I"m relieved when he finally speaks. "Okay, sweetheart. I"ll see you then."

He leaves, and I"m left in a bewildered state. It"s been a long time since a man"s managed that. I"m a little disappointed, though. Jett"s a rock star and I won"t date a rock star ever again. Not after the last one ripped my heart out and left me to bleed tears of heartbreak and regret.

I spot Jett as soon as I enter the lobby later that day. He"s standing near some couches, talking on his phone. Sitting on the couches are three men and they all look fairly bored. Must be his band members.

As I walk over to them, Jett spots me and grins. By the time I get to them, he"s ended his call and gives me his full attention. "You still look tired. You didn"t get to catch up on some sleep?"

"No, I had to get my editing done. Did you get any?"

He shakes his head. "No, we"ve been in meetings all afternoon."

His band members are all watching me with what looks to be fascination. One of them stands and comes toward us. The grin on his gorgeous face is devious, and I wonder what he plans to say. I rake my gaze over him. He"s tall and muscly, but not in an overly built way. It"s what I call a skinny-muscly look. His dark hair looks good against his tanned skin, and he"s rocking some serious ink, even more so than Jett. I don"t have any tats, but the artist in me loves the idea of decorating my body with meaningful images and words.

"I can see why Jett gave you our spare seat," he says, appreciative eyes checking me out.

"I see you aren"t the only smooth talker in your band," I say to Jett.

He grimaces. "Yeah, meet West, he likes to think he"s smooth."

West shrugs, a lazy grin on his face. "There are a lot of women out there who would agree with me."

"Yeah, well, unless you want to lose a nut, keep your eyes to yourself," Jett threatens.

Another one of the band members comes over and introduces himself. "Hi, I"m Hunter, the only sane member of this group," he says with a friendly smile. If I didn"t know he was in a band, I possibly wouldn"t have suspected it. He seems almost shy and doesn"t have the standard rock star look going. Instead, he has the gorgeous blonde hair, blue eye look that makes him look quite wholesome. I don"t tend to go for blondes, but he"s gorgeous. And while I can"t see any visible tattoos or piercings on him, I wonder what he"s got hidden under his clothes.

I return his smile. "So, what you"re saying is that I should run now, right?"

He laughs, and it lights up his face. Oh G.o.d, I bet he has the women falling at his feet. "Nah, Jett"s cool. He loses the plot sometimes, but other than that, he"s a good guy. It"s Van you need to worry about the most out of all of us. He"s a crazy motherf.u.c.ker. Best to steer clear."

Van is still lounging on the couch, watching and listening. He doesn"t get up; rather he just gives me a chin jerk and mutters a greeting I can hardly hear. I nod back, not sure what to make of him. He"s dressed in leather pants, a t-shirt, and chains around his neck your typical rocker outfit. And he seems to have the att.i.tude to go with it.

"How in the h.e.l.l did you meet this a.s.shole?" West asks.

"He bought me a drink and then told me I needed a new addiction. Let"s just say the conversation was fascinating."

"A new addiction? What the f.u.c.k?" West was looking between Jett and me for an explanation.

Jett grins but doesn"t say anything so I enlighten him. "He suggested I give up alcohol and take up s.e.x. Much easier to hide a s.e.x addiction."

West bursts out laughing. "That"s f.u.c.king cla.s.sic, man. You seriously score chicks with that s.h.i.t?"

"He seriously did," I say.

"f.u.c.k!" West is clearly impressed, and I feel the need to clarify something.

"That line wouldn"t work for just anyone, though. It worked for me because the minute I saw Jett, I wanted to sleep with him, so pretty much whatever line he came out with would have worked."

"Every woman he meets wants to sleep with him. f.u.c.king lead singers get all the chicks," West grumbles.

"She didn"t know who I was," Jett joins in the conversation.

West is floored, Hunter looks stunned, and even Van leans forward to hear more.

"What the f.u.c.k?" West finally mutters.

Jett remains silent, leaving it for me to explain. "Sorry guys, but I"ve never heard of you before now. I don"t really keep up with bands. If I like a song, I"ll check it out, but even then, I don"t tend to remember the name of who sang it."

Hunter"s mouth has fallen open. I think I"ve really shocked him. "What kind of music do you like?" he asks me.

"I love country. I could listen to that all day. But I do like some rock, just not the heavier stuff."

"Do you know the names of anyone you like?" he asks.

"Yeah, I like Florida Georgia Line, Carrie Underwood, Blake Shelton..." My mind goes blank for a moment before I exclaim, "Oh, and Keith Urban, I love his stuff."

"That"d be f.u.c.king right, nearly every woman I meet has it bad for him," West mutters, clearly annoyed at the love for Keith.

I grin. "Dude, you can see why, right? I mean, if you were a woman, you"d give it up for him, too."

"Not f.u.c.king likely." He scowls at me.

Jett steps in. "Just ignore West, he"s only got a thing against Keith because a girl he was trying to score years ago ditched him to chase after Keith." Looking at West, he says, "You need to let that s.h.i.t go."

While Jett and West are rehashing old times, Van stands and motions towards the front door. "Get your s.h.i.t together, guys. The limo"s here." He picks up his bag and heads outside without waiting for anyone else. I have no idea what to make of him. Perhaps he"s just tired from work, and once he catches up on sleep, he"ll be more sociable. Mind you, he is a rock star and they can be moody b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. I should know.

I do up my buckle and sneak a look at Jett. He"s watching, though, and catches me, sending a huge grin as he does. I shake my head and grin back at him. Ever since I met him in the lobby hours ago, he"s been flirting with me. It"s been the best three hours of my life in a long time.

He moves his face to mine and whispers, "I"m not a member of the mile high club yet, sweetheart. You want to initiate me?"

Desire is almost exploding out of me after all his flirting, and his request threatens to send me over the edge. I don"t want to date another rock star, but I won"t say no to sleeping with this one. I place my hand on his leg and begin tracing a pattern on the inside of it, knowing full well the effect this will have. When he sucks in a breath, I know I"ve achieved my goal. "No, I can wait till we get back to Brisbane. I need more room than that to do all the things I want to do."

"f.u.c.k," he hisses. "Do you have any f.u.c.king idea what you"re doing to me right now?"

"A little," I admit sweetly.

He removes my hand from his leg and places it back in my lap. "If you keep that s.h.i.t up, my d.i.c.k will embarra.s.s all of us, baby."

I try not to laugh but can"t contain it. "Really? A rock star who gets embarra.s.sed about that kind of stuff?"

He groans. "Can we just forget I"m a rock star? And yes, my mother taught me better than that."

I like his mother without even meeting her. "Mmmm... a rock star with manners. I like that."

"Manners in public but none in the bedroom," he promises, his warm breath against my ear.

I turn my head slightly to make eye contact. "I like that even better."

"Yeah, you will."

His voice has turned all growly and l.u.s.t is blazing from every inch of his body. He"s turning me way the h.e.l.l on, so in an effort to get us under control, I change the subject. "Why doesn"t your band have a private jet?" We weren"t mobbed at the airport, but the band did attract a lot of attention, and their security had to work hard to keep the crowd away.

"When we"re in the States, we travel that way, but we don"t really see the need in Australia."

"So you"re bigger over there?"

He seems uncomfortable discussing this, and in a way, that impresses me. I like that he doesn"t want to talk about this, that he doesn"t want to talk himself up. "Yeah, we do have a lot of fans over there."

"Fair enough."

"I"ve got a question for you now. Why don"t you date rock stars?"

I shift in my chair and look down at my hands before looking back up at him. "I just don"t."

"Yeah, but why? What do you have against us?"

"Jett, I don"t have anything against you personally, but I"m not interested in dating someone who is too busy with their work for me."

"Well, you"re in luck then. I"m about to have plenty of time for dating." He flashes me another smile. Jett"s smiles are irresistible. They make me want to forget my scars of hurt and let him in.

"How about we take it one step at a time."

"I"m all for that, sweetheart. One date at a time."

I lean into him. "I was thinking more like we finish what we started last night and go from there."

"If you"re trying to get out of a date, it"s not going to work. First we f.u.c.k, and then I take you out for dinner. No ifs or buts."

"You"re very demanding, aren"t you?"

"I get what I want, Presley, and I want a date with you."

I know I"m not going to win this round. He"s just too d.a.m.n persistent. So, I plaster a smile on my face and agree. "Okay, but you better perform, otherwise there"s no date."

He laughs. "Performing is what I do best, beautiful."

G.o.d help me.

I unlock my front door and pull Jett inside. His flirting on the plane and the drive here has been relentless, and I"m desperate to get our clothes off and have him inside me. He"s worked me into such a state, I don"t think he"ll actually have to do very much at all to give me an o.r.g.a.s.m. His words alone are o.r.g.a.s.m inducing.

We make it into my bedroom, clothes almost all discarded, and he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. His mouth descends onto mine and we lose ourselves in a kiss that tells each of us how much we"re wanted. He"s f.u.c.king me with his mouth, and I"m sure my p.u.s.s.y would reach out and grab hold of his d.i.c.k if it could.

"I need you in me now, Jett." I talk while kissing, so I"m not sure if he"ll understand what I"m saying, but he does.

He pushes his erection into me, and it"s a torturous bliss. Ending the kiss, he growls, "I f.u.c.king need that too, sweetheart."

The only piece of clothing separating us is my panties, and he rips them off. Literally rips them in half. Then he picks me up and throws me on the bed. Feral desire flashes in his eyes as he climbs on top. He straddles me and holds out a condom. I have no idea when he got that, but I"m more than impressed we don"t have to f.u.c.k around any longer. If he doesn"t get his d.i.c.k in me soon, I"m going to go crazy.

I take the condom and have it on him in record time. Shifting my gaze to his, I beg, "For the love of G.o.d, f.u.c.k me."

He doesn"t say anything, just grunts his approval and positions his c.o.c.k at my entrance. His lips smash down onto mine, and as his tongue enters my mouth, he thrusts inside.

Oh...holy f.u.c.k...s.h.i.t....f.u.c.k!

My arms go around him, and I dig my fingers into his back as I take everything he gives me. Jett f.u.c.ks me with a raw need. I feel it flowing between us, connecting with my same need. It joins us and we move in perfect synchrony. s.e.x has never felt this good for me and I have an overwhelming desire to give him more than I"ve ever given a man. A desire to open myself up completely and let him take anything he wants from me.

He stops moving and looks at me with hunger. "You wanna ride me?"

I do, but not now. Now, I just want him to f.u.c.k me until I see nothing but exploding light. I shake my head and squeeze my legs around him tighter. "No."

No more words are needed and he thrusts inside again. He does it slower this time while holding himself above me and keeping his eyes pinned to mine. It"s like he"s trying to look into my soul, like he"s searching for something there. His eyes reaching out to me while he f.u.c.ks me awakens my closed off heart. I"m helpless to stop it, and as he moves me closer toward o.r.g.a.s.m, he also moves me closer toward him.

"f.u.c.k, Presley, I"m gonna come. You close, baby?" His head drops down to rest on my shoulder as he keeps moving inside me.

"Yeah..." I move with him, chasing it.

And then it hits. White light begins flashing behind my eyes and pleasure like I"ve never known possesses me. I hold onto him tighter and my core clenches around him.

"f.u.c.k!" he roars as he comes hard. He thrusts one last time and then his body tenses as his release grips him.

I"m lost inside my own pleasure just as much as he"s lost in his. We"re clinging to each other, but for those few moments, we"re disconnected. The only thing we"re connected to is our bliss.

Eventually, he lifts his head and murmurs, "s.h.i.t..."

I open my eyes to look into his. Giving him a smile, I nod my head. "Yeah....s.h.i.t."

He laughs and pushes up off me to go and dispose of the condom in my bathroom. Then he comes back and lies next to me on his back. We"re silent for a while, and I love that he doesn"t feel the need to fill the silence with small talk.

He reaches for my hand and holds it. "You okay?" he asks.

I"m trying to process all the emotions coursing through me. I truly don"t know what I"m feeling. But I turn to him with a smile and shift onto my side. Trailing my hand up his stomach to his chest, I reply, "Yes, I"m more than okay."

He pushes a couple of strands of my hair off my face. "Was that performance good enough to score a date with you?"

G.o.d, he has no idea.

"As if you"re going to let me say no," I mutter, not wanting to admit to either of us just how much I now want that date.

He chuckles softly. "Good point."

I shift positions onto my back, and we"re quiet again for a while. It"s not until he presses a kiss to my forehead that I realise I"ve almost fallen asleep. I blink and look up into his eyes. "Sorry."

His face crinkles into a smile. "All good, sweetheart. You obviously need some sleep, so I might go."

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