Our Glamorous Time

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The moon was bright and the stars spa.r.s.e, the room filled with scant light.

Lin Qian was in her pyjamas, one hand cupping her chin, as she sat cross-legged on the bed.

In a daze.

“I believe in you.” The low and cool voice, as if hovering over her, drilled every, every word lightly into her head.

She had to admit that she felt a bit off.

Actually, ever since he had said “Someone suggested the Ming Sheng project to me,” she had felt off.

When he said “I have made the decision”, the more obvious that uncomfortable feeling became.

Finally when he had lightly thrown out three heavy words: “I believe in you.”, Lin Qian finally clearly recognized that this feeling of being unwell from head to foot, but simultaneously feeling happy, was the feeling that was called “overwhelmed by favour from a superior”[1].

Of course, over the years, wherever she went, she was pretty popular, and the “pet”. At university she was the teacher’s left arm, right arm, the backbone of the community; when Si Meiqi had an excellent performance for three consecutive years, even the company’s Boss Chen Zheng had taken her to be the “pet”…

But now she was being the “pet” of someone like Li Zhicheng, it would be different.

He has no experience in the business world, and is less talk and more soldier. She had never seen him acknowledge any other subordinate, and to her alone he had said “I believe you.” It made Lin Qian feel the heavy weight.

Lin Qian had the strangest feeling, like she had suddenly become a “sycophant courtier”. Wasn’t it so? The master was young as easily bullied. Just because they met her before he had joined the company, he admired her talent and personality. Since then because of these various circ.u.mstances, he relied on her more than others, distorting the facts… Within Lin Qian’s mind, a preposterous, very ambitious thought flickered, and of course, she instantly flung it aside.

Anyway, this had become a good opportunity for her to become important to Ai Da.
As she thought this, her mind became set, and she picked up the phone, dialling Lin Mochen.

After listening to her request, Lin Mochen chuckled: “Why?” You worked at Si Meiqi for three years, and whatever the difficulties, you never opened up to me to for help from me. Now you’ve only been a Zhuli at Ai Da to the President for three days now, and I’m to step in and help your boss stand on his feet?”

Lin Qian “hehe”d a small laugh: “I’ve got everything under control, don’t you trust my judgment?”


The next morning.

Lin Qian sat in her seat, her hand ready with a «Ming Sheng Project Plan».

As Xue Mingtao said yesterday, and as the plan also mentioned, now the biggest problem would be establishment of customer relationships. And in customer relationships the most critical, of course, was the other party.

Ming Sheng was a big player which worked with large State-owned enterprises, and its senior leaders were also prominent figures in the domestic market. Even a company at Ai Da’s level, being in the public sector, could not match this.

Right now, the upper level managers were working on bidding online for the project, something that required time and opportunity. The worst case scenario would be that they would be outbid, letting the opportunity slip from their hands.
At this time, Xue Mingtao with a few marketing managers exited from Li Zhicheng’s office. They would quickly have lunch. Lin Qian stared at an empty office, and then knocked on the door.

Li Zhicheng did not sit behind the desk, instead sitting in the middle of the couch, arms resting on his knees, fingers crossed, holding his chin, meditating.

It was rare to see him so much thinking like this, so Lin Qian went in softly, first picking up the several cups of tea on the table, as well as the XXL military cup, to which she added hot water, and handed to him.

He raised his eyes looked at her, quietly waiting for her to open her mouth.

Lin Qian smile: “Li Zong, for the Ming Sheng project, maybe I can……” just then, there was a knock and the office door opened, and Gu Yan walked in. Even after seeing the two of them, his face registered no change, and he simply sat down in the sofa next to Li Zhicheng, and said: “Came to further discuss that matter.”

Li Zhicheng did not answer, instead looking to Lin Qian: “Finish speaking.” Gu Yanzhi also raised an eyebrow toward her.

Lin Qian paused, straight to the point: “My brother is in the United States, and he does investment work. His original inaugural DP investment group was to aid Ming Sheng with their foreign shareholders, his relationship with them is still pretty good. I think if it is convenient, you can let him contact on our behald, he may be able to arrange for Li Zong to meet a Ming Sheng Group senior.”

She had still not finished, see Gu Yanzhi clear bright eyes twinkling. Lin Qian knew he was conveying that she had hit upon a headache area for them, and covertly rejoiced.

Both looked to Li Zhicheng.

He had straightened up, leaning on the sofa, face calm and serene, but having no expression of obvious joy. He seemed to be weighing her suggestion.

However, after a brief silence, his deep voice spoke up: “I don’t need to bring in your relationship.” He was still a little stubborn, it seemed.

Lin Qian froze.

Gu Yanzhi hesitated, he and Lin Qian glanced at each other, then with a playful smile on his face, he said: “Lin Qian, Li Zong is still accustomed to army, have not turned to the business side. His least favourite thing is to use… Err… nepotistic methods.”

Lin Qian: “……”


Gu Yanzhi tone was that of speaking a half-truth and a half-falsity, so Lin Qian could not tell whether he was being serious or not. But surely Li Zhicheng would not joke about such matters, right?

She looked to Li Zhicheng. He was looking at her.

Lin Qian: “I make this suggestion, because it is a fast and easy way. But…… ”

His dark eyes were like a bottomless Lake, as Lin Qian, his previous words to her, “I believe you”, strongly warmed her heart up.

“But what?” He was rarely the one to open the questions.

Lin Qian watched him, and quietly answered, “… … And, since time immemorial, nepotism is the best and most practical way.”

Gu Yanzhi went blank for a second, and then guffawed.

Li Zhicheng’s eyes also went blank for a second, and then a slight smile appeared on his face, his thin lips in a rare quirk, and his austere facial features were soft for a few minutes.

Lin Qian’s face heated up in a moment.

Gu Yanzhi laughed and stood up: “Okay, since Lin Qian herself is offering this, we should be grateful. Zhicheng, no matter what more you decide, Lin Qian’s knight is the best move we can use. Lin Qian will be in charge of this.”

Li Zhicheng nothing, and Lin Qian did not see his face. Instead she crisply answered “Yes!” and went out.


Since his only little sister so seldom opened her mouth to ask for a favour, Lin Mochen could do nothing but his absolute best for her. No sooner had Lin Qian exited from her office that she received a phone call from Lin Mochen “It’s decided, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock.”

Lin Qian immediately tried to b.u.t.ter up: “Gege, you are so great!” But at the same time, she was thinking: “Dammit, you’re so bossy. What if Li Zhicheng refuses?” To Lin Mochen it was clear: if his little sister was bestowing such kindness, Ai Da’s boss should be receiving it gratefully… He should be extremely grateful!

According to Lin Mochen said, Ming Sheng’s Kang Zhizong was General Manager of the group, who would travel back from Beijing at noon tomorrow. Lin Qian calculated, that brother this time quite right: Kang Zhizong, would arrive at the Office at probably two or three in the afternoon, so they could go in to see him then. Minh Sheng’s employees worked till 5:30, so it would certainly not anyone behind schedule or anything else, even if they talked for about one to 1.5 hours, has been difficult to get and very adequate.

She lingered for a moment on the seat, before looking for the two bosses and report it to them. Gu Yanzhi flew into joy as was his nature, and immediately called the marketing people over. Li Zhicheng took a look at her and said nothing.

Lin Qian kept thinking, ah he really didn’t want to, right?

He ought to be willing though… after all, the circ.u.mstances were so overwhelming.


Xue Mingtao exited with several subordinates from the President’s Office again. Only this time, their face were significantly happier. Lin Qian looked up and smiled at them politely, but Xue Mingtao went to her front, extended his hand: “Lin Zhuli, Li Zong spoke of you, thank you so much! You solved the big problem of our marketing department. ”

Lin Qian was suddenly smiling and standing up.

Hey, was Boss praising her again?

As they left Lin Qian secretly peeked into the ajar door. Didn’t plan to go? Was his lordship’s heart pleased or not?

At this point, he seemed to notice her movements, and a cold voice came from inside: “You come in.”

Lin Qian went through the door, and saw Li Zhicheng at the table, as he turned and looked at her.

Lin Qian smile: “Li Zong, is something the matter?”

He made no answer. He seemed to be pondering for a moment, and then he turned to her.

Golden light of dusk fell through the window. His face is a clear and bright as if light waves radiated from him, as his eyes, nose, thin lips and sharp and soft and glossy.

He walked up to in front of her until he was a step apart and stood, looking straight at her.

His eyes were a very dark deep, utterly pitch black, his visage giving away no expression. Lin Qian slowly stood up: What was he doing coming so close? Before, he had always acted like such a stranger, never coming close, right?

Under his sharp gaze, she composed herself.

“Why do you help me so much?” A deep calm voice.

Lin Qian hesitated for a moment, then forthrightly answered: “Because you are worth it.[2]”

He looked down at her, his eyes seemed to be quieter.

“Thank you, Lin Qian.”

Lin Qian blinked.

Just to say thank you, Ah … …

Lin Qian let her head bow down as she noticed the small gap between the two bodies, then raised her head and looked straight into a pair of clear, chilled eyes.

Boss, you’ve lately been walking so much to express thanks, are you really a big fan of showing your grat.i.tude in such a formal way?

Really … … he was truly thankful.

Looking at his crystal clear eyes, she paused for a moment.

How to deal with being praised by Boss was truly workplace performance art. You could not be showing arrogant complacency, but you could not be too self-effacing either.

Lin Qian slowly straightened her back, and waved a pretty hand in military salute: “Major, it is my pleasure.”

Sure enough, flattery was the best policy.

Li Zhicheng dark eyes twinkled, and he smiled faintly.

Lin Qian laughed.

It was said that a subordinate ought also have the ability to manage their own superiors. Could it be said she was a good manager then?

A man with facial paralysis, today she had made him smile twice.

She was feeling covertly satisfied, when suddenly he spoke again: “I will return your favours. In the future.”


Soon, it was tomorrow afternoon.

A Cadillac was smoothly driving in the city. Lin Qian sat shotgun, and Xue Mingtao was driving. Gu Yanzhi and Li Zhicheng were naturally in the back seat.

Cars drove into the CBD West District, lined with buildings on both sides, and saw the Ming Sheng headquarters’ skysc.r.a.pers, dark and heavy.

At the Ming Sheng reception, the Deputy Director emerged from his office. A skinny man in his 40s, he had an air of mildness, not too fiery and nor too hot, and quite courteous. After both sides exchanged greetings, he led them near the General Manager’s office at the top, to a small meeting room.

“Please wait a moment, Kang Zong will call you in soon.” He said.

They repeatedly said, “Of course”, and the manager went into the office.

They had arrived early, it was still 3.45. The room was quiet, and the four men looked at each other. Gu Yan was the first to laugh, to Li Zhicheng he said: “Li Zong has always needed to speak more, I’ve overheard that Kang Zong comes from a technical background, he doesn’t speak much either, so our meeting will be quite silent.”

Lin Qian and Xue Mingtao laughed. Li Zhicheng raised my eyebrows, said flatly: “Very good, he is like-minded, knowing that silence is golden.”

He said it in such a deadpan that Lin Qian and Xue Mingtao stumbled, at a loss. Until they saw Gu Yanzhi laughing even more, and then they both could react: Was… … BOSS was making a joke? Then they immediately join in laughing.

But even after laughing about it, what Gu Yanzhi had said was indeed what Lin Qian had been fearing. When all was said and done, it was a matter of King versus King. It did not matter whether it was small king versus big king. One could hope that Boss’ money and power would make him capable, but it wasn’t realistic. How this meeting would turn out, she really had no way of knowing.

The time pa.s.sed minute by minute.

At four o’clock, the door opened again, and it was the Deputy Director. Lin Qian, as well as everyone else stood up, and Xue Mingtao smiled and asked: “Can we proceed?”

He smiled apologetically: “Sorry, Li Zong, Kang Zong has been wrapped up in another meeting, and I dare not disturb him.”

Gu Yanzhi immediately replied: “That’s OK, we will wait, thank you.”

The Director smiled and nodded, backing out.

However, this wait extended till 4.40. Gu Yanzhi was unable to sit still, and sent Xue Mingtao to rush twice, but each time he came back with a negative response. Li Zhicheng was still calm of face and deep of breath. Lin Qian felt vaguely anxious.

Ming Sheng’s working hours were till 5:30, however, looking at Kang Zong’s schedule, he also had a dinner in the evening, and would have to leave from work, which meant he would be leaving in less than 40 minutes.

This was indeed an extraordinarily bad beginning. The senior they were about to meet for the first time today was very important, and if they would not leave a deep impression, their  future would not necessarily have a second meeting. Kang Zong could not be expected to play favourite to them.

Why was it so bad? It was true that he was a hard person to catch hold of, but when cutting in line, would someone really take this long?

Seeing as it was almost five o’clock, Lin Qian stood up: “I’ll go to the bathroom” She had just opened the door to go out when she saw people in suits coming out from the other side of the Hall. It was in the same direction as the General Manager’s office. And the whole party was headed by, if not the Chen Zheng, standing head and shoulder above everyone else, looking bright and smart, with a smile stretching from ear to ear, then who?

He turned around and shook hands with the Deputy Director: “Mr Liao, thank you very much, you do not need to see us off. We were very glad to meet with Kang Zong today, thank you for your time. I will find time to have tea with you another time.”

The Deputy Director’s face blossomed like a flower as he laughed: “No, no, Mr Chen is too polite, I will see you off.”

Chen Zheng suddenly became aware of something, and looked up over to the Lin Qian’s direction. Lin Qian was standing at the front, and could not avoid his gaze.

Chen Zheng was not surprised that she would appear here, and his lips slightly curled up as they all decided to go.


At this point, Minh Sheng’s General Manager Kang Zhi Cong sat on a wide sofa in his office, rubbing the s.p.a.ce between his eyebrows.

He was an entrepreneur, around 50 years of age, face severe and spirit st.u.r.dy. He was usually reserved, but anyone who knew him knew, that the engineer-turned-boss, in fact has a lot of ideas regarding management and development, and most were quite positive.

The procurement project was one that would involve about 30 companies, as well as tens of thousands of people, integrating them in the business. In his view, the integration of the companies and staff was one of, if not the, most important aspect.

He’d been in early contact with Xin Baori and Si Meiqi for quite some time. Xin Baori, although of good quality, and were the first choice, but they provided products for a number of State-owned enterprises, and their prices were relatively high, and the quote they gave Ming Sheng would not be reduced. Thus they had been excluded.

Although Si Meiqi was inferior to Xin Baori, but they were willing to provide them with the best products, and had repeatedly promised to be the most favourable price. As far as the matter of Chen Zheng was concerned, although he had not thought too highly of him in the beginning, and still regarded him as unstable, but after being in further contact, had decided he would do. And, since the other administrators ‘ evaluation of Si Meiqi and Chen Zheng were also good, he was inclined to give projects to him.

Chen Zheng said there was important work to see him today, and hence he had scheduled the appointment. Upon meeting, the first matter had been concerning the core products that were to be offered; the second, a gift of a book of antique qipu.[3]

He turned over a few pages and was fascinated by it. He had to say, this young lad had given a gift that was very close to his heart.

As for foreign shareholders who had arranged for him to meet with Ai Da? He had heard that the company was going into bankruptcy, and didn’t know if this foreign shareholder was earnestly advising him for not. So for now, he would tentatively give them a look.


By the time Gu Yanzhi and Li Zhicheng entered the office, the clock read 5.05.

Since then, Lin Qian had been sitting in the small lobby, separated by a door, looking into the distance as the office door stayed tightly locked, and chanted in her heart: come out slowly, come out slowly … …

Indeed, she was really afraid that they would sit for only ten minutes, was before coming out. As part of her heart worried, the rest of it scolded Chen Zheng. What a simple and effective tactic he had used, to talk so long with General Manager Kang. After all, General Manager Kang had sat in an aircraft for most of his day, most certainly he was very tired at the moment. If he had a dinner at 5.30, at most he could spare about 25 minutes.

Soon it would be 5:30. Lin Qian was unable to take her eyes off the door.

Finally the deputy director took notice of the time and softly knocked on the door. He poked his head and quickly spoke a few words to someone before retreating.

Huh … …

Lin Qian and Xue Mingtao gave each other a glance, but did not speak.

5.45, they still did not appear.

At six o’clock, they still did not appear. The Deputy Director went to knock at the door once, and like the last time, quietly withdrew. Lin Qian saw him go into the Office, pick up the phone, and postpone the dinner.

Lin Qian and Xue Mingtao got a bit excited. Were they having a good chat? Also, even if Li Zhicheng was not good at words, Gu Yanzhi in his was an old fox of the business world, maybe he knew how to get to General Manager Kang’s heart.

6:30, also did not appear.

Until seven o’clock, no one appeared, until a “click” sound was heard, and the door was pushed open. Gu Yanzhi came out first, all smiles, then Li Zhicheng, and between his indifferent eyes hung a faint smile, and he seemed to immediately look up and glance in her direction. Finally out came Kang Zhizong, who personally saw them off with a smile.

Chapter 14

What would you define as a meatpie falling from heaven?

Lin Qian was feeling an unspeakable excitement at the moment.

General Manager Kang had finally gone to the dinner, but had not invited them to come along. But 2 hours of conversation, it was enough!

As the car drove on the day gradually fell into the night, the bright lights outside the window reflecting in the eyes of everyone in the car. Gu Yanzhi had a smile on his face, a rich and mellow expression, like one would use to describe a mellow wine. He relaxed against the seat, picked up a bottle of mineral water and drank a sip, before finally speaking to Lin Qian and Xue Mingtao, and telling what happened about their “impossible mission”:

“Your Li Zong played two matches of chess with Kang Zong. The 50-plus CEO with white hair who is always featured on Forbes Fortune 500 was left a shattered mess. This didn’t rest well with Kang Zong, so he wants to meet on the weekend to have a rematch.”

“Ah!” Lin Qian and Xue Mingtao both let out their held breaths at the same time at the pleasant surprise, both impressed. Both pairs of eyes stared at the back of Li Zhicheng’s seat. He was sitting, straight as a pine tree, long legs crossed, looking out the window at the night. He still maintained his cold and calm att.i.tude, no look of joy or contentment on his face. Just, perhaps due to the well-heated office, there was a faint flush on his handsome face which had yet to recede completely.

Xue Mingtao who was no less than Gu Yanzhi as an old fox of the business world, immediately opened and closed his mouth, expressing their feelings of admiration and surprise. Lin Qian knew that as an elder of the company, Xue Mingtao had no need to curry favour or b.u.t.ter up his bosses, and thus whatever praise fell from his lips would be sincere.

But … … Recalling the information her brother gave her, there seemed to be no reference to her Boss being good at playing chess. Of course, it wasn’t necessary that her brother had all the information.

So, was today a case of a blind cat running into a mouse and killing it accidentally?

As she was thinking about this, she subconsciously once again looked into the rearview mirror at Li Zhicheng. In her heart, she said “Boss, you’re really good at keeping a silent appearance, and need not speak. In any case, you have a lot of useful and pragmatic features, so it’s enough. HAHAHAHA~

At the same time, Li Zhicheng, who was staring out the window suddenly turned his eyes, his dark eyes meeting hers in the mirror.

Lin Qian gracefully smiled.

And his handsome face appeared clear, his gaze profound and shining.

Lin Qian was just about to look away, but saw the corners of his lips curl up slightly, as he quietly gave a slight smile to her.

Lin Qian’s heart thumped, her cheeks blushing a little.

Oh… so this taciturn and handsome boss had quietly, on his own, done such a great thing, had by himself given her a smile… wasn’t he overwhelming her with favours.

Lin Qian smiled at him, before turning her gaze away.

Gu Yanzhi said: “By my estimation, next week we should receive Ming Sheng’s letters of tender. However……” He suddenly turned, his face pale: “Si Meiqi and Ming Sheng’s connections seem to go pretty deep.”

Lin Qian and Xue Mingtao were quiet.

Indeed, until their appointed time, Cheng Zhen had stayed with General Manager Kang, and that too for hours. To say that their relationship was close was an understatement.

The four people made haste and had dinner on the road, before quickly heading back to Ai Da.

As they got off the car, Gu Yanzhi grasped Li Zhicheng’s hand and said “Leader, now you’re your responsibility to play your game of chess and gain experience. Leave the rest to us.”

Li Zhicheng smiled “En.”

After Gu Yanzhi finished speaking, he went with Xue Mingtao to the marketing department. Lin Qian was behind Li Zhicheng, going to the top floor. She knew that what Gu Yanzhi meant by what he said earlier, their high-level relationship needed to get off to a good start, and this time, they’d bend over backwards, getting through to have the better relationship and compete with Si Meiqi.

This was the battlefield of marketers, more intense and with more murky intrigue.


The night deepened.

After Lin Qian got back to her seat, she put her things away, and then looked at the time to see that it was past 8.

Li Zhicheng had shut himself inside his office after returning, and was very quiet.

She knocked to go inside.

Not surprisingly, he was sitting at the back near the bookcase, reading up on sector and market information for Ai Da. After interacting with him for so long, Lin Qian felt that he was he resolutely devoted to bringing Ai Da back. Now looking at his handsome young face in the falling light, his jet-black eyebrows slightly moved. Originally, she was going to ask him if he needed anything, but looking at him, she instead filled his green army mug with hot water and left.

Lin Qian demanded from her own self to be “the absolute perfect a.s.sistant”. So if the leader did not leave, she would not either, so that if he wanted her, he wouldn’t go to find her and see that she was gone. However, the day had mentally stretched her taut, so she went back to her desk, switched on her computer, and started playing a game.

Without knowing, it was 9:30.

She pushed away the keyboard… … She wanted to go to the bathroom.

All of the other people on the top floor had finished for the day, and even the people at the front desk had gone. All the lights were off, save for the light from the President’s office and some solitary lamps. The huge empty corridor leading to the bathroom seemed even more sinister.

Lin Qian was at a loss for a moment, but she gathered her courage, and with her shoes thumping, rushed to the bathroom.

Until she returned to her seat, her heart did not fall into its usual place. She unconsciously glanced at the President’s office door-


The lights … … were off? The door … … was closed?

Lin Qian immediately got up and lightly pushed at the door- it was locked.

Lin Qian suddenly felt black lines form around her head.

d.a.m.n it … … Her fear of otherworldly demons was deathly, she always needed someone warm-blooded to accompany her.

But in the little while she had taken to go to the bathroom, her Boss had gone out and locked the door on her.

Did he think she sincerely and ardently loved overtime that much?

She lifted her eyes and looked around as the surroundings felt even colder. After being paralysed by fear for a moment, she immediately began packing up.

There was a “Bang” and then a light, which was particularly clear in the solitude of night lights. Lin Qian’s heart trembled as she lifted her eyes and looked, only to see Li Zhicheng with his hands in his pockets, cold face, coming out from the bathroom.

Lin Qian was dazed.

He gave her an expressionless glance, before moving towards the lift.

Walk slowly! Wait for me! Lin Qian shouted wildly in her heart as she immediately began to scurry and switch off the computer, getting her things together. Grabbing her bag, she quickly rushed out.

She could see his back still stand at the lifts, as the light mapped out his tall, straight silhouette, and this steadied Lin Qian’s breathing. Due to her speed at packing up, the lift had yet to arrive, thankfully. Her footsteps gained steadily as step by step she approached him.

“Li Zong, you’re done for the day.” She exchanged greetings, her voice slightly off due to a little shortness of breath.

He didn’t answer, obviously thinking this kind of piffle did not need to be answered. At this time, but he lifted his hand, and pushed the b.u.t.ton to go down.

Lin Qian stared blankly for a second.

So it wasn’t that she moved fast. It was just that he hadn’t pushed the b.u.t.ton?

…… Waiting for her?

Lin Qian’s heart felt a burst of warmth immediately pa.s.s over.

As she got along with him for a few days, this casual cozy feeling, it seemed she experienced it more and more frequently.

Truly he was a good leader, refined to the last drop- she watched his handsome face , as handsome as a sculpture, as she mentally praised him.

The lift door opened, and the two people walked in.

Lin Qian: “Thanks, boss.”

“En.” He grunted, signal received.

The whole way was without words.

As they stepped out of the building, the night was already low and deep, blasts of cold air pressing upon them.

Lin Qian knew that he lived within the company complex, so she gathered her collar around her, and was just about to bade him farewell when his eye was caught by several shapes. She followed his line of sight and was able to see a few familiar figures striding down the avenue, waving.

“Li Zong!”

“Getting of work Commander?!”

“Even Lin Zhuli is here!”

That last one was from Gao Lang, the ex-soldier who now worked in the security department.

Lin Qian smiled sweetly at them.

They stepped forward, nearly surrounding them so she and Li Zhicheng stood in the middle. Gao Lang asked casually, “Lin Qian, we’re going with the Commander for a midnight snack, you’ll come with?”

When they asked this, Li Zhicheng quietly simply stood aside, his expression indifferent. Lin Qian of course refused with a smile: “No thank you, you all go to eat.” Gao Lang was just being polite with her. To go and be out past midnight with these guys, this old group of friends, to drink wine and eat barbeque was something that was too awkward for a refined and gentle girl for her to do. Just as they were about to accept her answer, she heard a sound from the body beside her, as the Commander opened his mouth to speak: “If you’re free, come with us.”

Lin Qian stared blankly for a moment, before brightly smiling and answering “… … All right! Then I will humbly accept your offer and intrude.”[4]


The grand party started walking out of the company complex. Lin Qian naturally walked beside Li Zhicheng, lagging behind by roughly a step, following him.

As for the matter of him opening his mouth to invite her, Lin Qian understood it as thus: he already regarded her as a trusted subordinate, therefore he had invited her into his small circle. Ehehehehe~[5]

The snack place was a small family-run store in the alley.

They had barely sad down when Gao Lang and another soldier started pointing out a variety of dishes: “Owner, a case of beer, and 200 kababs, one hundred cartilage…”

Lin Qian heard and was inwardly horrified and speechless, when she heard a calm, cold and gentle voice, that was especially pleasant to listen to in the surrounding hubbub: “What do you want to eat, tell them.”

Lin Qian turned to take a look. Li Zhicheng sat beside her, he was wearing a black jacket, and his pants and shoes were black, making his figure seem even taller and sterner. His black eyes, as the streetlights. .h.i.t them, seemed ever more clear and pretty.

“I’m good, I don’t wish to choose.” Lin Qian smiled and replied.

A smile seemed to flash in his eyes, but he did not say anything. Lin Qian thought that this definitely must have been her own fault. Boss’ standards of humour were already so high, and besides, she had said nothing interesting.

At the table it was very lively, several of the youths in front of the Li Zhicheng, appeared to have no reserve and recalled camp anecdotes, telling embarra.s.sing things and talking about their work these days, amidst laughter. Lin Qian also looked at them with a smile, and plugged in a sentence here and there, so the atmosphere was very good.

The beer came up, and with “dong”, “dong”, “dong” it was thumped onto the full table, a bottle placed in front of Lin Qian.

“Drink?” the deep and low voice asked.

Lin Qian smiled and hesitated.

If this was a friend’s gathering, of course she would not drink, as she did not like it. But the question now was of the Boss, thinking about it … …

She hesitated for a moment longer, and a pair of hands reached out to in front of her, picked up the bottle of beer, and placed it gently in front of themself. However he slightly raised his head and told Gao Lang, “Give her a yoghurt drink.”

Lin Qian’s heart was touched.

Privately, in contrast to how he was at work, he liked to treat people as he liked eh… … So he was a little overbearing.

I wonder if that is the way he in the army? Casual, reserved and indifferent, and a bit  j□j. Unlike at work, only with those dark eyes staring at you, looking at you like something to be pitied, and with words that were cold and hard.

That was not likely. Lin Qian heart sighed, picked up the bottle, and poured it into the empty gla.s.s before him with it. His eyes glanced at hers quickly.

Lin Qian laughed: “I’ve heard that the trick to pouring beer is to let it flow hugging the walls of cup, I think it really is true.”

As she spoke, everyone followed her hands, and to see if it actually was so? The beer flowed unhurriedly down the cup, and truly, there wasn’t a bit of foam.

Everybody laughed, and even Li Zhicheng smile. Cup filled, Lin Qian lifted her yogurt: “Li Zong, I salute you.”

The men started heckling: “Drink once! Drink once!” “Lin Qian must drink at least once! Commander should drink thrice!”

Lin Qian said: “Ok, ok! As a gesture of good will!” She took yogurt, and as she brought it to her lips, she saw Li Zhicheng sweep over her a glance, before unhurriedly picking up his cup… and drinking it up in one go.

They used draught beer cups that were biting cold in the winter. To put a pint of that away like it was nothing, Lin Qian’s eyes stared ahead fixedly, she really hadn’t planned on irrigating Boss so thoroughly! The men were already burning with anger.

“The Commander is really b.l.o.o.d.y managing it!”

“Miss Lin really has true honour and reputation, Commander usually doesn’t drink!”

Lin Qian “hehe”d a shallow laugh, and just wanted to say “Thanks, boss”, when she heard his indifferent voice say gently: “If she respects wine, I will definitely manage.”

In the noise around them, his words seemed like he was giving a soliloquy, and no one heard him.

However, Lin Qian’s heart skipped a beat.

She raised her head to see him raise up his cup as he sat beside her, and lightly toast with Gao Lang.

Lin Qian’s heart immediately relaxed, and she smiled to herself and thought it was good: Boss was rarely as forthcoming, and it had just suddenly made her cheeks scald and heart race.

Che! What are you thinking?

She immediately caught hold of the strange feeling and pushed it down to the back of her head. This office romance kind of thing would definitely not happen with her.

This was a warm winter’s night. The upright and simple guys laughed and smiled, heckling each other into songs as Lin Qian listened. The podgy round owner with squinty eyes carried tray upon tray of barbeque, which a.s.sailed the nose, to them, trading amusing jabs here and there before turning and being foul-mouthed with his wife. Lin Qian had unnoticingly consumed a lot of barbecued tripe, and was now sitting contentedly, her belly full. She never thought she would eat so much meat past midnight, and was proud that she was living life on the edge. Li Zhicheng stayed quietly beside her, his eyes flashing her a smile now and then. Lin Qian watched as, with the cheerful atmosphere, he also relaxed.

It was already 11, and this time, without Li Zhicheng’s prompting, the soldiers got up and started bustling home. Li Zhicheng walked with her to the end. Just as she was about to turn and go upstairs, he detached himself from the crowd and instructed her: “Tomorrow I will come into the office at eight.”

This meant she would not have to get up at c.o.c.k’s crow. Lin Qian elatedly replied: “Ok, good night.” Then as they started walking, she gave a quick salute and then hurriedly bounded up the stairs while she was still alive.

A group of half-drunk soldiers, crookedly made their way home. Someone who was completely overlooking an concern or apprehension for dignity thumped Li Zhicheng’s shoulders, dazedly saying: “Battalion Commander … … Miss Lin is so beautiful … … ”

Li Zhicheng looked straight ahead and continued to move forward, as he cleared his throat gently: “En … … Not bad.”


The same night, Chen Zheng lay in his own villa, on a KINGSIZE bed, and tossed and turned.

He had already received the news from his person in Ming Sheng group, and he was boiling mad. How had that b.a.s.t.a.r.d managed to skilfully gain such an opportunity from such bad luck? He had carefully researched and spent so much time getting that qipu, and he had just turned out to be a chessmaster?

Even though Chen Zheng had been in contact with Ming Sheng for a while, he did not feel he had successfully cracked down Kang Ming Zong. Kang Ming Zong was notoriously upright, and any gifts did not guarantee a good relationship. Chen Zheng thought of what he could do, as to appease him would not be simple. A Hetian Jade[6] Board? No, it’s too expensive; tickets to go abroad to watch international chess? No, he would not accept.

He had managed to get the qipu a few days back after overhearing experts say that it was on the market, and had thought of it as serendipity and immediately bought it. Even though it was expensive and he wasn’t sure Kang Ming Zong would accept it, he thought he would cross that bridge when they came to it.

Who would have thought … … He was preparing the wedding dress for the other party[7]! He had sent gifts, and Kang Ming Zong see their sincerity, so their relationship was still on the table after all; Li Zhicheng is logical, just like Kang Ming Zong, and by spending two hours deep into his office playing chess, he must have managed to win his confidence. By contrast, Chen Zheng fell under. Next, Li Zhicheng would be Kang Ming Zong’s ageless confidante?

Humph! He looked out the window of dark night, but it doesn’t matter. Kang Ming Zong had simply shown little goodwill, it did not mean that he would love the project. And as far as he was aware, the procurement system and process of Ming Sheng required perfection, even Kang Ming Zong aired his views in the final decision-making, he would only represent less than 10%. After all, they also needed to look at the business strength, and many other aspects of the product.

Si Meiqi had an absolute advantage, he couldn’t lose.


A week later.

Just as Gu Yan thought they received an invitation to bid from Ming Sheng. Of course, they also sent the same to Xin Baori, Si Meiqi and others, six companies in total.

During this period, the marketing elites were also untenable, in hot pursuit to strike, and Xue Mingtao was quoted as saying: “If the people of Ming Sheng are conquered, everything is conquered. We will leave no effort in any remaining task, all we need is the bid to be taken up.”

Gu Yanzhi instructed the Marketing Department for further development of relations, and the preparation of tenders, and become the highest priority.

That afternoon, Lin Qian sat, hands clasped, today they would receive news of the Ming Sheng bid.

From this information, Ming sheng evaluated probably several areas for the bidders: Enterprise strength, product price, product quality and delivery cycle. In Lin Qian’s understanding, the State-owned enterprises would also add a “Leadership Ability” criteria, with all the executives partic.i.p.ating. So altogether there were five aspects.

She silently estimated it, her mood a little tense.

In business strength- no doubt, Si Meiqi was overwhelmingly more than up to the challenge. She could just hope that the way the carcinogen scandal was handled would raise their reputation a little.

Product price- based on her understanding of Chen Zheng, surprisingly he will push prices lower. Of course Ai Da could also press down, but close to his degree? Or that you want to take a chance.

Product quality–to be fair, Ai Da’s overall product quality was superior to Si Meiqi’s. When she worked at Si Meiqi, quality was often unstable. But for Chen Zheng to win this bid, he would certainly pay close attention to quality. So it’s a draw.

Delivery Lead time—forget it. Ai Da was currently in shambles, Si Meiqi would do better than them.

Leadership Council- though Li Zhicheng had played chess with Kang Ming Zong, this did not mean Li Zhicheng had become more influential than Chen Zheng.

She really couldn’t see too many chances … …

On the day they would get the answer, Li Zhicheng and Gu Yanzhi went into the office to negotiate. Lin Qian did not know what they were doing. But the situation was overwhelming, she believes their judgment, almost the same with her.

They go home at night, she still had something she could do for the bid. After she thought for a moment, she finally picked up the phone, called Lin Mochen –

If she didn’t ask for his advice at this time, then when?

Lin Mochen probably just got up, in his voice a hint of displeasure after being disturbed. Lin Qian immediately coaxed him: “Ge, I have good relationship with the boss and told him that you are his teacher, an international world expert!”

Lin Mochen snorted with laughter, but listened to her speak out and relate what was happening. After a moment’s hesitation, said: “The five-part a.s.sessment elects the highest scoring bidders … … Quant.i.tative evaluation or quant.i.tative a.s.sessment- Oh, Lin Qian, even if you pa.s.s the quant.i.tative evaluation of results, even for these so called objective and fair evaluation, there is a lot of subconscious bias. You can never tell.

Therefore, for this proposal, if I were to bid, I would say to go for an extreme proposal, one that makes an impression, gives a distinct advantage. For example, price is one thing, but they say it must be the lowest? What you need to do, is to let them think: Ah, Ai Da’s price, even if not the lowest, but is the most reasonable overall, their bids speaks a lot of sense, completely moved me.

In other aspects as well. Even in a weak position, rather than being carried away by the consumer, you have to lead the consumer. This tender is not only yours, it will also immediately affect them. Do your best. The rest, just work hard, and listen to destiny. ”

[1]This is the literal translation, but it means something along the lines of someone in a higher position of power than yours favouring you so much that become crippled in your debt to them forever.

[2] The word she says can mean either “worth it” or “deserving (of) it”. I went with worth it because their exchanges, on the surface, seem to be more business-like, while often having a bigger meaning, and thus worth it would seem more calculated on the surface. Sadly, when I say worth it, I make Li Zhicheng sound like the subject of a L’Oreal ad.

[3] A or a game record for a game of Go, weiqi, baduk or shogi. Qipu, or Kifu, as it is known in j.a.pan, is traditionally used to record games on a grid diagram, marking the plays on the points by numbers. Many ancient games of by famous ancient players have survived, and are worth a lot of money, making this an expensive gift

[4] She literally says “那我就恭敬不如从命,打扰了。” gōngjìngbùrúcóngmìng (lit. deference is no subst.i.tute for obedience), an idiom, which is used to accept sb’s request, invitation etc. The 打扰了dǎrǎo le, is said to be polite, lit. I will disturb/ trouble/ bother, is said to be polite.

[5] Just a note, maybe I’m reading too much into it, but the word she used to invite, dai, is also a word used to describe the act of raising something… so maybe Ding Mo is making a pun that he’s raising her XD

[6] I think Hetian would be Nephrite, but that requires more research, but safe to say it’s very expensive.

[7] Ok, so I found this to be a hilarious a.n.a.logy, so I left it in, but what it means is that even though he put in hard work to procure the object, someone else benefitted from it (i.e. He got Kang Zong the qipu, but Li Zhicheng was the one who got to play).

First of all, thank you so much for everyone supporting me! It really meant the world to me to see little comments like “Thank you” or “Please continue this” or “I hope everything is well”. and even “Omg you finally came back”. Thank you for caring about me so much. I feel really loved. You guys are the reason I don’t give up, even though I often feel like it.

The reason for my excessive delay is just one ma.s.sive chain of events. I graduated from university (yay!), got a job (yay!) which involves a lot of typing which worsens my carpal tunnel, as well as a 4 hour daily commute (boo). We wrote our Canadian citizenship test and pa.s.sed (yay), we sat through a storm which spoilt my laptop and hence I lost copies of these two chapters twice (boo). And, oh, we celebrated two Eids (yay)~~

So how have you guys been doing? I haven’t chatted to you all in a while, so update me~~~

Also, I noticed a lot of confusion regarding the Parts system that I implemented (understandably) so I did a sneaky little thing. Part 14 has both chapter 13 and 14, so part 15 and chapter 15 will coincide, and then I’ll make it so the rest of the parts correlate to their chapters XD

Also, as apology, I will be starting a new thingy (idea taken from Hamster jie) or adding translations of first chapters~ Just to give you a heads up about the story, and encourage any translators out there who might want to try their hands at it~ Also, if you guys like, I can post book reviews (english and non-english). Please do let me know! I promise that these segments will not delay nor hamper my translations <>

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