
Chapter 1360

[There was a young woman who fought for her G.o.d.]

[For the young woman, her G.o.d was more dignified than anything in the world.]

[In order to protect the honor of her G.o.d, she burned her life in the pure white flames. The young woman believed it was her mission.]

[She was taught this way, so she had no choice but to believe it.]

[Because she believed, she suffered a great deal of pain.]

[Even when she felt her fading life and wept in fear, the young woman didn’t doubt her G.o.d.]

“At least, until I met you.”

[At least, until she met him.]

[The young woman finally knew G.o.d through the sight of him quenching the white flames.]

[Liberated from her suffering and filled with an unknown hope, she understood what people called G.o.d’s salvation.]

[He became the young woman’s new G.o.d.]


To save the dying Isabel, he used the G.o.ddess’ Essence and sealed Lifael’s Spear. Grid recalled the past while listening to the contents of the epic. He stared at Isabel’s face as she kneeled in front of him. Her healthy complexion was good to see. The poor girl who trembled with intense pain and sorrow no longer existed in the world.

Grid felt a sense of responsibility when he recalled that he was the one who gave her the present life. Then he soon got rid of this feeling. A G.o.d. It was ridiculous. It was a position he couldn’t afford.

Grid was struggling to ignore his responsibility when Han s...o...b..ng and Sua came to Grid’s side. Behind them were the soldiers from the East Continent, including the Red Phoenix Group. They suffered big and small wounds in the fierce war and were in a very haggard state. Sua’s beautiful face was covered with severe burns and some young warriors were so injured it wouldn’t be surprising if they died immediately. However, their eyes as they looked at Grid were strong.

[There were people who obeyed the G.o.ds.]

[For them, a G.o.d was an object of fear.]

[They sacrificed themselves to fulfill the will of the G.o.ds and believed it was the duty of humanity.]

[They were taught this way, so they had no choice but to believe it.]

[Because they believed, they endured the humiliation.]

[They didn’t dare criticize or doubt the G.o.ds who trampled on human dignity in order to protect their own face.]

[At least, until they met him.]

“Why don’t you go treat your wounds first?”

The epics were one of the most important systems for Grid. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he waited for an epic every day. However, he wasn’t so focused on the epics that he would ignore his hurt colleagues. It was the moment when Grid called Sehee before running to support the warriors and spraying a potion on Sua’s face...

“Until we met Your Majesty... we wondered if we were just tools that existed for the sake of the G.o.ds,” Sua confessed.

She vividly remembered the despair she felt on the day the Red Phoenix Bow disappeared. She had been afraid all day long, worrying about what criticism and punishment she would face from the yangbans. She obediently gave up on her life when she was trapped behind bars by Garam, who had started obsessing over Grid.

[They finally knew G.o.d through his image of cutting apart the iron bars made by a G.o.d’s will.]

[Liberated from fear and regaining their lost dignity, they understood what people called G.o.d’s salvation.]

[He became the new G.o.d of the people.]

Han s...o...b..ng and his daughter were held in prison for failing to find the whereabouts of the maker of the Red Phoenix Bow and had been waiting to be executed. It wasn’t just them. Countless other people in the East Continent suffered from the tyranny of the yangbans. The blacksmiths who believed in Grid eventually died at the hands of the yangbans.


Grid recalled the past while listening to the contents of the epic and he gazed gently at Sua’s face. Terrible burns obscured her beauty. Even so, she looked much happier now than she did in the days when she was beautiful.

The epic continued.

[There were people who lost their G.o.ds.]

[For them, a G.o.d was an object of longing.]

[The reason they never left the land of the old G.o.ds after being trampled on by the false G.o.ds was to greet the G.o.ds who would return one day.]

[The reason they didn’t abandon the land of the old G.o.ds despite being unable to endure the violence was because they feared the G.o.ds trapped in the darkness would be forgotten forever.]

[He became their G.o.d.]

[He punished the false G.o.ds and found the remnants of the old G.o.ds.]

[He declared that he would rather be a G.o.d.]


The declaration at that time was an act of anger. He saw the dirty yangbans continue to claim themselves as G.o.ds and was so angry that he shouted with the feeling ‘I would rather it be me than to see you become G.o.ds.’ Yet there was no point in explaining it now. In the first place, this epic had nothing to do with the declaration at that time. The reason why the epics described Grid as a G.o.d wasn’t in response to Grid’s declaration. It was in response to the wishes of the people.

[He is already someone’s G.o.d.]


[Overgeared King Grid has completed the 10th page of the epic!]

[A new myth is born.]

A myth—it was a concept that transcended legends. If a legend was a record that would be pa.s.sed down forever, then a myth was a belief that would be pa.s.sed down forever. Of course, people’s faith in Grid was still feeble. No one would deify Grid just because they were disappointed with knowing the reality of the G.o.ds. Only those who had witnessed Grid’s power or experienced his salvation had faith in Grid. This meant that the people who directly partic.i.p.ated in this war had faith in Grid.

Of course, players were excluded. If even the players’ faith contributed to the birth of a G.o.d, then Satisfy would already be flooded with many G.o.ds. Anyone could become a G.o.d with money and fame.

[People are praising you as the human G.o.d.]

[People are praising you as the virtuous G.o.d.]

[People are praising you as the martial G.o.d.]

The public perception of Grid started to emerge. Some people didn’t forget that Grid was a human and called him the human G.o.d. Others paid attention to Grid’s virtues and called him the virtuous G.o.d. Some people were fascinated with Grid’s strength and called him the martial G.o.d, while others were fascinated with Grid’s techniques and called him the blacksmith G.o.d.

Yet for most people...

[People are praising you as the Overgeared G.o.d.]

Grid was called the Overgeared G.o.d. It was because the most famous nickname that symbolized him was Overgeared King.


The anxious Grid tried to deny it.

[The myth of the Overgeared G.o.d begins from now on!]

Grid’s name as a G.o.d was decided regardless of his will.

Pfft!The players who had been drinking water to soothe their tired bodies from the long battle were amazed by the world message.

Ah... Ahh...Lauel collapsed from dizziness.

Someone resentfully asked why it wasn’t G.o.d Grid.

Meanwhile, Grid was silent. He opened his status window.

[Name: Grid

Level: 441

Cla.s.s: Pagma’s Successor, Duke of Wisdom, Magic Swordsman of the Epics

t.i.tle: One who Became a Legend and 44 others]

There were no major differences when compared to the status window of other players, except there were one or two more cla.s.ses, and two or three more t.i.tles. However, the newly added item next to ‘king’ in the status category was unusual.

[Status: Overgeared G.o.d]

It was just this one. He was obviously cla.s.sified as a G.o.d, but he couldn’t enjoy their immortality or exert the power of a G.o.d due to his low divinity.

[* To increase your divinity, you need to create a religion and gather believers.]


A G.o.d was cla.s.sified as a status, not a race? No, the half-G.o.d was clearly a race. A race that could evolve into a G.o.d.

‘However, my race is human and my status is a G.o.d...’

What was the difference between a G.o.d as a race and a G.o.d as a status?

‘Well, I’ll find out eventually... by the way, this is really driving me crazy.’

There was only one reason why Grid didn’t want to be a G.o.d. It was because he didn’t want to incur the wrath of the G.o.ds. In fact, the moment Grid became a G.o.d, disasters occurred throughout the Overgeared Kingdom. To be honest, Grid wanted to give up being a G.o.d right now, but it wasn’t something he could give up just because he wanted it.

“I greet the Overgeared G.o.d.”

“Be quiet.”

Grid scolded his colleagues who were holding back laughter as they called him Overgeared G.o.d and looked at the newly activated system. Various functions were activated such as the ability to give revelations to the faithful and appoint messengers of G.o.d. Looking at this, he really felt like he was a G.o.d. He hadn’t immediately felt it because there were no changes in stats.

The hesitant Sariel gathered her courage and asked, “Do I deserve to serve the Overgeared G.o.d?”

No, she was a real angel...

If he went around with a real angel, then wasn’t it right to admit he was a G.o.d? His relations.h.i.+p with the G.o.ds would never be restored. Furthermore, there was the person longing for the birth of a G.o.d killer. It was also going against Chiyou’s wish that he remain a transcendent.

Grid was deeply troubled when the Great Robber of the Red Night approached him. “I have decided what gift I want from you.”

“Please tell me."

Strictly speaking, the Great Robber of the Red Night was an enemy. They just temporarily cooperated to defeat Drasion. In order to win over the Great Robber of the Red Night, Grid proposed that he would give whatever gift the great robber wanted. What would Grid do if he asked for Talsha or the G.o.d Hands?

The tense Grid gulped. The reason that the raid (?) was successfully completed was due to the Great Robber of the Red Night’s move. Grid had no right to reject his request. He was nervous as he waited for the great robber’s words.

The great robber reached out to him. “I want that sword.”

“Yes.” Grid quietly hid Hexetia’s Short Sword behind his back and pulled out the Enlightenment Sword, handing it to the great robber.

Of course, the great robber didn’t take the Enlightenment Sword. Grid’s face was stiff as he pulled out the Fire Dragon Sword. Once again, the great robber didn’t take it. “That short.sword.”

“...Excuse me, great robber. Let me tell you about this short sword.” Grid started to give a lengthy explanation. He conveyed everything regarding his relations.h.i.+p with Hexetia to the sacrifice Hexetia made to give him this short sword. However, it didn’t work.

“I know, so bring it out. Still, considering it is a product made by a G.o.d himself, I will put a condition on it.”

The Great Robber of the Red Night had enough skills and strength. Needless to say, stealing the short sword from Grid’s hands wasn’t difficult. The reason he didn’t take the sword by force and tried to resolve it with words was because he didn’t want Grid as an enemy. He knew how important Grid was.

“I will give you a gift in return. It might feel unfair for you since you have no idea what treasures I have, but this is the greatest favor I can do for you. Additionally, if you need to go to Heaven to help G.o.d Hexetia, then I will temporarily lend you this sword.”

“Thank you. Then give me Nevartan’s Necklace as the gift.”

...Huh?The great robber’s expression became stiff. He doubted his ears while deeply regretting what he just said.

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