Su Yan was also very confused, “Teacher, what kind of physique am I?”

Yi Yuan thought for a moment and said, “The physique also has many levels. The general physique in Awakening Realm is about 50 kilograms, superior physique in Awakening Realm is about 250 kilograms, and the treasure body in Awakening Realm is about 350 to 400 kilograms.”

“For example, Jing Yangyu has superior physique.”

“Jiang Wuhen is kind of a treasure body. It is very good to have a treasure body. In ancient times, people who had a treasure body were all talented disciples who will have a strong potential in the Awakening Realm!”

“Treasure body seems to be the strongest in these three physiques. That, however, is not the case. Awakening Realm, namely Incipient Realm, doesn’t represent the potential of the future. For some people with general physique, if they cultivate hard, they can also stand at the peak in the future.”

“Speaking of that, there is also the notion of inheritance physique, for example, Jiang Wuhen has the Golden Crow bloodline inside his body.”

“If the man with general physique could be at top, the man can also open up the Golden Crow physique, or even something stronger, the King Body!”

Yi Yuan smiled, “I am very lucky to have the King Body which is the same as Zu Yan.”

Su Yan felt astonished, “Mr. Yi, you have a thousand horsepower in Awakening Realm.” Approved Only.

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“Even so, can my physique compare with yours?”

Yi Yuan said proudly, “Teaching you for a while is my blessing. I witness a physique that never exists. If the new rules in heaven and earth were born, you would have a stronger physique then. By the time, you will have 10,000 horsepower without using any martial arts.”

Su Yan’s eyes shrunk out of shock and said, “Non-existent?”

“Yes, even ancient books never record such physique as yours.”

Yi Yuan took a deep breath and sighed, “The cultivation world is too vast, and there are too many unknown things. Your physique is more powerful than I expected. I don"t know what it is, but it has a terrible innate advantage that can suppress the physique of the same level!”

“That"s why the beast king is afraid of you.”

Yi Yuan continued, “Your Destiny Spring must be very special. In those days, it was not that I couldn’t find my Destiny Spring but that I couldn’t open it. Later I realized that I have the King Body, and the Destiny Spring of the Kind Body can be opened!”

“And some special things occurred, anyway, there is no need to talk about it.”

Yi Yuan smiled. It was his chance. Dragon rice was one of them.

“Mr. Yi, what should I do next?” Su Yan asked.

“Your body potential is so terrifying that it will be harder for you to follow my way. After all, the stronger potential you have, the harder it is to open it!”

Yi Yuan said gravely, “Now you have these choices. Cultivate your Spirit to the Soul. It may be possible to find the Destiny Spring with the powerful strength of the Soul, but it takes too much time. I don’t advise you to go this way. If you want to step into the next realm using your body, it’s more difficult than successfully solidify your Soul. At this stage, the earth"s resources cannot satisfy you!”

“There’s another way.”

Yi Yuan laughed, “It’s the Training PaG.o.da. If you go there, you could find the answer in it.”

“Training PaG.o.da? Is it an ancient inheritance?" Su Yan asked.

“Training PaG.o.da is very mysterious. The inheritance inside it is very formidable!”

Yi Yuan said, “As long as you show enough talent, you should be able to get a big opportunity at the Training PaG.o.da. When I pa.s.sed the 10th floor and entered the 11th floor in those days, I had no chance to get the inheritance of the Training PaG.o.da because I don’t have enough savvy. What a pity!”

“It must be hard!” Su Yan clenched his fists, so many geniuses had been challenging it in the past few decades, but they all failed.

“Yes, it’s difficult indeed, but there is still hope.” Yi Yuan said, “In fact, you still have another way, that is, to awaken your bloodline so you can get the manuals from your ancestors. But your bloodline is too difficult to awaken unless you meet any opportunities!”

“Don"t hesitate. Take a rest and go to the Training PaG.o.da. You still have a lot of chances. Compared with my hopeless situation in those years, it"s nothing!”

Yi Yuan said sternly, “Go ahead, whatever I can teach you, I already did. The future depends on yourself!”

“Mr. Yi, I will not let you down.”

Yi Yuan"s words inspired Su Yan a lot. His eyes showed powerful fighting spirit. He pushed the door open, walked out and muttered to himself, “I will not disgrace this unpredictable physique!”

When Su Yan returned to his residence, he opened the door of the living room, and felt the seemingly vague waves.

“Is he breaking through now?”

A trace of surprise flashed in Su Yan"s eyes. His eyes fixed on the Fatty sitting on the edge of Treasure Cave. When the Destiny Spring in his body erupted, the billowing spirits gathered in his Destiny Spring, and his speed of absorbing the essence was astonis.h.i.+ng!

Su Yan found that the Fatty’s Destiny Spring seemed to have expanded a lot which was the sign of stepping into the sixth-level of Destiny Spring Realm.

Su Yan wanted to carve a set of Spirit-gathering Formation, but then found that his spirit was too weak so he had to give up. He sat down to protect the Fatty.

The night pa.s.sed, the Destiny Spring of the Fatty was strengthened a lot, and even continued to strengthen. It was getting closer and closer to the sixth-level.

“Someone is here!”

Su Yan"s spirit recovered a lot. When he opened his eyes, his face changed slightly. He quickly closed the door of the sitting room and went to the living room.


The door was barbarously pushed open!

Elder Lei pushed the door open easily and walked into the living room in a commanding att.i.tude. Su Yan didn’t look good.

"What do you want, Deputy Dean?" Su Yan stifled his anger.

"Su Yan."

Elder Lei stared at him and smiled, "Hasn’t you opened the Destiny Spring yet? When can you open it?”

"None of your business! " Having noticed the complacency in Elder Lei’s eyes, Su Yan clenched his fist and said, "I will figure it out."

"Huh, open the Destiny Spring?"

With disdain in his eyes, Elder Lei scorned, “How are you going to manage it? Counting on Yi Yuan? Humph, Liu Chengtian have guarded you for half a month but you failed. Do you really think you have the ability to open it?”

"Elder Lei!"

Su Yan"s eyes glared and he shouted angrily, "As a deputy dean of the college, how can you care nothing about the students but wear such a high-blown look for a student’s predicament? I really don’t think you deserve the position!"

"How dare you!"

Elder Lei burst into anger. He pointed at Su Yan, clenched his fist tight and yelled, "You…How dare you speak to me like that? Are you not afraid the punishment?"

Elder Lei’s breath became stronger, exploding the billowing thunder sound!

"What? Did I, Su Yan, do anything offensive? Is it about the Body-cultivating Pill?"

Su Yan said coldly, "Don"t think I am easy to bully. If I guess it right, you"re here for the Qi of Dragon Vein, right?"

"Good boy, Su Yan!"

Elder Lei snorted coldly, "You’re so smart, uh-huh. That’s right. How valuable the Qi of Dragon Vein is! There isn’t much in our Huaxia College. But you, Su Yan, cannot even open the Destiny Spring. You’re not qualified to use it!"

"It’s none of your business!"

Su Yan clenched his fists and shouted angrily, "It is me who earned the Qi of Dragon Vein from the college. If you want it, go and ask for it from the dean. If the college thinks that I am not qualified to use it, I won’t have any demur!"

"Right, it is yours."

Elder Lei said indifferently, "But you can"t even open your Destiny Spring. My disciple Teng’er is so much more outstanding than you. He is going to step into the third level of Destiny Spring Realm."

"Stop showing off!" Su Yan jeered, "My dear Deputy Dean Elder Lei, you know how precious the Qi of Dragon Vein is. Don’t you even know the effectiveness of it can be maximized only when the Destiny Spring is not opened?"

"Huh, it seems that you brat knows a lot! You’re right yet the Qi of Dragon Veins can also be of great help to my Teng’er!!"

Elder Lei said harshly, "Go to Liu Chengtian. Bring back your Qi of Dragon Vein and give it to me right now! I promise to let you stay in Huaxia College for ten years and even help you to be a teacher in college so that you’ll have nothing to worry about in your whole life later!"

"What a sn.o.bbish and powerful mogul you are, Elder Lei!"

Su Yan laughed, "I can tell you that if you want the Qi of Dragon Vein, go to the Deputy Dean Liu Chengtian by yourself, I won’t do that!"


Elder Lei’s fury burned with a terrible flash of lightning in his body. The spreading momentum seemed to blow off the whole room.

He had gone to Liu Chengtian for the Qi of Dragon Vein, but Liu didn’t give it to him and said that it would be kept for Su Yan for two years.

Two years was so long that neither he nor Teng Yingjie could wait for!

Elder Lei was furious about this. Was Teng Yingjie not as good as Su Yan who was just a loser with no future? Elder Lei felt unfair, otherwise he wouldn"t come here to ask for it shamelessly.


At this moment, a source of tremendous power spread out from the sitting room.

"d.a.m.n it!"

Su Yan’s face turned black. That d.a.m.n Fatty broke through in the wrong time!

Elder Lei was just waiting for an excuse right now. The Treasure Cave could be the excuse exactly.

Su Yan immediately took out his communicator and sent a message to Yi Yuan since only Yi Yuan could save him now.


Elder Lei flicked his sleeves, then the door of the sitting room was opened with enormous essence gus.h.i.+ng out.

He was stunned by the scene that there was a Treasure Cave and even a student who was about to reach the sixth level of Destiny Spring Realm in it. Only very few students in the whole Huaxia College could reach the sixth-level.

Elder Lei walked in and stared at the Treasure Cave then he became ecstatic that finally he found an excuse to deal with Su Yan.

"Su Yan, do you plead guilty?"

Elder Lei was extremely mad. Eyes fixing coldly at Su Yan, he shouted, "Do you plead guilty?"

"I don’t understand what you are talking about."

Su Yan calmed down, "I chose my residence under the permission of the college. What"s wrong with it?"

"Su Yan! Till now, you still refuse to admit your fault. How dare you embezzle school resources and even help the stranger. How dare you!"

Elder Lei bl.u.s.tered into anger and roared with lightning appearing all over him, "Take Su Yan to the Penalty Chamber!"


With Elder Lei’s order, two disciples rushed out the Penalty Chamber to Dragon-hidden Mountain like a flash.

"Put him in chains, detain him in jail, then wait for the dismissal and punishment!"

Elder Lei had calmed down, because Su Yan was a dead man to him right now.

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