The pure and ethereal lady in silver robe looked Su Yan up and down and said slightly, “All right! Go to the tenth floor. Do you have enough oreswith you?” 


Su Yan was stunned, “What ores?”

Her finely arched eyebrows frowned, “You seemunfamiliar with formation. Ores are necessity for the next stage. The common ores are ok.”

Su Yan said, showing an awkward smile, “I really don’t know. I’ll buy it now.”

“Don’t hurry.” The lady gently replied, “I have to say, you’ll spend along time for the heritage test, at least several months.”

“Several months!”

Su Yan frowned. The time was indeed a bit too long. It took him six days on the ninth floor with the time limit of ten days.

Even though Su Yan’s deduction ability advanced to a higher degree, it would still take him at least several months. Therefore, he decided to try for the tenth floor of the Training PaG.o.da after pa.s.sing the Destiny Spring Realm. 

The rule of Training PaG.o.da forbade any member to go out during the test period, otherwise violators must challenge from the very beginning. 

The lady in silver robe would not force Su Yan to take the test, so he had no choice but toleave the Training PaG.o.da. 

Just as Su Yan expected, when he left the Training PaG.o.da, the students were looking at him surprisingly. 

After all, very few students got to the ninth floor, especially that Su Yan got high points which could compare with, and even surpa.s.s, golden members.“9900 points!”

“G.o.d! Su Yan almost pa.s.sed the tenth floor!”

The whole Huaxia College seemed to have undertaken a violent earthquake, and three deputy deans were shocked by Su Yan’s success. Even Elder Lei was battered out of his sense. How could Teng Yingjie surpa.s.s Su Yan?

Su Yan got past the ninth floor and managed to the tenth floor! 

Once Su Yan pa.s.sed the tenth floor, he would be one of the golden members even with a low cultivation. Nevertheless, Teng Yingjie was still far away from being a golden member.

“Su Yan!”

Jing Yanghui surprised people with a sudden visit, quieting the heated discussion. All of them knew the grudge between Jing Yanghui and Su Yan. “But what’s he doing here now? No one can easily bully Su Yan in a light of Su Yan’s current achievements.” They wondered.

Su Yan turned his head and looked back at Jing Yanghui. Noticing his ill-favored face, Su Yan frowned and said, “What’s the matter?”

Jing Yanghui got angry from the bottom of his heart. However, before he could say anything, Elder Liang went up to Su Yan directly and said with a smile, “Su Yan, come with me and go to the Scripture Library.”

“Sorry to trouble you.” Su Yan nodded. It was the time to choose the martial art. “Wait!” Jing Yanghui gritted his teeth.

“Um? What do you want?” Elder Liang asked, pulling a long face.

“Elder Liang, you misunderstood me.”

Jing Yanghui didn’t dare to offend Elder Liang because he was one of the chief stewards. Then he trotted up and said with a forced smile, “Big brother wants you.”

“Jiang Wuhen wants Su Yan?”

Elder Liang’s face changed. He doubted, “Jiang Wuhen wants Su Yan? Jiang Wuhen, the student of Warlord Zu Yan, is one of the men with the strongest fighting force in Huaxia College, having the highest position except the three deputy deans and Xia Ze.

“Jiang Wuhen wants me?” Su Yan’s heart sank, and he thought, “Does Zu Yan notice me? But it’s impossible. He’s never met me before. But why?” He was tempted for this opportunity to know present Zu Yan by Zu Yan’s follower, Jian Wuhen.

“Su Yan, it must be something good, we are partners afterwards. When you see big brother, you just make yourself at home.” Jing Yanghui was talkative now, and the others were astonished. Jing Yanghui gave in! Unbelievable!

Even Elder Liang was a bit stunned, but he understood that Jing Yanghui would not be submissive in terms of his personality. So Jiang Wuhen must have meddled. Jiang did it aiming to draw Su Yan over to his side for letting Su Yanjoin his camp.

“Su Yan, I’ll go with you.”

What Elder Liang said made Su Yan a little relaxed. He would feelmuch relieved in the company of Elder Liang. After all, it was a serious matter deeply related to his greatest secret.

“Alright, Elder Liang, Su Yan, come with me.”

Jing Yanghui appeared quite polite. If he screwed it up, Jiang Wuhen would definitely not forgive him.

“How come big brother would invite Su Yan? That is so unexpected. Su Yan’s talent has shocked the big brother!”

“Big brother is a student of Warlord Zu Yan. Su Yan is awesome. It"s possible that he could see Warlord Zu Yan!”

None of the present students didn"t want to get close with Jiang Wuhen. After all, Zu Yan was a legend, a warlord of a time and the strongest one in Huaxia Alliance.

“Su Yan, I don"t know what Jiang Wuhen wants you to do yet.”

Elder Liang talked by divine spirit, “You don’t have to be so restless. And you have to think over before making a decision, don"t rush to make a promise!”

“I know.”

Su Yan replied by divine spirit. Tang Yi told him before he came. Jiang Wuhen must be the leader of the Prime Faction of Huaxia College. If Su Yan joined the Prime Faction, he a.s.sumed that Yi Yuan would be very angry.

Of course, Su Yan would never join the Prime Faction at all!

The place where golden students lived was the Divine Dragon Mountain, the strongest cultivation area of the college.

The natural essence was twice as strong as in the Dragon-hidden Mountain. Su Yan felt that it must be the key area of the Dragon Vein. Otherwise, the natural essence would not be that horrifying.

Jiang Wuhen"s residence was a resplendent hall located on the top of the Divine Dragon Mountain!

Outside the hall, there were quite a few young men and women. Su Yan scanned them, feeling a little weird. They should be the servants of Jiang Wuhen, but he noticed that there were several masters of the Destiny Spring Realm among them.

“Su Yan, just walk in. We will go directly to the Scripture Library after the conversation. I"m here waiting for you.”

Elder Liang did not choose to follow Su Yan. Su nodded and walked along with Jing Yanghui to the golden palace.

The luxury in this place surpa.s.sed Su Yan"s expectation. This place really dwarfed Elder Lei"s residence.

Su Yan had a feeling of coming to the imperial palace. There were many small courtyards inside the palace; every small courtyard was filled with gardens and observation decks.

At each gate of the courtyards stood young ladies, as they were maids.

“It’s a real eye-opener for me!”

Su Yan scanned the palace with interest. The condition of Jiang Wuheng’s residence was so grand and enjoyable that could rival the imperial palace.

When Su Yan arrived at the last temple after pa.s.sing through the nine courtyards, the Natural Essence rushed towards him, which was vigorous as tide and mightier than that in the Treasure Cave in his residence.

An astonis.h.i.+ng expression flickered over Su Yan’s face. There was a huge Treasure Cave under the courtyard!

Su Yan stepped into the palace and was struck by the impressive and memorable scene.

Inside the palace were carved and painted beams with brilliant golden and jade l.u.s.tre, which formed into a n.o.ble and splendid picture. Whether furnis.h.i.+ngs or decorations, the magnificence of the place was beyond Su Yan"s imagination.

Not only that, the hall boasted a group of beautiful ladies who wore scanty outfits. Su Yan glanced at them and seemed to return back to the motor show a hundred years ago. These ladies were eye-catching and glamorous with charming and buxom figure as well as snow-white skin. Su Yan even found that some of the ladies had achieved the Destiny Spring Realm.

“How extravagant he is!”

Su Yan took a deep breath. What a magnificent scene it was. It seemed that these beautiful ladies belonged to Jiang Wuheng.

At the moment, Su Yan raised his eyes toward the honorable seat situated high, on which sat a dignified young man dressed in golden robe who was also scrutinizing Su Yan.

“Nice to meet you, big brother!” Su Yan went forward and greeted.

“Have a seat.” Jiang Wuheng waved his hand and said with majesty.

A group of beauties walked gracefully to Su Yan, entertaining him and letting him sit down.

“Su Yan, you’re treated better than I am. I"ve never been allowed to sit down here!”

Jing Yanghui said half-jokingly and intended to turn their hostility into friends.h.i.+p, and his eyes furtively scrutinized the beauties in the hall. The beauties around Jiang Wuheng were hand-picked and each of them possessed great glamour that could drive men wild.

How many people could control themselves when they saw the charming beauties here?

Jing Yanghui instantly understood Jiang Wuheng’s intention to rope Su Yan in the Prime Faction. In such a grand scene, Jing Yanghui didn’t believe Su Yan was not tempted. Everyone could see that Jiang Wuheng"s power and status were very great.

“Thank you, big brother.” Su Yan sat down calmly and asked, “May I ask what you wish to see me about?”

“I’ve heard that there is a conflict between you and Jing Yanghui.”

Jiang Wuheng stood up, but still stood on high, looking down at the crowd, and said slowly, “I have already told Jing Yanghui off. We are in the same line. It’s not good to have a conflict.”

“Big Brother is right. I was too narrow-minded before, but actually there is not much animosity between bro Su Yan and me.” Jing Yanghui hurriedly explained.

“Well, that’s great.”

Jiang Wuhen looked at Su Yan and said, “You are good, Su Yan. College will reward you with the best martial arts. Which one are you going to choose?”

“Big Brother, I don’t know much about these two martial arts.” Su Yan said calmly. “Would you like to give me any suggestions?”

“Two famous martial arts, the Heaven Incinerator and the Wholeness of Qi!”

Jiang Wuhen said indifferently, “They two are similar. I am practicing the former one. Your talent for Destiny Spring Realm is great. Choose the Heaven Incinerator, and I can teach you for a time!”

“Big Brother, you are partial to Su Yan too much.” Jing Yanghui gave a wry smile, “You have not taught me yet. Su Yan just got here, yet you immediately promised to teach him the Heaven Incinerator!”

“Humph, if you were as excellent as Su Yan, I would treat you the same.” Jiang Wuhen taunted.

Seeing all this, Su Yan finally understood Jiang Wuhen’s purpose. However, he didn’t expect that Jiang Wuhen was so manipulative, who had already started choosing a martial art for him! 

“Well,” Jiang Wuhen said undoubtedly in tone, “Su Yan, you nearly broke my big plan!”

Jiang Wuhen’s body emitted bursts of horrific aura, which made beauties around almost fall down.

Even Su Yan felt a blast of stifling pressure. Jiang Wuhen’s energy was quite strong!

Noticing that Su Yan was still calm, Jiang Wuhen frowned and said coldly, “Su Yan, this session Jing Yanghui will soon take the test for becoming golden members. Occupying three sessions’ first place one after the other, Jing Yanghui, you and Teng Yingjie will gain a lot of resources, especially Essence Stones!”

Su Yan felt depressed. They were openly sponging on college resources. Thinking of the Soul-nouris.h.i.+ng Liquid Liu Tiancheng had given to him for free, Su Yan felt very uncomfortable, and even disgusted while looking at Jiang Wuhen!

“You shall wait for some time. Jing Yanghui first. You’re the second, and Teng Yingjie is after you.”

Jiang Wuhen smiled and tempered justice with mercy, “As for the conflicts between you and Tianhua, I know something about it. Is it really necessary to be like this just for an Essence Stone? I will ask Tao Tianhua to stop troubling him.”

For general disciples, hearing Jiang Wuhen’s words they would feel deeply grateful. After all Tao Tianhua’s filthy tricks were too crafty to be guarded against. 

Considering that Tao Tianhua almost killed Su Yan for several times, Su Yan would never forgive him even if Tao Tianhua gave up!

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