☆Please Leave Tentacle Play to Ero Doujins Only

I have been caught by the Ivy Wood. I totally let my guard down, but how do you even prepare for this! Having a tree as an enemy, what kind of impossible game is this.

The anti-paralysis pills I received from Michel-san are inside the Item Box. It will show up if I will for it so it’s not like I have to move my mouth to open it up, but I can’t move my arms so I can’t take it out. I’m stuck.

The Ivy Wood moved one of its long and thin vines which slowly coiled around me. A mucus-like substance which comes out of the tip of the vine, melts the clothes I’m wearing.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that it’s a carnivorous plant. They release a digestive fluid which melts and dissolves it’s prey. Hiiー! Just thinking about it is frightening. I.Don’t.Want.To.In.Die.That.Way!

After the vines melted my clothes into tatters, its movements changed, wrapping around my body, restraining me. Just as I started to feel uncomfortable with the vines slowly creeping around my body, another vine slid in front me.

As I was wondering what was going on, the tip of the vine opened up and spread out like a petal. From how its behaving, it looks just like that of a predator opening it’s mouth and preparing to eat it’s prey.

Hiiiiiiiii! Grotesque! Disgusting! I’ll be eaten in a moment with that, yes, I know. But I sure as h.e.l.l don’t want to know! Helppppppppppー!!

The vine slithered slowly above me but eventually ended up near my chest. And then,


…it latches onto one of my nipples and sucks on it. I screamed out in pleasure.

Hahii, eh, wait a minute. Why are my t.i.ts getting sucked on? Milk won’t come out of there even if you suck it though? Don’t tell me it’s like, there’s a delicious-looking reddish thing on my chest so you felt like eating it, or something? What kind of pervy old man are you.

Cold sweat runs down my back. It seems that the Ivy Wood utilises paralysis to eat their prey. Is the “eat” part, “that”? Is it that?

The Ivy Wood’s other vine opens up its tip and starts to suck on my other nipple too. I screamed again.

“AAAAAAAAHHHーー! Ahyaa, Iii..! Aaaaanngghhhhーー!!”

As I was screaming, I thought, there’s no doubt. Ivy Wood’s “eating” means eating in a s.e.xual way. A tentacle monster which has the objective of rape. You’re f.u.c.king kidding me! What’s up with this world!

Just when I thought that I had another unique skill, it was an ero skill. Furthermore, ero monsters strut around here like it’s normal. Don’t tell me this world is actually a R-18 BL game world or something? Why did I get transported to this kind of world. Transport me to a normal ero-game world.

“Hnng, hyaaaaaa! Nooo! Don’t knead my b.o.o.bsー!!”

As the vines a.k.a tentacles sucks on my nipples, the petals surrounding it kneaded and rubbed my chest. If this goes on they’ll probably grow into an AA cup size in no time. I seriously don’t need that. You don’t have to put b.o.o.bs on me so please just give me a girl with b.o.o.bs. What on earth do these guys really want to do with me?

“Hii… Aaaannghh! Aahh, AAAAHHHーー!”

This is bad. It’s feels pretty good. Now that I remember, I was just in a battle a while ago so Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T ‘s x10 sensitivity probably activated as usual. So it’s you again.

It feels too good, too good that prec.u.m flows out from the tip of my son. Who is, unfortunately, now fully erect. Suddenly, the tentacles begin to coil around around my son.

What the h.e.l.l do you guys want. Just so you know, that part is delicate, okay? It’s an important place that will someday become an Excalibur, you know? Hands off!

But of course the tentacles can’t read my thoughts, so it wrapped around my son and starts moving up and down.  Moreover, another vine’s tip opened up and sucked at the tip of my d.i.c.k.

Wait a secooooondーー! Where the h.e.l.l did you guys learn this technique! AAH! Don’t! I’m weak in the back and the tip! I’m going to c.u.m!  I’m c.u.mmingーー!!

“Nghh AAAHH‥, Noooooー! I’m c.u.mmingー! HAAANNGHHHーー‥!!”

Since I couldn’t move, I couldn’t resist and came just like that. When I tried to breathe in order to calm myself down, the tentacle continued to suck and I immediately came again . AAAAH! I can’t anymore.. I’m tired from c.u.mming too much.

Gulp, gulp. I heard the sound of the tentacles probably drinking my s.e.m.e.n. Isn’t it great! I managed to prove that tentacles in the fantasy world loves lewd juices! I just have to bring girls and it would be perfect!

The tentacles entwined around my son as it tries to make it stand up again but because I just came, it wouldn’t stand up. What feels good, feels good but, there is a limit to the amount of sperm I can release. Just the other day, it was squeezed out by some h.o.m.o b.a.s.t.a.r.d so there can’t be a lot of it.

“There probably won’t be coming out anymore so let’s sto-, hii!”

Just as I was about to say that we should finish this already, the tentacles started to gather around my back. Not there. Not behind. That’s my a.s.shole, you know? I will never allow anything to go into that kind of place!

“Let me go! Stop it! I don’t want toー!”

I tried to somehow escape but the paralysis has not worn off yet. I could only twist my body slightly and that wasn’t helping much at all.

The tentacles pushed my legs open and that rendered me immobile as they positioned themselves behind.

“Nooo! AAH‥! Don’t enter meーー!!”

One of the thin tentacles entered me. The tentacles were slippery to begin with so it entered easily without any pain.

I endured the dull pleasure while moaning, ah, ah. The pleasure in my a.s.s was a comfortable one so, despite it not being a direct pleasure on my d.i.c.k, it constantly lighted a fire inside of me and pushed me towards the edge bit by bit.

“Hng‥, Aaaahh, Nnghaa‥, AAH!”

Several thin tentacles went inside me. I can only pray for it to finish quickly. It was at that moment-

“Hyaaaaaaaaaーー??! Aaah!??”

-when one of the tentacles poked hard against a certain place, a pleasurable feeling zinged throughout my whole body. W-What was that just now?! Why am I feeling it so much from my b.u.t.t?!!

I don’t know but for some reason, my a.s.s feels good. But of course the tentacles seemed to notice this and relentlessly aims at that place.

“Hyaaaaaaaaaa‥, Don’t move…! Aaaaaah!”

Multiple tentacles attack that spot repeatedly. Another type of numbness, other than the paralysis, consumed my whole body and it felt like I was going crazy.

My son stood erect once again. My son, you really dont have to do your best today. Let’s do our best when we’re going to nyan nyan with a cute girl.

Tentacles begun to crowd around again and started sucking on the prec.u.m overflowing from my son. This is bad, I didn’t know it would feel this good taking it in the a.s.s. I might have opened a new door. Will I still be able to go back?

While moaning ahn, ahn from getting penetrated in the a.s.s, the wriggling tentacles that were inside slid out. Eh? Don’t tell me it’s done? But to be honest, stopping here is a bit too much… No, nevermind! I’m so glad it ended! Ahaha!

I should hurry up and get away from this forest with the frightening tentacles! I thought, but the tentacles restraining me didn’t relinquish its hold. Eh? I thought it ended already? I thought as my b.u.t.t was lifted in the air. A thick tentacle came out from the Ivy Wood.

The tentacle was slightly darker compared to the other green-colored tentacles, moreover there were warts protruding here and there. ・・・Don’t tell me but, THAT won’t be inside of me right? Haha, will I be okay?

Is what I tried to pray inside my head but the warty tentacle touched my a.s.s. YOU’RE KIDDING MEEEEEE!

“I don’t want to! I absolutely don’t want to! Stop f.u.c.king around, don’t insert it! ..Aaah.. AAAAAH!”

That large tentacle went inside of me. I twisted my body to struggle but I could not do anything once it entered me. I screamed as the tentacle started to move.

Remember how there’s this warty tentacle that appears in ero doujinshi? I now know why it appears. Frankly speaking, it feels so good. Up until now the ones that were inserted inside me were the smooth tentacles so with this one, I’m feeling it even more. I’m really going to die. It feels so good till I feel like dying. So.. Why do ero doujin authors know about this fact? DON’T TELL ME YOU GUYS―!

“Hyaaa! Aaah! AAAAH, ah! Ah..! Nooooo-! AAAH!”

It seems that it was not the time to be fooling around. This is really bad. I didn’t actually want to know the awesome feeling of getting my insides rubbed. Uegh.. Moreover, the tentacles, the one that can open its tip, are rubbing my son. Let’s not do that, sucking is not allowed. Are you guys all the same tentacle, why do you all have the same suction power. Aaaah! Don’t―!!

“Don’t suckkk‥, AAAAAHH! I’m c.u.mming, HYAAAAA, AAHーー!!”

Getting my insides rubbed while my d.i.c.k is being sucked feels so good that even if I struggle with all my might, it is suppressed by the movement of the tentacles. My trembling body was held down as my insides were stimulated. I was made to come with that rough pleasure.

“Hnnngh, Aaaanh, I, I‥, I’M c.u.mMINGGG~~~!”

*SplurtーThe tentacles gather the s.e.m.e.n I shot out. Moreover, while c.u.mming, the tip of my d.i.c.k was still being sucked so I came lightly once again.

The warty tentacle inside me slid out of me sloppily.  When I thought ‘With this, it has finally ended’, but there was another tentacle waiting for me. These guys don’t have any intention of releasing me at all. This is bad. If this continues, I will dry up and die.

Even if I try to struggle to escape, I’m unable to resist because my paralyzed body being held down by the tentacles. I’m screwed. I’m really screwed. What to do…….Hm? Wait, did I just struggle? Is it possible that, now, I can move?

I tried to move my arms slowly, and I was able to do so albeit clumsily. The numbness was still somewhat there so the paralysis hasn’t completely worn off yet but it’s already enough if I can move my arms to my mouth. If I can move it, then I can swallow the anti-paralysis pills that are inside my Item Box.

I smirked as I took the anti-paralysis pills from my Item Box and swallowed it. Afterwards, the tingling numbness from by body slowly faded away. I’m fully restored!

Now that I’m well, this game is now mine. Even if the one entangling me is a tentacle, it’s still just a vine. I kicked the trunk of the tree using my feet and with a don, the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R dropped from Ivy Wood’s vines and fell to the ground. I picked it up.

Fufufu, it’s my turn now.

“It’s 10 years early for you plants to feed on humans!”

I brandished Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R around and it ripped the tentacles apart. It seems that the Ivy Wood is receiving damages from getting it’s tentacles cut as its tentacles writhe around. In the end, it’s just a low level monster. It’s not an enemy for me who is powered by cheats.

Now then, no matter how much I cut these tentacles they just keep on coming out so I guess should beat the body itself to a pulp already.

When I thrust the blade of the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R into the center of Ivy Wood’s body, it screamed ‘Kishaaaaaa’ and disappeared. In its place, a green orb of about the size of a fist appeared and dropped to the ground. I didn’t know what it was but let’s just pick this up. I can just ask Michel-san about it once I get back to the guild.

I collected a drop item and managed to defeat the Ivy Wood. This abominable tentacle play has finally ended. I did it! I won! I think I’ve lost something as a person but at least I won!

Now then, I cleared the quest and the Ivy wood is also gone now. I just have to get back to the guild.

But, I have one more question. I… How do I get back?

My clothes have been melted by the Ivy Wood and is in tatters. YOU’RE KIDDING MEーー! I demand compensationー!

In the Southern Forest, I shouted at the top of my lungs, b.u.t.t naked.

“I didn’t know it would feel this good taking it in the a.s.s. I might have opened a new door. Will I still even be able to come back?”

The answer is NO but you will be able to come. From the back( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

 Tbh Ivy Wood was a better s.e.x partner than Grey. Atleast the Ivy Wood cared if Shiromu is feeling good and even had foreplay. Meanwhile Grey’s was literally boom bam pow lmao.


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