Su Yan staggered and was almost paralyzed on the ground. He was very weak.

After exhausting his divine power, he was gasping heavily.

Su Yan was sweating but he was uncontrollably excited. He was forced to simulate the rising dragons and snakes structure based on his body and finally he used the formation to evolve into a different combat form, which meant Su Yan created his own combat form that was started by formations. Human body was the foundation and then turned into the dragon flying in the sky.

"First, congratulations on pa.s.sing the test. But unfortunately, you have exceeded the specified time!" The lady said indifferently.


Su Yan was so astonished and indignant that he couldn’t help spitting out a dirty word. It was so unfair that he was almost exhausted to death for pa.s.sing the test while the lady told him that he exceeded a little time!

“Your performance is excellent. I expect to see you break your record next time. Good luck!”

Su Yan felt dizzy. Although he was not satisfied with the result, he glowered at her busty figure and then disappeared on the eighth floor.

After Su Yan disappeared, the lady in silver robe seemed lonely and solitary, and she mumbled to herself, “How long should I wait? This planet has only been awakened for decades, so it’s hard to nourish geniuses. But I don"t have time!”

The lady sighed faintly. Although Su Yan was talented, he was not strong enough to pa.s.s the next floor.

Su Yan was in a bit of a daze when he opened the gate and went out of the Training PaG.o.da. There were many students outside. Everyone fixed eyes on him directly and even some bold young ladies were ogling him, which made Su Yan’s flesh creep.

Many students gathered around him and called him senior constantly.

Their att.i.tudes were totally different than they were three month ago. Everyone here was enthusiastic to him.

“Fellow students, please stand aside.”

Su Yan was overwhelmed, but most of the students stepped aside when hearing his words. The students stared at Su Yan in awe because they did not expect his outstanding result!

“Brother Su Yan.”

At this moment, a jittery girl came over and she even couldn’t look Su Yan in the eye. She said nervously, “If you need any help in daily life, please just tell me.”

People all around were gloating when they saw it. They knew Chang Lengyu very well. She was deferential to gifted students, but indifferent to ordinary ones. Many students who had been bullied or ignored by her almost applauded.

“In my daily life?”

Su Yan looked at Chang Lengyu’s exquisite figure with interest. The words he uttered casually made her heart flip.

Her hands were intertwined and her face blushed. She whispered, “If you have any requirements, I will try my best to satisfy you...”

“No need.”

Su Yan’s face turned cold and he strode away, leaving Chang Lengyu standing there blankly.

Some people sneered at her for trying to b.u.t.ter Su Yan up after seeing his power. She was such a sn.o.b.

Su Yan was indifferent. He rapidly got back to his room, took out the contract and read it carefully. He wanted to know how many contributing points he could get. That was the highlight!

“How is it possible?”

This day, bursts of exclamations came from Dragon-hidden Mountain. Any disciple who saw Dragon-hidden List was amazed. This news spread like a meteor across the whole Huaxia College and caused a stir in the whole Huaxia City.

“8,900 points!”

All the disciples were shocked when they saw the Dragon-hidden List. They couldn’t believe that Jing Yanghui was surpa.s.sed by Su Yan absolutely and Su Yan climbed to the top of the core disciples.

A lot of people at present gasped in shock. It was very horrible because the points showed that Su Yan nearly broke into the ninth floor!

Only Golden students could make it. Unexpectedly, Su Yan nearly did it!

“d.a.m.n it!”

Jing Yanghui’s eyes glared with rage. He was humiliated because Su Yan surpa.s.sed him unexpectedly. Su Yan was just a new student who entered the college three months ago! Unexpectedly, Su Yan outstripped him!

“Incredible! That is incredible! I recommend Su Yan to be a golden student! He deserves to be trained at great cost by the college!”

“A new student nearly broke into the ninth floor. How mighty his savvy is!”

“Su Yan is Yi Yuan’s student. No! Such a good talent must not be wasted by Yi Yuan! I will ask the college to transfer Su Yan under my guidance!”

This news had caused a stir in the college. Some golden students were amazed. Especially Tao Tianhua was furious because it would be very difficult to go against Su Yan in the future!

Some teachers had set off for the place where Su Yan lived.

When they saw the sign which wrote PRACTICING on the door, they smiled bitterly and dared not to disturb Su Yan.

Many disciples from big and powerful families who came to make friends with Su Yan also dared not disturb him hastily. Because their family had told them to try their best to a.s.sociate with Su Yan and not offend him!

“Su Yan is too arrogant!”

Even the Teng family sent someone. The elder statesman of Teng family snorted, “Teng’er is in his closed-door cultivation. He must be stronger than Su Yan. I don’t believe a fellow who comes from Base No.9 could surpa.s.s Teng’er in the future. This is only temporary!”

Su Yan didn’t have time to greet those people. Because he was calculating how much contributing points he could get.

“Haha. Plus what Lin Wanlan gave me, I have 100, 000 contributing points now!”

Su Yan was very excited. It was 100,000 contributing points! This was a huge fortune. He could afford countless treasures and even got all kinds of rewards!

Su Yan also felt pity, he almost pa.s.sed the eighth floor. But for now, he was not in a hurry because the eighth floor would be succeeded sooner or later while the ninth floor must be difficult.     

“I should wait for my teacher and we’ll see what to purchase.”

Su Yan was exhausted, then he lied on the bed and felt drowsy. Challenging the Training PaG.o.da those days consumed his spirit so much that Su Yan soon fell asleep.

He didn’t wake up till dark, and he got up refreshed. The communicator sang at the same time, then he picked it up when he saw it was Xia Yang.

“Hha, brother, you must be very busy during the day, so I didn"t disturb you. Are you free now?”

Su Yan speculated a little about Xia Yang"s purpose. He had made such a big scene that must have drawn UCC’s attention.

“Listen, my boss asked me to be your friend. You know that you have strong potential and you could be a master in the future.” Xia Yang cut to the chase quickly and added, “UCC prepared a lavish gift for you.”

Su Yan listened with interest. When he heard that UCC was willing to let Su Yan go to their treasury and select three treasures as he liked, he felt excited and tempted.

After all the Dragon Totem could find unknown treasures. The mysterious black ore, which must be extraordinary, was obtained at the auction.

Su Yan agreed without hesitation. Xia Yang was very excited and said, “Excellent. Just tell me in advance if you are free to come here.”

He hung up the communicator and felt so expectant about any unknown and mysterious treasures in UCC.

But he was not in a hurry and sneered, “The stronger my potential is, the more Tao Tianhua wants to kill me. It"s too dangerous for me to go out now. Take it easy. When I"m stronger, it"s not too late to go get the treasures.”

“Su Yan, you have a minute?”

While Su Yan was thinking, a sonorous voice coming from outside t made him frown. He had hung a sign to tell others that he was cultivating. However, the man outside transmitted his sound by spirit. Wasn"t he afraid to disturb Su Yan’s cultivation?

Su Yan pushed the door open and went out, and then he saw a handsome, young and powerful man in a golden robe scanning him carefully.

“Who are you?” Su Yan asked.

Hearing that, this young man smiled slightly, “Did I bother you? I am Yuan Zhengqi, I don"t know if you heard about me."

“Of course. You have a famous reputation.” The whole college had about twenty famous golden students, and Yuan Zhengqi was one of them. Su Yan also knew that this man was one of the greatest students of Liu Peng who was also Zuo Wenyao’s teacher and one of the three deputy deans of Huaxia College.

Liu Chengtian, Liu Peng and Elder Lei were three deputy deans of Huaxia College, Liu Chengtian was an alchemy master, Elder Lei was Innate Thunder Body, and Liu Peng was a very famous martial master in Huaxia Alliance who had created lots of martial arts.

Yuan Zhengqi nodded gently, “Your performance in Training PaG.o.da draws my teacher’s attention. So I am here on behalf of my teacher to tell you that you can go and study in his”

The deputy dean was so n.o.ble and would not be so brazen to ask Su Yan to be his student. After all, Su Yan was Yi Yuan’s student.

Hearing that, Su Yan was a little bit astonished and said in a hurry, “The deputy dean’s prestige is reverberating like thunder, of course I will go attend his lecture.”

Yuan Zhengqi frowned and wondered whether Su Yan really didn’t understand or just played dumb? His intention was so clear that Su Yan should ask to be Liu Peng’s student when he heard that.

But then he recalled Su Yan’s performance in the Training PaG.o.da and thought secretly, “It is understandable that he is so arrogant, due to his great achievements in such a young age. He almost pa.s.sed the eighth floor so his achievement in the future must be unmeasurable!”

“Listen, Su Yan.”

Yuan Zhengqi said with a smile, “To study in my teacher’s cla.s.s is on a condition of being his student. Because he takes each student very seriously and creates a cultivating system and even a resource allocation plan specialized for each student!”

The resources of a deputy dean, he believed, would be tempting to everyone.

Su Yan frowned and thought, “Yuan Zhengqi wants me to leave my teacher Yi Yuan!”

“Thank you for your kindness, brother. But I have learnt a lot from my teacher Yi Yuan and I haven"t totally absorbed most of the knowledge, so I’ve never considered finding another teacher.”

Su Yan"s response infuriated Yuan Zhengqi, he berated coldly, “Su Yan, do you think Yi Yuan is better than Deputy dean?”

“I dare not, but I only have studied from Yi Yuan for three months, so it’s really impossible for me to leave my teacher for no reason.” Su Yan shook his head and said, “This is against my principles!”

“It"s ridiculous! What a good excuse!”

Yuan Zhengqi yelled angrily, “Su Yan, this opportunity is so precious, I suggest that you should think clearly before answering me.”

“Are you forcing me?” Su Yan’s face turned cold, “One-day teacher, life-long father. I know better than you about my teacher Yi Yuan, don"t you think your request is too excessive?”

Yuan Zhengqi was riled. He really didn"t know what was wrong with Su Yan"s brain. Yi Yuan or Liu Peng, it was very simple to choose. How could Su Yan choose Yi Yuan!

“Ok, I will remember your words and I hope you won"t regret it. Training PaG.o.da can’t represent anything. Although you are a little bit better than Jing Yanghui at present, your result of challenging the Training PaG.o.da doesn"t represent the real strength!”

Yuan Zhengqi walked away straightly, and he had never expected that Su Yan would give him such an answer.

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