The strong smell of blood caused a disturbance in the crowd as Xia Yang and the chief steward laughed. Su Yan must have just come back from the wilderness. They really admired Su Yan for he dared to take adventures alone in the wilderness.

"Su Yan!"

Bai Mengying looked worried and surprised. What was wrong with him? Why were his clothes bloodstained? Did he step into the wilderness?

The students in Frozen College were shocked and the a.s.sociate dean"s face blackened. What a shame! What did he want to do? The Entrance Examination was an important event in one"s life. Why didn"t he change his b.l.o.o.d.y clothes?

"This little b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

Wasn"t he the young boy with Lin Wanlan? Jing Yanghui didn"t expect Su Yan was a student of Frozen College, nor did he expect that Su Yan was the one who offended Tao Tianhua and mocked Tianhua at that time.

At this moment, Tao Tianhua held a mixed feeling of shock and amazement. What a surprise!

Ma Zhoushan"s face completely changed and felt a little excited about Su Yan"s survival in the Flood Dragon Pond. He didn"t tell Tao Tianhua that Su Yan owned a powerful treasure. Did he survive because of the treasure?

If so, Ma Zhoushan speculated that Su Yan"s treasure must be very mighty. If he could get it, he would have a bright future instead of being obedient to Tao Tianhua.

"How dare you!"

"What do you think the Huaxia College is?" Tao Tianhua shouted angrily, "This is the examination area! How dare you break in like this?"

Su Yan, paying no attention to Tao Tianhua, said to Elder Liang and Lv Anshan with peaceful eyes, "I"m sorry, sir. I just got away from the wilderness."

What a kamikaze behavior! Didn"t he want his life? Su Yan"s words caused quite a stir in the whole Frozen College. Generally speaking, no student dared enter the wilderness without teachers" guiding.

Tao Tianhua, clenching his fists, was very angry at Su Yan"s ignorance. He, the chosen one in Huaxia Alliance, felt intolerable that he could not dominate this young boy.

The a.s.sociate dean frowned and said, "I don"t want to listen to these excuses. Being late for an exam means abstaining."

"Abstaining!" Su Yan"s face changed dramatically. When he wanted to speak, the chief steward hurriedly said, "Lv Anshan, I don"t know where is the absurd rule from. You have no right to decide that. If he doesn"t bring a negative effect on this examination, we cannot disqualify him from the exam just because of late arrival. Besides, you didn"t ask whether Su Yan was here, or not!"

Lv Anshan, gaping at him, was lost for words. Didn"t the chief steward know Tao Tianhua bore a grudge against Su Yan? Certainly, the chief steward feared Tao Tianhua, but Su Yan was the person that their Lady paid close attention to, and he knew that joining Huaxia College was not a big problem for Su Yan by his strength!

He even wished Su Yan to be rejected again. Then he would take advantage of this opportunity to rope Su Yan into the Underground Chamber of Commerce (UCC). This way, was, in fact, killing two birds with one stone.

Some teachers from higher colleges nodded. Su Yan"s bloodstained body showed that he certainly encountered something awful, otherwise how could he be late?

"That"s enough!" Elder Liang said. "Continue the examination, and let him be the last one taking the exam."

"Thank you! Sir." Su Yan promptly responded.

Elder Liang glanced at Su Yan, full of suspicion. He was an experienced and mighty man. The blood smell told him Su Yan was not just staying in the wilderness for a few days.

How brave he was to stay in the wilderness for such a long time at this age. Elder Liang couldn"t help paying his attention to Su Yan, since he could not detect the overall strength of Su Yan.

"Interesting. This young man should have three or four hundred horsepower. Glad to see the reward of this journey in Base No.9." Liang murmured in his mind. Only a few of the Awokens at the Awakening Realm gained some achievements in Base No.9.

"Return to your position!"

Lv Anshan suppressed his temper and announced loudly, "Now the examination begins. The first part: strength a.s.sessment!

Su Yan noticed Xiang Yang"s indifferent eyes when he came to the examinees. Xiang Yang could not understand why this guy was so lucky that he could gain Bai Mengying"s concern and attention.

"Haw-haw, Su Yan, take it easy. You would not be so lucky this time."

Jia De, moving like a ghost, came up behind Su Yan. His bitter words gave Su Yan a good scare.


Su Yan turned his head and looked at Jia De, showing his white teeth and laughing, "It"s none of your business!"

"Alright. When you"re knocked out of this examination, I"d like to see how embarra.s.sed and awkward you are. I"ve told you before that you have no future!" Jia De whispered, with his face a little twisted.

"Indeed, I have no future with your inferior teaching." Su Yan shrugged and seemed totally careless.

"Son of the b.i.t.c.h!" Jia De was in a violent rage.

Was this bloke not afraid at all?

"Ha ha, Big Brother Su is Big Brother Su!"

A voice dripping with sarcasm suddenly appeared. Gao Hua came over and looked askance at Su Yan. With a hypocritical smile on his face, he said, "What a fearless warrior! But there are always some things in the world that people are afraid of. Am I right, Su Yan?"

Gao Hua didn"t flare up when he saw Su Yan, even though last time he was humiliated by Su Yan.

"What"s wrong? Have you cured?" Su Yan said slowly and glared at Gao Hua with his eyes narrowed.

Hearing this, Gao Hua appeared very calm. He took a deep breath and seemed to be suppressing his anger. He showed a sardonic grin and said, "I have almost forgotten it if you don"t mention that. I really need to thank you for this. Thanks to Lord Tianhua"s great kindness, I has been not only cured, but also blessed by misfortune!"

"Lord Tianhua has always been like this."

Jia De sneered, "The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Oh, of course, I want to correct one point. You have no qualification to be the enemy of Lord Tianhua. At first, he was going to capture you back and let Gao Hua dispose of you. So he increased Gao"s strength by accident!"

Gao Hua smirked, because this was a windfall. He had not expected that Tao Tianhua would take out precious medical liquid to help him recover in order to vent own spleen, which made his strength improve greatly!

"So your name is Gao Hua?" Su Yan smiled, "It sounds good, and I hope your strength is pretty good too!"

Gao Hua and Jia De straightened their faces. This guy was too stubborn. Didn"t he have the slightest fear of death?

The speed of a.s.sessment on students in Awakening Realm was very fast. Some teachers from higher colleges shook their heads. The Frozen College used to be very powerful, but now, overall strength of students was too weak. So far only a student who had 260 horsepower was not too bad!

"Unexpectedly, no student in any college of Base No.9 has won the first place of the Awoken."

"What a shame. There are ten colleges and more than 5,000 Awakens in our Base No.9. But the winner of the Awakening Realm"s a.s.sessment is a student who has never joined any college!"

Many teachers sighed at the result. The Frozen College"s a.s.sessment would be over soon, but and there didn"t seem to be any outstanding student.

Some students of Huaxia College were trying to make friends with Jing Yangyu. He was arrogant and said disapprovingly, "Who cares about this first place. Here is not the Huaxia City, and the first place of Base No.9 is useless!"

The people around Jing Yangyu flattered him one after another, and everybody knew that he would be an influential man of Huaxia College in the future.

"Gao Hua!"

In this moment, the name was called by Lv Anshan. Gao Hua said grimly, "Boy, keep your eyes wide open and looks at it carefully."

An icy light flashed across Su Yan"s eyes. He looked up, and then noticed a vicious light came into the eyes of Tao Tianhua, a man who sought revenge for the smallest grievance!

The chief steward of UCC in the Base No.9 was shrewd, and had already figured out the reasons. He said helplessly, "Frozen College is really getting worse year by year. Why didn"t anyone think about it carefully? The first awoken approved by the dean of Frozen College is called the Big Brother. How could a Big Brother be a good-for-nothing b.u.m? It is ridiculous that such a Big Brother should be expelled from the college!"

"Even more ridiculously, the man named Gao Hua wanted to provoking Su Yan?"

Xia Yang could not believe it. He did not know that Su Yan had these experiences. It was pity that no one told him about these things earlier, otherwise the UCC would draw Su Yan over to their side with might and main.


Gao Hua hit the test stele with his fist, and his face turned red with emotion when 219 horsepower appeared on the stele. Although he was not the No. 1, he was sure to be admitted to a higher college.

"Well, this time Jia De ranks first among teachers again. He"s really in luck. As he has won the first place several times, he is likely to be recruited by a higher college."

"I really want to know how Gao Hua attached himself to Tao Tianhua. Just a little favour makes his strength improve rapidly. Jia De is really lucky!"

All the other teachers of Frozen College groaned. But Jia De laughed triumphantly, secretly trying to please Tao Tianhua and keep a close relations.h.i.+p with this powerful guy!

"Su Yan!"

Lv Anshan impatiently called the last name of the Awoken.

"Come on, Su Yan!" Bai Mengying clenched her fine hands, and stared at him, hoping he could get a good result.

At this moment, under the attention of all people, Su Yan stepped forward.

Many people kept a watchful eye on him, and they had not forgotten the little episode: even the chief steward of UCC stood out to defend him. He was absolutely not a small potato!

"Su Yan!"

Gao Hua just returned and met Su Yan, with an icy light flas.h.i.+ng across his eyes. He whispered in Su"s ear, "It"s not too late to regret. Go straight to the gate of the college and kneel down. Maybe Lord Tianhua could forgive your sin, or you won"t live for three days!"

"f.u.c.k off!"

The simple two words from Su Yan made Gao Hua"s face turn purplish-red. When he turned his head to look at Su Yan, he was shocked!

The qi instantaneously released by Su Yan made many people feel suffocated.

All people, including many teachers, stared at him.

This teenager in coa.r.s.e clothes was in high spirit at the moment. The qi and blood rus.h.i.+ng out from his heart, namely the source-land of energy, were boiling in his body and made the air peal!

"Is it true?"

Bai Mengying"s beautiful eyes focused on Su Yan, as this caused a stir in her heart. Had he recovered?


On the quiet venue, suddenly arose a deafening sound. The test stele was shaky because of the tremendous strength!

On the test stele appeared a string of numbers representing the strength, and the whole audience was in dead silence.

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