"How about here?"

His throat elongated as his head dug into the pillow, giving me complete access to his neck. I didn"t wait for another invitation.

Grabbing the spoon he"d used to cover me in ice cream, I scooped up vanilla-my favourite-and hovered it over his c.o.c.k.

His eyes remained closed as my fingers twisted his nipples. My lips trailed down his stomach.

With a flick of my wrist, the melting goodness covered his shaft.

He jolted upright. "f.u.c.k!"

Throwing my legs over his quads, I shoved him back down again. "Fair"s fair in war."

His eyes blazed. "Nothing"s fair in the act of love, Lace." His large hands landed on my hips tensing to throw me off.

I gripped him with my thighs. "This isn"t love. This is...what was that word you used?"

He smirked. "Chemistry?"

"Yes, that"s it. What"s fair in chemistry?"

His jaw tensed. "Fair is taking everything and giving all in return. Fair is f.u.c.king destroying each other."

Taking his wrists, I plucked his fingers from my hips and in the boldest move of my life, brought them up to wrap in my hair.

His eyes flared as I leaned forward, scooting down his body until my mouth hovered above the melting ice cream and his throbbing c.o.c.k.

His fingers fisted, tugging on my strands. "Who the f.u.c.k are you?" he murmured, his breathing shallow and uneven.

Curling my tongue, I licked up the entire length of him, tasting musk, man, and vanilla.

"Christ!" His body seized, stomach rippling. I pitied his opponents when faced with such a mountain of masculinity. Nothing could beat him. Not even life itself.

"I"m n.o.body. Just a girl you found in a hotel corridor."

My scalp smarted as he shoved my face into his crotch. I didn"t care-in fact, I revelled in his vicious need. "You"re more than that but you"re driving me mad. Suck me. f.u.c.king suck."

With pleasure.

Opening my mouth, I fitted my lips over him.

s.h.i.t, he burned. Beneath the coldness of the ice cream, he smouldered.

His c.o.c.k jerked the second my tongue swept over the head. His hands tightened in my hair, tugging and making my eyes water.

Sliding further down, I drank his taste.

My soul became drenched in his flavour as I licked away salty pre-c.u.m; my mouth watered at the sweetness of vanilla ice cream. His skin was silky and priceless satin-living stone twitching to fill me.

My jaw ached as I bobbed up and down, but Cas kept my head locked between his legs. I couldn"t look up, I couldn"t see. But I knew the longer I sucked him, the more he unravelled.

His hips matched my rhythm, driving up as I sank down, f.u.c.king my mouth possessively. He didn"t try to choke me. He didn"t drive past my gag reflex. He took what I gave and nothing more.

Finally, his hands tugged on my hair, yanking my head up.

My eyes watered, and my tongue was numb from granting him pleasure. His fingers drifted to grip beneath my arms, hauling me up his chest. The moment our slippery, sticky bodies sandwiched together, we shivered. His c.o.c.k had its own heartbeat, thrumming against my lower belly-so d.a.m.n close to filling me.

"I want more than just tonight," he growled. He swallowed, panic fireballing in his eyes before being devoured by endless blue.

His confession sent my heart ablaze. I couldn"t speak.

Shoving me off him, he sat up. As if he"d never uttered the previous words, he growled, "I need you hard and fast, Lace. Tell me if that"s going to be a problem."

I shook my head. "No. I want that, too."

"Good. Get on all fours."

Scrambling in my haste, I did as he asked, looking over my shoulder at the powerful man behind me. With shaking hands, he tore open the condom wrapper and sheathed it over his extremely large c.o.c.k.

My legs trembled. A body-clenching wave swept through me. I worried for my p.u.s.s.y. I worried for my mind staying in one piece when he finally made me come. I worried about so many things.

Grabbing the champagne from where I"d placed it on the bedside table, he swigged it, then rested it by his thigh.

With a cold smile, he positioned himself between my legs, nudging my soaking entrance with his overheated c.o.c.k.

We both groaned at the tantalizing friction.


"I need you." I moaned, arching my back, forcing my hips against him.

He tapped my a.s.s. "So impatient."

I screamed as a waterfall of chilled champagne upended on my back. The second the coldness. .h.i.t my burning skin, his c.o.c.k no longer nudged my entrance but buried itself inside me.

Oh, G.o.d. Oh, G.o.d.

Too many reactions. Too many sensations.

It felt so good.

It felt so wrong.

I sobbed with delirium as he bent over me, turning the cold champagne into a blanket of bubbling heat. His mouth sucked up puddles dancing on my spine as his hips pressed harder, driving deeper in a satisfying glide.

"Cas...s.h.i.t. More...give me more." My voice failed as he obeyed, thrusting deeper, filling me completely and truly with every inch of him.

The moment my body claimed his, he began to move. His knees moved closer, his hands gripped tighter. "G.o.d, you"re responsive."

I moaned as he withdrew and thrust, again and again. I gripped the sheets, trying to anchor myself against pleasure.

The storm in my soul grew, swirling with wind and sonnets.

"Yes," I moaned as he reached forward, flicking my c.l.i.t. My head lolled forward as I gave into his magic.

His fingers bit into my hips, pulling me back, thrust after thrust. His hip bones bruised my a.s.s with every pound.

I lost myself to the rhythm of being taken. I gave up everything.

Nothing else existed-not the sounds of him f.u.c.king me or our out of control breathing. Only his body deep inside mine.

"G.o.d, I can"t stop it. I can"t-"His c.o.c.k swelled, stretching me even further as his pace turned crazed with need.

Every stroke drove me to the pinnacle, up and up, clouds and clouds. The thunder of his groans added to the crash of lightning in my soul.

"Come. Make me come!" I begged. My mouth parted as twisting spindling pressure built in my core. I needed to combust. I wanted to let go.

"Come, Lace. f.u.c.king come while I f.u.c.k you."

His filthy words stripped me of power, shoving me headfirst into the storm.

I couldn"t hold on any longer.

I came.

The skies opened and torrents of rain drowned me as my o.r.g.a.s.m crested and exploded. I had no umbrella, no safety net as I was washed away by the brightest, demanding release I"d ever had.

Cas bellowed, his pace turning wild as he gave himself to my rhythmic milking, following me into paradise. His c.o.c.k spurted with every thrust, his body spasming with every clench.

On and on he f.u.c.ked me. His thrusts fierce and jerky as his body drained completely.

He made a delicious noise between a satisfied grunt and agonised groan as the last band of his o.r.g.a.s.m left him dry.

His hips still pressed in a never-ending rock, but it was blissfully gentle after savage taking.

I shuddered as he ran a gentle hand down my spine, scattering droplets of champagne. My hair was damp, my skin covered in s.e.x-I could barely remember my own name.

But him.

I remembered everything about him. I would remember until the end of time. Stamped on my soul for eternity.

Falling to his side, Cas took me with him. His c.o.c.k remained deep inside. I knew I should move, the condom needed to be thrown away, and a shower was definitely in order, but I never wanted to wriggle from his embrace.

Words seemed to be an archaic way of communicating while our bodies spoke and soothed.

I sighed deeply, hushed and protected in his arms.

The phone rang, shattering our post-s.e.x glow, reminding us that life was still there and we weren"t untouchable in our perfect dream-world.

Cas groaned, reaching behind him to pick up the receiver by the bed. Somehow, he still managed to keep his c.o.c.k inside me. "What?"


"Okay. I"ll tell her."

He hung up.

Snuggling into the pillow created by his arm, I murmured, "My key is ready?"

He took a while to answer, his breathing soft and warm on the nape of my neck. "Yes."

My heart hurt at the desolation in his tone. "Do you want me to go?"

His arms tightened before he forced himself to relax. "Do you want to go?"

I stifled my smile, loving how this big scary man had changed. He"d softened and lost the edge of anger, from either being intimate or still inside me-he throbbed with tenderness rather than aggression.


He let out a soft breath. "Good. I don"t want you to go either." Pulling me tighter against his chest, he murmured, "I know what I said-about not wanting to know you. But, perhaps I don"t have to forget you so soon...this...it"s different."

"More than just chemistry?"

He sighed. "I don"t know. But I want..."

When he didn"t continue, I murmured, "Want?"

"I want you to stay. Spend the day with me tomorrow. Come and watch me fight."

My heart leapt. I nodded without thinking. "I"d love to."

"Good." Tension ebbed from his muscles and almost as if a switch turned off in his brain, he went instantly to sleep.

My heart glowed while every inch of me burned from s.e.xual use. My lips were sore, my body sticky and sweat-dewed. But I couldn"t remember a time when I"d been happier in six years.

I lay there in his embrace, very aware of his c.o.c.k growing flaccid inside me.

What had just happened between us?

Did this happen to everyone who met their perfect other? Did you just know? Or was it merely a crazy infatuation between two lonely people who looked for more than what existed?

I didn"t know, but I wanted to find out more than anything.

My heart plummeted.

More than anything?

More than a career I"d fought for? A new life that I needed?

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