“Hahaha, I finally made it to the twelfth floor!”

Su Yan burst out laughing with his keen eyes staring at the ancient bronze gate. The moment when the gate was pushed open by the momentum, it released endless terrifying aura just like the opening of a holy door!

Su Yan grabbed the black ore tightly, feeling more than ever the importance of it. The inheritance hidden in the black ore could no doubt benefit him forever!

“What’s in the twelfth floor is still unknown. Anyway, I, Su Yan, am coming!”

Su Yan bent his legs suddenly, and then with a hard stamp on the ground, he jumped into the air, making the ground collapsed. He, like a big golden-winged roc, took a great leap swiftly, soared into the air, and plunged into the bronze gate.

“The twelfth floor!”

“Jesus, Su Yan has made it to the twelfth floor!”

“Su Yan did it? In such a short time?”

The message from the Steward made Xia Ze silent. It only took Su Yan three months to reach the twelfth floor!

He felt very complicated but was also very much looking forward to it. What surprise would Su Yan give him in the future!

“The twelfth floor!”

Receiving the news from Xia Ze, Yi Yuan clenched his fists tightly all of sudden. His student succeeded where he had failed and reached the twelfth floor of the Training PaG.o.da! Proud smile was all over his rough face.

“What inheritance is in the twelfth floor?” Yi Yuan frowned and said, “In those years, when I challenged the eleventh floor and failed, my memory was also erased. But what will Su Yan encounter in the twelfth floor?”

“Hope he won’t meet any danger!”

Yi Yuan was clear that the ancient relic wasn’t full of opportunities as it looked like, but there existed many unknown dangers!

The Training PaG.o.da, particularly, which hid extremely powerful inheritance, might indeed have undiscovered risks.

Yi Yuan wanted to know the inheritance, so did Xia Ze. After all it was Xia Ze who unearthed the Training PaG.o.da and moved it to Huaxia College ten years ago.

Xia Ze had always been speculating that the Training PaG.o.da might be a very astonis.h.i.+ng rare treasure and only if pa.s.sing all the tests could someone possibly have the qualification to master it!

Xia Ze took a deep breath, “I hope Su Yan can make it. Huaxia Alliance is short of supreme treasure now. The Training PaG.o.da must be stronger than the Heaven-suppressing Bell!”

In those years, he had paid a big price to get the Heaven-suppressing Bell, but the Training PaG.o.da was even mightier. It would be a great opportunity if Su Yan could get it, which meant a lot to Huaxia Alliance!

Currently, only three people in the whole Huaxia College knew of Su Yan’s success, namely the Steward, the dean and the martial lord!

The scene of the twelfth floor was beyond Su Yan’s expectation. The very minute he entered the bronze gate he felt it was like a h.e.l.l!

The oncoming devastating atmosphere struck Su Yan like an immortal slaying saber coming right at him, which made him so frightened.

“What’s going on?”

Su Yan’s face turned grave, the whole bronze palace was dilapidated and crumbling.

This place was like an abandoned land instead of a land of inheritance.

Su Yan took a deep breath and followed the strong wave carefully into the bronze palace.

Gradually, as Su Yan approached the destination, he was stupefied.

He saw an unimaginable scene that overturned his mind. It was a blood lance that released the source of endless destruction, so horrifying that the power emitted from it could destroy all!

The formidable blood lance pinned a lady on the wall.

“Illusion? Is this an illusion?”

Su Yan was chilled to bones with goose pimples all over. She was a graceful and elegant lady with skin white as snow and her black hair falling down at her waist.

She was beautiful and holy. Dressed in a silver robe, she was so unworldly like a fairy who was about to leave with the wind.

Since the very opening of the core inheritance, she was the only keeper Su Yan ever met.

But right now, she was in the twelfth floor.

Even at present she was more beautiful and holier than ever, n.o.ble and elegant, just like the most magnificent silver moon in the world. She was so bright that even the sky and earth lost l.u.s.ter before her.

But the blood lance impaled her shoulder through the back!

Even her smooth and delicate collarbone cracked.

The blood lance actually pinned her on the wall!

Su Yan couldn’t believe it. He tried so hard to open the door of the twelfth floor, only to find such a horrifying scene.

“Unexpected, uh-huh?”

Her face was pale and wan, with weak breath and misty eyes. She was so feeble that she could hardly keep her eyes open, but there was a half-smile on her face, with two lovely dimples.

At this moment, she didn’t look like an unreal fairy but an adorable woman.

“Who…who are you?”

Quickly walking to her, Su Yan cried out involuntarily, “Are you the creator of the Training PaG.o.da? But there is someone who looks exactly like you downstairs. Why is she unhurt? And, how did you get injured?”

Su Yan fired off a series of questions out of extreme shock. He had been thinking that he would get an extraordinary inheritance, yet the result was totally different.

“First, I’m sorry I lied to you. The controller of Training PaG.o.da is a wisp of my spirit. Actually, it is controlled all by me. I just want to find someone who can open the bronze gate. I lack talent in formations, so I am looking for a gifted overmatch in formations like finding a needle in haystack.”

Her voice was so feeble. The blood lance impaled her shoulder that was bleeding badly with some even clotted.

“Don’t talk.”

Having got close to her, Su Yan fixed his eyes fiercely at the blood lance. The lance was so powerful that it emitted destructive force constantly, which could smash her at any minute.

If he couldn’t pull out the blood lance, the lady may not hold for too long.

“Don’t come over!”

Shaking her head, the lady looked at the worried teenager with her watery eyes and said with a wry smile, “I had been expecting for a mighty overmatch to open the bronze gate and help me out of this predicament. But I never expected that you can come in and even open the bronze gate. Pity is your cultivation is too weak. Just go, you can do nothing to this blood lance.”

She had thought that the inheritance would attract overmatches! But she was wrong. There was no overmatch on the earth as it was only a planet that had just awakened and revived its natural essence for merely dozens of years.

So she had no choice but to resort to formations. But over the past decades, she was almost despairing. Not a single person on this planet knew anything about G.o.d & Devil Civilization.

She had to pick up not only a qualified overmatch, but also an upright cultivator. After all, for her current state, once she met a vicious man, she would rather choose to die in silence.

Su Yan was the first person getting here, but he was too weak to help her at all.

“Let me try!” Su Yan stared at the lady in silver robe and said, “I don’t know who you are, but the inheritance should be left by you, so I will help you in return.”

She was silent for a moment. Realizing that Su Yan was very serious, she nodded and closed her eyes weakly.

When Su Yan got closer to her, he felt a deadly pressure!

The aura of the blood lance was fierce and ferocious, as if to smash everything!

Su Yan reached slowly for the blood lance. However, he felt an extremely terrifying power that almost cracked his soul as his hand was about to touch the lance!

“I’m not afraid of you! You are just a weapon!”

Glaring his eyes out of determination, he immediately grasped the blood lance in his hand.

At this point, Su Yan trembled all over as the breath released automatically from the blood lance nearly shattered his body into pieces.


Su Yan howled painfully. His whole body was about to be smashed into pieces by the power of blood lance.

What a powerful weapon it was! It was extremely difficult to even approach it, let alone lifting it up!

“Just go…” the weak lady pleaded hopelessly. She wanted to raise her hand to drive away Su Yan but failed having no strength.

“Leave me alone, I can bear it!”

Su Yan gritted his teeth with determined look.

“I don’t believe my strong volition would be destroyed by such a weapon!”

Su Yan widened his eyes, his other hand gripping the blood lance tightly as well. At this moment, as if being struck by thunder and toasted by fire, Su Yan’s both arms were trembling uncontrollably under the extreme power of the blood lance.

It wasn’t the pressure of overwhelming power or Su Yan couldn’t bear it for a second. It was crus.h.i.+ng his spirit and soul. The blood lance contained the volition of destroying the whole world!

Su Yan felt the world turned b.l.o.o.d.y in a second. And a giant beast was overlooking him and seemed to tear him into pieces at any time.

Su Yan’s heart was full of fear and his whole body kept trembling.

That was despair. He saw himself, body and soul, being shattered entirely if he didn’t let go off the blood lance!


At that hopeless moment, Su Yan recalled a person. He recalled the Martial Lord Yi Yuan and his volition.

He was a martial lord who didn’t revere the heaven and earth nor the G.o.d and demon, a martial lord who only fought for his race!

“I won’t yield to anyone! I’m not a walking dead!”

Su Yan roared angrily, with his spirit released from his forehead like a golden lightning piercing through his frontal bone.

Although the b.l.o.o.d.y world was like a boundless sea, Su Yan’s volition revived, seemingly to turn into a tiny golden figure.

Seeing this, the lady in silver robe felt a little inspired.

She hesitated for a while and opened her red lips, “To see a world in a grain of sand, to see a heaven in a tree, to see a sky in a leaf, to see a universe in a person…”

The Sanskrit she chanted was abstruse and profound.

She was only 6.56 inches away from Su Yan. With her roseate lips slightly parted, she recited the Sanskrit with her gentle and feeble voice, her eyes fixed on Su Yan’s determined and courageous face.

Hearing it, Su Yan gradually felt as if he saw an immense sea, in the middle of which stood an old tree that skyrocketed to the sky and created the world.

A mysterious cultivation method was transmitted to and echoed in Su Yan’s spirit.

Day after day, Su Yan was motionless.

Month after month, he was motionless as well.

The lady in silver robe had watched Su Yan for three months. She felt her life was coming to an end.

But on the thought of a man willing to fight for her before she died, she felt contented, wearing a gentle smile that was so glamorous that it even eclipsed the sky and the earth!

“I can’t hold it anymore. This is my gift for you…”

She stretched out her hand, wanting to touch Su Yan’s face, but she had no strength.


Right at this point, Su Yan’s frontal bone was glowing brightly with golden glitter flowing. His inner golden spirit turned into a grain of sand.

This grain of sand, small as it was, was very bright like a small sun shrunk trillions of times which saved all living beings from sufferings and s.h.i.+ned around. Bursts of Buddhist sounds spread out and Buddhist light flashed!

Su Yan seemed to see the future, which was complete chaos!

Standing in chaos, he looked through past, present and future and saw the present world!

“The Future Scripture!”

Three characters made Su Yan’s spirit so powerful as if a Buddha striding across the sea absorbed the power and intelligence of the vast universe, plundering the power of the future!

“It’s my turn now!”

Eyes bulged out of anger, he was like a Fighting Buddha with golden lightning emitting from his frontal bone, which then turned into a tiny golden figure.

Resplendent and billowy, the golden man formed so formidable a fist seal that it collapsed the b.l.o.o.d.y world in just a second!

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