The b.l.o.o.d.y monster with extreme ferociousness!

Behind Zu Yan stood a giant figure shrouding the sky. Even the moon hanging in the sky turned scarlet when it opened its huge mouth.

It seemed as if it was going to swallow the whole sky.

All shuddered out of fear.

Countless cultivators died under the crush of the bronze chariot, splas.h.i.+ng the vital energy which was then devoured by Zu Yan. Immediately, Zu Yan’s weak breath skyrocketed!

The vital energy of these died cultivators nourished his weakening divine blood. Besides, Zu Yan forced out the blood magic to turn into a monster that was about to devour the sky.

“The bloodline of Taotie, a mythical ferocious beast of ancient China. He awakened the magic of devouring!” Tie Baocai raged as it knew well of how terrible the bloodline was. Once the bearer took an evil path, he would have to feed on living lives, millions of lives. And an adult Taotie would even swallow immortals and devils for its own growth.

“This can’t be!”

Some of the Prime Factions who just arrived were nearly frightened to death as they simply couldn’t believe what they saw! Zu Yan the Warlord was taking lives for power?

Base No.9 was doomed with reek of blood pervading the air.

The shadow of Taotie moved again and started its devouring, engulfing innumerable lives from Base No.9.

“Sacrifice, my people!”

Zu Yan now looked imposing and majestic. He sat in his Bronze Chariot and brought out the power of the divine bloodline to the extreme, trying obviously to sacrifice thousands of lives.

“d.a.m.n Zu Yan! You ruthless brute!”

An old man screamed out hysterically when seeing his granddaughter being sucked into the b.l.o.o.d.y purgatory and staring at him with despair in eyes. It was too much for him to bear that he couldn’t help but scream out of rage.

All happened in an instant, too fast for anyone to act.

Base No.9 turned into a h.e.l.l, a living h.e.l.l that frightened all. The fact that Zu Yan, the Warlord revered by many, did such a cruel thing made it hard for all to take.

Standing at the gate of Base No. 9, Zu Yan mobilized the ferocious bloodline of the beast Taotie to swallow all residents of the base.

“Stop it, Zu Yan!” roared Xia Ze who attacked straight at Zu Yan with his Heaven-suppressing Bell operating.

However, the bell was quaked to whine when it reached the Bronze Chariot, a Weapon of Law operating in extreme.

The aura of Zu Yan got increasingly frightening when countless lives were devoured. The immense vital energy gathered by the bloodline of Taotie was then directed to nourish Zu Yan’s Destiny Spring, which then trembled violently, seemingly to open the fourth holy-level Taoist Door.

“I was planning to wait a bit longer till you’re ripe to reap. But you rebel against me, and that leaves me no other choice but to end it the b.l.o.o.d.y way.” Zu Yan’s cruel reply infuriated all cultivators of Huaxia Alliance. Zu Yan apparently took them all as his personal spiritual lands of herbs waiting for him to reap and kill.

“We must stop him! Zu Yan must be feeling hard to a.s.similate all the energy he just took in. However, he would gain a moment of absolute power, which means if he slays the mightiest cultivators of Huaxia Alliance, it would be the end of all.” Tie Baocai was exasperated yet still he rushed back to Huaxia City.

This was the tragic fate of a primordial planet of life that had just awakened. Some much unluckier planets would even fall into the hands of some mighty masters with the fortunate residents dying and the unfortunate ones sold as slaves.


Doom fell on Base No.9 with innumerable residents being devoured by the monster, turning into the materials that nourished the divine power within Zu Yan who was trying to open the fourth holy-level Taoist Door.

“Please! Can somebody kill this brute?”

“Su Yan is right. Zu Yan must be an alien who has been hatching a sinister plot towards earth.”

“f.u.c.k you! Give my son back!” Some roared hysterically and tried to stop Zu Yan with no fear of death.

However, that was useless for Zu Yan was way too formidable with the Bronze Chariot guarding around and the bloodline of Taotie sucking the vitality of lives to promote his breakthrough.

Su Yan drove the nine bronze swords with all his might to strike the chariot. However, Zu Yan took a defensive stance and held the chariot with his Taoist doors, making it impossible for the swords to even touch the chariot.

“You d.a.m.n a.s.shole! I’ll kill you!” A charming voice exploded in the air along with a beam of dazzling light coming far from Base No.9. The aura of which was so shockingly overwhelming that it penetrated through the sky over and drew the rules between heaven and earth to roar. It was Yu Yiling. She now possessed a domineering power after opening the heaven-level Taoist door and came out with a formidable weapon to stop Zu Yan’s barbarity.

The shadow of Taotie roared, the great power of which shattered many of the residents into pieces and upset the inner Qi of Yu Yiling with her weapon subdued by the Zu Yan’s palm.

The giant mouth of Taotie was so terrifying with blood splas.h.i.+ng that it even eclipsed the moon and the soon.

Feeling a great force of sucking, Yu Yiling couldn’t even resist it and was pulled closer to the giant mouth of the beast.


All were trembling with fear! Yu Yiling was the most talented of Huaxia College and it would be such a heavy loss to take if she was devoured.


Zu Yan came at this critical moment with billowy glows around his body and countless formation lines dotting his pace. Soon the formations lines stretched and spread throughout the whole Base No.9.


Su Yan roared out of rage, his breath drawing the rules between heaven and earth, his Soul coming out with the Source Pen.

Su Yan now united with Base No.9 as one.

The Qi of Earth Vein in Base No.9 rose, releasing layers of exuberant essence that turned into a huge column of energy to seal the whole base.

“Look! It’s Su Yan!”

The horrified residents in Base No.9 were thrilled and roared, “Su Yan! It’s Su Yan!”

At this point, like an almighty G.o.d of invincibility, Su Yan performed the mightiest art of Taoist Coercer to draw the Qi of Earth Vein which then turned into a huge dragon that steadied down the faltering Base No.9 and resisted the power of Taotie.

Yu Yiling was so frightened that chill sweats oozed out on her back. That was so close.

Zu Yan looked cold as he had never expected that Su Yan would possess a secret weapon, Source Pen.


Zu Yan, without any delay, drove his Bronze Chariot towards Huaxia City in lightning speed. The fourth Taoist door in his body was nearly opened!

“You aborigines! All die today!” Zu Yan sneered coldly. He believed that when his fourth Taoist door was open, no one could stop him with the increased power, not even Su Yan who knew how to master the Dragon Vein.


The billowy Qi of Dragon Vein soared high into the sky and rolled with Su Yan’s rage. Su Yan turned the Qi of Earth Vein of Base No.9 into a huge dragon that carried the Nine Killing Swords to smash the Bronze Chariot

“Suppress!” roared Su Yan who exerted all his might to stop the Bronze Chariot.

However, fast as Su Yan was, he just couldn’t catch up with the chariot, which collapsed the air and rushed straight to Huaxia City.

Liu Chengtian and the others were petrified with horror. Unimaginable calamity would befall Huaxia City if no one could stop Zu Yan. Huaxia City dwelled at least millions of elites of Huaxia Alliance, who, if devoured by the monster, would greatly enhance Zu Yan’s power to even the fifth level of Taoist Door Realm.

Right at this moment, thundering howls of beasts came from the mountains in Base No.9. Innumerable beasts were rus.h.i.+ng to Base No.9 with even countless demons lords that had opened Taoist doors!

For a time, the area within thousands of miles was shaking with the army of beasts.


Xia Ze and his men berated out of rage for they knew it must be the hands of Zu Yan who had brought the army of beasts toward Base No.9 to delay them.

Zu Yan was the lord of all demon lords with the part of mythical creature blood he had.

Xia Ze was quite aware that as long as they fought together, Zu Yan would sure be dead no matter how mighty he was for it was impossible for anyone to fight millions of cultivators at the same time.

“Su Yan, you’re wasting your time. You won’t catch me. You’ll be dead after I take some rest.”

“If you dare to hide again, Huaxia Alliance would be doomed because of you.”

The cold voice of Zu Yan resonated through the air, making everyone feel chilled for the maliciousness. Zu Yan was planning to sacrifice the whole Huaxia City, hundreds of millions of lives, to the monster?

Huaxia City was fully alert yet the ferociousness of Zu Yan was too domineering to stand that even the gate of Huaxia City was trembling as if to collapse.

Su Yan was furious and wanted to stop Zu Yan with the Training PaG.o.da but it was too powerful for him to control at the moment.

“Zu Yan you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you’ll die for this!” All of a sudden, an old lion appeared at the gate of Huaxia City with thundering rage.

“Elder Lei!”

Residents of Huaxia City were astonished to see Elder Lei standing out. More surprisingly, he had also opened heaven-level Taoist door with formidable thunders falling down and a huge thunder hammer in hand.

Elder Lei looked imposing and magnificent when he stepped out alone to stop the coming Zu Yan.

“You old fool, run! You can’t stop him!” roared Su Yan who just felt he himself still stood a chance to force Zu Yan out of the city with the Qi of Dragon Vein he mastered.

Yet now he felt somewhat complicated as he never expected that the previous Elder Lei who tried many times to plunder his cultivation resources and even kill him would step out against Zu Yan!

“You garbage! I’ll sacrifice you alive!” With that, Zu Yan revived the bloodline of Taotie again, bringing out a giant mouth of monster behind his back!

The heaven and earth turned into a b.l.o.o.d.y purgatory as the monster opened its mouth, in which haunted countless air of viciousness left by the lives it devoured.

Truly, devouring the lives would promote Zu Yan’s mightiness, yet the more lives it devoured, the higher the risk.

“Baocai, come on, give him a treasure to fight with!”

To all’s surprise, Elder Lei stopped and cursed in a low voice, his prowess, his magnificence all gone in a second.

“I’m not a fool!” thought Elder Lei.

However, at this point, Tie Baocai who had been following behind climbed fast onto his head and sat heavily down, nearly killing Elder Lei with its heavy weight.

Tie Baocai, with the red bellyband on his stomach and a treasure bowl on his head, summoned out a huge wars.h.i.+p from the inside of the bowl.

“Huaxia No.1!”

All cultivators in Huaxia City were excited for the wars.h.i.+p reminded them of those hard years when Huaxia No.1 had saved far too many lives from the moment it had been unearthed. It was the hero, the savior of Huaxia Alliance.

“I’ll show you what I’ve got specially for you!” grinned Tie Baocai who immediately opened the gate of the wars.h.i.+p, from which floated out awful stink that nearly made Elder Lei collapse to the ground.

A variety of repugnant liquid fell from the wars.h.i.+p which now looked like a huge manure pit, and into the b.l.o.o.d.y mouth of Zu Yan.

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