Outcast Chronicles - Sanctuary

Chapter Twenty-Six.

Then she lay still.

*Dia?" Athlyn clasped her hand to his chest and sobbed.

Ceyne dropped to his knees weeping. Tobazim sank his head into his hands and Ardonyx slid an arm around his shoulders.

Imoshen looked up to see about a dozen T"En watching them, some weeping, others beyond tears.

Reoden felt Valendia"s throat. *Wait..."

The silence stretched.

*She lives."

*How is that possible?" Tobazim whispered, then looked to Reoden. *Did you imprint your gift on her?"

*No," Reoden said. *But..." She looked to Imoshen, who shook her head. Her gaze went to Athlyn.



*Athlyn?" Tobazim shook his head.

*He linked with Graelen to sustain him, and when Grae died the link went through to Valendia."

Athlyn looked stunned.

*Eryx, help Athlyn carry Valendia into the infirmary," Ceyne said. He caught the young initiate"s arm. *You"ll need to stay near her, lad. Skin on skin, until she"s stable."

He nodded and, between them, they carried Valendia inside.

Ceyne closed Graelen"s eyes. *Ah, lad..." Tears slid down his cheeks.

*He died in defence of the brotherhood," Haromyr said.

*He died because Kyredeon was b.l.o.o.d.y-minded," Ceyne ground out. *No one will mourn the all-father"s pa.s.sing."

Tobazim said nothing as he helped straighten Graelen"s limbs.

Reoden stood, swayed, then collapsed. Imoshen tried to support her.

Ardonyx came to her aid. *What"s wrong?"

*She"s drained her gift to save Valendia and the baby," Imoshen said. She brushed Reoden"s hair from her face and kissed her cheek. *Typical Ree."

*We"ll look after her." Kiane directed the two gift-warriors to take Reoden from Ardonyx and carry her down to the mid-deck.

Ardonyx followed and told his sailors to set up the sling to lower the unconscious healer into the rowboat.

*If there is ever anything I can do..." Tobazim said to Imoshen, bowing low in obeisance.

Her gift surged and she read him. She"d first read him when she"d gift-infused him. He was still pure of heart, but his gift was different now. Of course, he"d formed the shield-brother bond with Ardonyx.

A spasm of jealousy ripped through her. The bond of shield-brothers was almost as profound as the deep-bonding she shared with Ardonyx. From now on, Ardonyx"s life would be entwined with Tobazim"s. They would spend every day together, while she...

She gave herself a mental shake. She"d known this was necessary if they were to win the brotherhood. Tobazim would make a good all-father, and he would take her choice-son into his brotherhood.

*Imoshen?" Tobazim was concerned.

She shook her head as Ardonyx joined them, going to Tobazim"s side.

He could never stand at her side, not unless she eradicated the brotherhood-sisterhood divide. But how could she overcome a distrust that went back beyond recorded history? It always came back to this...

*Imoshen?" Ardonyx sensed her distress.

Before Imoshen could speak, Gift-tutor Deimosh came over to Tobazim. *Forgive the interruption, all-father, but those who killed their own brothers this night fear being dragged onto the higher plane."

*You"re busy. I should go," Imoshen said and slipped away.

Ardonyx escorted her to the mid-deck.

*He"s a good man," she said.

*He"s also smart. We"ll have to be careful, or he"ll realise what you and I share. He once likened the deep-bonding to betraying the brotherhood, and now that he"s the all-father, his instinct will be to protect the brotherhood at all cost."

Chapter Twenty-Six.

THE MORE JARAILE observed her tired army, the more she worried they would crumple when confronted with Eskarnor"s forces.

Her army would reach port by dusk tomorrow night. They"d had little rest, eaten cold meals, and were wary of Sorne. They"d been uneasy ever since the T"En warriors had killed Baron Ikor in her defence. It didn"t matter that Sorne had sent the three T"En warriors away. She"d seen the looks they cast him and heard them muttering about half-bloods belonging with their own kind. Baron Ramonal took every opportunity to lecture her.

Fools, didn"t they realise she needed him to plan the attack? How Eskarnor would laugh, if he knew.

And something the baron had once said came back to her.

She edged her tired mount closer to Sorne. *I"ve been thinking. It was a mistake bringing you along. I should send you back to the Wyrds."

She saw his face grow guarded, and realised she"d phrased this badly.

*As a ploy. You said we need to convince Eskarnor to send his army into a trap. Now that Charald is in his dotage, Eskarnor believes you"re the only man in Chalcedonia who can outwit him on the battlefield. He thinks the rest are fools. If he hears I"ve sent you into exile, he"ll be much more likely to believe my army is retreating and fall for the pincer move you showed me."

*Jaraile..." A slow smile split Sorne"s face.

It made her stomach feel funny.

*Do it," Sorne urged. *Banish me tonight, in front of all your barons and captains. I"ll ride off as if I"m heading for Shifting-sands Bay, then double back and ride for port, slip in and seek out Kerminzto. I"ll tell him what you"re planning. He can slip out of port to meet you and you can claim the pair of you came up with the battle strategy together. Ramanol and the rest are more likely to accept the plan if they think I had nothing to do with it."

*You don"t mind?"

He shrugged. *Give Aingeru command of your centre. It will infuriate Eskarnor and entice his men to follow them when they retreat."

She nodded.

*I ask only one thing. I want to be in the middle of the front ranks, disguised as a common man-at-arms. I want to judge when the centre should crumple and signal Aingeru."

*You could be killed."

*That"s always true in battle." He laughed softly. *But I plan to live."

They rode on in silence for a while.

*The shift happened the moment Graelen killed Baron Ikor," Sorne said. *Before that, they didn"t like me, but they tolerated me."

*Yes. I"m sorry."

He shrugged again.

*You could use me as bait," she suggested. *Eskarnor needs me to legitimise his claim to the throne. If I were in the centre a""

*Not on your life, Jaraile."

If she was honest, she felt relieved.

*Although we may be able to use you to raise the stakes, so he fully commits his men."

*Wouldn"t he fully commit them?"

*Charald would hold men in reserve and send them to where his lines faltered."

That evening, Jaraile banished Sorne, and he rode out of the camp to the jeers and taunts of her men-at-arms. It made her face burn with shame, but she knew she"d done the right thing when Baron Ramanol congratulated her on *getting rid of that arrogant half-blood."

Four years of marriage to King Charald had taught her to hide her true feelings. She smiled sweetly and nodded.

ARAVELLE WATCHED THE healer"s ship, hoping to spot her brothers. Earlier, she"d seen Ronnyn set off for the isle of ruins with the sisterhood leaders, but her little brothers might come out on deck. Meanwhile, Saskarleaned against the rail, facing towards the mast.

*So this new all-father, Tobazim, sent his voice-of-reason to invite us to his cabin tonight, to renew the vow Kyredeon made, giving us safe pa.s.sage on this ship." Saskar had a habit of speaking about the brotherhood leadership as if he was one of them. Since he accompanied them to all-council meetings, it was almost as if he was. *Hueryx doesn"t know what to make of Tobazim. How could such a young adept win the brotherhood from Kyredeon? Not that we aren"t relieved. Anyone would be better than Kyredeon. The causare has called an all-council for later this afternoon. She"ll have him give his covenant vow then. But what our all-father wants to know is why the causare came to this ship after the challenge last night."

*She was here?"

Saskar nodded. *Along with the sisterhood healer. They were spotted leaving when the fog started to lift."

*Lots of warriors were injured. The healer a""

*Her gift is not all-powerful. We have to pet.i.tion her to heal one of our people. And if she does, it makes our all-father beholden to her. If Imoshen and the healer came aboard in answer to Tobazim"s pet.i.tion, then he must be beholden to her. And no all-father wants to start his leadership beholden to two of the most powerful sisterhood leaders."

*Perhaps he thinks it"s worth it, to save his brothers" lives?"

*And perhaps he cheated."

Aravelle was shocked.

Saskar laughed.

She blushed and turned away. A boat was leaving the Perseverance. *Are you sure the all-council meeting is later?"


She pointed. *Isn"t that All-father Dretsun and his two seconds rowing towards the island?"

*Yes, but a""

*The causare, the healer and their seconds are on the island. I saw them row over with some others a little while ago."

Saskar cursed softly. *Come on."

He darted over to Hand-of-force Reyne, and by the time Aravelle reached the all-father"s cabin, the three brotherhood leaders had stripped down to their breeches, to don their torcs of office and formal brocade robes.

Reyne knelt, releasing his long hair. *Do something formal. Be quick, Saskar."

The voice-of-reason followed suit. Saskar indicated that Aravelle was to do Dragomyr"s hair, while he did Reyne"s. She mimicked Saskar, as he plaited and pinned with speed and precision.

*See, there is an advantage to short hair," Hueryx said, binding his back in a simple knot at the base of his skull.

*You look like a barbarian Mieren," Dragomyr said.

Aravelle gave his hair a sharp tug.

*Ow... take care, clumsy girl."

She apologised, but Hueryx knew she didn"t mean it. He caught her eye, a smile tugging at his lips. It infuriated her; she hated him.

He laughed, selected a silver skull cap and settled it on his head. *How"s that? Will I pa.s.s?"

Aravelle finished plaiting Dragomyr"s hair and came over to study the all-father. The skull cap looked severe, but strangely enough... *It suits you. It emphasises your cheekbones."

Hueryx blinked.

Reyne laughed. *A compliment!"

*The best kind." Hueryx"s forehead crinkled, reminding her of Ronnyn. *Because it was given freely, by one who does not like me."

Fearing she would get a clip around the ear, Aravelle backed up a step. But the all-father was not Charsoria.

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