Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 65 – If It"s For Her, I Have No Fear (2)

Chapter 65 – If It"s For Her, I Have No Fear (2)

No wonder that old cunning fox,  Official Liu, was still so obsessed with him. Although the youth looked a bit  thin right now, he had handsome facial features. And a sharp, cunning mind  beneath the frail exterior.

The truth proved that this child  was definitely not just a simple fish in a pond. He had the lowest ranking as  a slave, yet through simple tactics as using the bathing water of his  concubine, he was able to penetrate layers of defenses and plot against his  mistress.

Perhaps…this mission could  only be accomplished by him. Ye Li found himself thinking with  antic.i.p.ation.

After Ye Mu returned, she  carefully thought for a moment and immediately understood that she had been  tricked by Mo Linyuan!

This guy, he must have  already made up his mind to go to that Official Liu"s place. He never thought  of leaving this place, he really wanted to help Ye Li steal that Forbidden  Army Map!

“d.a.m.n it!” Ye Mu was  so angry that she fervently jumped up and down, wishing that she could grow high as an adult and get that brat back to give him a good beating!

It was a pity that things did  not turn out as expected. She was still a short winter melon, moreover, she  was the soft and easy to shove loli type…

“Young lady…”  When Ye Xiaolang saw that Ye Mu had returned, he lay unhappily on the bed and  timidly cried out.

“Right!” Ye Mu quickly  stood up and stared at Xiaolang like a tiger staring covetously at its prey.

“Speak! Did the guy tell  you his plan? Are you hiding this from me along with him?!” She accused  irritably.

“Who…?” Ye Xiaolang  asked with a frown, bewilderment etched on his features.

Ye Mu stomped her foot, “That smelly Aji!”

“Ah! Ah, Aji…he didn"t  mention any plans to me. Could it be that the first wife wanted to harm  you?!”

Ye Mu looked at him faintly.  “So you were indeed aware…”

Xiao Lang scratched his head,  “Young lady, I was told by Aji to leave everything to him. He said he  would deal with that woman and told me to learn from him.” After thinking for  a while he put on a resolute face and said, “He said I have to be on guard  against any unforeseen events in the future so I can better protect you!”

Ye Xiaolang"s words caused Ye Mu  to gradually calm down. It was hard to say what her mood was. After a long  while, she mumbled, “As expected, he even led you astray…”

When she thought of how that  brat was in danger alone, Ye Mu wanted to pull him back and beat him a hundred  times!

However, there was one more  thing that made her feel even worse… That"s right.

She had protected him and  approached him for the sake of the city boundary map, but Mo Linyuan truly acted  for her own well-being… This made her feel ashamed, but at the same time, it  also made her more agitated!

d.a.m.n it, how in the world can  I save someone!?

Ye Mu carefully recalled the  contents in the book and searched for any information that she could use.  Suddenly, her eyes lit up!

The reason why Ye Li had failed  was not only because he had not obtained the secret map of the Imperial  Guards, but also because someone had long since discovered his clandestine  plans.

That person was none other than the  next Emperor of the Yue country—emperor Yue Wu.

This person was originally an unfavored  prince of the current Emperor of Yue. However, he was very ambitious. Not only  was he secretly managing his own forces, he was also instigating trouble  everywhere, wanting to reap the benefits from the messy state of affairs.

After investigation, he  discovered that the Ye Residence was not guarded normally, instead it was  heavily guarded. So, he had guessed that there was a conspiracy stirring  inside the residence.

In order to sneak into the Ye  Residence, he sold himself to be a slave and lurked in secret for two years.

In the end, when Ye Li and Zhao  w.a.n.g were both caught in a dispute, only then did he turn the tables on them  and revealed his ident.i.ty, forsaking his fake ident.i.ty as Ye Li"s subordinate.

Knowing every detail of their plans, he had settled the rebellion in one fell swoop!

According to the current events,  this person should already be at the Ye Residence. As long as she could find  him, no matter if she was to cooperate with him or threaten him, she would be  able to use him to save Mo Linyuan and have him escape from the residence of  that grand Official Liu!

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