Chapter 42

Chapter 42

“What’s that?”

A group of elves appeared, and the voice belonged to the man at the front.

Both Sailor Soldier and the knight stopped moving from his voice.

With a glance from the man, the knight pulled went to the Round one and pulled.

Sailor Soldier had a discontented look, but obediently withdrew her sword and came back.

The hands of the man held a stunning handmade bow.

He’s probably the sniper that broke the sword.

The man approached us and bowed elegantly.

“Excuse me. You’re people from the Fairy Village, right?”

“…… yes”

No no, what are you saying after coming to attack us? Like that.

You should first apologize, right? Like that.

There are many things I would like to say from the very rude feeling I got from his gaze.

But there’s no need to say them.

That’s because my eyes are also looking pretty rudely.

It was the tired gaze of a man with his dreams broken.

“Well…… is there something?”

Be it because he was bothered by my dead eyes, the man asked in a grim voice.

It’s a problem if you don’t leave me alone.

Since it’s a personal affair.

“Nothing, nothing matters anymore…… do not worry about me”


The group of Elves that appeared are certainly beautiful.

First this captain-like guy, is an uncle with a beard.

There’s also a cheeky skinhead.

There’s also one with long blonde hair.

Some are young, there are fine ones with outrageously well-featured faces.

Also, there are also some who aren’t all that much.

But in common, they showcased their body of steel that they’ve trained.

Well, there’s not a shadow of a single girl.



Is that okay, Eeeeeeelf……!

Treasure your own ident.i.ty more, Eeeeeelf……!

This is supposed to be the time where a beautiful woman with a bow appears, Eeeeeelf……!

Haaa…… I don’t know anymore.

The man seemed to be perplexed, he’s pretty captain-like, but decided to continue the talks.

“The surprise attack from earlier was to test you. The invitation this time was made in order to test your power, I hope that you would understand”

That Queen, wouldn’t it have been fine had she not included that.

But well, I tried not to show any frustration outwardly.

Besides that, they did it in a very flashy way.

No, the flashy side was ours.

“No no, likewise, we were also over the top”

“…… that is the case”

Sailor Soldier’s gaze was scary so I hurried the conversation along.

Our side had hurt their soldier, so I offered an apology.

“I could treat the other person, may I?”

But when I said that, the maybe captain frowned for some reason.

“……No, that doesn’t matter.”

“That’s shouldn’t be the case, is it? There’s no way that the knight was unscathed”

If really unscathed, it would be a good opponent for Suke-san.

Even though I stood down, the man still had a stubborn expression, but eventually called the two over.

As I thought, they’re considerably injured, the knight was dragging it’s legs.

“Hey! You two! This person wants to heal you! Don’t be careless!”


It was the knight who replied.

I couldn’t tell with the m.u.f.fled voi

ce, but I had an unease.

But what is with this awkward atmosphere?

Between the two, the new group of Elves and the ealier pair, there seems to be some sort of wall.

“…… well then, we have to go and report now. You two, lead these people once your injuries are healed!”

The captain guy instructed so arrogantly, and left the same way they came.

My my, then what did you all come here for?

Can’t even wait for after the treatment.

But aside from me, there’s some who understood the reason.

“Well that was their welcome”

“I don’t like the feeling. They are famous for treating their fellow Fairies badly”

The uncaring exclusivity seems to be common in fantasy.

“Aa, that’s right……”

But when I replied lazily, Kawazu-san had a fed-up expression.

“You don’t seem motivated at all, what happened to the energy from earlier?”

“Because. If you say Elf-. It’s usually more…… varied right?”

About that, the only ones that appeared are muscular guys?

Of course that would make me lose motivation.

“No, those are patrol guards right?”

“You idiot…… aesthetics should be taken into consideration during fights”

Kawazu-san really doesn’t understand romance at all.

But it’s still okay if the group of muscular Elves are gone.

They’re alrady not only my radar.

Since these people who attacked us got me curious.

I turned my gaze to the people who caught my interest.

The knight who wore a fullplated armor.

About this, rather than curiosity, I could feel quite the presence.

But the problem is the Round one.

Also wearing black armor, but with black fur like a bear, cat-like whiskers, and sharp pointed ears.

It looks like a bear without a neck, but it’s charming somehow.

Additionally, it’s a roundness that entices you to jump on it’s stomach!

Just looking makes you want to jump, such a desire will be evoked!

This will surely raise my waning tension.

Even now, my child-heart is burning up.

I immediately conducted Healing Magic, the magic was fully comprehensive, the pair’s injuries were cured in no time.

This seemed to surprised the two, they looked at their bodies closely with eyes that went totally round.

“Well then, h.e.l.lo! My name is Tarou, and you are?”

“……*** gaugauga u guru gau”

“A, as I thought, I can’t hear your name. But what is that language?”

“Gau gururugaugaugau gururu!”

“Seriously! So there’s such a thing! ……another other world, really”

Though I was comfortably chatting, the expression of the surrounding gallary turned progressively dour.

When I turned my inquisitive gaze at their complaining faces, it was Sailor Soldier who said timidly,

“Sorry…… what are you talking about?”

“Hm? So I was just chatting with this guy. Quite a funny guy. But also somewhat complicated…… the word mascot comes to mind. I was just thinking that it would be fine if we’re not able to communicate, but we can totally talk”

I won’t call it extravagance but, although he’s big, I thought for a bit that a cute voice would be nice.

But his real voice is a little awkward.

That’s because this character is standing, it’s good when it’s tasteful.

But my romance just can’t be understood after all.

Well it can’t be helped, the Elves’ aesthetics is something that I can’t relate to.

I thought that, but there seems to be something off.

“I’m sorry but…… is it possible that you understand what he says?”

I was curiously asked.

My gaze went back to the Round one.

We stared at each other and nodded at the same time.

“Hm? I can understand, so can’t everyone else?”


“Me neither”

“Even I can’t understand at all.”

What does this mean. It seems that I’m the only one that can understand this Round person’s words.


I asked the person who was the source of the ability, he acted nonchalantly.

“That’s because the Translation magic that I gave you included beast languages, of course”

“…… what’s with that useless quality”

“Didn’t I say so? I worked hard for it!”

“…… you were able to do something like that, buy you missed the part where I can’t know names”

It seems that this Kawazu-san spent his energy on minor languages.

Is it good or regrettable……?

“Something like that”

Admitting without being apologetic, Kawazu-san nods. I really wanted you to take this seriously.

“Do I have to endure it!”

I first tried shouting, but well, it did let me converse with this person. I’ll excuse you this time.

But I immediately felt incredibly excited eyes on me.

“Hey, hey what did this guy say?”

Sailor Soldier asked with glittering eyes, it seems like she was curious for a while now.

Oh! You understand, don’t you, Sailor Soldier! As I thought, you’re wondering about this great thing that we’ve talked about, aren’t you!?

Let’s make this a deliberation of happiness for this Sailor Soldier.

“Ah, you want to know? Then to translate ‘This one is called ***. I give my sincere thanks for mending my injuries. However, this one finds it a waste to be treated by such a wonderful magic. This one is only good for being st.u.r.dy"” (T/N: j.a.panese samurai way of speaking)

Although I relayed it verbatim, the reaction was disappointment.

I had a troubled expression, the same troubled expression on Sailor Soldier.

“Um…… are you joking?”

“No, I also asked why this is his way of speaking. So it’s because back then, this guy’s ancestor was a trainee and companion to a samurai. It was inherited through generations. Also he said his ancestor was a bear beastman”

Summoning magic was probably performed for quite a long time now.

Then, a poor swordsman was summoned by himself and developed a deep friendship with a bear beastman.

A very heartwarming episode.

While I was nodding by myself, a word unexpectedly came into mind.

“…… so you know what he’s saying. That’s a relief. He also wanted to talk to someone”

It was said in a mutter, but it came from the one in the fullplated armor.

This person can talk!

I gulped my throat after thinking of something rude.

No no, somehow, I’ve decidedly on my own that this one was a character that doesn’t talk.

“Er, and you are?”

Well, with the armor’s impact, Warrior-san drew near the Round one.

Is the one in it a muscular old man? I think I’m right.

Excessive expectations are now restrained.

But once the helmet was taken off, long silver hair spilled out, and my conciousness was completely nailed shut.

“Excuse me for the delay. I am *****. As you can see, a dark elf. I ask your forgiveness for being unsightly”

Silver hair that seemed to have copied the brilliance of the moon, brown skin, and above all – the characteristic long ears.

Then, this is an elf that I’ve been talking so much about, with the dignified air and the shining golden eyes.

This is precisely the feel of a Dark Elf.

My tension today have officially reached MAX.

Elf? Just what is that?

I love Dark Elves.

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