Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 11 Part 1

Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 11 Part 1

That night, I rushed to the peak of Chenji Mountain.

In front of Wu Er Palace, I reported the name of Lu Zhiyan, the guard of the door led me into the side hall, thinking that Mo Qing had explained it to them.

His sentence was, “If she comes to your dream, report it to me." It was not meaningless words.

I am very proud that Mo Qing, who wants to know my whereabouts, must have itched his teeth to his heart, fearing that I might come back one day and rob him all his status and wealth, just like he had done to me before.

I sat in the side hall for a while, but no one came in, so I stood up and looked around.

The side hall of Wu Er Palace had not change much from the past. All the treasures were still there. Some of the imposing manner was still there. The face of vicious monster that carved and painted pillars, the nine-headed snakes around the pillars, the skulls on the top lights, all kind of wicked and evil atmosphere.

This style pattern of Wan Lu Sect was still the same as when I was alive.

Living in this atmosphere personally, in a trance, I feel like I"m still alive, holding the power of life and death, living a luxurious life in which everyone in the world is afraid of me.

I sat on the chair, laid back, closed my eyes, thought about that year…

A crisp sound of “Bang” came from other side of main hall. Hey! Is there anyone else still in the main hall at this time? I was curious, quietly walked over and leaned my ear against the door. Listened to an old voice, suppressing his anger and said:

“Recently, the sect leader handles a matter wrongly and off the track of forming Wan Lu sect.”

His voice echoes in the empty hall but made the echoes of ten thousand layers of waves in my heart, Yeah! Right! Unexpectedly that our Wan Lu sect still have such a vigilant person!

I felt that eavesdropped at corner was not enough for me, so I opened the door and looked out to see who a vigilant hero was speaking.

From my point of view, the first thing I saw Mo Qing was sitting on a divine dragon bench above the main hall. His face was expressionless and solemn, like an idol stayed at the hall. It was totally different from the man who hid himself under a huge cloak years ago.

Now, his sitting position was totally different from me that used to lean or crossed my legs or tilt on that big chair.

He was more like the old evil sect leader portrait handed down thousands of years ago, silent, dignified, solemn and latent of imposing.

I pouted my lips, in my heart unwilling to admit that Mo Qing inherited the blood of that family, now he was dressing up, but the name son of evil sect"s leader.

There was no one in the hall at this time excepted the old man with white-hair stood below him. The old man was leaning on a green steel crutch. The crutch"s movement was the crutch"s brittle noise just pinched on the ground.

I recognized an old man even though I only saw his back.

My Wan Lu sect had thousands of disciples, the branches throughout around the world were countlessly, I couldn"t manage it alone. So, I was appointed the leader and divided into four mountain owners as east, west, south and north. This old man was Yuan Jie, the leader of north when I was still a sect leader.

He was a stubborn, vicious old man who loathed all immortal sects.

Before entering the sect, all his family was slaughtered by immortal sect. From then on, he devoted himself to practice in evil cultivation and slaughter all of cultivators. Previously, there were words like “Better to encounter Lu Zhaoyao than met the leader of north mountain.” He used to be a cadre under my command, but it would be good if let him deal with all immortals who did not know how to die, surely he would manage it well.

Because the old man"s personality was too stubborn and strange, I could not be intimacy with him.

I thought about this situation, besides this stubborn person, who would oppose the evil sect leader?

Yuan Jie hoa.r.s.ely said: “Before that you demolished the front gate"s formation, that is the form, not a big deal… “

Geez, that old man, your words made me unhappy. How can it be a form? It"s a symbol! Spirit!

“But this time, we must eliminate Jiang Wu of Xin Shan first, although it was a scourge, in any case, I cannot join hands with Qian Chen Pavilion! “

I frowned, never heard who Jiangwu of Xinshan was. I thought it was someone who came out in recent years, but I knew Qian Chen pavilion well.

Like Jian Xin sect, Qian Chen Pavilion was one of the top ten immortal sects. In that year, War at Tomb of Sword, they also contributed. Because of their strength not powerful as Jian Xin sect, so I did not remember them, now, compared to the vengeance, I remember clearly was Qin Qianxian, under the heaven, his beautiful appearance was well-known.

Not only beautiful but beautiful without s.e.xuality.

The way that Qian Chen Pavilion was Bodhisattva, a spiritual cultivation. When you started. No distinction between men and women, it was a body. The more you practiced, the vaguer gender was. Similar to the legendary Bodhisattva. This guy was the most living Bodhisattva in this world.

So, His beauty was favored for both men and women.

I still remember the first time I heard about Qin Qianxian"s appearance, I caught him once and put him in the dungeon. Stared at him all night until I satisfied. Now thought about it, my heart still itching. If I had a chance to looked at him again, it would be good.

“Xinshan located at the of the two boundaries of immortals and demons.”

Mo Qing"s voice drew my consciousness back, he said coldly, “Jiang Wu and others used contradictions between immortals and devil scot-free for a long time, now if we can cooperate with Qian Chen Pavilion to eliminate this scourge quickly, and do not suffer from two-side battle. How is it not appropriate?”

I could not argue after listened to what Mo Qing said, also, I didn"t think the reason why we couldn"t do that either.

My rule was simple, convenient and fast. It didn"t matter whether we work with immortal sect or not. What matters was we must get rid of this group of people. If this people got eliminated quickly. That"s all.

I nodded and decided, well, that"s it.

“Sect Leader! “

"Enough! This"s my final decision!" Mo Qing cut short.

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Translator talks corner:

Hmm. I just did it again! Only half-length and tease you people. lol
Do not take it seriously. I"m just trying! Because this novel didn"t abandon by the real translator!

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