Naito-san was strong when she fought
Sailor Soldier, but isn’t she overly strong?”

I thought I was prepared for changes in rewriting my common sense, but
that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Because Kawazu-san didn’t look like he was opening his mouth

“Indeed…… this is also the first time I saw someone send those things
flying with a kick”

“I see……”

Why is it that apparently, being common isn’t something that happens?

Naito-san brought the person that she rescued over to the dazed us.

“Is something wrong? A, right. Since we’re here, why don’t we bring that
Wyvern from before as a souvenir? I heard that they’re very tasty”

I opened my mouth and declined, ‘no thanks’, to the absurdly wild Naito-

“Uh…… we still have a long journey ahead, why don’t we just let it go?

“Are you sure? But I suppose that’s true”

I secretly stole a glance at Naito-san, and patted my own abs.

The fact that my abs were finally getting some definition…… I think that I’ll
keep that to myself.

T/N (rambling): I think one of the reason’s why Tarou is improving so slowly on his

be damaged in order to grow, but we all know that Tarou will heal them

way that it’s developing instead of regenerating… but there’s huge chance
that he’s reverting them back to their original state hahaha.

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