The chest contained two Huaxia College student uniforms of great texture, a student guidebook and a doc.u.ment on resources acquisition that Elder Liang had them delivered to him.

Su Yan started reading carefully the resource-related doc.u.ments provided by Elder Liang.

“Body-cultivating Pill”!

The third-level elixir caught his attention promptly. Holy s.h.i.+t! Every year only several of them could come out from refinement. It was extremely rare, as well as exclusively potent to the Awaken; otherwise, Su Yan would be the last person to get one.

“…should be distributed to you one month later in Alchemy House.”

Su Yan was relieved. In addition, there were some resources he could directly get.

“One hundred drops of Innate Liquid per month.”

Su Yan laughed involuntarily at this distribution, “A hundred is a big number, though. The Innate Liquid in this treasure cave is probably enough to support all the students for a whole year.”

Again, he couldn’t help but gasp in amazement at the affluence of the college. Outside the Huaxia College, a drop of Innate Liquid was worth a hundred thousand Huaxia coins while the college had definitely more than one treasure cave of Dragon Vein that produced Innate Liquid. Imagine the crazy output!

“One Essence Stone per year.”

Ordinary students also could get Innate Liquid while only a small number of core disciples could obtain the Essence Stone, of course, with conditions. It was only free for the first year. After the first year you would have to earn it by being one of the top three disciples among the core disciples.

And there would be more for Su Yan. If he broke through to the Destiny Spring Realm, the allocation of Innate Liquid would triple. The stronger he became, the more resources he could get.

As he glanced through the paper, he noticed some incredible items that made him exhilarated. Then he began to read the contract carefully.

“If you pa.s.s the fifth floor of the Training PaG.o.da within half year, you’ll be rewarded with one thousand drops of Innate Liquid, a jar of essence and blood of a beast king and five thousand Contributing Points.”

“If you pa.s.s the sixth floor of the Training PaG.o.da within one year, you’ll be rewarded with three thousand drops of Innate Liquid, one Essence Stone, a jar of essence and blood of a top beast king and eight thousand Contributing Points. The Contributing Points will double if you pa.s.s within half year.”

“If you pa.s.s the seventh floor of the Training PaG.o.da within one and a half years, you’ll be rewarded with five thousand drops of Innate Liquid, one super weapon and ten thousand Contributing Points. The Contributing Points will double if you pa.s.s within half year.”

“If you pa.s.s the eighth floor of the Training PaG.o.da within two years, you’ll be rewarded with eight thousand drops of Innate Liquid, one of the top martial skills, and twenty thousand Contributing Points. The Contributing Points will double if you pa.s.s within one year.”

Su Yan’s eyes turned red with desire and eagerness for the fabulous rewards. Priceless objects like Essence Stone, super weapon, and even the top martial skill, all could be gained for free in Huaxia College, if you availed yourself of flair for it.

“If you pa.s.s the tenth floor of the Training PaG.o.da within three years, you’ll be rewarded with thirty thousand drops of Innate Liquid, ten Essence Stone, a drop of real flood dragon blood and fifty thousand Contributing Points. The Contributing Points will double if you pa.s.s within two years.”

Su Yan was speechless. A real flood dragon!

The flood dragon he had killed before technically wasn’t a purebred, thus it couldn’t count as a real flood dragon. Whereas in the college they had the blood of a real flood dragon!

“If you pa.s.s the eleventh floor of the Training PaG.o.da, you’ll be rewarded with a hundred thousand drops of Innate Liquid, thirty Essence Stone, a primordial manual and two hundred thousand Contributing Points. The Contributing Points will double if you pa.s.s within three years.”

The primordial manual was beyond martial arts. It, an inheritance of supernatural power, was discovered in ancient ruins. Such inheritance was even conditionally accessible to those gold students.

“If you pa.s.s the twelfth floor of the Training PaG.o.da, you’ll be rewarded with a million drops of Innate Liquid, a hundred Essence Stone and a million Contributing Points.”

Su Yan was blown away. Talking about deep-pocket? How about a hundred Essence Stones! Unbelievable!

“If you win the game of newcomers in the Training PaG.o.da, which will be held three months later, you will be rewarded ten thousand Contributing Points, ten thousand drops of Innate Liquid and an Essence Stone.”

“If you keep an invincible record, you will be rewarded the above items every month.”

He breathed heavily. The Essence Stones, super weapon, primordial manual…Who wouldn’t covet these treasures?

There was no enough money in the world to buy an Essence Stone. That he knew well. What confused him was what the Contributing Point was.

At this point, his communicator rang. The Fatty said in a pressing tone, “Hi, buddy. I heard something about you. Why did you get Yi Yuan as your mentor?”

“What’s wrong? Do you know something about him?”

“How to start, er…” the Fatty paused for a while, and then said quickly, “He is one of the eldest members of the college. But he is like an invisible one in the school now. I heard from my mentor that he used to be a ‘one of a million’ kind of genius, even Xia Ze thought very highly of him.”

Wow! Su Yan was really impressed. A genius that Dean Xia thought highly of!

“I don’t know much details. But he is not as good as he used to be. The past is past. He has been stuck in the Awakening Realm, failing in opening the destiny spring. Rumor has it that he dug out a body-cultivating manual from some ancient ruins. Though n.o.body knows what it is.”

The Fatty was worried about Su Yan, thus he told him all these to imply that it was necessary for Su Yan to find another mentor.

The Fatty knew that some teachers would feel obnoxious of such an alteration, but they also knew about Yi Yuan, right? Hope they would understand.

“Thanks for telling me. I’ll think about it. After I meet my mentor. I will tell you about my decision.” Su Yan smiled, “Oh right, what is the Contributing Point?”

“Ha ha, I see you’ve got the resources list in the contract!” the Fatty shouted in excitement, “I am now the thirty-sixth on the Dragon-hidden List! I reckon I can rock my fat a.s.s up to the top twenty after a few months. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t dream of the rewards from higher floors of Training PaG.o.da. You’ll see how tough the challenges are there!”

“And as for the Contributing Point, just remember it is important! Usually every newcomer gets two thousand Contributing Points for entering the college, but I guess you should own five thousand since you are not exactly usual. Lin Wanlan still owes you five thousand Contributing Points. Together with the five thousand you are given as a newcomer, you have about ten thousand Contributing Points! How I envy you!”

The Fatty laughed, “Three months later, you can try to break through the Training PaG.o.da. You could exchange your Contributing Points for lots of treasures if you reach the sixth floor. It is remarkable to reach the seventh floor.”

“Is it difficult to reach the seventh floor?” Su Yan asked.

“Of course,” The Fatty shouted, “It is far more than difficult. It is impossible. Only people ranking the first and the second on the Dragon-hidden List could reach the seventh floor since the college was established. Yi Yuan also did it.”

Su Yan was shocked. It seemed be too difficult for Su Yan to get such a score for the first time he went to the Training PaG.o.da three months later.

“I am busy. You should carefully read the Treasure Ill.u.s.trations for Contributing Points which you should have received.”

After hanging up, Su Yan quickly found many thick books from the chest which Chang Lengyu gave him. The current society didn’t have Internet because the strange changes of the world resulted in the abundant natural essence in the air, which made the signals of Internet unable to transmit. Considering this, Su Yan shook his head.

The cla.s.sification of these books was similar with that in the Underground Chamber of Commerce. Su Yan opened the category of divine treasures rapidly.

“The 500-year-old ginseng!”

Su Yan was startled, “Oh my G.o.d! There should be five hundred-year-old ginsengs. How powerful would its efficacy is? How much essence and blood of a person could be strengthened by it?

“Ten thousand Contributing Points!”

Su Yan stammered. Just ten thousand Contributing Points could exchange such a ginseng.

He contacted Xia Yang as soon as possible. The conclusion shocked him. Only a few five hundred-year-old ginsengs were outside for trade. For the ginseng could prolong one’s life by three decades, the price would be not less than a billion.

But it only cost 10,000 contributing points in Huaxia Alliance. Su Yan thought that the award of pa.s.sing the twelfth floor of Training PaG.o.da was 1 million contributing points. What huge wealth it was!

Besides, a large quant.i.ty of divine treasures with hundreds of years history cost around 10 thousand contributing points!

“A Vermillion Fruit only costs 3,000 contributing points!”

“Essence Stone is also on sale, costing 30,000 contributing points. It seems to belong to a kind of treasures that are particularly rare!”

“It also covers Flood-dragon Blood, one drop of which costs 6,000 contributing points.”

“What’s the Primordial Blood? It should cost one hundred thousand contributing points!”

Su Yan was astonished. It was so striking! Could the Primordial Blood be the divine blood left by primordial masters?

Su Yan turned to the page on the types of treasure with his heart beating fast. He found the most precious primordial treasure-the Golden-crow Tripod. Even through the ill.u.s.trated catalogue, Su Yan could feel its antiquity and mystery. On the surface of the tripod engraved a golden-crow pattern.

What was a Golden Crow exactly? It was the fiercest beast, an immemorial creature living on the sun by the legend!

“One million contributing points!”

Su Yan took a deep breath. The primordial treasure took one million contributing points. It was the most precious treasure and many teachers exerted themselves to earn contributing points so as to buy a Golden-crow Tripod!

“Oh my G.o.d! The Body-cultivating Pill is on sale too and it takes one hundred thousand contributing points. But the premise is that only the Awoken can buy it. It even can’t be sold under the rose!”

“There are many magic manuals. The most precious original script of Immemorial Star Boxing for example, is worth 800,000 contributing points. The discount for core students is 20%. The top ten among them can enjoy 50% discount and the top three just need to pay at 80% discount!”

Su Yan found that the discount of many martial arts would be very high for those who performed well.

After seeing these, Su Yan was full of excitement. He could get anything he wanted as long as he had enough contributing points!

The methods to earn contributing points were breaking through the Training PaG.o.da and carrying out tasks. The contributing points couldn’t be bought by money. Hunting beast lords and beast kings were usually rewarded with contributing points. The college also purchased beast king materials, but only a few contributing points could be earned. 

The whole Dragon-hidden Mountain was not peaceful. Those who boasting of amazing talent and rosy future were eager to have a try. These rewards made them feel their blood boiling. As long as you had talent, you could win the rewards beyond the imagination of the ordinary.

“I will definitely be the No. 1 of all the freshmen.”

Zuo Wenyao was excited immediately. Essence Stones were extremely precious and it could be acquired in Huaxia College, but an Essence Stone cost 10,000 contributing points. Unless you performed perfectly, you wouldn’t have an Essence Stone as a reward.

“What a luxury! It is unexpected that Huaxia College’s treasury is so tremendous. Anything can be gained with contributing points.”

“In the past, I accidentally gained a 300-year-old ginseng in the wilderness region. My strength rushed from 300 horsepower to over 400 horsepower after I swallowed it. Without the ginseng, it’s impossible for me to enter Huaxia College. Unexpectedly, Huaxia College should have 500-year-old ginsengs. It’s too amazing!”

“This is Golden-crow Tripod. Legend has it that it is just a little bit less powerful than Huaxia Alliance’s the greatest treasures. If I could get it, it must feel like I hit the jackpot.”

This year’s rewards for compet.i.tion in terms of speed were also seen by teachers. They felt astonished and took a deep breath because the stakes had been raised. Some outstanding senior students also received the new clauses.

After all, with enough Contributing Points, one could exchange any treasure he/she wanted.

There were only a few thousand students in the whole Dragon-hidden Mountain, but all of them were filled with great fighting will. Only by defeating all the other geniuses could one get these tempting rewards.

“Within three years, I’m sure I can break through the tenth floor of Training PaG.o.da. The first golden student should be me!”

Lei Yingjie was full of confidence. He felt disdain to be the No. 1 among all the newcomers. That t.i.tle definitely belonged to him and no one could defeat him.

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