Shiromu might seem like a h.o.m.ophobe by the way he acts but in this case it’s more of, he doesn’t like guys who are a threat to his a.s.s. He mentioned it before too, he fully knows that s.e.x there is only done with guys but he just can’t if the other party is him. Like, yknow, imagine yourself getting transported to another world with that world’s s.e.x population being the opposite of your type lol.

And he’s actually going to form a party with two guys  despite him saying that he will only form a party with girls and it’s because they pose no danger for his a.s.s lolol.
Tho he IS still an a.s.s lol. Tho he’s just all talk. Not that I’m defending him? His thoughts seem like typical guys here (like my cla.s.smates.. or maybe I just have a.s.shole cla.s.smates;;) When I get p.i.s.sed at them I just always pray that they fall to Shiromu’s world…

Next chapter starts the first R18 scene.
Guess who gets the virgin a.s.s? Stay tuned on our channel to find out☆

Shizu: One part of me likes Shiromu and another part of me wants to smack him… Anyways, enjoy!

My First Subjugation Quest was a Cinch .

I can finally do a subjugation quest! Let’s accept a quest at once. The quest I’m getting is,

《Client: Guild》 Defeat 10 Goblins

※Will pay 1 Big copper coin for every additional kill.

This is it. If it’s the beginning of a fantasy-like adventure, then it’s definitely Slime or Goblins! In my opinion, I imagine Goblins as green-colored little demon creatures¹ but is it the same in this world? I’d be troubled if it’s actually cute so please let it be the same.

Michel-san looked a little troubled when I tried accepting the quest. Eh, is there something wrong?

“Shiromu-kun, are you planning to do the quest alone?”

“Is it no good?”

“It’s not but, Goblins tend to attack in mobs. Individually, their attacks are weak but if you get surrounded and ganged up against, it’s possible to lose your life. There were instances where adults lost their lives before because of this. This is Shiromu-kun’s first combat experience, right? Will you really be okay? If you want, do you want to search for an adventurer who would form a party with you?”

I see. So goblins tend to band together. It’s certainly true that battling a swarm of them is a little scary. Battling multiple opponents right off the bat, this world sure has a high level of difficulty. Let’s wait until I reach level 10.

But a party, huh. Fundamentally speaking, I only want to form a party with girls but it’s my first battle and it’s probably better if I join a party right from the beginning. But I don’t want join up with someone ikemen, like Grey. I seriously want to avoid good-looking guys at all costs.

“That’s true..”

“The one I can introduce you to now is Dulles-san, I guess? The one sitting at that table…”

I looked in the direction where Michel-san was pointing to. Over there, sat a rugged bear-like ossan. He had a s.h.a.ggy beard, a big scar on his face, a sharp pair of eyes and was surrounded by an air of formidable pressure so much so that I would be convinced if someone tells me he’s from a job that starts with the letter Y².

“I think I’ll pa.s.s.”

“Really? Dulles-san isn’t as scary as he looks though?”

“No thanks. I really can’t. I’m really sorry…”

I felt bad for declining Michel-san’s recommendation but it’s seriously impossible. I have confidence that I’d be so scared of that ossan that I won’t be able to hunt because of him.

More like, I got too caught up thinking about this world and did not realize it, but if you think about it, usually, the adventurer is a profession done by former mercenaries or thief-wannabes. Their roles mostly include defeating monsters so its just normal that the adventurers are mostly brawny stern-faced ossan. In short, if I ever join a party, it’s inevitable to form a party with an ossan.

Yup. No way. As I thought, an adventure is definitely done alone. I will conquer the world, SOLO!

“I’m sorry. I think I would be too nervous around older people so I’ll pa.s.s on forming parties.”

“That’s true. Subjugation quests are battles after all… It would be dangerous if you can’t move around well because you’re too nervous. If it makes you nervous then forming a party with Dulles-san won’t be beneficial.”

Michel-san said as he nodded, hearing my words. Yeah, yeah, moving around awkwardly to hide my cheat abilities and then getting killed by a monster will just defeat the purpose of me joining a party.

Oh wait, I have cheat measures such as the defense skill: Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T  and a rank A weapon: Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R. I actually don’t have a need for party members, if it’s just Goblins I can totally defeat them easily!

Solo Play is definitely the way to go, as I thought of this I turned around to face the counter and saw Michel-san beaming at me. Mhm? What is it?

“I knew it, forming parties should be done with people close to your age and with those who get along with you.”

“Yeah… I think so too.”

“Then Shiromu-kun, how about me? I may not seem like it but I’m actually a former adventurer and I’m pretty strong too? Besides, if its me and Shiromu-kun, I think we will work well together.”

Michel-san said as he smiled nicely. Michel-san is actually surprisingly shrewd. You’re probably told frequently that you’re cunning, aren’t you?

And you’re a former adventurer? I didn’t exactly look closely during the first time I appraised you. You weren’t a clumsy guild receptionist lady so I wasn’t interested. But hearing you say that you’re a former adventurer makes me curious so let’s appraise again.

Name: Michel Ascot

Age: 124

Rank: Lv. 54

Attribute: Bow • Holy Magic³

Skill: . Golden Arrow ReleaseA C C U M U L A T E   R E L E A S E ⁴

Ability: Bow skill. The power changes according to the time the bow is pulled.

5 Seconds → 2x

30 Seconds → 10x

Compensation: You cannot take any action while drawing the bow. The effect will be lost if it’s released before the aforementioned time.

Skill: Healing LightR I H M⁵

Ability: Heals the target’s physical injuries. No effect on non-living things.
Compensation: The wounds’s depth is proportional to the mental power lost and will cause exhaustion.

THIS ISN’T A LEVEL FOR NORMAL GUILD-KEEPERSーー!! And what the heck is up with the 124 years of age!? I unthinkingly looked twice but doesn’t this mean that Michel-san isn’t from the human race?! And he even has 2 skills that looks OP! Doesn’t this look even more amazing than Grey’s!? I still don’t have a clue how important skills are but Michel-san is definitely not just an ordinary fellow!!

Moreover, the 2 skills were bow and arrow’s attack power increases and a recovery magic!? Even if I have Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R , for the me who doesn’t have a skill that increases firepower, it’s a skill I want so badly. Even if it has a compensation, I’m so jealous of him possessing a skill that increases attack power by 30x.

And the recovery magic is even scarier. I mean, recovery magic is a cheat skill that even just by having it, it can make you unrivaled against in fantasy worlds! Eh, who’s the protagonist again? Is it not me?

And I’ve been meeting people with skills one after another but, don’t tell me everyone actually has skills? Is it actually ma.s.s-produced? Everyone actually has it and Michel-san is not amazing? I’m not amazing too?

I got anxious and looked around. I appraised everyone inside the guild but there aren’t other guys with a skill. The person named Dulles doesn’t have a skill too. Dulles-san was actually 29 years old. With that appearance, ….. no, sorry for calling you ossan.

As I thought, skills aren’t common. According Grey and Michel’s skills, perhaps skills can be acquired when the corresponding conditions are met. One of the conditions are probably having the attributes and if you reach level 45 and so. I learned about skills just like that but, just who are you Michel-san. You’re not just a guild-keeper.

I stare back at Michel-san who’s smiling as he looks at me. I understand that Michel-san is amazing. It’s great that he has a bow skill and recovery magic. If I get injured I can have him heal me and since he’s a bow-user, meaning, he’s a long distance type of party member so the battles will probably be much easier.

But I already said so before, right? I said it before properly, right?

That I absolutely do not want to form a party with an ikemen! I cannot get along with good-looking dudes! Therefore, I cannot form a party with the beautiful Michel-san!

I smiled back at Michel-san and repeated what I said to Grey-san last time.

When I refused the party offer, Michel-san looked obviously disappointed. But I do not feel sympathy for ikemen.

But I do think there is something wrong with how I acted even though Michel-san took care of me a lot. That’s weird…I quite liked him before despite the fact that Michel-san was beautiful. Aahhh, I know. It’s because I discovered Michel-san is a h.o.m.o. I don’t have mercy for h.o.m.os.

When I accepted a goblin subjugation quest alone, Michel-san gave me 2 medicines as a parting gift. It was made from the Rusoku gra.s.s I worked hard collecting. By the way, the fixed price is 3 big coppers it seems. I only received 1 big copper as a reward though? So this is trading business, huh. What an unfair world.

The medicine was a liquid, you can pour it on a wound and if you drink it, it has the effect of recovering fatigue. No matter how you look at it, it’s a potion. It tasted like O〇〇nine C⁶ when I tried licking it. Is this actually an energy drink!? Maybe it would actually taste good if I try biting on Rusoku gra.s.s.

I put the potion on my Item Box and grasped the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R  tightly as I went deeper into the forest where I collected the Rusoku gra.s.s. I have heard that goblins often appear beyond this. After walking in the forest for about 30 minutes, I saw a lot of green-colored small creatures that were no taller than my knee. There’s a small horn on it’s head so it’s probably the goblins. Just to be sure, I tried appraising them and it’s written Goblin as the name. That’s great…they’re totally not cute. Now I can kill them without hesitation!

I gripped Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R  and slashed the goblin in front of me. When the blade hit the goblin, it shrieked GYAAAAA! then disappeared. A small horn was left at the place where the goblin was before.

At that moment the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R throbbed as my body became hot.  Probably the HP-absorbing ability activated. Somehow, I felt power well up in me.

The goblin exposed it’s fangs and charged towards me, intending to bite me. Before getting bitten I kill it with my Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R . Another goblin next to it rushed towards me, swinging it’s arms. I pierce it’s chest with the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R. Thump Thump. I felt something hit my back. It doesn’t hurt. When I looked back, two goblins were hitting me. I swung the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R through the two goblins just like that.

I got carried away and defeated goblins one after another. The goblins disappear as soon as the blade hits them, how easy is that. I was born in a peaceful country with no war so I was a little anxious if I could actually battle but if it’s like this then I can do this without any problem. I’ll continue like this and aim to be an S cla.s.s adventurer!

Speaking of which, when you defeat monsters they turn into particles of light and disappear. It’s cool because it’s just like an effect in a game. I don’t want to be covered in blood while I’m fighting.

No matter how many goblins I defeat, the fellow goblins didn’t care and still boldly rushed to me so I cooked them up one by one. It felt like I was. .h.i.t a bunch of times by some goblins but it didn’t even hurt at all. Seems that my skill is doing a good job right away. Thanks,  Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T -san!

Just like that, most of the goblins were now gone and I stored Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R away. Afterwards, I picked up the goblin’s horns that were lying around the area.

This horn is probably the goblin’s drop item. As i thought of this I counted them and there were 18 of them. I actually defeated that many goblins. I cleared the quest so easily! Yaaaayー, I cleared my first subjugation quest!

I put the horns into my Item box and prepared to go back. The quest still continues until I go back to the guild. Let’s go back without letting our guard down.

I found out that I can now easily defeat low level monsters. Let’s keep it up just like this and level up like crazy! Aim to be an S cla.s.s adventurer!

Feeling happy to the point that I want to hum a song, when I tried going back the way I came from, I heard a sound in the bushes below the shade of a nearby tree.

A new opponent! Nothing scares me now! Is what I thought as I went to back into my stance with the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R at the ready and a figure slowly appeared from behind the tree.

I paled as soon as I saw it’s appearance. They say humans are defenseless when you’re on cloud nine⁷. I shouldn’t have let my guard down.

Well, it’s not like it would help even if I actually didn’t let my guard down. After all the guy who appeared out of the shade of the tree…

“Just who the h.e.l.l are you?”

…is the ikemen S cla.s.s adventurer, Grey Kallstenius.

¹says 子鬼, which is pretty much translated as goblin, imps, gremlins, etc already

²Yakuza aka j.a.panese gangsters.

³It’s written as Magic (Holy) but I put it as Holy Magic because its used a lot more like this ._.

⁴As usual it’s the eng furigana. 金糸矢の解放アクムレイトリリース  above was literally acc.u.mulate release pfft

⁵Healing Rihm (Light) was written like this 癒しの光リーム  with Rihm above the Light kanji.

⁶Oronine C >> energy drink called Oronamin C. Author used Oronine from the Oronine H Ointment.

⁷He said  人間上り坂にいる時が危ないっていうものね, literal meaning is “They say humans are in danger when going uphill” I asked my cla.s.smates and friends about this but they say it’s not a kotowaza and they got no clue. Shiromu isn’t on an uphill place either (he’s in a forest). If anyone has a clue pls do tell me


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