Outcast Chronicles - Sanctuary

Chapter Forty-Eight.

*The survivors are due to go to her," Reoden said softly.

*Would you wish to join her sisterhood?" Imoshen countered.

Nerazime snorted, then covered her mouth.

Reoden took Imoshen"s hands and kissed her cheek. *Good luck tonight. You carry all our hopes."

And with that the others left, so that only Imoshen and her two seconds remained on the carpet, with Saffazi a few steps behind them.

Imoshen glanced to Egrayne and Kiane. *I hate to admit it, but Saskeyne has a point. Back in Chalcedonia, despite the sacrifices our gift-warriors made to protect this plane, all the T"Enatuath ever received from the Mieren was grudging tolerance. Should we seek a kingdom here in the physical world, one we can hold with force?"

*Yes!" In her eagerness to be heard, Saffazi stepped onto the all-council carpet. *If we"d ruled Chalcedonia instead of greedy King Charald, we could have looked after our people."

*Kept the Mieren under our thumbs like slaves?" Imoshen asked.

*No, not slaves. They a""

*They outnumber us ten thousand to one. How would we contain them?"

*Ruling ourselves is hard enough, without factoring in thousands of Mieren." Egrayne shook her head slowly. *Our kingdom is mystical."

*We can"t live on the empyrean plane," Saffazi objected.

*I was speaking metaphorically."

*I know that." Saffazi flushed. *I"m saying our power on the empyrean plane has not won us the respect of the Mieren, or kept us safe from them." She gestured to the Triumphant. *All-father Saskeyne is right. Only strength in this world will protect us from Mieren. We used to rely on their fear of our gifts to keep them at bay, but they called our bluff. Now we must grow as powerful on the earthly plane as we are on the empyrean plane. Then they will fear us."

*Mieren kill what they fear," Imoshen said.

*Then what"s the answer?" Saffazi asked.

*I wish I knew."

SORNE SLIPPED FROM Frayvia"s bed and began to dress. Now that he was about to join Imoshen"s sisterhood, they should formalise their relationship, but he wasn"t sure how to go about it.

When Frayvia came up behind him and ran her fingernails down his back, he forgot what he"d been about to say.

She laughed and kissed his shoulder. Then she turned him around, suddenly solemn. *You did well, bringing those children home to us. But I can read between the lines. You were nearly sold to Maygharians, who wanted to kill you slowly, under torture."

He kissed her upturned face. *It didn"t happen, so a""

*But it could have."

*If I worried about all the things that could happen, I"d never get anything done."

She thumped his chest and he grinned, absurdly happy.

There was a knock on the door.

Frayvia helped him dress, sighed over the state of his hair and presented him with a scribe"s satchel, with paper, ink and pens. She tugged him down to kiss his lips. *Don"t do anything brave."

He was smiling when he joined Imoshen on the mid-deck. She seemed distracted. He"d already told her his observations based on the meeting last night.

Imoshen glanced around to make sure no one could overhear them. *There"s a rumour that behind the walls of the Sagoras" hidden city, there is an elite group of mystics called Sensitives. These males supposedly have innate power. They say the Sagoras blind them and geld them. Have you heard anything?"

*I"ve never heard of Mieren having innate power, let alone anything about these Sagora Sensitives."

*Few have. The T"En race arose in Chalcedonia. It"s possible a similar race arose in the Sagoras" home land, beyond the Endless Ocean. You say the philosopher..."

*Ven Uda."

*...hinted that we would arrive today."

*That"s how it seemed. The way she put it was ambiguous."

Imoshen nodded. *Tonight you may see things that should go no further, Sorne."

*Now that"s ambiguous."

She smiled, but there was only determination in her eyes. *Come on.

Chapter Forty-Eight.

IMOSHEN"S HEART RACED and her gift tried to break free as she climbed into the rowboat. Tonight she would bargain for the future of her people.

She nodded to the two Malaunje rowers. One was a young warrior, whose name she had to work hard to recall.

*Meloria." She dredged it from her memory. The other rower was Redraven. He"d been with Iraayel and Saffazi the night Safi dragged Iraayel onto the higher plane and nearly got them both killed. Imoshen wondered if Redraven was still in love with Saffazi. *Redraven."

Both rowers were warriors; Kiane had seen to that. They lowered their eyes and put their backs into the oars, guiding the boat across to the Victorious, where Ardonyx was already waiting to join her.

As her secret bond-partner climbed down the rope ladder and stepped lightly into the small rowboat, something deep inside Imoshen clenched. She wanted him. She never got enough of him. And she never would, unless things changed.

But tonight there was no time for pleasure. She kept their link closed and focused on what had to be done.

*Causare." He took his seat beside her in the stern. With the two Malaunje rowers facing them and Sorne in the prow, they were hardly alone, but her body didn"t care. A rush of awareness moved over her skin. Again she closed down the instinctive urge to link with him.

As they rowed away from the Victorious, Ardonyx waved farewell to his shield-brother. Imoshen turned to see Tobazim standing on the deck.


A surge of joyous spite shocked her. She hadn"t known she could be so petty.

Tonight, she took Ardonyx away from Tobazim; but their shield-brother bond was acknowledged and approved of, while the bond she shared with Ardonyx had to be hidden. In all of the T"Enatuath, only her devotee knew the ident.i.ty of Umaleni"s father.

Imoshen swallowed. *It"s fortunate that you speak Sagorese, Ardonyx. We may need that advantage."

He smiled, for they"d met and fallen in love at the Sagorese language lessons. They"d made the deep-bonding, cementing it later with physical intimacy of such exquisite depth that she wondered how her people could have rejected this. Maybe one day...

*Learning another language requires dedication," Ardonyx said.

*I"m a little rusty," she admitted. *Shall we practice?"

He nodded.

Imoshen launched into the language of the Sagoras. The only thing she had to be wary of was using T"En names that would betray who they spoke of. *Was your new brotherhood leader satisfied with the gift-infusion?"

*I walk a fine line. I must have his complete trust, yet he must never know about us. He would be devastated if he knew I lied to him, but I have no choice."

She wondered if he lied to her, as well. It startled Imoshen to realise that she was no longer certain of Ardonyx"s loyalty.

His love, yes, but his loyalty?

*What of my choice-son? Does he suffer because of his connection to me?"

*The other brothers were wary of him, but since the sea-vermin attack they"ve accepted him. I know you want me to use the pretext that I cannot speak Sagorese to spy," Ardonyx said. *But what if the Sagoras consult our old tutor?"

*Merchant Mercai is probably halfway across the known world, trading and spying in some other centre of commerce and power." She looked up. *We"re nearly there."

The Malaunje shipped oars and the boat glided on, carried by momentum.

Meloria leant forward, dropping her voice. *Causare, permission to speak?"


*Hand-of-force Kiane told us to wait at this wharf. That way, if there"s trouble, we can row you back to the ship."

*Or we could go with you, causare," Redraven offered. *As your servants."

*You honour me. But the Sagoras have specified a delegation of no more than three. I thank you for your concern."

*We live to serve." They both said the words, but Imoshen"s gift surged, telling her Meloria"s motivation sprang from ambition, not dedication.

Ardonyx sent Imoshen a smile. They were so young and eager for stature.

At the wharf two Sagoras waited. They held lanterns and their light pooled on the still waters of the bay. Wisps of fog clung to the cold sea, curling around the poles of the nearest wharves.

Imoshen"s party stepped onto the floating jetty, and the Sagoras welcomed them in Chalcedonian.

As they left the wharf, Ardonyx walked on her left and Sorne on her right. Either Sorne didn"t know a Malaunje should walk one step behind a T"En, or he didn"t care.

She felt safe with Ardonyx and Sorne, and was tempted to comment in T"En, but there was no guarantee that the Sagoras wouldn"t use the same ploy on them. In theory, only Malaunje and T"En knew the private language of the T"En, and they would die before they betrayed their people, but you never knew.

Imoshen and her two aides were escorted to a waiting carriage. As their vehicle climbed up the long slope to the Halls of Learning, Imoshen noticed that there was not a single tavern open. The port folk had closed their homes and businesses against the T"Enatuath. It made her wonder what terrible untruths had spread ahead of them, and if the T"Enatuath"s arrival was going to cause trouble for the Sagoras.

As their carriage entered the Halls of Learning, Imoshen caught glimpses of formal sandstone buildings. Then they turned left and continued up the rise to the hidden city. The carriage came to a stop and they climbed down.

One of the Sagoras waited to greet them just outside the gate. Only her mouth and chin were visible below the veil, and her hands were tucked under the long folds of her gown.

*Welcome." The waiting Sagora spoke T"En and gave them the appropriate T"Enatuath obeisance. *You are Causare T"Imoshen?"

*I am. Greetings, Venerable." Replying in Sagorese, Imoshen took a guess as to her t.i.tle. The veil hid everything but her mouth and chin, and Imoshen could not tell if the woman had dared to meet her eyes. The Sagora probably thought herself safe from the T"En gifts. Imoshen would be very surprised if the Sagoras did not possess natural gift defences.

*You speak our language, causare?" The Sagora smiled.

Imoshen had the impression that their eyes had met. *As you speak ours. I had once planned to come here and study. My people prize knowledge above all else. We have much in common with the Sagoras." Imoshen switched to the Chalcedonian tongue. *These are my a.s.sistants: Voice-of-Reason Ardonyx and Amba.s.sador Sorne."

The Sagora welcomed them. *This is the hidden city. Outsiders enter only on invitation."

*We are honoured," Imoshen said.

Within the hidden city, the buildings were all shuttered and dark, and there was no one in sight. The road continued to rise until they came to a set of wide, shallow steps. Straight ahead was a circular wall, pierced by a simple arch.

*The Font of Knowledge." The Sagora hesitated, but Imoshen did not need to be told. She was already removing her shoes. The Sagora scholar smiled and backed away. *I"ll wait here."

Imoshen took a deep breath and prepared herself.

ARAVELLE CLEANED UP after the brotherhood"s inner circle had finished their evening meal. She had just sent the last tray back to the ship"s galley when Saskar entered. He did not knock or wait for the all-father to acknowledge him, but tugged on Reyne"s arm and whispered something to him in an urgent tone.

*What is it?" Hueryx asked. He was shuffling the cards and did not get up.

*Dretsun is here, with his hand-of-force," Reyne said.

Aravelle felt their gifts surge and the air in the cabin became denser, pressing on her ears.

The all-father gestured to her. *Spiced wine, Vella."

Hueryx and his most trusted advisors settled themselves on the cushions in a half circle, and Reyne signalled Saskar to open the cabin door.

As Dretsun strode in with his hand-of-force, gift energy rolled off him, infecting everyone. He came straight to the point. *I offer an alliance, Hue."

*We were choice-brothers, All-father Dretsun, but that was a long time ago," Hueryx said. *Don"t presume to know my mind."

*I know you are smarter than anyone else I"ve met. I know you are impatient with pointless formality and I know you despise Imoshen the All-father-killer. Tonight I move against her. I have All-fathers Saskeyne and Abeliode ready to take up arms. Are you with me?"

Aravelle"s mouth went dry with fear. The cabin became utterly still.

*What"s the plan, Dret?"

Dretsun dropped to kneel across from Hueryx. *We all-fathers are going to take our seconds and meet Imoshen when she returns to the wharf. We"ll kill her along with that upstart half-blood and the arrogant sea captain. We"ll dump their bodies in the bay, then come back to our ships. Tomorrow morning, when Imoshen doesn"t return, I"ll call an all-council, and claim the Sagoras have betrayed us and killed Imoshen. I"ll nominate myself for causare and lead an a.s.sault on the Sagoras. They won"t be expecting it. We"ll sweep through their hidden city, put everyone to the sword and install our own people in there. Saskeyne"s right, the Mieren of this province are used to serving foreign leaders. They"ll capitulate."

*And you"ll be causare?"

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