TL NOTE!Game Terminologies will show up from here so I decided to make a note before the novel itself.

Skills and items and monsters were written like this in the novel:
スキル : 身勝手な防御力エゴニスト < notice="" that="" above="" the="" kanji="" there’s="" a="" furigana="" but="" it’s="" not="" the="" reading="" but="" an="" english="" word="" in="" katakana.="" in="" here="" it="" says="" migatte="" na="" bougyoryoku="" and="" above="" it="" says="" egonist.="" like,="" literally="" egonist.="" what="" does="" it="" mean?="" idk="" either.="" prob="" the="" author="" playing="" with="" egoist,="" hence,="" me="" using="" egocentric="" as="" translation="" for="">
(this author loves giving random names ._. the heck is ブラインシックる(brine sickle) brine is a salt solution right? author pls. oh, brine sickle will show up next chap)

In the future, I’ll be only using Egonist when he mentions or uses this skill except during Appraisal ok. It sounds redundant if i put both;; Skill names doesn’t make sense most of the time anyway. During the time I played a certain MMORPG, there was this skill called Merkaba Hanzelrusha. What does it mean? IDK EITHER.

Anyway, I digress. Here’s the 2nd chapter! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

It’s true that there are free benefits from transporting, right?

Despite the despair I felt from being in this world, I still got up sluggishly from bed the next day.

After feeling distraught from hearing that there were no girls, they brought me to a guest room on the guild’s upper floor and I shed tears there. The fact that girls do not exist in this world is just too much of a shock to me.

Incidentally, Michel-san and the gatekeeper ossan¹ thought that even though I looked calm,  I was still disorientated from getting attacked by bandits,  but they misunderstood.

Me getting attacked by bandits is just something I made up then anyway and the actual reason is because my dream of creating a harem is impossible now but explaining that is embarra.s.sing so I’ll just let them misunderstand. It’s heartbreaking to tell a lie when they’re both worrying about me but to be honest, even if I tell them I feel depressed because there are no girls, it’s not like they’ll understand anyway. It can’t be helped at all. Either way, I have come to a scary world with no girls. Haaa.

Anyway, I get it now that there are no girls around but I can still become an adventurer. When it comes to transporting to another world, it’s definitely adventure! RPG! I’m not a man if I don’t do this!

Though not having any girls around already took away half of the enjoyment…uhh, yeah. Well, I need money to live so I will do my best as an adventurer.

But of course for a yutori²-type of guy like me, I do not have the ability whatsoever to survive and live as an adventurer. If so, I can only rely on that!

I definitely have a bonus³ from transporting!

Travelers of all generations always have one. Therefore, I will definitely have one too!

And when I searched for it, I really do have it! My freebie skill from transporting! I did it!

I have three by the looks of  it.

First one is [Item Box]! This is quite cliche!⁴

Dimensional Storage, nicknamed “Item box”, is a place where you can store any item. It’s convenient because you don’t have to physically carry items around all the time.

I tried if I could actually use it and it was perfect. I tried putting a chair from the room and it was stored properly. It was part of guild’s guest room furniture so I returned it immediately though.

The second skill is [Appraisal]. I guess you can say it’s also pretty cliche?

Magic skill. Sword skill. Skill search. I chanted while searching for more skills. At the moment I chanted 《Appraisal skill》,  the world around me blurred and various pieces of information suddenly appeared before me. Appraisal skill, as the name suggests, is a skill that allows you to identify and a.n.a.lyse humans or items.

Just by looking out the window of the room, it is possible to gather various types of  information on the people walking around outside. In addition to this, you can also check your own status just by looking at a mirror and chanting《Appraise》. This skill is useful. In other words, I can easily obtain information from the other party, right? I just got here so I barely have any information at all so I’m really thankful to have a no-risk ability of getting information.

And the third one is finally here! It’s here!!

[Skill: Egonist (Egocentric⁵ Defense)]

It’s a unique skillー!! Now this definitely feels like a cheat skill!

I found it when I a.n.a.lysed myself using the Appraisal skill!

Skill: Egonist (Egocentric defense)
Ability: Received damage will be 1/10th if you get an attack from an opponent.
There will be no effect during abnormal state.⁶
Compensation: Sensitivity will be ×10.

Is what it said. This is awesome. Too freaking awesome.

Only 1/10th of the damage will be received, meaning if I get hit by someone who has an attack damage of 100, I will only recieve 10% of that damage. It won’t hurt at all even if I get hit by Gi〇n! Isn’t that great, n.o.bi〇〇-kun⁷? I don’t even know someone like Gi〇n though! I don’t have a friend who’ll help me for every movie though!⁸

Let’s set aside the issue of whether I am loner or not for bit, there’s no doubt that Egonist is something that will help me a lot during battles. I mean, it’s 10% damage, bro? This is very much appreciated by a weak ordinary high school guy like me. But what I’m concerned about is the compensation.

Is it just me or does ‘Sensitivity x10’ make you think of dirty things? There’s no way it is, right? It’s only because I’m virgin that’s why I think of erotic things but it actually doesn’t have anything to do with it, right?

Hmm, despite it being a compensation it doesn’t feel like one at all. I wonder if it will turn into a R18 doujin⁹-type of development? If it’s with a girl then of course it’s very much welcomed but in this world where there are only guys, I would like to graciously decline. I’m a boy who purely loves girls.

Since I can use appraisal, I might as well check my own status. Just as I thought, I’m level 1. Seems that my cheat didn’t work in this aspect.

Name: Shiromu Kusuki

Age: 17

Attribute: ??

Rank: Lv. 1

Skill: Item Box (Dimensional Storage)
Conditions: Crossing different worlds
Ability: 10+Lv.×1 amount of s.p.a.ce, used for item storing.
Same type of item can be stored in the same box.

Skill: Appraisal
Conditions: Crossing different worlds
Ability: Able to know the details of things reflected in your vision, regardless of whether it is human or not.

Skill: Egonist (Egocentric Defense)
Conditions: Crossing different worlds.
Attribute: ??
Ability: Received damage will be 1/10th the original attack from an opponent.
There will be no effect during the abnormal state.
Compensation: Sensitivity will be ×10.

Speaking of which, it seems that you can only know name, age, level and skills. You can say it’s useful but the reason why I probably felt a little unsatisfied is because I’m a gamer. I thought it would show more numbers, like your stats or something.

Even though I say that, there’s no doubt that it is useful. Especially being able to know the other party’s level and skill is something I’m very grateful for. It’s a huge advantage to be able to know if the other party has is of a high level, or if they have a special skill.

Well for me who’s only at Level 1, it won’t be of any help knowing about the stats. There’s definitely no adventurer weaker than the current me. Admitting it to myself made me feel sad… I want to level up fast.

And there’s really no doubt that the skills I have are bonuses from transporting. It’s written in the conditions “crossing different worlds”, so there’s really no doubt about that.

Anyway, now that I know about my current situation, I finished getting ready and left the room. It’s already bright outside and I also have to apologize to Michel-san regarding yesterday’s incident.

“Good morning, Michel-san”

“G-Good morning, Shiromu-kun. Is everything okay now? Forgive me for saying hurtful things yesterday.”

“No, no, absolutely not. Michel-san isn’t wrong in any way. I’m sorry too.”

I walked down the stairs and bowed my head to Michel-san who was at the counter. Regarding yesterday’s incident, I’m the one in the wrong. Michel-san only talked about how things were like in this world and I shouldn’t have been so upset no matter how cruel it was. No matter how cruel it was. Sniff.

“There’s nothing for you to apologize for. I should have been more careful with my words when I talked to a child who went through a bitter experience.”

“Eh, I’m.. really not that much of child.”

“Fufufu, of course. Shiromu-kun is at the age where you want to be treated like an adult. Let’s just leave it as that.”

Michel-san said as he smiled charmingly but unfortunately I am really not a child. I’m already 17 years old.

Well, appearance-wise Michel-san undoubtedly looks older but aren’t you only in your early 20s? We don’t even have that much of an age difference for me to be treated like a child, so why do you treat me like one? Is it because I got upset yesterday? That reminds me, I’ve heard that Eastern Asian people look young but don’t tell me it’s also the same for this world? Are you serious. I don’t know if I should correct it or not, but for the me who still doesn’t have the basic necessities of life yet and hence is in a bind because of that, it wouldn’t hurt to be misunderstood anyway. But being treated like a child makes me feel dejected though, so someday I will definitely correct it.

“Have you eaten breakfast yet, Shiromu? Do you want to eat?”

“I will eat! Thank you very much!”

“Also, it’s okay to explain while you are eating so can I pick up from where we left off yesterday? It is something that would definitely be useful for your journey on becoming an adventurer so I want you to listen carefully.”

“I understand”

I listened to Michel-san’s explanation while eating breakfast. The food tasted good. Though the bread was a bit hard.

Listening to Michel-san, adventurer has 6 which are S, A, B, C, D, and E, with E as the lowest rank and S as the highest, and of course I’m currently in the E cla.s.s. After climbing up to the S cla.s.s, you will have the same authority as a General and will always sought out by a lot of countries. In this world, there are only 5 S cla.s.s adventurers at moment and when you become an S cla.s.s, you are a.s.signed to defeat a dragon alone.

I hope Shiromu becomes one too, is what Michel-san said but I’m a cheat so of course I would? I thought as I nod in my heart. Getting to the S cla.s.s is just a piece of cake! I’m the future Hero-sama after all.

That aside, I’m only an E cla.s.s now. In order to move up to the higher, I have to finish 10 quests and pa.s.s the promotional exam. I am now in world where you put your life on the line so I guess it’s only natural to have exams, albeit a little troublesome.

A quest is when you accept requests from various people, there are requests from people of this town and there are also requests of the country. Big requests are done by forming a faction, exactly how a guild is like.

Since I have just finished listening to Michel-san’s explanation, I should try accepting a quest now.

I have a debt of 1 silver coin at the moment. It seems that I will become a slave if I fail to return it within 1 month. Michel-san said if I work seriously I’ll be able to pay it back in one week. Let’s do our best. I want a slave but I would never want to be one.

Immediately after, I went to see the bulletin board where the quests are posted. The quests for E cla.s.s are:

《Client: Guild》
Deliver 10 Rusoku gra.s.s.
Reward: 1 Big copper coin

《Client: Guild》
Deliver 5 Lakle flowers.
Reward: 1 Big copper coin

《Client: Bened.i.c.k Ranch》
Lookout for sheep in a farm for one whole day.
Reward: 3 Big copper coin

《Client: Berto Blindt》
Help transport Ray Rice.
Reward: 30 copper coin per sacks carried

《Client: Guild》
Defeat 10 Goblins.
Reward: 1 silver coin. ※Will pay 1 Big copper coin for every additional kill.

In any case, big copper coin or silver coin, I’m not sure of the unit of currency in this world. I have to defeat goblins in order to pay my 1 silver coin debt from the town’s entrance fee but defeating goblins right off the bat is just too scary. No matter how much of a cheat I am, it would still make me anxious.


“If you still can’t decide, how about collecting Rusoku gra.s.s or Lakle flowers for now? It’s quite far but demons do not appear in that area much so it’s safe.”

I listened to Michel-san suggestion and looked at the quest again. It certainly looks like what Michel-san had told me.

At any rate, I can’t fight goblins until I save money to buy a weapon first and the other two quests do not seem like a quest but more like an errand, although it still feels like and adventure. Right… Let’s pick this.

“Then, Michel-san, give me the Rusoku gra.s.s quest pleaseー”

“Hey, brat. I haven’t seen you before? Are you a new adventurer?”

I heard a deep voice interrupting my words and when I looked back, an ikemen with flowing black hair and piercing eyes is standing there.

Afterwards I heard Michel-san’s troubled voice saying “Grey-san..”

Mhm. Who?

¹ossan >>> rude/informal way to say oji-san>uncle. Somehow just saying uncle is weird so I just left it like that. I’ll be changing the one from ch1 too

²yutori-kei danshi – someone who’s not a herbivore type of guy nor carnivore. They’re neither pa.s.sive nor aggressive.They are slow-pace, my-pace type of guys according to Google-sensei.

³tokuten: can be bonus, freebie, privilege, benefits choose whichever you prefer

⁴王道, meaning something mainstream, cliche, etc.

⁵Migatte na Bougyoryoku, migatte means egoist, selfish, egocentric. The author hasn’t explained yet why it’s “selfish” but imo it’s probably because of the sensitivity compensation. You’ll know when you read the ecchi scenes hehehe. Read the TL note above if you haven’t yet for more explanation.

⁶Abnormal condition. If you played Pokemon, it’s these: Sleep, Burn, Paralysis, Charm, Freeze, Poison, Confused uhhh what else..

⁷Probably talking about Doraemon characters. , the bully from Doraemon and the protagonist,

⁸Doraemon movie. I havent watched any but according to wikia, despite Gian being a bully, he helps his friends when they’re in trouble during the movies?

⁹Doujins are manga/game/good/anything created by a “circle”  aka a group of friends or alone. Basically fan-made stuff.

Translator: chisa
Proofreader: shizu

Ask anytime if you have any questions~ This is an RPG adventure-based BL gag novel so a lot of game terminologies will show up. I will probably create a separate page for the skills and stuffs that appears during appraisals and the unique terms from the author.

Anyway the currency goes: Big Silver coin →Silver coin →Big copper coin→ Copper coin. Shiromu will explain how much it is in Yen in the middle of the story and i’ll make a note how much it is in usd.

Correction, suggestions are welcome~

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