The depth of Wilderness 024 belonged to Depopulated Zone which was so dangerous that even the mightiest of mankind had the risk to die! The Depopulated Zone equaled to the beast base, with endless fierce beasts in dormancy and various beast kings in groups!

It was too difficult to take an adventure in such a place. Only if a large group of masters from Huaxia Alliance cleared out the way would it be possible to establish a base there.

Until now, Huaxia Alliance wasn’t able to ascertain the overall power of the beasts so that they had never started to conquer this zone!

These exuberant forests were comparatively safer. Many human overmatches gathered here, including Elder Liang, staring at the top of a huge towering mountain with antic.i.p.ation!

Natural essence gushed from the huge spiritual mountain that seemed to be alive. The natural essence flowing from the top of the huge mountain was very vigorous. Elder Liang a.s.sumed that there was a Dragon Vein here!

What was the Dragon Vein?

The underground Dragon Vein was the place where divine power and fortune converged!

The Dragon Vein, the strongest resource of Huaxia Alliance, was the place related to the vicissitude of the human race!

There was a Dragon Vein under Huaxia City. The seniors of Huaxia Alliance would be in great shock every time a Dragon Vein was detected.

“Something big is about to happen! Unexpectedly, there is a Dragon Vein here! I a.s.sume that Huaxia Alliance would gather its force to enter here, taking control of the Dragon Vein under the huge mountain!”

“After all, it’s the Dragon Vein not just a Spiritual Vein!”

The chief steward of UCC speculated. He was clearly aware of the importance of Dragon Vein. Cultivating in Spiritual Vein was triple even quadruple faster than cultivating outside. While Dragon Vein was superior to Spiritual Vein, it could double the speed.

One could imagine that Dragon Vein played a great role in developing Huaxia Alliance. However, various beast kings occupied everywhere around, they also didn’t want to give up the Dragon Vein!

It was the war of the strongest resource concerning everyone’s benefit. If Dragon Vein was taken up by beasts, Base No.9 would be in fatal threat!


Sometimes the huge mountain was shaking, with colorful beams surrounding the peak vaguely as if there were layers of energy s.h.i.+elds. What was that? It was the seal which could also be regarded as a ward!

All of the ancient relics had the seal. Now, the seal twisted all the time, which indicated that the unsealing of the ancient remains would come soon.

Elder Liang antic.i.p.ated that the unsealing would happen within one year at latest. And once the seal disintegrated, the war between Huaxia Alliance and endless beasts would then break out after many years of cease-fire.

When the day came, Huaxia Alliance would acknowledge how powerful the Beast Army was!

“This is a super ancient relic, even the most powerful one that we have ever found till now.”

“We can’t imagine how many treasures there are. It would be great if we could dig out something. We mustn’t let the beasts possess it.”

People from various forces felt excited particularly. They clearly knew that even Huaxia College couldn’t take over the whole relic at once without the help of other powerful forces. Thus, they were more likely to get a share.

More and more masters converged here. Troops were s.h.i.+fted here to guard the ancient relic. The strongest cultivators of Huaxia Alliance were also here to protect the ancient relic from being forcefully possessed by beast kings.

This affair had attracted the full attention of senior managers of Huaxia Alliance and everyone was highly cautious.

“Master, the nine celestial mountains are all opened.”

The wilderness was full of forests with some powerful beasts pa.s.sing by constantly. One could never know how many fierce beasts were hiding among the countless mountains and valleys.

A man stood on the top of one lofty mountain, also the highest mountain nearby that shot high to the dome of heaven and was shrouded by clouds and fog. His figure seemed like a divine king.

He was mysterious and horrible. The divine light all over his body made him so honorable that he seemed like a supreme G.o.d overlooking all.

He was Zu Yan. He stood on the top of the mountain with hands on his back, bathing in the divine light just like son of Apollo. He stared at the continuous mountains within thousands of miles.

The nine mountains were like nine dragons, surrounding a flat wild land in between.

A beauty dressed in white robe also stood on the top of the mountain, with her eyes staring at the nine celestial mountains. She couldn’t help exclaiming that the earth’s strange mutation changed the territories hugely just like the nine huge mountains that had become immemorial celestial mountains during hundreds of years.

Zu Yan smiled, exhibiting a confidence that had everything under control.

“The planet’s progenitor vein is about to revive. By the time the dragon qi in the progenitor vein converges and the nine stars align, the holy door could be opened!”

Zu Yan muttered to himself. This situation could hardly be encountered for centuries, and it was an extremely good fortune.

Elder Liang had returned. He was going to send back the first-hand information to the academy. Tao Tianhua knew what Elder Liang was doing. He still held the grudge for the loss of the mountain treasure.

Especially when he knew that the Evil Dragon Lake’s beast king was killed, he felt a little suspicious, “Did Su Yan get it?”

However, thinking of the specialty of the treasure, Tao Tianhua shook his head slightly. The mountain treasure was very particular. It was used to break into the Destiny Spring Realm. Su Yan didn’t get it, neither did Lin Wanlan.

“Ma Zhoushan knows that beasts are afraid of me. Yet he didn’t tell Tao Tianhua. So I must be more careful of the crafty man.”

Su Yan noticed that Ma Zhoushan was always secretly observing him. He became cautious because Ma Zhoushan knew his power after all! Su Yan still looked at the depth of the wilderness zone with no expression. The Dragon Totem was still glowing with heat all the time. Was there a real big treasure underground?

At this time, Elder Liang went back. He was calm. Taking a glance at the group of people waiting here, he said, “Now that everyone is present, let’s go.”

Su Yan frowned slightly and didn’t ask more. On the contrary, Tao Tianhua and Jing Yanghui were very curious because they knew about the ancient relic.

Elder Liang talked with them in a low voice. However, with a powerful spirit, Su Yan could sense everything around, even the rustle of leaves in the wind. Therefore, he heard quite a few about their conversation.

“The ancient relics!”

Su Yan felt shocked. He had never thought that an ancient relic would appear in the wilderness region of Base No.9 and the mountain treasure he got before also came from the ancient relic.

“Meng Ying, I heard that there is an ancient relic in the depth of Wilderness NO.24?” Su Yan whispered to the girl who was walking quietly next to him.

Hearing his words, Bai Mengying was surprised a little bit. She wore a white uniform and her skin was white as snow. Although she was not tall, her attractive figure could also be so fascinating that one couldn’t take his eyes off from her body.

“How did you know that?” Bai Mengying looked at Su Yan with her bright eyes, “Indeed there is. I only heard a few rumors that said this ancient relic was very extraordinary, but the specific time about its opening is still unknown. Do you also want to take an adventure?”

Bai Mengying said excitedly, “I heard that there are many treasures and heritages. Most Huaxia College disciples will go there to take a chance. As for this new ancient relic, we will get an opportunity to go inside.”

Su Yan wondered how Primordial World looked like? Were ancient Chinese mythology stories real?

Su Yan saw many armed forces patrolling around on the way. After all, this place was very important. Anything happened accidently would affect the safety of Huaxia City.

Just over an hour, Su Yan found that the natural essence of this place was much stronger than that in Base No.9. His spiritual mind could feel vaguely that there was an awful furnace standing in the distance!

“Soul-refining Manual is really strong, thanks for Tiao Tianhua especially.”

Su Yan smiled and expected what he would encounter in Huaxia College.

“Look, we are here!”

Someone screamed. They had already seen arrays of buildings appear at the end of the horizon!

Huaxia City was so gigantic that everyone was shocked. It was so legendary that it took a decade to build Huaxia City, which cost a lot of labors and financial resources.

Huaxia City was not only grand, but also immersed in the air of nutrients and energy. The whole city was enveloped by the source of essence rolling above the city that cascaded down like a huge fall.

All of a sudden, the entire Huaxia City was like a divine city. With the nourishment of natural essence from the sky and the earth, dwellers in Huaxia City were very healthy and vigorous. The individual const.i.tutions of ordinarily dwellers would be promoted greatly.

Some people boldly reckoned that the average age of human would be more than 200 years in the future, and some great masters’ life span could even reach 300-500 years!

“Oh my gosh, I think I saw a legendary dragon!”

Some people were in a daze when noticing a vague but giant dragon coiling over Huaxia City, spreading golden light.

“This is the Dragon Vein of Huaxia City!”

Elder Liang smiled, “Don’t panic! This happens all the time. Huaxia College locates at the core center of Dragon Vein. When you enter Huaxia College, you will know what a blessed place it is for cultivation.”

Su Yan was stunned. It broadened his horizon even though had seen a live dragon and even had Dragon Totem on his arm.

Dragon Vein was the root of earth; it was said that Dragon Vein bred the Qi of real dragon. At present people called that the source of natural essence! With the recovery of natural essence, Dragon Vein was constantly improving. Subsequently, cultivating environment was getting better. Finally, Su Yan understood why people all longed to enter Huaxia City. It was quite appealing and attractive to cultivate in the place of Dragon Vein.

Then, they were approaching to the destination. The majestic gate was very deterrent, where many soldiers were patrolling.

“The leader is Elder Liang. It seems that Huaxia College got some new students.”

“That’s few! However, it’s not surprising since there are few excellent geniuses in other bases.”

“The top three of this session must also be talents from Huaxia City, I guess. It is said that innate thunder body will become the disciple of a.s.sociate dean.”

Those soldiers were discussing how dreadful Huaxia College’s a.s.sociate dean was. He was one of the top overmatches of human alliance, while the dean of Huaxia College was one of the top ten!

In Huaxia College, there were truly some geniuses. Generally speaking, few were from other bases. Most of the young talents were from Huaxia City. After all, they grew up in the place of Dragon Vein so their cultivation backgrounds were better than others.

When Su Yan and other students came into Huaxia City, they were shocked by vigorous Natural Essence rolling abundantly here!

In Huaxia City, most buildings were ancient architectural complexes; the streets were crowded with people, many of whom were powerful cultivators.

Thriving and prosperous!

The most eye-catching thing was a huge stele standing at the gate of Huaxia City.

“Su Yan, this special stele is unearthed from ancient relics and it can test your power. The names on the stele are always updating. When someone is outstanding in the Awakening Realm, his name will appear on it. You can have a try if you are interested.”

Bai Mengying whispered softly. Su Yan was astonished that this stele was used to show the rankings!

“Zu Yan, 1003 horsepower!”

The name at the top was Warlord Zu Yan, whose 1000 horsepower was second to none!

“Second, Jiang Wuhen, 911 horsepower!”

Su Yan narrowed his eyes abruptly. He heard from the Fatty before that Jiang Wuhen was not only a disciple of Warlord Zu Yan but also the scariest talent of Huaxia College. Someone secretly called him big brother, and his power was unimaginable!

“Third, Yu Yiling, 903 horsepower!”

The Fatty also mentioned her too. She was a golden female disciple of Huaxia College, although she was very mysterious and rarely appeared in the college, she got many pursuers!

Cultivators who ranked behind the fourth were all over 800 horsepower. And Su Yan found that top 50 were over 800 horsepower too!

Clutching his fists, Su Yan didn’t know how much his horsepower would be when he reached the limit of the Awakening Realm.

“Look, innate thunder-body is coming!”

Innate thunder-body shocked the crowd, and his name spread over the whole Huaxia Alliance long before. Showing up this time, he was likely to test his power.

Elder Liang felt quite astonished. Testing now would very likely indicate that he was prepared to break through the Destiny Spring Realm!

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