Corroyer, E. Gothic Architecture.

Cram, R. Adams Church Building.

Davidson, E. A. Gothic Stonework.

Fergusson, J. Handbook of Architecture.

Fergusson, J. History of Architecture.

Fairbairns, A. Portfolio of English Cathedrals.

Garbett, E. L. Principles of Design in Architecture.

Markland, J. H. Remarks on Churches.

Moore, C. H. Development and Character of Gothic Architecture.

Paley, F. A. Manual of Gothic Architecture.

Paley, F. A. Manual of Gothic Mouldings.

Parker, J. H. A.B.C. of Gothic Architecture.

Parker, J. H. Concise Glossary of Architecture.

Parker, J. H. Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture.

Perkins, Rev. T. Handbook of Gothic Architecture.

Prior, Ed. S. History of Gothic Art.

Pugin, A. W. Treatise on Chancel Screens and Rood Lofts.

Rickman, Thos. Gothic Architecture.

Rickman, Thos. Attempts to discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England.

Sharpe, Edmund The Seven Periods of English Architecture.

Sharpe, Edmund Treatise on the Rise and Progress of Window Tracery.

Scott, G. History of Church Architecture.

Ruskin, John Seven Lamps of Architecture.

Ruskin, John Stones of Venice.

Ruskin, John Poetry of Architecture.

Ruskin, John Lectures on Architecture.

Wall, J. C. Shrines of British Saints.

Winkle British Cathedrals.

Wilson, S. Romance of our Ancient Churches.

Bell"s Cathedral Series.

"The Builder" Portfolio of English Cathedrals.

Murray"s Handbooks to the Cathedrals.

S.P.C.K. Ill.u.s.trated Notes on English Church History.

Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. Notes on the Cathedrals.

"Our English Minsters." Edited by Dean Farrar.

This bibliography does not claim to be complete, but is a selection of the various books on the subject which should be studied by the student.

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