Su Yan didn’t get far away from this area. He saw a beast king’s cave emanating ferocious aura, and he broke into it.

After punching the beast king in the cave, Su Yan vented his anger and felt much better.

Instead of killing it, Su Yan let it stay here quietly.

He sat cross-legged in the cave, musing carefully.

The beast king was beaten black and blue, which didn’t dare to speak or flee but crouched outside the entrance gingerly.

Then, an Essence Stone appeared in Su Yan’s hand. He kept absorbing energy from it to supplement the consumption of his body. Owing to continuous fights, Su Yan’s spirit was very weak. He needed to have a rest.

“With Mr. Yi’s strength, Zu Yan couldn’t threaten his life yet!”

Su Yan sensed the battle hundreds of miles away all the time with his Soul. He could feel Yi Yuan’s fierce aura. With the help of Blood Lance, Yi Yuan was even more powerful so he wouldn’t be suppressed by Zu Yan’s power. Approved Only.

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“Yin Yisi, I hope you are not my enemy!”

Su Yan clenched his fists tight, thinking that Yin Yisi should not be his enemy for now as she had just helped him. However, he had no idea which side she would choose in the future.

Su Yan couldn’t bear to recall that, though he, Yi Yinsi and Zu Yan had climbed Mount Qomolangma together, yet only he lost the memory of the past hundred years after the mutation while Zu Yan had become the Warlord, and Yin Yisi’s power was absolutely not inferior to that of Martial Lord!

At this moment, Su Yan’s Soul entered his Destiny Spring which already reached the fifth-level. What’s more, there were many purple air floating in it!

Su Yan had absorbed half of the purple air gushed out from the reviving nine giant mountains and stored a small part of the purple air in his Destiny Spring. So Zu Yan was left not much, which would be of little help for him.

Merely half of the purple air had helped Su Yan to gain the power of that at the ninth-level of Destiny Spring. Once he managed to the sixth-level, he definitely would have the divine power of the ninth-level!

In this way the purple air’s value was quite horrible. It must be a mysterious gas born between the heaven and earth, which could nourish people’s Destiny Spring. As long as the Destiny Spring got stronger, Su Yan would go further.


A weak voice came faintly!

Su Yan was excited and his Soul entered the phoenix-shaped hairpin instantly. Su Bingshuang dressed in black gown was lying in the s.p.a.ce treasure, her skin was white and exquisite as jade, her figure graceful and attractive, her face exquisite and delicate. She smiled happily.

“Bingshuang, stay in my s.p.a.ce treasure to recuperate yourself. You are seriously injured. Don’t come out. We are safe now!”

Su Yan’s words made Su Bingshuang beam with joy. Right now she was not an iron woman but a little girl who needed protecting, smiling happily.

Gazing at Su Bingshuang who had grown up and became such a beauty, Su Yan couldn’t help sighing. He recalled the happy hours hundreds of years ago, feeling sad all of a sudden, and he asked gravely, “Bingshuang, how’s mom and dad now?”

Hearing that, Su Bingshuang trembled all over. The smile on her face froze, and her eyes turned red.

Seeing this, Su Yan’s face changed immediately. He urged hurriedly, “Tell me. How’s mom and dad? Now!”

Su Yan moved Su Bingshuang out of the phoenix hairpin, who immediately hurled herself into Su Yan’s arm, crying, “Brother, they died...”

She cried so grievedly that her whole body was s.h.i.+vering. Since the death of her parents, she had no relatives except the missing Su Yan.

Su Bingshuang had searched frantically for her brother.

As for her name, the Female Asura, it was because she was so furious that she had killed a whole mountain of beasts at the year when her parents died. Since then the Female Asura had shocked the entire Huaxia Alliance.

“Mom and dad died. I’m sorry...”

Su Yan held Su Bingshuang in his arms, and a feeling of anger and grief overwhelmed him. Although they were not his birth parents, yet they treated him as their own. He had made up his mind in childhood to repay them when he grew up.

Su Yan growled sorrowfully thinking he was not there when they needed him most. Understandably, how painful he was.

“Brother, it hurts...”

As Su Yan held too tight, Su Bingshuang felt suffocated.

Su Yan quickly loosened his grip. Touching Su Bingshuang’s cheek, he controlled his sobbing and quivered, “Bingshuang, you have suffered these years. It’s all my fault. I’m useless.”

“Don’t say that, Brother.”

Su Bingshuang wiped her tears and sobbed, “Mom and dad died peacefully. Although they had awakened, they were too old to cultivate. Anyway, they both lived to more than 120 years old. They would not blame you!”

Su Yan sat on the ground, stiff as a stone, as if hearing his old parents faintly calling his name.

“Bingshuang, how did you find me?” Su Yan looked at her in dull.

Su Bingshuang was silent for a while, then she answered, “I knew that you went to Mount Qomolangma on which a variation occurred. I thought you were dead, while dad told me one thing before he died. It’s about your story!”

Su Yan’s eyes shrank, he asked, “My story?”


Su Bingshuang nodded, “Dad said that you were picked up from somewhere. Do you know where it is?”

“Mount Qomolangma?” Su Yan clenched his fists. Seeing Su Bingshuang nod her head, he cried out involuntarily, “Dad’s been there, too?”

“Actually, Dad told me another thing before he died.” Su Bingshuang paused and then continued, “Our Su family belongs to the primordial families. I wouldn’t have believed it if dad had told me before the doomsday. However, the G.o.ds & Devils Era came then, so I believed it. Su family has a family heirloom, a cultivation scripture pa.s.sed down from ancestors!”

“It has been pa.s.sed down many generations but no one ever cultivated it as the natural essence on earth has not revived yet.”

“Nevertheless, though the natural essence then on earth was scarce, in some deep mountains and rivers still existed some.”

Su Bingshuang’s words shocked Su Yan, who couldn’t help but exclaim, “That is the reason why mom and dad often traveled. They were cultivating!”

“Yes, true. However, with the thin essence, they could hardly cultivate any power. Maybe mom and dad thought cultivation was an arduous task, so they didn’t mention about the scripture to us. Once they went to Mount Qomolangma and met you!”

“Dad said he couldn’t believe that you, a one- or two-years old baby, could survive in Mount Qomolangma. Dad went to the top of the mountain once, and found you by following your cry. You lied in the snow and wore a strange crystal pendant emitting divine light, which made kept you alive.”

Su Yan was in a daze. He never thought that he had such an experience.


Su Yan took out the crystal pendant quickly from his neck. However, seeing it, Su Yan and Su Bingshuang were both astonished.

The crystal pendant changed. The miniature Mount Qomolangma in it turned into a great huge mountain floating in the crystal.


Su Yan was shocked. These years he would occasionally take out the crystal pendant and looked at it from time to time yet nothing had changed. When did that happen? He speculated that it changed during the variation of the earth!

“Connecting all these things, I supposed the mutation of the earth must somehow relate to you. Then I went to find Mount Qomolangma!”

Su Bingshuang wrung her fine hands and gnashed, “Then Zu Yan suddenly appeared out of thin air. I knew you always climbed Mount Qomolangma together with Zu Yan and Yin Yisi, so I felt there must be something wrong.”

“Do you know where Mount Qomolangma is now?” Su Yan asked.

“The mutation of the earth happened hundred years ago and changed the landform completely. I had searched for it but I failed.”

“Later, Xia Ze and his companies discovered a frozen mountain vein with vigorous natural essence. They decided to move Huaxia College here!”

Su Bingshuang was confused, “Brother, Zu Yan was not on Mount Qomolangma before!”

Su Yan was also puzzled. Logically speaking, Zu Yan would not leave the mountain.

“At that time, Xia Ze and his companies started to build the college. Depending on the dense natural essence on Mount Qomolangma, Huaxia College could thrive in merely ten years!” Su Bingshuang was clear because it was related to the vicissitude of the human race on earth.

“While Zu Yan suddenly came out and claimed that this was his dwelling. He asked Xia Ze and his companies to stop. Consequently, dispute ensued. However, n.o.body had ever expected that Zu Yan would actually kill those against him!”

“Then he began to recruit followers and drew all kinds of forces over to his side which occupy almost half of Huaxia Alliance and drove Xia Ze and his companies away.”

Su Bingshang said indignantly,“d.a.m.n it. It was obvious that Xia Ze and his companies discovered it first, while Zu Yan just kill anyone against him. Zu Yan was so powerful at that time that once they confronted, Huaxia Alliance would in a mess!”

Su Yan clenched his fists at once. It was such a foul deed.

Xia Ze and his companies had to concede!

Su Bingshuang took a deep breath and said angrily, “Some time later, Zu Yan organized an action, a.s.sembling a large quant.i.ty of overmatches on earth, most of whom were from his own camp. I did not join any force then, therefore I was also invited. To my surprise, Zu Yan took us to Mount Qomolangma!”

“I thought that maybe I could find your traces, but Zu Yan was such a  villain because when we took a real effort opening a mysterious s.p.a.ce concealed on Mount Qomolangma, Zu Yan prevented us from approaching it anymore.”

As a saying goes, “Slaughter the donkey after it has done its job at the mill.” Su Bingshuang and her companies were not that powerful to resist. She knew clearly if she fought with Zu Yan’s people, she couldn’t leave alive.

But what surprised Su Bingshuang was that a man of 17-18 years old flew out of the mysterious s.p.a.ce, that was her brother – Su Yan.

Su Bingshuang and her companies took away sleeping Su Yan but suffered great losses. These years she was constantly chased after by Zu Yan’s people.

“What’s hidden in the Mout Qomolangma?”

Su Yan clenched his fists. This whole thing was so weird.

“I didn’t know who threw you out. Zu Yan was also seriously injured at that time. I thought he didn’t know that was you, or we would hardly find a place to live on earth!”

Su Bingshuang also wondered who threw Su Yan out exactly?

Afterwards, Tang Yi brought Su Yan to Frozen College and Su Bingshuang led away the pursuers. She had experienced a tough time these years in the wilderness region.

Su Yan was thinking, could it be Yin Yisi who threw him out?

“Oh right, brother!”Su Bingshuang thought of something and said hurriedly, “Tell Xia Ze and his companies that wars in the wilderness region are dominated by Zu Yan immediately. He tried to use blood sacrifice to open the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. Once all overmatches rushed into the mausoleum, more people would die and become oblations!”

“d.a.m.n! I almost forgot this!”

Su Yan’s face changed. All were Zu Yan’s plot. The opening of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin would no doubt lead to a deadly disaster.

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