Su Yan had a feeling that he had broken through another level. Crackling sound rang inside his body as if beans were fried.


Essential Qi was surging, energy was recovering and air was rippling when he breathed.

Smile lit up his face. He felt as powerful as a sharp sword that was drawn from its sheath, a new feeling that he never had.

Now his energy might have approached 100 horsepower, not less than that of two years ago when he had been in his prime.

“The Essence Stone is f.u.c.king amazing. I wonder how much power I have now.” Su Yan waved his fists in confidence. “Should be not much weaker than Jia De. Jia De, wait and see. You will be regret!”

Soon he frowned. “Though my energy is strong now, I can’t control it freely and I know little about the martial arts in the modern society. I guess Jia De must have expelled me from the cla.s.s. Even if he didn’t, he would not be kind enough to teach me.”

He thought again. “Am I too fast? It is written in the Cultivation Manual that leveling up too fast will lead to instability, so I must learn some martial arts to refine my body.”

The energy within his body was like a wild horse, extremely hard to rule.

“It seems I need more exercise. Should I go to the wilderness region and kill some beasts? With my current strength, I should be able to protect myself. And the Dragon Token only works there!”

His eyes brightened after a while. “Is the Form-Intention Fist a kind of martial arts? It has no effect without the support of inner force.”

The thought aroused his eagerness to have a try. The Form-Intention Fist was taught by his foster father to improve his physical fitness. Would his energy powerful enough to bring its full force?

He closed his eyes, channeled the Qi to Dantian and sensed the energy changing in his body.

It was clear that his energy was powerful, but it was difficult for him to use it.

He continued to sense it and comprehend it……

After an unknown period of time, he vaguely perceived a stream of energy, the potential energy source, moving as his heart beat!

“That’s it!”

All of a sudden, he opened his eyes and threw out a punch forward in a very rapid speed. The energy in his body was channeled out through his arm.

However, the impact created by his fist was so strong that it almost knocked him down.


A series of blasting sound spread in the air and a fist print as big as a bowl appeared on the table that was one meter from him. He was stunned.

What was this? Telekinesis?


His eyes rounded with disbelief of the power!

And that was just a preliminary attempt before he could perfectly rein his energy. Still the Burst Boxing he practiced was full of destructive power.

He then took a deep breath and decided to try again.

Only after he mastered the Burst Boxing, Hammer Boxing, Cannon Boxing, Drilling Boxing and Crosscut Boxing, he would be able to learn the Form-Intention Fist with Twelve Styles and then bring the force to its full.

A day of continuous exercising was rewarded with great improvement in the control of his energy. The Boxing was more powerful when his control of the energy increased.

During the process, he also discovered hid flesh and blood was refined and his cultivating foundation more solid.

“This is the right way. If I want to go further in the future, I must have a solid foundation.”

Satisfied smile suffused his sweaty face, yet the destroyed dormitory shocked him. He dared not to practice in this room any longer, or it would be torn up completely.

He sat on the bed with his legs crossed and inhaled the Natural Essence to make up for his energy loss. Without the Essence Stone, he signed that how slow this means was.

A night had pa.s.sed and Su Yan regained his high spirit. He laughed after he felt he was a bit more powerful than yesterday. “It looks that hiding in the school is not the way.”

“I have to take my chance in the wilderness region. Before I go, I’ll need a handy weapon.”

“The Examine is around the corner. Though Huaxia College is the best, now I’m not good enough to be accepted. And the Essence Stone is running up. Without it, my energy will not increase a lot in month. So I have to go to the wilderness, hoping the Dragon Token will help me find another Stone.”

He reflected for a moment and then went directly to the Weapon Chamber. As one of the Awokens, he was allowed to borrow a weapon from the College as others.

As the moment his door was open, Gao Hua left promptly.

Jia De lived in the same dormitory zone as Su Yan. He looked awful these days, as he had not expected Su Yan to be so tough.

But he could do nothing as long as Su Yan hid in the dormitory. It irritated him greatly, so he couldn’t help but swear, “Loser! Worm! He must be sleeping!”

Just at this moment, Gao Hua came to report. “Teacher Jia, Su Yan is out of his dorm. Some of my men are following him now.”

“He is out! Good. I was afraid he would hide forever!”

Jia De was rejoiced with wild excitement. “Keep a close watch on him and find out what he is up to. I need to report this to his Excellency Tao Tianhua at once.”

Gao Hua nodded his head and his face was ferociously twisted. Su Yan’s prank that night had made him a laughingstock in the College and an embarra.s.sment in front of his Excellency.

“What kind of weapon should I chose?”

On his way to the Weapon Chamber, Su Yan had been thinking about it. The wilderness region was extremely dangerous and a careless mistake would cost his life.

His main purpose would be treasure hunting, and the next was killing beasts and making money.

The Weapon Chamber was not a popular place. Its heavy iron gate alone looked desperate.

Only the Awokens powerful enough were able to push it open and qualified to borrow weapons. It was also a way to protect the students. After all, hunting beast was not an easy job.

“Gee, isn’t he my big brother?”

Sounds of strange laugh spread around, attracting attentions of students who were just pa.s.sing by. When Su Yan came into their sight, they all looked intrigued.

“That’s Su Yan. I heard he offended Tao Tianhua!”

“Tao Tianhua, and Gao Hua’s streaking…”

The students near-by t.i.ttered. The news of a man and a woman streaking a few days ago and that the naked couple had accidently run into Tao Tianhua had gone viral in the campus. Gao Hua was sort of a celebrity because of this.

The whispers infuriated Gao Hua and his eyes turned red immediately. He shouted, “Su Yan, what are you doing here at the Weapon Chamber? Don’t you even look at yourself in the mirror before you come? Don’t you think you can push the door open?”

Su Yan stopped and turned his head to look at Gao Hua. The bitterly suffering face made him grin. “Isn’t this Gao Hua? Have you recovered?”

The self-accusation he used to have faded away. Someone deserved it!

“What did you say?”

Gao Hua’s voice trembled, his hand tightly clenched and his eyes turned b.l.o.o.d.y red. He fixed his eyes on Su Yan and snapped, “You loser, say that again if you dare!”

“Don’t you stupid enough to understand English?” Su Yan’s eyes narrowed.

“So it was really you!”

Gao Hua had his suspicion before, but now Su Yan’s pretentious caring for his injury confirmed it, which drove him crazy!

He had had nightmares these past few nights. In his dream, he had naked beauties on his bed but he had no reaction. He was almost a eunuch now.

“Su Yan, you have b.a.l.l.s, but I’ll see how you end your business with Tao Tianhua.” He gnashed his teeth, wis.h.i.+ng to skin him alive.

“No need for you to worry about me. You just stay where you are.”

Su Yan turned away, climbed up the stepped and walked to the iron gate.

“f.u.c.k. What does he want to do? To push the gate open?”

“Is he mad? After he offended Tao Tianhua, he now wanted to open the gate of the Weapon Chamber. Doesn’t he feel embarra.s.sed enough?”

The students gathered around were stunned. The iron gate required at least ten horsepower to push it open.

“Hahaha, you are killing me!”

Gao Hua found it amusing. He pointed one finger at Su Yan, “You want to push the iron gate? Don’t you know how to write the word ‘embarra.s.sment’? Get down from there! Don’t make a fool of yourself!”

He was quite familiar with the iron gate for he had barely pushed it open last year when he had more than 10 horsepower. It was not designed for losers.

Su Yan paid no attention to the mocking laughter and put his hand on the gate.

“Gao Hua, ignore him. Let him do it and watch him fail.” One of the students laughed.

“That’s right. We should give the loser who had dared to displease Tao Tianhua a chance to a.s.sess his strength.”

In the eyes of the students in Frozen College, Tao Tianhua was the G.o.d’s favored one, even the teacher had to treat him cap in hand.

“Tao Tianhua, what a famous name!” A hint of coldness flashed across Su Yan’s eyes as he gave a hard push at the gate.


The heavy gate gave out a burst of heavy sound. It was pushed open slowly by one hand.

Incredibility was written all over the faces of those who had been laughing or pointing fingers.

Because only the talented Awokens who had at least 10 horsepower were able to push the gate open, and the ordinary ones could only dream.

But the gate was open. Though Su Yan looked labored, he did push it open.

And he was pretending for he wanted to conceal his true strength.

“That’s impossible!”

The students were in great shock.

The loser who had been laughed at for 2 years opened the iron gate of the Weapon Chamber and his strength exceeded 10 horsepower.

“Su Yan!”

Gao Hua did not want to believe. His fists clenched and his face twitching. He snapped, “You stop there.”

“Don’t mess with me.”

The repeated provocation chilled Su Yan’s voice. Nice people got bullied, but he was not a nice person, so he wouldn’t mind to teach someone a lesson.

Gao Hua was furious with anger and his eyes turned red again. “Su Yan, how dare you challenge me now? If you have guts, come and fight with me. If you lose, hand out the treasure you stole from Tao Tianhua!”

“What? Su Yan stole a treasure from Tao Tianhua!”

The students who had been in shock now all stared at Su Yan with their eyes wide open. Even if Su Yan had 10 horsepower now, he was not on the same level with Tao Tianhua.

Such response delighted Gao Hua, so he continued. “I dare you. If you don’t agree, you dirty laundry will be known by everyone.”

“You want to challenge me?”

A different voice came from the darkness as Su Yan had already entered the Weapon Chamber. “Wait here!”

The students’ face stiffened. Su Yan’s strength had won their recognition, but fighting with Gao Hua now was not wise. Though the latter was not the man of the hour in the College, he was not someone Su Yan could challenge.

“Hahaha, stall for time? No way! Everyone here have heard what you said before. I am telling you, I am going to duel with Su Yan today and all of you please stay to be my witness.”

Gao Hua roared with laughter and his rage dispersed in an instant. He would have an easy win again Su Yan.

Once he had defeated Su Yan, he would have brought the latter to Tao Tianhua. Once he had connections with the chosen one, he would have begun his rise in the College. These thoughts made him super exciting.

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