"He"s really got something. He has cultivated his Form-Intention Boxing into the form of tiger in such a short time. This capability in combating will make him invincible to any average master in the state of Destiny Spring!"

The Fatty was amazed at what Su Yan had achieved in so short a time. What a wonderful a.s.sistance Form-Intention Boxing was to his mighty combating capability.

"My bro is meant for something big! You know who else can venture into the mountain forest annihilating the beast lords all by himself? Hardly none in the Awakening Realm has lived that experience!" The Fatty was so cheerful.

Martial arts were indeed paramount. Generally, only the masters who attained Destiny Spring Realm can perform with the essence of martial arts. With Form-Intention Boxing, Su Yan reached another new level in cultivation just as a tiger gained a pair of wings.

Su Yan laughed hysterically and rushed into the forest like a fierce tiger. His imposingly dignified manner scared the beasts away, and those who didn"t run fast enough got crushed with their blood gus.h.i.+ng out of their bodies. He stirred the whole woods up.

In three weeks, Su Yan grew stronger in qi and blood, and he could exert his strength more steadily.

Without a solid groundwork, one could seldom expect to accomplish a major fulfillment in Awakening Realm. He needed to exercise so the next time it would be much easier to deal with another beast lord.

Carrying the dead bodies of two beast lords, Su Yan came back to their camp. Wilderness 024 was cleared, now they owned the place.

Generally speaking, a beast king would definitely pay its vendetta if a man savagely killed in its territory! But the news hadn"t flashed yet. So they would kill as many beast lords as possible to trade for Huaxia coins before the cat went out of the bag. The payment was juicy. Su Yan had fifty million Huaxia coins for the moment. Of course he still owned Lin Wanlan three hundred and fifty million Huaxia coins.

"What is that?"

Su Yan caught a sight of Lin Wanlan"s medicine furnace glowing, his bright eyes indicating he was intrigued.

Every chemist owned an unbelievably precious medicine furnace. In Lin Wanlan"s case, a purple one of great delicacy and a long history.

This was the treasure Lin Wanlan valued the most--a treasure once buried.

Inside the glowing furnace flames were licking the stove in which the medicine liquid was getting refined.

Now the time had come. Lin Wanlan was exhausted and sweating while the Fatty stood like a guardian watching over her.

The dense scent of the liquid started to permeate. Was it working? Su Yan"s eyes were full of curiosity and hopefulness.

Lin Wanlan had been studying and planning for half a month to make this medical liquid.

Now it was the time to reveal the truth of it.


The lid was blown off the furnace as Lin Wanlan opened her eyes abruptly. The radiant glowing shoot out beautifully as the fragrance encompa.s.sing them.

"Oh, you did it!"

The Fatty ran over there deliriously, casting his sight directly into the stove which contained a s.h.i.+ny mult.i.tude of drops in light gold.

"Looks dandy!"

Lin Wanlan was pleased and rapturous because of what she had made--a hundred million Huaxia coins worth of mult.i.tudinous medications! And the horn powders from the flood dragon would enhance the efficacy greatly.

"This is it, right!" Su Yan was also rapturous. "This is amazing! You people are dope!"

Like an elegant swan Lin Wanlan waved her arm with a look of pride on her face, "I"ll give you one drop for free, Su Yan."

The Fatty looked at Su Yan sympathetically. He knew Lin Wanlan only generously lent Su Yan four hundred million Huaxia coins to make him her experiment rat.

Not knowing this, Su Yan swallowed the drop.

It was so acute and intense that he felt a fire burning in his stomach. He sensed his viscera as if being torn apart in the incineration under the potent effect of the medicine.

Su Yan was thrilled. He started to run the Incipient Scripture which turned his body into a furnace of qi and blood. The ma.s.sive power inside him was supernatural and devastating for which the painful effect of the drop was suppressed.


Only in a while Su Yan recovered, stronger than ever before, his body glowing, chests strengthening, and blood freshening.

It was quite obvious that the medicine endowed him with strength and it helped with the cultivation.

Su Yan was truly stunned by the golden liquid, a drop of which could hasten ten days of his cultivation. What would happen if he had taken ten drops? The chemists were the closest thing to magicians.

"Holy molly, it did work!"

Lin Wanlan was psyched, knowing the significance of this outcome. She had produced second-level medical liquid and became a second-level chemist. This wasn"t common in Huaxia Alliance. Not to mention how young she was to achieve what she had achieved. She was likely to be rated by the college as a golden student.

"My lady, may I take the pleasure to be your patient number two?" the Fatty expectantly rubbed his two big fat palms and asked in a pleasing tone, "I will not have my twenty million coins for testing it."

It sent s.h.i.+vers down Su Yan"s spine. That was an outrageous bargain. Twenty million for a test of the liquid? If something had gone wrong, that would be extremely awful. No wonder she lent him money so casually.

"Take it as a gift!" She was in a great mood.

The Fatty grinned with excitement and eagerly swallowed the golden drop.

He sat on the ground, waiting for the change.

In just a few seconds, the excitement faded away from his face as he noticed something wrong. He looked like he wanted to cry and his face turned red. A howling burst out of his lips. The agony was insufferable, sickening.

Lin Wanlan got a really bad feeling. The Fatty shrieked and desperately sprinted into the pool. His giant body sent half of the pool water splas.h.i.+ng. What is worse, the whole pool started steaming.

Su Yan froze at a loss. How was this happening? Lin Wanlan was also shocked. Su Yan was alright after taking the medicine. What was wrong?

"It was because of the Incipient Scripture!"

Su Yan understood that the Incipient Scripture was extremely strong, which refined the potent effect of the medical liquid. Therefore, he was fine. But the Fatty"s physique couldn"t bear it.

The Fatty wailed for a whole half day till he crawled out of the pool. He asked indignantly, "What happened? I"m much more powerful than Su Yan, aren"t I? But why he is fine?"

Lin Wanlan looked dispirited. She failed!

The medical liquid she researched was aimed at the flesh, but even the Fatty could not bear it. There was no doubt that the medical liquid was a failure.

"It"s not necessarily a failure. How about weakening the effect?" Su Yan advised.

Hearing this, Lin Wanlan shook her head, "It won"t work. It is estimated that you are fine because of your special physique. If I really weaken the strength, it would never be a second-level medical liquid and my promotion must be doomed to failure."

"Is promotion particularly important for you?" Su Yan asked.

"You don"t know. Wanlan has been in Huaxia College for three years, if she can"t become the second-level chemist this year, the resources and rewards she gets will be reduced," the Fatty sighed, "Unfortunately, we don"t have second-level prescriptions. We can only find second-level prescriptions in ancient ruins, but it"s difficult. For chemists, the prescriptions are the most precious treasure so they won"t sell them. However, it"s not easy to develop such a prescription."

"Refining must be many times more difficult than research."

Su Yan thought Lin Wanlan had already had enough experience of being a second-level chemist. He asked tentatively, "Is it difficult to be a chemist? Can I also be a chemist?"

"Hah Hah Hah!"

The Fatty scratched his untidy hair, caustically he said, "Stop dreaming! It"s impossible. It"s too difficult to be a chemist. Lots of cultivators failed when a strong soul is required, but this is just the first requirement. According to the record, there are no more than ten thousand chemists in Huaxia Alliance, but at least millions of the Awoken."

Su Yan was astonished by the proportion.

Meanwhile, Lin Wanlan"s communicator rang. As she turned it on and saw the information inside, she became joyful and said, "My teacher tells me that he has a kind of second-level folk prescription. Although it is not in a high level, it"s enough for my promotion. I have to go back right now! I have to return to our college!"

It was so important for Lin Wanlan that there was no time left.

"My brother, I guess I can"t see you showing off on the Entrance Examination!"

The Fatty was surprised but pleased, reluctantly he said, "But with your talent, even if you can"t be the second one in Awakening Realm, you must be the third one certainly. We will be in the college waiting for you!"

"I will succeed!" Su Yan nodded earnestly. He felt quite fortunate to be their friend.

"Su Yan!"

Before leaving, Lin Wanlan said proudly, "It"s really difficult to be a chemist. I can teach you if you are interested. By the way, keep these medical liquid. Though they are failures, they are useful to you."

"Thanks, I do need them now!" says Su Yan. Although they spent a lot of time together, they could feel the sincerity and friends.h.i.+p between each other.

"Well, we will leave first, see you in Huaxia College. By that time, we can group to explore ancient ruins and search for the treasure left by ancient masters. Let"s become stronger together and travel through the stars of the universe in the future!"

"Treasures are ours, beauties are ours, all...!"

"Ugh! Lin Wanlan! What are you doing? It hurts!"

"Huaxia College!"

Su Yan looked at the place where they had disappeared and listened to the sound from the distant mountain forest, clenching his fists slowly. He smiled and mumbled, "Wait for me!"

He counted the time. The entrance examination would begin soon which left less time for him to practice.

It was not difficult for Su Yan to join in Huaxia College. However, the stronger potential he had, the richer resources he would gain!

Thus, he had to fight!

"Work hard, Su Yan! In G.o.d and Devil Civilization, only actual strength is the truth!"

Su Yan sat down. He refined the second-level medical liquid that Lin Wanlan developed. And he practiced Qi and essence by the Incipient Scripture to make him stronger.

"When can I achieve the Furnace of Heaven and Earth?"

Su Yan expected. The first step of the Incipient Scripture was to achieve the Furnace of Heaven and Earth.

He took his flesh as the Furnace of Heaven and Earth, the source of Qi and blood as the fire.

Time pa.s.sed day after day.

The day of the entrance examination was drawing closer. Almost 90% of the students in Frozen College were groaning. The recent news that the examination was more difficult than before made them uneasy. Even a lot of great masters in Destiny Spring Realm were not admitted to Huaxia College!

"The harder the exam is, the better it would be for me." Xiang Yang looked arrogant. He had to thank for the postponement of the entrance examination, which let his ability climb to a higher level. The exam was certainly more difficult, but it was said that the resources given to them were more abundant than ever before.

Bai Mengying had been restless for days. Su Yan was missing!

"Su Yan would be fine!"

Bai Mengying was worried, "But the exam is more difficult, many colleges have raised their standard lines. It"s gonna take a whole year if Su Yan can not enter the high-level college."

This time, the exam caused a great sensation for its elevated standard line. In the past, students who had only 100 horsepower could be admitted to the top high colleges, but the standard doubled now!

"Su Yan, you might as well be alive!"

Jia De was gloomy. He had already known the news of Su Yan"s death. If Su Yan was still in the college, he could do whatever he want when Su Yan was refused by the high-level college. But Su Yan died, Tao Tianhua was angry, too!

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