They"d crossed the royal plaza now, and entered the stables behind the palace. Sorne dismounted, reaching for Cedon. He swung the boy around, making him laugh, before depositing him on the ground. Unaware of the stable lads and servants watching him, Cedon clamoured for more, jumping up and down as if he"d never had a club foot.

*Look at him. At last I have a son who is fit to sit on the throne," Charald said. The king took Prince Cedon"s hand heading inside, and Sorne hid his contempt for the man who had murdered his mother and disowned him.

*I"m hungry." The prince had to take little skipping steps to keep up with the king.

*Send for breakfast." Charald strode into his favourite dining room and came to a stop. *Where"s my table?"

Nitzane glanced to Sorne. Eskarnor had kidnapped the queen from this very room, and carved his challenge into the mahogany table.

*A better one is being delivered, sire," Sorne said.

*I"ll eat on the balcony." Charald stripped off his riding gloves and threw them on the sideboard. *Send for the barons. They will bend their knee before Prince Cedon and see for themselves that he is fit to rule. They"ll swear allegiance to my line and any who do not come will be declaring for Eskarnor. How dare he try to kill my son?"

Sorne glanced to the prince, who did not need to hear this. *Sire, the boy needs a""

*The boy needs his mother." Charald said.

Baron Nitzane sent Sorne a worried look. For as long as Sorne could remember, the king"s barons and advisors had been tip-toeing around his rages. Now there was the added fear of unhinging his mind.

*Where is the queen?" Charald demanded. *Send for Jaraile."

*The bad man took Ma," Cedon said, his voice high and clear.

*What?" Charald rounded on Sorne. *What haven"t you told me?"

Sorne ignored the king and took Cedon"s hand. *Go with Uncle Nitzane. He"ll make sure you get some breakfast."

The baron was only too happy to escape what they both knew was coming.

Sorne closed the door on them. *Sire a""

*Eskarnor took her, didn"t he? Couldn"t undermine me, couldn"t kill my son, so he took the queen." Charald threw back his head and laughed. Today he reminded Sorne of the king who"d conquered the kingdoms of the Secluded Sea. *More fool he. She"s worthless now that I have an able-bodied heir. In fact, if Eskarnor kills Jaraile, he"ll be doing me a favour. She"s popular with the people. If he kills her, they"ll hate him."

Sorne blinked. He"d known the king was ruthless, but this was abhorrent, even for him.

*A pox on Eskarnor and his treasonous southern barons." The king paced, cursing the cunning mercenaries and turn-coat n.o.bles who"d worked their way up to lead companies of men while serving him on the Secluded Sea campaign. *That"s the problem with war barons. They"re handy in battle, but greedy in peace time. I rewarded them with Chalcedonian estates. Was that enough? No, they had to covet my throne and plot to crown one of their own king in my place." Charald rounded on Sorne. *When is enough enough, for an ambitious man?"

This, coming from the man who had invaded the five mainland kingdoms of the Secluded Sea to make himself high king. Sorne did not know what to say.

*You"re lucky you have no ambition," Charald told him. *It makes food taste like ash. Nothing is ever good enough." He sighed and dropped into a chair. *Growing old is a pain. Everything aches. My back and my stomach..."

*Wine, sire?"

When Charald nodded, Sorne put his back to the king to pour a cup of wine and slip in a soothing powder from Khitan. He"d been doing this for years, whenever the king"s rages became too bad. Now he did it for the pain. Not that Charald knew. He despised anyone who sought pain relief.

The king accepted the wine and tossed it back in one gulp. He rubbed his face and rubbed the small of his back. After a moment he looked up. *Where"s Nitzane? Where"s Jaraile? Have you heard back from the Wyrds yet? I want my son back. When they return him, I"ll ride through town with him. I"ll call the barons in and have them swear allegiance. I know! I"ll have a big feast this mid-winter. Is it winter"s cusp yet?"

*Soon," Sorne said, wondering if he should explain all over again.

The king grimaced and shifted his weight on the seat. *Once, I could spend all day in the saddle, drink half the night away and f.u.c.k three women in a row. Now..." Charald looked around the dining room. *Where"s my table?"

*Would you like to lie down, sire?"

Charald shook his head, then reconsidered. *Yes. Just for a short while. Then I"ll be up to riding around the plaza with Eskarnor and Nitzane this afternoon. Have to let the people know I"m still fit and sharp as ever. Send for Jaraile. She can read to me. I used to think it was a waste, teaching the barons" daughters to read, but she has a sweet voice. Always soothes me to sleep."

Sorne took the king"s arm, guiding him to his chamber, where the king"s faithful manservant settled him into the chair by the fire and ordered food.

As he did this, Sorne noticed several papers on the sideboard. Wasn"t that... Yes. It was the decree he"d drafted on the king"s orders, giving four trusted men and the queen authority to rule Chalcedonia and guide Prince Cedon until he became a man. Jaraile had been trying to get the king to sign it, but when he felt well, he refused to discuss it and when he was unwell, he was irrational.

Sorne picked up the agreement and slid it inside his vest, just as the manservant returned and walked him to the door.

*The king was in pain, so I gave him a soothing powder," Sorne said softly. For a while there, after he told the manservant not to dose him with the a.r.s.enic medicine, it had seemed as if the king would rally. But today... *He was talking strategy one moment, then forgetful the next. We need to keep everyone away from him, Bidern."

*I fear the news is out," the manservant said. *There were already rumours, and too many servants saw him have that seizure."

Sorne nodded, convinced that what he was about to do was justified.

He went to the king"s study, selected a pen and ink and prepared to forge the king"s signature. He"d been watching the king sign decrees since he was seventeen. While growing up in the retreat, he"d trained as a scribe and to illuminate ma.n.u.scripts.

Now he practised several times until he had the right look for the signature of King Charald the Seventh. He made the lettering slightly shaky, as the tremor in the king"s hands had changed his signature.

Then he cleaned the pen nib, burned the practice signatures and left the decree on the desk, amidst the papers.

He went to the nursery where he found Nitzane breakfasting with the prince.

*Cedon reminds me of my boy," Nitzane said. *They"ll both be four in the spring. I should bring Martzane back to court so they can grow up as brothers."

Sorne drew Nitzane aside. *I don"t think we should leave the prince in the palace. He was taken from this very chamber, and last night the queen a""

*Sweet little Jaraile..." Nitzane swallowed. *I hate to think of her in Eskarnor"s hands. I want to ride north for his estate. I have Captain Ballendin and fifty good men. I can call in at two of my estates on the road north and collect reinforcements."

Sorne was not so sure Eskarnor had retreated to his estate. *It"s less than ten days since the Wyrds left the Celestial City. I wouldn"t be surprised if a""

*Eskarnor"s supporters will be at the city. You"re right. This is the perfect opportunity to strike at him, while he"s separated from the southern barons. I"ll pack and leave right now."

Sorne caught the baron"s arm. *To secure the throne, Eskarnor must kill Prince Cedon. I"m going to hide him. Then I"ll go to the Wyrd city and summon the Chalcedonian barons in the king"s name."

Nitzane nodded. *If Eskarnor has retreated to his estate, I can keep him separated from his supporters and pinned there. It won"t be long before he surrenders. By the time you return, I"ll have Eskarnor"s head for the gate spikes."

Sorne was not so sure, but he trusted Captain Ballendin to guide the baron.

As Nitzane left, Sorne watched Prince Cedon with an elderly woman. The prince"s wet-nurse had died the day he was abducted. This was... *I know your face."

*I"m Zurina, the queen"s maid. You could take the prince to Baron Kerminzto"s estate," she said, proving she was old, but there was nothing wrong with her hearing. *His kinsman would protect him."

*It"s the first place his enemies would look." Sorne had been toying with the idea of taking the boy south to Shifting-sands Bay. One of Nitzane"s strongholds overlooked the bay, and he had given permission for the Wyrd fleet to shelter there until winter"s cusp, when they were to be exiled. Sorne knew Causare Imoshen would hide the prince and protect him. This plan had the novelty of being unexpected, but it would take several days to ride there and he had pressing duties.

*You could hide him on one of Baron Nitzane"s estates," Zurina suggested.

*Also too obvious." Port Mirror-on-Sea would be ideal. It was walled and would be on alert, and the palace was protected by the king"s guard, but it was impossible to protect someone from an who was ready to sacrifice his own life to kill the target. They needed somewhere close by, but... Sorne had an idea. *Are you willing to go into hiding with him?"

*Of course. I was nurse-maid to his grandfather and his mother. Poor girl."

*Then pack your bags and Cedon"s, and tell no one of our plans."

*How can I, when I don"t know our plans?"

He grinned. *I"ll be back soon."

Sorne went to Halargon, commander of the king"s palace guard, to share his plan for the prince"s safety. The commander was one of the five advisors King Charald had approved to guide his son.

First, Sorne had the commander send word to all the Wyrd estates on Imoshen"s list, telling them to travel to Shifting-sands Bay as soon as possible, to join the Wyrd fleet there instead of Port Mirror-on-Sea.

Then Sorne asked for an escort of twelve king"s guards for the journey to the Wyrd city. It was a small enough party to travel swiftly, but large enough to deter casual brigands.

*If you can collect the Chalcedonian barons and their men and bring them back here, the port will be defensible," Commander Halargon said, then grimaced. *I never liked Eskarnor and the other southern barons. Mercenaries and turn-coats. Men like that have no real loyalty. When Charald returned, I advised him to give them estates far to the north. I thought, with their thin southern blood, the cold would dampen their ambition. I was wrong. It only made them greedier."

Sorne nodded. Should the baron evade Nitzane, he wasn"t going to sit still and let Baron Eskarnor ravage Chalcedonia. Eight years serving King Charald during the Secluded Sea campaign had taught him you took the fight to the enemy, you moved fast and you had to be ready to change your plans at a moment"s notice.

*The king is worse today. I fear his lucid periods are growing shorter, and even when he is lucid, he doesn"t remember what was said only moments before," Sorne said. *Someone needs to go through his study and make sure everything is in order. I"d do it, but I must ride a""

*I"ll see that it"s done."

*Best see to it yourself," Sorne said. *There could be sensitive doc.u.ments."

Halargon nodded.

Satisfied that the decree would be discovered and the government of the kingdom would not suffer, Sorne returned to the nursery, where he found the queen"s nursemaid ready with a small bundle. Both she and the boy were hooded and cloaked. Sorne pulled up his own hood.

They slipped down through the back pa.s.sages and stairs of the palace to one of the many servants" entrances, and out onto the royal plaza. Here they fell in with a party of worshippers visiting the seven churches around the plaza. It took a while a" Cedon grew tired, and Sorne had to carry him a" but eventually they entered the Father"s church.

Once there, Sorne slipped away from the worshippers and entered the private corridors of the religious order. He"d been coming here for years to visit his family, who had been hidden in the secret apartment above the high priest"s chambers, so he knew the quiet corridors and the times of prayer.

It was not until he reached High Priest Faryx"s outer chamber that he met resistance: a handsome young pup who liked exercising authority.

*Do you have an appointment?"

Sorne flicked his wrist so the sleeve fell away to reveal the ruby worn by the last high priest. By rights he should have returned it, but it had proved useful on more than one occasion. *Faryx will want to see me. Is he in his chamber?"

The a.s.sistant eyed the small boy in Sorne"s arms and the elderly woman, then showed them through.

The plump high priest welcomed them to his private study and shut the door.

*You were ready to guide the prince until he came of age," Sorne said. *Are you ready to shelter him until his throne is secure, Faryx?" He pushed back the boy"s hood. Secure in Sorne"s arms, the prince had fallen asleep.

*We heard he"d been returned this very morning," Faryx said softly. *But won"t the king a""

*The king is having one of his turns."

*Surely, the queen a""

*Abducted from the palace last night by Baron Eskarnor."

*Seven save us. I hadn"t heard."

*We"re trying to keep it that way. It"s up to Nitzane and myself to save her and secure the kingdom. I need to know the prince is safe." Sorne glanced to the secret apartment above them. *Is it a""

*Free? Yes."

*Your a.s.sistant saw us come in. Do you trust him?"

*With my life."

Sorne nodded. He found it strange going up the narrow stair to the secret apartment, which he expected to find empty as it had been the night of the riots when he"d hidden here. But it was fitted out for use, although the kitchen larder was empty. The plants in the raised garden beds on the sheltered balcony had been cut back for the winter.

Sorne did not ask what the high priest had been using the apartment for. While Faryx packed away personal items in the sitting room, Sorne took the boy into the bedroom tucked under the sloping roof.

*What is this place?" Zurina whispered.

*It has been many things over the years. My mother and sister lived her for eleven years, and they were good people. Now it is a safe haven for you and Cedon. I promise you one thing, you won"t go hungry. The high priest appreciates good food. And Cedon can run and play on the balcony. Hopefully, you won"t be here too long."

He left the old nurse-maid to unpack and returned to Faryx. The high priest was just sending his a.s.sistant away with a basket of belongings.

*He"ll return with food to stock the larder," Faryx said.

*Good. I must ride this very day. I don"t know when I"ll be back." Or even if he would survive the war that was coming. *Can I ask one thing of you? If Eskarnor seizes the throne, he"ll hunt the boy down and execute him. Take Cedon into the church, change his name and hide him here. He"s young enough not to remember who he really is."

The high priest nodded. *Until he is ready to reclaim the throne."

*No. Let him remain a priest."

Faryx"s eyes widened. *You don"t want him to be king?"

*Enough blood has been spilled and lives wasted in the pursuit of the crown. A king never knows if his friends are true or if the woman who professes to love him loves him for himself or his position."

Faryx chuckled.


*I never took you for a romantic."

*Me? I am a realist."

Faryx shook his head.

*Can I ask you something? Why is that you are not offended by my tainted blood? Most True-men find it hard to meet my eyes, let alone acknowledge me."

The high priest shrugged. *I think the silverheads are definitely a danger to us. But copperheads have no gift, none of the advantages and all of the disadvantages of their tainted blood. Tell me, do you intend to carry out more sacrifices to gain visions?"

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