
Chapter 535

‘This is... Isn’t it outrageous?’

This was the Red Phoenix Bow that he made using his best effort. The Legendary Blacksmith’s Creation skill was used, and it contained the essence of Grid’s effort and skill...

‘I have to give it away?’

Grid doubted his ears and Han s...o...b..ng demanded again.

“The restored Red Phoenix Bow will allow me to manage Pangea for the rest of my life. Now, please.”

"No, this is... Ah!”

Grid’s face turned red as he suddenly realized. Restoration! The word meant to recover something. The Red Phoenix Bow was the national treasure and Pangea wanted to restore it because it was lost.

‘Han s...o...b..ng wants the restored Red Phoenix Bow..."

It was natural. He wanted the Red Phoenix Bow returned to its original place! Oh, why didn’t Grid think about this earlier?

‘How rotten...’


Grid grumbled and pulled his hair. He felt wronged. Was it the quest itself? No, he had no such complaints about the quest. This was a quest to become friendly with the lord and acquire access to the castle’s dungeon. It was a quest he would’ve accepted, even if he knew that he had to give up on the Red Phoenix Bow.

In the first place, the white phosphorus bow that was used for the Red Phoenix Bow was readily available. It wasn’t too much if he gave the Red Phoenix Bow to another.

‘At least, if it was the epic or unique rating!’

Then why?

‘Why did a legendary rating appear in this type of quest?’

In retrospect, this was also the case with the National Compet.i.tion. He created a growth type item and it was taken away. Grid couldn’t help feeling like it was unfair.

‘Creating a good item, just to hand it to someone else...’

He had been proud like an idiot the moment that the legendary item was created.

"My d.a.m.n luck...”

He was too unlucky. It was undeniable bad luck!

“Now, let"s go."

Grid was sighing by himself. Han s...o...b..ng personally raised him up. He brought White and Grid and headed to the lord’s castle.


Their great lord was holding the hand of a blacksmith? The excited crowd cheered excitedly at the unusual sight.

“He didn’t even treat me, last year’s winner, like this...”

Blue Flame"s leader, Enoch, was frustrated. White, who he had ignored so much, had transcended himself in one morning.


Pangea Castle.


On the way to the castle. Grid inwardly complained for an hour and finally shut his mouth. He was captivated by the beauty of Pangea Castle. Pangea Castle reminded him of the castle from the Goryeo period that he saw in the historical dramas.

‘However, it’s much bigger and more colorful.’

He walked along the marble floor and crossed seven doors. Finally, he arrived at the innermost part of the castle. It was the most secret and important part of the castle where the lord and his family lived. White gulped. He clearly felt nervous. He was different from Grid. As an ordinary blacksmith, White never expected to be invited to the innermost palace.

"That... Lord. I don’t think this is a place for a lowly blacksmith like me to step into.”

It was Grid, not Han s...o...b..ng, who responded to White.

"Why are you a lowly blacksmith?”

“Haha! He’s right! Blacksmiths are the base of national power! Furthermore, White is the best blacksmith in Pangea! It’s only when you treat yourself like dirt that the kingdom will be shaken!”


White felt like it was a dream. The person who had been ignored and despised by people just this morning was now recognized by the esteemed lord of this kingdom. The cheers of the people at the venue were still roaring in his ears.

"My life changed in a moment...’

All of this.

‘It’s thanks to Grid!’

White’s eyes shone as he gazed at Grid. It resembled Noe’s eyes when he was hungry. Grid felt burdened.

‘The love of all these uncles...’

It had been like this since the past. Grid was only loved by uncle or grandfather type NPCs. A prime example was Khan. Grid was a young man in his prime. He wanted to be loved by women more than men.

‘I heard there are a lot of female NPC blacksmiths.’

Why did he only have blacksmiths that were old men around him? Even the only elf he met was a male.

“It can’t be...”

Was this the aftermath of his bad luck? It gave him gooseb.u.mps. Grid’s shoulders sank as he felt depressed.

Han s...o...b..ng led him to one side of the innermost palace. It was a small room with calligraphy written on the wall.

"Wow, there are others in the world who can write as well as me.”

Grid couldn’t help admiring it. Han s...o...b..ng coughed and removed the ‘rules’ stuck on the wall with a blush. No, it wasn’t ‘rules’ but the character for ‘fire.’ There was a small b.u.t.ton hidden in the spot covered by it and once Han s...o...b..ng pressed it, the flat wall split to the left and right. Then a stairway leading to the bas.e.m.e.nt was revealed.

“Now, let"s go."

Grid and the frightened White gazed at the dismal looking entrance. Han s...o...b..ng smile benevolently and led them down the stairs.

After a while.

“A place like this is in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the castle...”

It was an underground s.p.a.ce illuminated by brilliant jade monuments. It was a small s.p.a.ce that gave a warm feeling. The blue moss on the wall shone brilliantly.

“It’s too small to be a dungeon... What is this place?”

Han s...o...b..ng answered Grid’s question as he pulled out the Red Phoenix Bow. He stared to explain as he placed the Red Phoenix Bow on the altar present.

“This place has good feng shui...”


"Waterway? What five elements? What is he saying?’

It was a long description that Grid couldn’t understand. Grid was feeling confused and all of Han s...o...b..ng’s words entered one ear and out the other.

"In other words, this is the s.p.a.ce where Grid’s great work will stay forever.”

“Ah... Yes."

One thing was clear. HIs legendary Red Phoenix Bow. He would never be able to get it back in his lifetime.

‘It isn’t hard to create a new Red Phoenix Bow because of all the white phosphorus trees on the East Continent, but...’

Could he create a legendary rated Red Phoenix Bow again? He had no confidence.

“Ah?” Grid trembled and suddenly doubted something. "But s...o...b..ng ... No, Lord s...o...b..ng. You must know that I have only restored the active function of the Red Phoenix Bow, not the aura of the Red Phoenix. Is this really the Red Phoenix Bow? Isn’t it useless?”

Grid was unable to let go of the Red Phoenix Bow. He wanted it back. But Han s...o...b..ng misunderstood.

"Distinguished person... You are truly a brilliant person.”


"I am truly grateful that you restored the Red Phoenix Bow, but you are concerned that you didn’t help me enough?”


Grid was embarra.s.sed by Han s...o...b..ng’s interpretation.

"You are virtuous enough to be compared to the most respectable king of the Cho Kingdom. I feel admiration just looking at you. If it isn’t impolite, I would like to present a t.i.tle to you.”

‘A t.i.tle!’

t.i.tles in Satisfy had a mysterious power. They raised certain stats, gave new skills, or new power. The more t.i.tles a person had, the better. There was no reason for Grid to refuse.

“Give it to me! A t.i.tle!”

Han s...o...b..ng nodded at Grid’s joyful shout. "You are a gentleman of virtue. In commemoration of Pangea, I will call you Pangea’s Duke of Virtue.”

"Pangea’s Duke...of Virtue.”

He had a very bad feeling. Braham’s voice rang in the mind of the disappointed Grid.

"Just as some of the direct vampires have the t.i.tle of the wise duke, human beings also have the t.i.tle of ‘duke.’ Sword Saint Muller had the t.i.tle of ‘Duke of Pressure’ and Blacksmith Pagma had the t.i.tle of ‘Duke of Fire.’ The t.i.tle of a duke is a symbol of legends and gives great power to legends. In fact, after getting the t.i.tle of Duke of Fire, Pagma was able to bring out flames with his hammering and swordsmans.h.i.+p.’


Grid’s disappointment disappeared. He was filled with new antic.i.p.ation as he asked Braham.

"Then what ability will I get as a virtuous person?’

At the same time.

[The t.i.tle Pangea’s Duke of Virtue has been acquired!]

[The pa.s.sive skill ‘Incomplete Virtue of Mercy’ has been created!]

[Incomplete Virtue of Mercy]

Category: Pa.s.sive

When hunting monsters, there is a chance that you will show mercy and not take their lives.

“Ah, XX.”

In the end. Grid couldn’t resist inwardly cursing. Braham consoled him.

‘Don’t be an idiot. A duke t.i.tle wouldn’t be terrible. Don’t be too concerned. The original duke t.i.tles aren’t for a single person, but lots of people. You might get new t.i.tles later. Well, even if you have a lousy t.i.tle for the rest of your life, it won’t be a big problem if I take care of you.’

"Ah, I don’t know. If this keeps happening I might fold the game.”

At this time, Grid couldn’t imagine. The power of the virtuous t.i.tle!


S.A. Group’s headquarters. Lim Cheolho was doing his work when he heard a report from the supercomputer Morpheus.

[A duke t.i.tle was acquired.]


Lim Cheolho was startled. A duke t.i.tle was a symbolic power that could only be given to players who succeeded a legend or would grow to be a legend. It was very difficult to get because it was very powerful. The person had to build up myriad achievements and gain full recognition from the residents of Satisfy.

"Morpheus? Didn’t you say that these t.i.tles would only emerge in 1 year and 8 months?”

[It is one of the 5 miracle players. Grid once again broke my predictions.]

“Grid...! Haha! This time as well?”

Lim Cheolho had a great liking for Grid. A poor person grew steadily in the game that he made, so he felt happy watching Grid. Lim Cheolho asked with expectations.

“What new idea did he have to break your prediction this time?”

[It wasn’t a new idea. As always, he gave off a great impression by respecting and saving NPCs. Once this repet.i.tive action reached the 79th time, the t.i.tle was opened.]

“Um... That’s Grid’s specialty.”

Grid was an expert at gaining the favor of NPCs. It wasn’t always intended and sometimes it was caused by a misunderstanding. Lim Cheolho and Morpheus obviously didn’t know that.

"Then what t.i.tle did he obtain?”

[Pangea’s Duke of Virtue.]

"Pangea’s...Duke of Virtue?”

The distinguis.h.i.+ng word (Pangea) in front of it meant that Grid hadn’t yet become purely virtuous. Well, it was no wonder. It was too early for a perfect t.i.tle to emerge. Lim Cheolho was embarra.s.sed that the t.i.tle Grid obtained was Duke of Virtue.

“Virtue... It doesn’t really fit with a blacksmith?”

It was a t.i.tle designed to match the legends of other fields.

"No, why didn’t he get the Duke of Fire... Oh my, this is going to cause another uproar.”

He could see that Grid was going insane. Lim Cheolho clicked his tongue.

“Why did you have to treat NPCs so well every time...?”

This was the result of Grid’s good heart. Lim Cheolho felt both sorry and delighted for Grid.

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