He smiled down at me, and I noticed freckles lightly dashed across his nose. How could I ever have missed them?

When he tugged on the corner of his lip, I wasn"t sure I could take it much longer. Parker Williams was the definition of s.e.xy.

A finger teased up the side of my leg, and lifted my skirt until the material was nothing more than a circle around my waist. As I stared into his deep-blue eyes, I didn"t even notice he had backed me against the window while we kissed. It was so cool on my skin that it almost felt like an extension of me. Parker looped his fingers around the thin lace of my panties, and with one quick motion, ripped them from my body. I liked those panties, but I seemed to like what he did to them more. No words were said, only deep groans as he admired me. My bare a.s.s pressed against the window, but I couldn"t think of anything but him. Light kisses started on my neck and sprinkled up toward my ear, unraveling me at the core.

I poked my fingers through the loops on his suit pants and pulled him even closer, then I took my time unb.u.t.toning his shirt. Abs. For. Days. And a scripted tattoo across his bicep. Tattoo. Holy f.u.c.k. One day, I would read every word of it.

Parker gave me a quizzical look, then smiled. I would never forget those abs.

Our bodies pressed against one another. His teeth grabbed hold of the skin on my neck, and sparks of pleasure swept through me. Somehow, my hands found the buckle to his pants, and before I could unb.u.t.ton and unzip them, he shook his head.

Say something, dammit.

I wanted to hear his voice, but I couldn"t seem to find mine. I wanted to take over, but he wasn"t allowing me to, and oddly, I was okay with that. He was in charge, and it was so f.u.c.king s.e.xy.

He nibbled on my bottom lip as his hand trailed down below. With care, he applied just enough pressure to drive me crazy. I balled my hands into fists and tried with everything that I was to hold back moans, but I didn"t want to. Briefly, I almost forgot that I was at work. The thought of what we were doing should have scared me, should have made me say stop, but it didn"t. At that moment, I felt no regret or doubt. It was like this was supposed to happen, regardless of whether I was ready or not.

His eyes were on me, and it made me feel so f.u.c.king s.e.xy as he admired my body. It made me want to scream out to the world, because at that moment, I was surrounded by Parker, Mr. Blue Eyes.

As I stared at him, I couldn"t believe Parker was breaking down my walls. Breaking all my rules. Smiling, kissing, and touching me. Making me feel so f.u.c.king good. I was lost in my thoughts of him.

More pressure was added, and then he dipped one finger inside of me. I gasped, wrapping my arms around his neck as he took his time sliding in and out. Our bodies fit together, almost as if we were made for one another. He was the perfect height to me. When I looked up into his eyes, his lips parted, and I felt his warm intoxicating breath on my cheeks. Two fingers practically filled me, and he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. His kisses became more intense, almost greedy, and I devoured him. His lips. His skin. His taste.

I closed my eyes and smiled at the thought of the building across the way. The windows were slightly tinted, but in the late afternoon, it was easy to see inside. Three fingers now. I gasped and whispered his name, "Parker." I couldn"t take it anymore. I quietly moaned, and he stopped all movement.

"Say it again," he said, as his three fingers waited deep within me.

I swallowed, then whispered, just as he wanted, "Parker." His name was sweet, like candy in my mouth. A devious smile crossed his face as he continued to finger f.u.c.k me against the window.

The phone rang, stopped, then rang again. I knew I had to answer before someone came bursting into my office. I looked at Parker, and he grabbed my hand and led me to the phone, knowing that I had to answer, but not before he bent me over the desk and spanked my a.s.s, hard. As he rubbed it, I pressed speaker.

"Roxane speaking," I said.

"Roxane. I"m actually looking for Parker, are the two of you having a meeting?" Dad asked.

Parker lightly ran his fingers over my a.s.s, and I gulped. "Yes, Dad. We are right in the middle of an important discussion," I said, trying to steady my voice. Parker threaded his fingers through my hair then turned me around on the desk as he dipped his hand below.

"Is that all you needed, Dad?" I asked.

"Yes, sorry, pumpkin. I hope you two are getting along just fine. I know how worried you were about him," Dad said.

Parker lifted his eyebrow and gave me a smirk.

Pompous a.s.s. "Dad, you"re on speaker phone." I held back a gasp as Parker inserted a finger in of me.

"Oh, sorry. Well, you two finish up and send him my way when you"re done with him."

Two fingers.

"I"m not sure you"ll want that, Dad, but I"ll let him know."

"Oh, and pumpkin?"

I needed to moan so badly that it hurt. "Uh. Huh, Dad." My voice was stilted as Parker sucked on my nipple.

"I"m proud of you honey, for taking control of the project. Having Parker look over the files saved us. And don"t tell me I"m on speaker. I don"t care. Good job, Son."

Parker"s tongue swirled around and flicked. "Thanks, Mr. VanBuren," Parker said.

"Dad. We gotta go. Important discussion happening."

I struggled to hang up the phone, but finally did.

"You"re an a.s.s!" I said and grabbed his chin that had that perfect amount of stubble.

"You loved it," he said into the crook of my neck as he kissed me.

"Parker," I whispered again, and the last time it was too much for him. My fingers roamed through his dark brown hair, and I tugged. He dropped down to his knees and kissed up my thighs. His tongue roamed my body until it found the sweet spot right between my legs. I became weak at the knees as he rubbed my a.s.s and twirled his tongue in forbidden places. Parker was an expert, and it was almost too much. The o.r.g.a.s.m was building, and he knew it.

"I can taste you, babe," he whispered, then flicked. Two fingers slipped inside of me as he continued to twirl my c.l.i.t with this tongue. I was losing myself. Losing everything. Parker pulled me closer to his mouth, and then, before I could even give warning, the o.r.g.a.s.m came, hard. My heart raced, my breathing increased, and I felt like I had completely left my body.

His lips trailed back up my stomach, flicked my nipple one last time, and kissed my mouth. My hands found their way back to his hair, and as he found my lips, I could taste me on him.

"Your turn," I said over his lips, between kisses. I lifted my eyebrow and glanced down at his d.i.c.k, which was begging to come out and play. I wanted to return the favor, but he knew that already. "We could . . . you know?" I smiled.

"No." The word was simple. It was short, but it p.i.s.sed me off.

No one, let me repeat, no one has ever denied me, especially not s.e.xually. I had always been the one to say no. Always. As I gathered my verbal ammunition, he spoke with a cunning tone, so s.e.xily, that I didn"t know whether to kiss or slap him.

"I don"t f.u.c.k for the sake of f.u.c.king, Rox. If you want this d.i.c.k, you"re going to have to earn it."

I had to choose my words wisely. "Excuse me?"

"I want to, oh G.o.d, trust me, I want to, but I want it to be more than just random s.e.x to both of us. Is that what you want to remember when you look back at this moment? I think it"s perfect how it is right now."

He placed one finger over my lips and slowly shook his head. "Don"t. Ruin. This. Rox," he whispered, then licked his lips as he b.u.t.toned his shirt and slipped on his suit jacket.

"You taste so f.u.c.king good, babe. So. f.u.c.king. Good." He lifted his eyebrow. "I guess it"s time I go to your dad"s office? I promise it won"t end like this."

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Well, I would hope not."

Then he kissed me on the cheek and left, just like that. I squeezed my legs together and released the breath I was holding. My legs shook with satisfaction, and I couldn"t help but smile. Parker was right; the moment was perfect just like that.

After I adjusted my skirt, I picked up the ruined lace panties from the floor and stuffed them in my purse. In the reflection of the window, I caught a glimpse of my hair and tried to fix it, but it was useless. It was wild. I couldn"t walk out of my office like this, considering half the staff was still busy at work. I needed the euphoria to wear off.

I plopped on the leather couch and stared at the ceiling. I couldn"t think of anything but him. I was already a prisoner to the chase that was Parker Williams. No matter how hard I tried, I wouldn"t be able to erase what just happened. I didn"t know where we were going, but I knew it meant trouble.

As I stared out the window, Parker stepped in with a grin on his face. The little crease in the bottom of his lip was so s.e.xy. "Your father just informed me that I"m going to New York with you in three days. Pack your bags, babe, and get ready for a good time. I"m showing you around the city while we"re there."

My mouth dropped open. He laughed, and then closed the door behind him. I couldn"t believe this was happening.

Parker Williams would be the beginning of my end.

Parker Williams would completely destroy me.

The story continues with Single: Vol. 2., which is slated to release on February 2, 2015. Pre-order for Single 2 is now available on iTunes, Barnes and n.o.ble, and Kobo.

Single: Vol. 1 on Goodreads Sign up to receive updates and release day links for the Single Serial by JOINING my mailing list.

This novella will be republished on all online outlets on January 5, 2015.

I hope you enjoyed Parker and Rox!

Thanks for all of your support.

#singleserial ABOUT LYRA PARISH.

Lyra Parish loves to write, glamp, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush. She"s a firm believer that a person can never have too many cups of coffee, cats, or happily ever afters. When she isn"t busy writing alphas, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, riding her bike, or obsessively pinning hotties on Pinterest.

Lyra lives in Texas with her gla.s.sblowing, guitar-playing hubby and black cat named Nibbler.

Visit her at lyraparish.com or email at

Social Networks: Facebook Page Regular Facebook Instagram Pinterest Twitter Goodreads Street Team Feel free to chat with her at any time!

Other Novels by Lyra: Weak for Him (weakness #1) out now Weak Without Him (weakness #2) out now No Longer Weak (weakness #3) coming soon Eluded (a stand alone novel) out now ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

It"s always very hard to write these and I swore to myself that I wouldn"t write them anymore because I always forget someone. Please forgive me in advance!

First thanks goes to my hubby: Thank you for understanding (most of the time) how important writing is to me and how much time it takes to complete a story. I promise that one-day this will all be worth it. 2015 is my year! I love you!

I want to thank all of my wonderful beta readers for the fresh eyes and wonderful insight.

ML Steinbrunn: I cannot thank you enough for helping me and pointing out things no one else did. Because of you, I will never write the word inserted again. Lol!

Heather Carver: you"re always amazing with finding little things. Thank you!

Rachel Brookes: #LTOB ;) If it wasn"t for your last minute read through, I"m not sure it would be the way it is now. You"re the yin to my literary yang. 2015 baby!

Tabitha Boykin: It"s not our first rodeo and I"m sure it won"t be our last. Thanks for telling me some of my sentences sucked so no one else had to suffer through them. Lol! 2015 baby x2! <3 i="" always="" have="" to="" thank="" jennifer="" sell="" and="" jenny="" sims.="" together="" you="" are="" like="" batman="" and="" robin.="" you="" make="" my="" words="" sparkle="" instead="" of="" just="" shine.="" jennifer="" sell:="" i="" have="" to="" give="" you="" an="" extra="" special="" thank="" you="" for="" going="" over="" it="" one="" last="" time="" after="" my="" crazy="" last="" minute="" changes.="" you="" are="" the="">

To my readers: Thank you for keeping me honest with my deadlines and projects. You"ve been nothing but a constant flow of positivity and that means the world to me. As I"ve said before: without you I am nothing, with you I am everything. You are all so wonderful and I wish I could give big hugs to each of you. Also I have to thank you for not sending the angry mob after me because I worked on another project before Weakness #3. I hope you love Rox and Parker as much as I do. There is much more to come! <3 to="" all="" the="" ladies="" in="" the="" antho:="" it"s="" been="" a="" pleasure="" working="" with="" you.="" i="" hope="" to="" be="" able="" to="" meet="" you="" all="" in="" the="" future="" and="" give="" you="" big="" squishy="" hugs.="" thank="" you="" for="" being="" so="" supportive="" and="" positive="" and="" for="" accepting="" me="" like="" a="" long="" lost="" friend.="" i="" feel="" like="" i"ve="" known="" many="" of="" you="" for="" a="" lifetime.="" it"s="" been="" a="" wonderful="">

Resisting Copyright 2014 Ch.e.l.le Bliss Published by Ch.e.l.le Bliss All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author"s imagination or used in a fict.i.tious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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Published: Ch.e.l.le Bliss October 20th 2014:

First Edition Copyright 20th October 2014

Editor: Mickey Reed at Editing 720

Proofreader: Candice Royer

Cover Design Melissa Gill at MG BookCovers

Cover Photo: Eric Battersh.e.l.l Photography

Cover Models: Alfie Gordillo and Colleen McMahon

Formatted by: Ch.e.l.le Bliss

This book is intended for a mature audience only.

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