Our House Pet

Chapter 5

4. Five kind of things clue to his ident.i.ty

"Is it good?"

Annoying to act polite. It was enough for me to be polite this whole time in the company. He doesn"t even speak anyway so will he even complain? How long ago was it to cook for somebody? It"s little bit burned, but he is eating it well I feel really thankful.

"Why aren"t you talking? I don"t think you can"t talk..."

This b.a.s.t.a.r.d, he is still ignoring me. If it was in the beginning, I would get mad, but I got used to it. It"s been long since I talked to myself, and I feel better that there is someone listening to me without any reply.

"But... I"m really curious about your ident.i.ty. Can"t you just tell me your name?"

I don"t expect him to say where he lives. I just want to know his name. I showed him a desperate expression. He stopped eating and stared at me without saying anything... Like that... just like that he was just staring at me.

"You don"t... have a name?"
"Don"t tell me... you don"t know?"

He started to eat again. I think.. I think... he doesn"t know his name! When I asked him you don"t have a name, he just stared at me, but when I asked him you don"t know your name, he started to eat. I think I have to communicate with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d by the expression of his eyes... This this... really might be a strange pet.


It"s weird to stare at a person who"s eating, so I came out. Oh right, I can"t leave wet clothes just like that. I have to laundry or something. Plus, I have to shower and change my clothes too. I"m all wet.. and that stupid pigeon s.h.i.t on my head I just can"t not wash myself. I took the changing clothes and underwear to the bathroom.

"Haaaah. First I shower, and I should put everything inside the laundry machine."

Just like I told him, he neatly folded his clothes in the corner. I never thought that I"d let a guy live in my house.


Warm water was warming my body. I cleaned everywhere on my body, and after I dried my body, I changed to new clothes.

"Let"s see."

When I grabbed my clothes and that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s clothes...


"Huh? Did I put something in my po... Waaaa!"

I thought something fell off my pocket, so I bend over. The thing that fell on my foot was.. was... was!!


Right away I threw everything I was holding and sat down on the floor. My hands were shaking.

"This... this feeling is... a real money. It"s not fake money!"

Bundle of money that I can only see in the bankers" hand in the bank. That bundle is right front of me. This smell and this feeling... it was the real money. A person who desperately needed money like me there is no way I can"t recognized fake and real.


While I was rubbing my cheek and crying in happiness, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d was coming out from the kitchen, and I had an eye contact with him.

This money... that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s... money? Then... something came up in my head and collected all of his belongings and shoved my hands in every pockets.

"Huk! This!!"

Inside the jacket pocket something caught in my hand. It was white bundle different feeling from the the money. I was continuously in panic right after another. I thought my chin was falling off.

"It"s a check! check! Let"s see.."

My hands were about to paralyzed. In my life... it was my first time touching this big amount of money. Carefully really carefully took out one check from the bundle of checks. I started to count the number of 0s attached.

"One..two..three... three 0s and one 1... one.. one thousand dollar!"

Right now, I was proud of myself for not fainting. Next to it there was one 10 dollar bundle and 1000 dollar check bundle was on my hand. Was one bundle of 10 dollar was 2000 dollar? or 1000 dollar? If there are 100 of 1000 dollar check then... 100 thousand dollar?! I was so surprised that my eyes are about to pop out. I might become blind because I"m so shocked. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d was just standing vacantly, and now he was sitting right in front of me with the same pose I"m sitting right now. I was barely able to move one hand and put my hand in the another pocket.

"This time... 100 dollar... check bundle."

Every pocket he had had money bundle inside. If I take out every single one of them I might die in a heart attack, but I stubbornly looked for each pockets. After I dug through all of them, I finally could put everything together.


When I listed everything, I couldn"t speak a word. One 1000 dollar check bundle, one 100 dollar check bundle, one 10 dollar bill bundle, one 5 dollar bill bundle, and for last... there was 1 dollar bills also. And one 50 cent, one 10 cent, one 5 cent, and one 1 cent came out orderly. What is this? Is this some kind of joke? At first I was really surprised by the amount of money but later the money amount got smaller one digit by digit it made me laugh.

Next was a toy gun and a knife with Chinese characters on it. This strange designed knife was real. Very sharp blade was shining.

"Huh? This..."

I thought it was over, so when I was about to put away the clothes, a small key fell off from the clothes. A house key? It was a specially customized key. If he had a key chain and wrote down the address then it would help me to know about his ident.i.ty, but there was only a key.

"Seriously... he doesn"t even have a common wallet and stupidly put this big amount of money in his pockets... Does he think he is some kind of a killer? Why does he have a toy gun? Plus... he thinks he"s tough? Just a key nothing else?

I stared at him and murmured. How should I clean this up? I can"t even touch this money because it"s not mine... Hahhh. I have to think. This amount of money is I can touch it only if I win a lottery. Should I ask him? It doesn"t make sense right?


Huh? I think the kitten is awake. I looked at the place where it made the sound. When did he go there? He was holding the kitten. It looked... very warm. It looked like the kitten likes him too. The puppy was awake too it was trying to get on top of his leg. Somehow.. they don"t look like an owner and the animals... it was more like siblings. I wonder why?

"He might... think he is same kind as them. What if he gets confused later about his existence? One is a dog and one is a cat and one is a rabbit...."

They are all playing together. With that big body he has, he was playing with a small kitten, a puppy, and a bunny. How? He was swimming on the floor... A handsome guy looks handsome even though he acts stupid. Should I make him more r.e.t.a.r.ded? Okay. Nice.

"Ha, I should name them."

Slowly I crawled to him. We are in the same house there is no point of getting up. I always think he fits well with animals not man. The breed is.. let"s say it"s mixed. I crawled to side and picked up the kitten.

"Your name is Ahrong! Puppy! you are Yurong, bunny... Haerong! And then.. you.."

My lips were smiling... I think he knows I"m gonna give him a name. He was looking at me with sparkling eyes. Ow, if you look at me like that my.. con...conscience... are not struck! Your name will be!

"You are Darong." (Very RARE human name... Mostly for animals not humans... Such a tacky name for a human...)

I shouted with confidence. I don"t think he knows what his name means.. for the first time he was smiling happily. You like the name Da..Darong? I have no idea what"s inside your head. No, I never knew anything from the beginning. Good if he likes it. I should"ve named him Maerong. Then, should I start working? (Maerong: you say it when you stick your tongue out like :P)


When I called his name, he turned right away. He"s smart! Ak, he is a human what"s wrong with me? I shook my head and barely found my consciouness.

"Darong? Do you know if I raise you, it costs money?"
"So as I was talking I will safely save your money and will use your money to buy your animal foods and to pay your hospital fees and to use it for et cetra. If you have a probablem then shout."
"So you don"t have a problem? Then from now on take care of your master well."

Hohoho! From today I decided to take care of him very well. Of course... it"s because he plays well with Ahrong, Yurong, and Haerong. Right real siblings. Never... It"s not because of money, He"s caring. Never... Actually.. it"s because of the money. Hohohoho!

"By the way there is no way to know your ident.i.ty. If I only had your id card, it will be all over."

I was murmuring while I was hugging the money very preciously. If there is anyone who wants to take Darong away from now on, I will never give them my Darong. Didn"t you say to take care of him well? Only things I can guess about his ident.i.ty are five evidences.

"Bundles of money, a toy gun, a key I suspect as a house key... and... a head injury."

Someday I have to take him to the hospital... Where was the animal hosp... wait no. What"s wrong with me? How am I gonna take him to the vet! No matter what I have to take Darong to the general hospital. Whew, what bothered me the most is that head injury. He doesn"t talk well, don"t know his own name, and he doesn"t even know single knowledge about the world. Then... only thing comes up in my mind is amnesia not losing a year worth or losing a part of the memory. I think he lost all of his memory.

"I don"t know. You are part of our family now. Unless this money runs out, I will never let you go."

Money bundles are always supposed to put it in the closet. Rest of them... let me think of it tomorrow!"

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