“It’s absolute blackmail! It will cost one thousand Huaxia coins to enter the town. If I’m going to stay here for a few days, more Huaxia coins will have to be paid.”

Su Yan was penniless, so he took some beast materials as collateral and entered an underground base.

It was a hollowed-out mountain, which was an altogether different world. Although the buildings were simple and crude, there were several people.

Most places were offering leisure and entertainment. Beautiful women wearing exposing clothes could even be seen soliciting customers by the road!

While Su Yan was watching with excitement, a woman with long legs, enveloped by perfume, walked towards him and giggled, "Little fellow, you look so young. What are you looking at? Why don"t you drop in?"

Su Yan"s strength had skyrocketed in the past two months and a sense of strong air permeated from his body, which immediately attracted the woman’s attention. With an aromatic breath, she blew through her delicate red lips into Su Yan"s ear, and then she gave him a charming smile, "Free of charge, uh-huh."

Seeing Su Yan run away with a red face, the woman stamped her feet with anger, her big b.o.o.bs bouncing up and down. “d.a.m.n you! Why do you run? You, an old virgin in your 100s, stop running and come back to f.u.c.k her to death.” Su Yan turned to look at the exasperated woman and regret filled his heart.

Soon, Su Yan arrived at the UCC.

A waitress came to Su Yan as soon as he entered the dimly-lit hall.

Su Yan explained his intentions. When the lord-level materials were mentioned, the waitress who served Su Yan brought him to a balcony. Su Yan sat on a comfortable sofa, feeling quite relaxed.

Soon, a young man pushed open the door and walked in. Seeing that Su Yan still looked like a teenager, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "h.e.l.lo, I’m Xia Yang. Please leave whatever you want to sell to me. Our UCC always pays a fair price."

Su Yan nodded and then handed two combat backpacks to Xia Yang.

Xia Yang frowned at the materials in one of the backpacks. The quality of the materials was ordinary, which was not worthy of his reception.

However, just as Xia Yang opened the other backpack, his face gushed with a smile. As a core member of the UCC, with only a glance by his sharp eyes he could identify the materials from beast lords.

The Golden-feathered Eagle"s claws were extremely stiff and could be used to make all kinds of weapons, but its feathers were burned up by the Water & Fire Snake, whose skin and gall were the most valuable.

Xia Yang was silent for a while and then said, "I can pay you two million Huaxia coins for the two beast lords’ materials, together with other materials."

Su Yan didn’t bring their flesh, otherwise the price would be double. Su Yan kept them for himself to supplement his Qi and blood, so he would not sell them.

Seeing Su Yan shake his head slightly, Xia Yang said in a hurry, "My offer is absolutely fair. Two million Huaxia coins is quite a lot."

Su Yan did not respond. Xia Yang frowned and carefully stared at the two beast lords’ materials, and then he focused on the skin of the Water & Fire Snake. Faintly feeling a wisp of glowing temperatures, he got frightened and asked, "Is this a Water & Fire Snake?"

Seeing Su Yan nod, Xia Yang became excited. This was good stuff! As a rare beast, the Water & Fire Snake contained two attributes, namely water and fire, which was good enough to make a war robe which would be favored by the rich.

"Unfortunately, the cortical damage is serious, or it would deserve a much higher price."

Xia Yang pondered for a moment upon Su Yan"s unperturbed look, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Bro, five million Huaxia coins."

Su Yan felt the price was ok, so he nodded.

Xia Yang laughed, "Great! I like your forthright manner. Hopefully we can be good friends henceforth, and I will definitely offer you a satisfactory price for whatever good stuff you bring to me later."

"Well, please give me an anonymous account and transfer the money to me. Besides, I need a communicator whose charge can be deducted directly from the payment for these other materials.” Su Yan said.

“Ha ha, just a communicator. I give it to you freely. Please wait for me here for a while.”

After Xia Yang left, some excitement appeared on Su Yan’s face. It was such a simple way to make five million Huaxia coins. If Vermillion Fruits were also taken out to sell, they would definitely fetch a sky-high price.

Soon Xia Yang returned and gave Su Yan the latest type of communicator, which could not be bought without 10,000-20,000 Huaxia coins. The material quality of the communicator was fairly firm.

Turning on the communicator and seeing the transfer information on it, Su Yan felt he was dreaming. He was poor a hundred years ago, but he made five million Huaxia coins by taking a trip to the wilderness after a hundred years!

He couldn’t help feeling the Awoken’s speed of making money was too fast. No wonder their status in Huaxia Alliance was so high. It was martialists that would dominate the world in the future!

“I have some things to buy.”

Xia Yang neatly took one treasure book after another out of his backpack and then laughed, "All kinds of items are recorded here. Tell me truthfully if you take a fancy to something. The ordinary treasures are available in our base, while the precious ones need to be mobilized from the headquarters of Huaxia City. Please take a look first, and then call me directly with the communicator if there is anything you like."

“Ok, let me see.”

Su Yan was somewhat disappointed. He wanted to see their treasure house, wondering whether the Dragon Totem could search for unknown and mysterious treasures.

In fact, similar incidents had happened in the UCC. After all, with limited knowledge of the G.o.d & Devil Civilization, sometimes the Huaxia Alliance couldn’t recognize some of the unknown treasures that were recognized by other human elites. This had led to a lot of losses in the UCC.

Since then, ill.u.s.trated handbooks of treasures had been made, and the unrecognizable treasures would be selected to stay behind.

Liquid Medicines, Weapons, Martial Arts, Treasures, Primordial Relics and s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps.

Six books!

Su Yan opened the book Liquid Medicines and saw the Innate Liquids right away. One drop of the Innate Liquids would cost 100,000 Huaxia coins. What’s more, the origin of Innate Liquids stunned Su Yan. They were not refined by chemists but abstracted from the precious Spiritual Spring.

“By Dragon Totem, if a Spiritual Spring can be found, I will get rich.”

Su Yan licked his lips. Such resources must be in the hands of great forces. Su Yan even got the Soul-enchanting Powder by serendipity from them. It was very expensive, and just a bottle of it cost one million Huaxia coins. Tong Gaoyang must have spent a lot of money on it.

“These are first-level liquid medicine. The Body-strengthening Liquid is pretty good, and a man is expected to enhance three to five horsepower after drinking it. Unfortunately, it is so expensive that just one bottle costs a million Huaxia coins. I can"t afford it. Luckily, I have the flesh of Golden-feathered Eagle and Water & Fire Snake, so I don"t need this kind of thing. Let me take a look at what the second-level liquid medicines include.”

Su Yan turned to the page of catalogue, and his eyes opened wide. There were only a small number of the second-level liquid medicines, and the first one he saw was the Destiny Spring Liquid, which could increase the success rate to open the Destiny Spring of human body by 20%!

“My goodness, one billion Huaxia coins!”

Su Yan was flabbergasted. It was unexpected that only a 20% higher success rate would cost one billion Huaxia coins. How much on earth would a chemist earn? How powerful was a person at the Destiny Spring Realm?

As for the rest of the second-level liquid medicines, they were relatively cheap, but still the price was no less than tens of millions of Huaxia coins.

“I’ll just buy some Innate Liquids to save my own life.”

Opening the book Weapons, Su Yan began to read carefully under the supreme alloy category. As expected, all weapons ill.u.s.trated in this book were quite expensive. In general, the  prices ranged from two million Huaxia coins to three million Huaxia coins. Su Yan took a fancy to a Dragon Tattooed Rod, which was worth 2.6 million Huaxia coins.

“It can cause a fatal damage to beast lords. Even if I don’t use it later, I can sell it out. My weapon is not strong enough. I will take it!”

Su Yan preferred stick-shaped weapons. After approving the Dragon Tattooed Rod, he began to browse the category of Martial Arts. He shook his head after a while. “All of the martial arts are common and expensive. I should be able to learn martial arts for free when I enter a higher school in the future. For now, the Form-Intention Boxing is enough for me.”

There was a Ghosting Steps that he liked a lot. After practicing it, general superiors at Awakening Peak could improve three points in speed, and could even avoid ordinary beast lords’ attack. However, the price was more than eight million Huaxia coins.

“The human elites can make money faster. The powerful martial arts, which are developed by them, can be sold at a high price. These martial arts are only allowed for personal practice. Once a private transaction is discovered, the traders will be hunted by the whole Huaxia Alliance.”

Su Yan could only look and sigh. Then he browsed the treasures, the number of which was relatively small, and he even found the Essence Stone. Was this not for sale?

“Ginseng and ganoderma lucidum have been divine treasures for more than thirty years, each of which were worth over 10 million Huaxia coins!”

“Dragon Totem, when will you find a Ginseng Mountain for me?”

When Su Yan found the Vermillion Fruit, which was not for sale either, he began to read its introduction carefully and saw its method of use. In view of its powerful medicine efficacy, only people who were strong enough could digest it.

“People with two hundred horsepower can barely bear its medicine efficacy? Having swallowed the two beast lords’ flesh, I should be barely qualified?”

At this point, Su Yan was a little distracted. After all, he had the Dragon Totem, and hoped it would not consume too much!

“Let me see what the Primordial Relics include.”

Su Yan"s thinking was subverted when he opened this book, which contained all kinds of ancient objects: bells, tripods, towers, ancient swords...


Su Yan was stunned. G.o.d & Devil Civilization must have appeared on the Earth. The human elites excavated various primordial relics to search for treasures, and maybe Incipient Scripture was also a precious treasure that primordial elites left for us!

It was quite possible.

However, these primordial treasures couldn"t be measured in money. Su Yan stared at the pattern on an ancient tripod, still feeling its ancient charm. Ten Essence Stones were required for the exchange!

“Essence Stone! No wonder Tao Tianhua tried to take away my Essence Stone. Maybe Essence Stone is the most powerful trading currency!”

“Gold and diamonds have been out of date.”

“How powerful is this tripod?”

“Has the Golden Cudgel in the mythical era ever existed?”

Su Yan learned something. Then he opened the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps, which made him force a smile.

“Five million Huaxia coins can’t even afford the leftover materials of a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. It is similar to a plane though it is called ‘s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p’.”

This was just a small s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. It was said that Huaxia College had a large s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p called Huaxia No. 1!

It was said that it could accommodate tens of thousands of people and resist the attack from a beast king!

Some people said that such a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p could travel in outer s.p.a.ce. It was unknown whether it was true or not. It was just a legend.

Su Yan took out the communicator to get in touch with Xia Yang.

A few moments later, Xia Yang came in. Su Yan told Xia Yang what he needed, and Xia Yang generously said, "I have already notified the others and they will deliver what you need here soon. The total price of what you have purchased exceeds four million Huaxia coins, and you can get a discount of 30,000 Huaxia coins."

“Mr. Xia, I want to know something about the treasures not-for-sale.” Su Yan said.

Hearing this, Xia Yang explained, “Some things can’t be traded unless you join the UCC. To tell you the truth, if your amount of transactions in the UCC reach 100 million Huaxia coins, you will be ent.i.tled to see the treasure maps that contain much more treasures which can only be seen by VIPs. Moreover, we will invite VIPs to partic.i.p.ate in various auctions.”

Su Yan was speechless. What Xia Yang had just said told Su Yan that it would cost at least 100 million Huaxia coins to become a VIP.

“Hey, bro, it must be very hard to take adventures into the wilderness, right?”

Xia Yang suddenly said with an erotic smile, “Do you want me to arrange a beauty for you? Girls here are definitely much better than those outside. More importantly, the price is quite fair.”

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