
Chapter 41

side: Sailor Soldier

“What is this now……”

I couldn’t understand what’s going on.

It seems like the source of light was the pendant on my chest.

It had a small stone that I got from Tarou, just when we departed.

[When I’m not around, I hope that you’d use this if you meet some trouble]

He said something like that when he gave it to me, but I didn’t get to hear what kind of effect it had.

But if it needed a keyword to activate, it won’t be of any use if you don’t tell that to me beforehand.

I had some complaints, but something like that was blown away when the pendant had prepared an outrageous gift.

Before I knew it, ten swords were pierced in a circular arrangement.

All of it were something that I didn’t even detect until now, but they radiated an ominous aura. They were standing around me.

I feel like I should be more wary of them instead of the opponent.


As soon as the swords appeared, be it because they felt the danger, the Round one further distanced himself.

I hesitantly picked one from the set in front of me.

I felt the sword respond, as if it was trembling with joy.

“I see…… being around you is like this”

To be honest, I’m still shocked even though I had a small inclination.

Everything is over the top.

Transcending over trivial things like victory and defeat, and having the outrageous choice of forgoing to battle the opponent.

“You should be in a mood for sightseeing……”

The sword that I just so happened to pick spread purple lightning by itself, one could understand how fearfully strong it was just by looking at it.

The moment I made a test swing, lightning rushed through, the target tree was reduced into charcoal.

That was quite overpowered, it’s not bad but it would reduce the fight into something stupid.

This must be a desperate sight for the opponent.

But the knight showed no signs of giving up.

Even though it’s my opponent, but they have quite the guts.

The knight observed the situation for a bit, crouched down and ran. I didn’t know what it was up to until the knight threw it’s own sword with all it’s might.

Different from before, it was a reckless attack.

However it was a blade forged of very thick metal, too much of a threat to ignore.

The moment where I looked away and concentrated to avoid it, the knight moved.

With the blind spot that the attacking sword provided, the knight approached the nearest sword and tried to pull it as is.

It got me a little nervous, but my worries seemed to be useless.

The moment the knight touched the sword, a flame burst out from the handle, trying to burn the knights arms.


The knight successfully retreated it’s hands just before the flames could reach, but the sword somehow thrown away.

But I can feel where the sword went, as if I can pick it up.

Like there are invisible tentacles stretching, as everything is connected to me through the pendant.


When I ordered it to come back, the sword came crawling back to my feet.

Like an extension of my arms and legs, the swords move in accordance with my thoughts, completely becoming one with my body, and I memorized that feeling.

“The way to use these…… I understand!”

In antic.i.p.ation, I kicked the closest sword up.

The chosen sword was in the air, then slowly fell down while turning.

Then the sword aimed at the opponent.

First, I kick.

Kicking the handle, the sword rushed away.

Then two, pulling them with both hands and throwing.

Three in total.

The invisible tentacles could stretch anywhere, the swords move according to the will of the user, applying one’s ability to the fullest.

The sword is the wind, spear of thunder and ice, pouring down on the knight.


The knight desperately tried to avoid it, but it’s not something that one can avoid.

The phrase “mowing down” comes to mind, and only three swords could exhibit such overwhelming power.

The vacuum made the wind roll up, cutting the trees in it’s way.

Lightning struck on the ground, ice pillars shoot up one after another.

The sword attack, even the aftershocks are raging with a terrible power.

Speaking of their purpose, believing that humans could have enough power to defeat dragons, they are swords that carry those beliefs.

That power could aptly give the illusion that humans can win over dragons, properly equipping them.

After the sword ruptures, only the trace of destruction would remain.

“Amazing…… this makes me feel invincible. But “Field of Swords”, I wonder if there was no other name that was more sophisticated?”

Saying so, I tried making light of the overwhelming power, but my words trembled at the end.

It was the right decision for me to miss.

To be honest, this is too much for a human opponent.

Even that knight, expectedly didn’t move, even the knees won’t move”


In the stead of the unmoving knight, the Round one came to the rescue of it’s companion.

I respect the courage, but I the s.p.a.ce I made have no gaps.

Besides, I don’t feel as threated of this one as the other knight.

I pulled another sword, having a bitter smile as a turned to my opponent.

Maybe this guy won’t come.

At that moment, time seemed to have slowed down and my body felt lighter.

The lumps of steel approached on a crawl, and were dodged, the I cut the wooden handle.

I even slashed the armor, with enough time to check my position.

Actually, from the time the Round one swung, only a very short time had pa.s.sed.

It seems like this sword had the effect of accelarating movement.

I went behind the Round one, and sent a hard kick to the head.

It added to his own rushing momentum, and completely destroyed his balance. The Round one was blown away.

side out

“Fu ha ha ha ha ha! Did you see it, the Filed of Swords!? Translated it’s Field of Swords [spoken in English]! I’m sorry, I’m reflecting now!”

“Isn’t Taro’s tension today kinda weird” (T/N: Tonbo really shortens Tarou into Taro)

“Is that so? Isn’t he always like this?”

I tried lauging it out but, how could this be…… it’s power is a little surprising.

I heard that they were legendary swords, but for them to be like this, they could definitely defeat a dragon.

“……our fence is more amazing than I thought”

I muttered after regaining a little sanity, then dragonfly also noticed.

“Ah! That’s right! I knew I’ve seen them somewhere, those are the field’s fence!”

“Yea, well it wasn’t a fence. When did you give those things?”

Kawazu-san asked curiously, they were the magic I gave when we were leaving.

The field was in the backyard after all.

“Since we’re not using it, it’s fine”

Since a person who could wield swords had finally appeared, isn’t it such a waste if they’re not used?

Unexpectedly, Sailor Soldier is only surprised because the demon was quite strong.

And although the swords could be used to the full extent of their power…… it’s honestly too much.

Only leaving debris.

“Anyway Kawazu-san, I was thinking that Sailor Soldier would eventually venture out. A lone girl would meet a lot of hardships right? I was planning something for self-defense but…… right”

“Rather than self-defense, it’s something that could take on an army”

I was completely in agreement with the dragonfly’s opinion.

“But this time is just fine play, isn’t it? Transferring by keywords”

“Right right, it’s set that the one who has the pendants will become the Master”

“What’s the deal with the Master thing?”

“Look, bringing along that many would normally make it easy for the opponent to steal right? So I added a curse”

That’s, the curse this time is similar to the bracelet from earlier.

But it’s effect uses the sword’s magic to affect the enemy, touching it carelessly will make one feel the sword’s rejection.

“What to say…… something terrible might’ve happened a while ago, so to say it completely, the knight was surprised and immediately diverted it. Nice gedou” (T/N: fish you don’t want to catch)

“……Gedou or whatever, it should be settled soon. Stand by. You’ll have to treat it after all.”

“That’s right. I’d do it if it’s only light scratches”

“I could do something as long as they’re not dead. Leave the one who lost to me”

Even if the soul crosses over, I’d still be able to ressurect the dead.

We wait for the end of the battle.

Just like a climax, the knight staggered and somehow managed to get up.


The knight brandished the huge sword and raised a shout.

Sailor Soldier waited until the last moment when the sword was approaching, dodged and slashed with her own sword.

I can tell that the knight is astonished to see the sword to be sliced like b.u.t.ter without even being able to connect.

The knights eyes turned round from watching the weapon get completely destroyed.

The battle seems to be over with this.

“Haa…… haa…… it’s over with this, can I hear what your goal is?”

While breathing heavily, Sailor Soldier turned the tip to the knight.


The knight stopped moving and kept silent.

And the one who answered wasn’t the knight.

“That’s enough!”

This time, a group of people with sharp ears and white skin came rustling out of the forest.

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