What a grand and horrible scene it was! Anyone who saw this must be greatly shocked!

Su Yan’s soul was almost frozen. This scene was something vaguely familiar and the place was very similar to the one where Su had gone and found heritage by the eccentric black divine iron he had got before.

However, there was a world of difference in heritage between the black divine iron and Training PaG.o.da. Heritage in the black divine iron was so more powerful that it could destroy spirit easily.


When Su Yan was observing and learning, the vault of heaven trembled, and millions of dragons which seemed to be the most powerful life essence collected by the mainland swooped down on Su Yan in an instant!

“Oh, no!”

Su Yan was shocked after knowing that attacks of the dragons were meant for him. At this point, he felt the thrill from soul- a feeling of being torn up by the dragons.

Everything seemed to be slow down at death’s door.

Su Yan dimly found that many strange characters flas.h.i.+ng out among the dragons were what he had seen in the heritage of black divine iron!

The heritage of Training PaG.o.da were much less complex than that of black divine iron!

It was these characters that converged into huge momentum and burst out overwhelming power.

The momentum between the heaven and earth could shake the whole universe!

“Oh no! This is just an illusion. There must be some problems with these strange characters.”

Su Yan could hardly understand what these strange characters were, but when he knew the problems inside, it was weird that everything vanished, so did the grand universe power!


Su Yan took a deep breath, with his back in a cold sweat out of scare. He frowned and mused, “What did I experience just now?”

And whatwasthe relations.h.i.+p between the black ore and the Training PaG.o.da?

Su Yan couldn"t calm down. Since Su came to the college, the black ore would become hot once it was near the Training PaG.o.da. He wanted to see the heritage once againthe other day, but the black ore almost flied away!

Su Yan had to conjecture that the heritage in black ore had close connection with the Training PaG.o.da.

“The door of sixth floor has opened, which means I just broke through the fifth floor!”

Su Yan was surprised. He must have got the key of the anomalies which evolved from those strange characters. He couldn"t help sighing, “No wonder that lots of people can’t break through the fifth floor, as the weak-willed will turn tail and run away right away at once whenseeing the anomalies!”

Then Su Yuan entered the sixth floor.

It was quiet around the Training PaG.o.da, where many people were petrified. The steward proclaimed that Su Yan broke through the fourth floor and even through the fifth floor very quickly. His voice trembled because it was the first time for Su Yan to meet the challenges of the Training PaG.o.da and he was so fast!

“How could this be?”

Jing Yanghui didn’t look very well. In order to go through the fifth floor, he had tried twice. But Su Yan pa.s.sed the floor directly. It was too incredible.

And the fourth floor tested martial arts, but Su Yan only mastered the Form-Intention Boxing. What could he learn from Yi Yuan?

"Su Yan is really a prodigy, worthy of being the third in the new students, and he has begun trying to break through the sixth floor!"

"The sixth floor is too difficult, testing savvy. Average students have to try four or five times to break through it. What about Su Yan?"

“I predict that Su Yan would make it no more than three times by his speed of breaking through the fifth floor.”

Su Yan broke through the sixth floor, which was only Teng Yingjie could do before. It was so excellent! It caused a great discussion among the people around.

Zuo Wenyao changed his countenance out of embarra.s.sment. He didn’t break through the sixth floor. However, Su Yan made it. It really hit him like a ton of bricks.

“Okay well done, Su Yan. I never thought you could make it!”

Elder Lei was unconvinced by Su Yan, and then he said defiantly, “Teng’er has stayed secluded to cultivate himself. I guess it won’t take a month for him to step in the second level of Destiny Spring Realm. Eventually Yingjie will break through the seventh floor!”

Elder Lei had always believed that Teng Yingjie was the most powerful man among this year’s freshmen. Su Yan was just a lucky dog.

The challenge on the sixth floor in Training PaG.o.da was a test of savvy. It was impossible to cheat, because for challengers, every adventure meant a totally different test!

So cheating would not exist and the tests of Training PaG.o.da were definitely fair.

“I am so proud of my bro. He is catching up with me in the ranking of Training PaG.o.da!”

The Fatty was so excited; his ranking was in the seventh floor. The sixth floor was very difficult. Different from the Fatty in status, Su Yan could gain double Contributing Points. The higher floor he broke through, the more Contributing Points he would get.

On the sixth floor of Training PaG.o.da!

Su Yan stood in this uninhabited s.p.a.ce. He looked around and heard a clear female voice.

“This is the sixth floor. You need perceive the force of formation lines so as to get the chance to take the further test within three days.”

“Who is talking?”

This ethereal female voice astounded Su Yan. Was this Training PaG.o.da some kind of treasure? Or was it operated by someone? It made him so confused.

“What’s formation line? Is it a kind of tactical formation?”

Su Yan looked around for a while. With dazzling beams of light, the whole sixth floor was filled with bursts of energy storms.

It seemed that intangible fingers were stretching out of the void and carving something between the heaven and earth, accompanied by gusts of deafening sounds!

“What a mysterious Training PaG.o.da!”

Su Yan stared at the ground on which wonderful lines rapidly appeared. The lines, which looked like either some scrawly handwriting or a kind of mysterious characters, were too abstruse to understand.

The lines winded and crisscrossed. The more the lines emerged, the stronger the waves emitted by them were.

Under the guidance of formation line, the power of the earth revived as if an earth dragon was about to wake up.

Su Yan was stifling upon the terrible aura of the earth’s revival. The earth released mighty and horrible momentum that seemed to crush everything down!

“Are these the formation lines?”

Su Yan took a deep breath. The cultivation world was so vast and marvelous. The extraordinary formation lines could trigger and control the force of the earth. Once someone could master the energy contained in the earth and even the power of the Dragon Vein, it would be unbelievable!

When the formation lines were completely constructed, Su Yan found that they seemed to revive, and began to run autonomously.


Noticing the similarity between the formation lines and the heritage in the black ore, he felt a little surprised. However, their structures were quite different!

Su Yan sat cross-legged on the ground, amazedly staring at the complicated and recondite patterns on the ground.

With his spirit spreading to these lines, Su Yan felt the formidable force contained in them. Once the formation lines fully revived, the released energy of the earth would be able to destroy any strong enemies!

“If these formation lines are set for killing, I will lose my life directly!”

“How magic the power is! If I can master it, my strength will be improved greatly!”

“But it"s very hard. It"s unbelievably hard!”

“Maybe I just need to understand the force of formation lines, because she did not require me to master it.”

Su Yan observed the formation lines carefully, thinking the heaven, the earth, as well as the universe, and understanding these lines. He was completely calm now.

In the darkness, his will and spirit were burning!

The fantastic structure of formation lines impressed Su Yan who hoped to know its mystery. He began to feel its charm, in the way that he used to perceive the Form-Intention Boxing.

To transform a shape by Qi, and to get the essence by the shape.

All kinds of martial arts and divine manuals were formed by performing its charm and viewing its form.

Although Su Yan had observed formation lines for a long time, he still could not understand the secret of them. And then he wrinkled his brows in concentration. “No, I’m wrong. The formation lines run by the power of heaven and earth. However, the power is not easy to be mastered.”

“Human body is just like the universe!”

Thinking that, Su Yan was a little bit excited. According to the Incipient Scripture, the human body the human body was a miniature universe, harboring billions of human potentials. A mighty body would be formed with the improvement of cultivation, and eventually the body would be upgraded and changed qualitatively, take on all rules of the whole universe!

The power of heaven and earth could not be mastered, but Su Yan could depend on the energy of his body to perform formation lines.

Su Yan was inspired by it. The qi and blood overflowed in his body and all muscles began to revive and became sparkling. Su Yan had learnt more about human body after thoroughly remoulding himself and flus.h.i.+ng all the impurities out of his body.

The potential energy in human body was endless and weird and could be explored without limits!

The atmosphere around Su Yan gradually changed. He looked like a tiny universe which was highly condensed, glowing and heating.

Without cultivation methods, martial arts and spiritual will, how could own power be fully pushed out? It seemed to be impossible for ordinary people, however, the formation lines could do that.

Taking his body as the formation to perform physical strength, Su Yan, with the momentum around his body changing, became more and more amazing and powerful. It was really fantastic.

His momentum was overwhelming. His qi and blood roared and boiled turbulently in his whole body which was emitting bright beams of light.

The beams of qi and blood, changing and performing constantly, flowed in the s.p.a.ce, which were in line with the true meaning of Form-Intention.

It was the method of releasing the power of human body. Su Yan wanted to build formation lines. But it was very difficult.

Su Yan was just trying to do that. With more comprehensive understanding of the formation lines, now he could use the power of his body to simulate its charm.

Su Yan felt that the battle effectiveness would be highly improved if he could carve the formation lines in his body.

He thought this method would work.

“That’s impossible!” Su Yan frowned. Three days was too short! He didn’t expect the test was so difficult.

As soon as Su Yan opened his eyes, an ethereal voice came into his ears.

“Congratulations! You have successfully pa.s.sed the sixth floor with excellent result. Now the core test is about to start.”

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