Our Glamorous Time

Chapter 11

Late morning.

Sunlight looked like sc.r.a.ps gold, spread on the Ai Da building, on the marble floor of the s.p.a.cious and clean lobby, reflecting sparkling gloss. Around the gardens, neatly trimmed, green leaf petals hung just sprinkled with dewdrops, glinting in the sunlight.

Downstairs, representative of Administration Manager stood with a group of employees, dressed in suits, holding flowers, standing in front of the building, highly antic.i.p.ative.

Upstairs, through almost every window, through the Venetian blinds, there are people looking out now and then.

The two young ladies from the General Manager’s office, of course, can’t sit still, and kept on looking out all morning. Whispering and speculating about the second son that never appeared in public, and just who he was.

Lin Qian was affected by their whimsical mood, and also subconciously looked through the windowe window.

Finally, it was 10 o’clock in the morning, as was scheduled.

Several black cars, lined up in long lines coming from the highway, and was headed by Gu Yanzhi in that Cadillac and followed by an Audi. They drove into the group compound, and then neatly parked in the parking lot.

The two girls had a direct view of all of this. Lin Qian, with her chin in her palm, also watched.

Soon, the people got down in their cars, they were the managers of each Department. Gu Yanzhi got out from Cadillac’s pa.s.senger seat, in a smart suit.

Then a manager came, respectfully open the rear door.

“He” got off.

Black suit, white shirt, dark polished court shoes. Young man with black hair, tall and striking even in a crowd.

Gu Yanzhi lead him to the public sector manager, surrounded him, and walked towards the gate of the building. After a brief burst of sound, the calm was restored – they took the lift to the top floor.


Lin Qian today had a lot of work.

Press Conference was over, but she also needed to pay close attention to the situation of compet.i.tors.

Xin Baori was indeed the industry leader, reacting faster than expected. It announced early this morning and held a news conference in the evening. Si Meiqi remain silent for the time being, but according to what Chen Zheng said, soon … …

“Ai Da Conference” was hot of the press, and had climbed to first place overnight. There was also negative feedback, accusations they were for show. But this was only a very small number, the compet.i.tors still couldn’t rule them out as compet.i.tion. The mainstream media and on the internet, were all praise.

Lin Qian estimated that, this time, there would be an improvement in Ai Da’s declining sales.

But it would only be a little bit.

A successful public relations crisis that would completely turn over the bad situation of the company was a myth. It would not happen.

“Lin Qian jie[1].” The young girl called Song Xianxian turned around in her seat and looked at her, “I heard that the new boss is talking to each head of department, one by one.”

Another girl named Yang Xiru also exclaimed: “Yes, Lin Qian jie, they may also call you out!”

Lin Qian paused writing for a moment, and looked up and laughed: “Well, we’ll see, let’s wait for the boss to call.”

Song Xianxian smiled and nodded, saying yes.

She understood their feelings, as Lin Qian watched their eyes fevered in antic.i.p.ation. They had recently started working, and everything was new to them, and they were eager. She herself felt come over a bit.

After she was released from the Working Group, she had basically become the supervisor, and had the two girls reporting to her, sharing her job requirements. Lin Qian saw where their intentions were fixed, and felt a bit soft-hearted. So she went with the flow, trusting their dedication. Although she only had only three years’ worth of work experience, but compared to the two fresh graduates, she was an experienced senior.

But the moment they provoked, “the new boss” topic, Lin Qian was absorbed in her work, and so was a little out of it.

While working, she naturally thought of last night.

Well, last night.

Last night, after a phone call from Lin Mochen, as Lin Qian lay against Li Zhicheng’s back, between heaven and Earth, she heard only one sound–her heartbeat: “THUMP, THUMP … …”

“Put me down.” She said.

The rumoured boss suddenly stopped. She let go, so she slowly slid down from his back, then straightened from the waist.

She immediately took a step sideways right, stay right beside him, not standing at a disrespectful distance.

The lights were dimmed down, his eyes looked at her. Neat black coat, emphasizing his broad shoulders, narrow waist and straight slender figure. And that handsome face was pale, dark eyes shining in silence.

Lin Qian didn’t know what to say.

But he said, is still a cool voice.

“Why … …” he said, in measured tones, “are you not getting  back on?”

Lin Qian felt her head fill with a gentle “buzz” sound.

He asked why, he asks why she’s not getting on his back.

d.a.m.n it. Is it that he’s just being a good Samaritan as the courageous soldier he is and doesn’t understand why she’s rejecting him like this? Or had he heard him on the phone and knew that she knew he was the boss, and was testing her?

Looked at his dark eyes, Lin Qian felt she could see through him.

“Because … … I remembered something else, and the wound does not hurt that much now, so I do not wish to bother you.” Lin Qian gave a perfunctory excuses, completely impeccable, with a sweet smile at him,” How about you go back and have a rest? ”

Well … … Such wording is perfect, whether when he was a security guard or a BOSS, it’s pa.s.sable.

His eyes stared at her for a moment.

“Hmm.” He put his hands into his pockets, “See you tomorrow.”

Lin Qian smiled as well: “See you tomorrow.”

He turned back, and strode out, still calm and with a quiet poise and walked towards the back entrance. Lin Qian watched his retreating back, her face still smiling, then suddenly froze.

He just said, “See you tomorrow”?

They don’t meet daily. Was his sentence simply etiquette, or did it have some other meaning?

Lin Qian stood still, her heart a mess again.

She thought that surely, she was thinking too much, if the “taciturn anti-social soldier security guard” = “heir to the director-general”. This fact battered against her state of mind, making her nervous. Surely he must have no other meaning.

Today a work, they received a message. Not only her, but all sectors, all employees got the message–the new President will soon visit, everyone must quickly get ready to meet him.

See you tomorrow, see you tomorrow is really. BOSS says is true, and greeted frank with her.



“The new president is quiet ostentatious ah.” Song Xianxian exclaimed witnessing the earlier event.

Yang Xiru said: “Yes ah! The feeling’s quite awesome.”

Lin Qian listening, thought: Of course, he would be so pompous, if she were in the position she would make the same arrangement. The group was now teetering and in moments of crisis, leaders tried to maintain standards wherever they go, in order to give employees confidence.

As she thought of that, her mind involuntarily flashed to the night Li Zhicheng sat across from her to eat sweet potatoes, look tall, with his cap, calm expression, his jaw distinct as he chewed.

Obviously, he was not a bit high-handed person, at most cold.

But now, no matter what kind of person he is, he has been ended up the highest position, so that all the people of Ai Da were looking up to him.

She had to look up too.


Late in the afternoon, the head of each Department was said to have been interviewed, when the phone finally rang on Lin Qian’s table.

It was Gu Yanzhi’s secretary. Li Zhicheng didn’t have a secretary.

“Lin Qian, General Li wants to see you.”

As she re-entered the top Executive Office area, Lins Qian’s heart “beat” became more of a dance, a little bit excited inside.

Li Zhicheng had appointed her as a.s.sistant to the President on the public relations crisis, she still had not grasped it.

Tapping the deep brown paulownia wood doors, there was a clear and familiar voice: “Come in.”

Lin Qian from the door, her face bloomed into a beautiful smile like a television anchorwoman.

After taking one step inside, however, she was stunned.

A young man was standing in front of a picturesque wall-to-wall window, the window showing the sunset fall over the horizon, forming a majestic and gentle background. While his hands were in his suit pockets, the whole person was very pretty. And when he heard the footsteps, he turned, Lin Qian was able to see him.

Cap brim no longer covered his eyes, black hair short and neat. Sophisticated black handmade suit and white pressed shirt, emphasizing his clear, intelligent black eyes more clearly. So clear that when he coldly stared at Lin Qian, her heart began to mimic “b.u.t.terflies” by jumping.

When he was wearing a duffel coat and when he was wearing a suit, entirely different aura.

Lin Qian, stood composed, it seems … … effortlessly there was somewhat of a silence between them.

Lin Qian came to the centre, smiled and spoke up: “Li Zong, h.e.l.lo.”

The smile was one she specifically practiced in the mirror last night. Forthright, sincere, with something of a sense of joy, the meaning of joy being–so you’re the new President, being your subordinate was fated.

Of course, in fact, she was much more embarra.s.sed and awkward far more than pleased.

But Li Zhicheng didn’t hear, still with those big dark eyes, kept looking at her.

Room was silent, and they stood at a distance.

Lin Qian suddenly felt uneasiness.

“Mistaken your ident.i.ty before, I am sorry.” She said again, smiling coyly, politely, and elegantly.

This time, the boss finally spoke, voice still calm and clear.

But Lin Qian had never expected that he would speak slowly: “Lin Qian, you don’t have to … … pretend to be naive.”[2]

Lin Qian temple, started bursting again with a “chug” and a jump.

What did he say? “Pretending to be honest”? Does she give the impression that she is dishonest and cunning?

s.h.i.t dammit!

His black eyes looked heavily, Lin Qian watch out to see whether he was just upset, or whether he was playing a joke on her.

Or really he was being very sincere and was telling her: don’t pretend to be honest, just being average was good enough.

Despite her heart feeling parched due to the incomparable confusion, Lin Qian’s face remained as calm and smiling as before, as she retorted quite quickly: “Li Zong, I am naturally like this.” Even though as soon as the words left her mouth she was horrified at herself.

Sure enough, there seemed to a smile which flashed in Li Zhicheng’s eyes, although his expression remained unchanged.

He came over and sat down on the couch. His hands rested on his knees, slender, the bone is clear.


Lin Qian behaved herself and sat down.

The two people was quiet for a moment, then he raised his eyes and looked at her: “At the present, which main points should I focus on in the work?”

Lin Qian instantly knew what he was asking, strike one.

She very clearly understood the distinct positions such as the Director’s a.s.sistant, Director’s secretary, although the job description were laid out in manuals, but how you could provide the most a.s.sistance through each position depended from person to person.

If you had no ability, your position would be low, and your existence would not be of unique value, you could easily be subst.i.tuted out. If you had the abilities, you had to do the “low” work, but you could also get a.s.signed to “high” work, and from time to time display your “flashes” of intelligence, becoming indispensible. And others, from the Group’s Vice President down to the ordinary people, think highly of you.

Li Zhicheng asked the question, how could she not feel happy?

She pondered for a moment, and after calculating what her gut agreed with, spoke up: “Li Zong, I thought about the question. Once upon a time, when Xin Baori, Ai Da and Si Meiqi were the only three, Ai Da was based on excellence of product quality. Now, although we may encounter temporary difficulties, the foundation is still very good, is not without a chance of redemption. But how to restore this, I don’t have a point of view.

Market is always first come first serve, the good are getting better, the bad worse. We cannot easily catch up Xin Baori and Si Meiqi, when they robbed from us market share with tenacity like iron.

So, I think, we have to quickly fight a battle. Since the successful carcinogen crisis management just took place, this is a very good time, and if we can find a suitable opportunity in time, we can rebound.”

Finishing her pa.s.sage she lifted eyes to see Li Zhicheng looking at her. But he was still the same, cold and indifferent.

What were the most subordinates afraid of? Not knowing how the wind is blowing, not being able to understand their leader’s mind.

Lin Qian felt she a rush of grief since she suffered from the worst end of this, because her Boss apparently had facial paralysis.

After she thought for a while, she decided to finally decided to give the cheeky answer, showing both her good faith, as well as to pander to his likes. She said: “Li Zong, if this is war, I want to be your deputy, your personal soldier, to help you advance courageously.”[3]

As expected, the method of adapting to someone’s taste[4] was eternally appropriate[5].  When she used the military-esque idiom, she was finally able to get a reaction out of him.

He raised his eyebrows, looking at her eyes, seeming to be clearer and sharper than before.

Beside that, his lips even slightly curved as an extremely rare glimmer of a light smile emerged.

“Hmm. We’ll stop here for today.[6]” He said,” I will consider your advice – deputy general.”


By the time Chen Zheng returned home, it was already close to 12 o’clock.

He did not go back to his room, but to the villa’s upsatairs study, and saw his father Chen Yanmin sitting in it, holding the Group’s financial statements.

Chen Yanmin had worked hard since he was a teenager, building his empire of Si Meiqi, which Chen Zheng was now inheriting. Despite being rich, his character was completely different from his son. Even past 50 years, he was never interested in beautiful women, or cars, or anything. Only loved money. His greatest pleasure was inventorying his a.s.sets every day. He was only ever generous to his son, others expected not even a dime from him. Thus he had the nickname “Chen Tiegong”[7]

Sitting down opposite his father, he tore his tie off and threw it on the desk, pale and agitated.

Chen Yanmin looks up at him from behind the books: “You managed alright?”

He was referring naturally to the carcinogens scandal. Chen Zheng nodded and ranted: “Ai Da is blind!”

Chen Yanmin: “What’s your plan?”

Chen Zheng laughed: “They built so much momentum, necessarily wanted to stage a comeback. I’m waiting for it. I’ve given the Vice President in charge of marketing orders—if Ai Da is to think of any product or any breakthrough on the market, trying to regain market share, then we shall pay any price, thoroughly beat them to death. ”

But Chen Yanmin caught his eye, said flatly: “Son, you’re in the wrong direction. ”

Chen Zheng was dumbfounded.

Chen Yanmin smiled and said: “It seems that on the battlefield where you can’t even tell they were unclear. This man called Li Zhicheng, if he’s willing to stage such a show, clearly he’s a daring person.”

Chen Zheng listening attentively.

Chen yan-min said: “I doubt such a person will slowly try to catch up with you. Instead he’ll wear you down, fighting persistently. He wants to eat, and will certainly be more than you expected, you can’t take it lightly. And now that industry is at a turning point, can you allow this man to take you down, who even with a single stuttering step of yours will turn over his fortune.”

Chen Zheng’s face slowly changed: “You mean … … Ming sheng’s 40 million-worth largest order?

Chen Yanmin nodded.

Chen Zheng was silent for a moment, then slowly smiled: “Ai Da’s balance sheet, currently cannot even match one-fifth of ours. I thought they wouldn’t be able to come, but if they do, then quite simply, I will use brute force—I’ll put out best product to Ming Sheng, even as prices have dropped to the lower, so low that Ai Da will be unable to bear it. Even if we lose money, we’ll monopolise the project and not allow them to cross. I’ll wait until they are dead and kicked out of the market, then we’ll resume making money.”

Chen Yanmin finally pleased, nodded: “very well. ”

[1] Jie is the counterpart to Ge, meaning older sister. Like in many Asian countries, you don’t have to be blood related to them to call them uncle/auntie/older brother/older sister. It’s just respectful to call someone that way if they’re older to you.

[2] Ok, so the joke here (as best as I can make it) is that the phrase he uses is 老实(lǎoshi) which can mean either honest/ sincere, or open and guileless/ naïve. So he’s trying to tell her not to act to naïve, but she thinks he’s telling her to not be acting like she’s honest.

[3] She uses the idiom 一往无前 (yīwǎngwúqián) which means to advance courageously (idiom) or to press forward.

[4] She actually uses an idiom in the previous paragraph as well as here: 投其所好 (tóuqísuǒhào) which means to adapt to somebody’s taste or to fit sb’s fancy.

[5] Another idiom, 放之四海而皆准 (fàngzhīsìhǎi’érjiēzhǔn) meaning appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable or a panacea.

[6] Thank you Lily for your help!

[7] This can mean iron/hard/strong/violent/unshakeable/determined duke.

So what did you all think of the artful dodger? She has such a silver tongue… her descriptions for her boss keep on getting better. I remember the first time I read the facial paralysis line I choked on my tea with laughter XD Also, btw, you all don’t simply have to reply only to the questions I pose~ You can pick apart any part of the story and I’ll join in ^u^

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