"I want two," I demanded, grinding myself against him.

He shivered as a small moan escaped his lips. "Anything you want."

I looked at the ceiling, resting my index finger against my lips as I moved my hips. "Well, my house could use a good cleaning," I teased.

"You"ll get what I give you," he growled.

"Oh, I like big, bad biker Flash." I laughed, leaning back and pushing the tip of his c.o.c.k farther into my wetness.

He tossed me through the air, and I landed on the bed and bounced. I snorted as I laughed. He grabbed the condom off the nightstand and moved his body between my legs.

"I"ll show you big, bad biker Flash."

"s.h.i.t better be good."

"You talk too f.u.c.king much," he said as he rolled the condom down his shaft. "I always do you good, Izzy. No one does it better."

On a consistent basis, he was the best, but I"d had better one-night stands. There"s something about the explosion of pa.s.sion that happens when two strangers get together and there"s an undeniable attraction. Clothes get torn, bodies get bruised, and everyone walks away with exactly what they wanted to begin with-a quick f.u.c.k, no strings attached.

"Gimme those lips," he said, leaning over me as he stuck the tip of his c.o.c.k inside me.

"No," I whispered, turning my head.

He stopped all movement. "No?"

"Your breath." I laughed, but it was more than that. It felt too personal, and the last thing I wanted was anything that involved feelings.

"Gotcha," he replied as he jammed his d.i.c.k inside me, causing me to cry out in pleasure.

"Jesus," I mumbled, pushing my head into my pillow and arching my back to give him better access.

"So f.u.c.kin" good," he whispered, rocking back and forth.

I sighed, letting myself get lost in the pleasure and blocking everything out. As his thrusts grew more punishing, I dug my fingers into his skin, trying to ground myself.

Closing my eyes, I listened to our moans as he moved. The sound of our bodies connecting filled the room, mingled with our breathing. He drove me closer to the edge. Each thrust hit my c.l.i.t, bringing the o.r.g.a.s.m just within reach.

Within minutes, I was flying off a cliff. A kaleidoscope of colors filled my vision as the o.r.g.a.s.m that tore through me stole the air from my lungs. Flash had that ability. That"s one reason why I always welcomed him into my bed.

"Oh G.o.d, yes!" I screamed, meeting his thrusts as the o.r.g.a.s.m waned. I wanted more, needed more. I wasn"t done, and neither was he.

He stared down at me, his eyes blazing as he gritted his teeth, chasing his own release. Picking up the pace, he grabbed my a.s.s and tilted my hips, causing him to slide in farther.

"Right there!" I screeched, kicking my feet against the bed.

"f.u.c.k," he hissed, his momentum quickening to an impressive speed.

Moments later, his movement stuttered as he groaned though his release. Sweat dripped from his chin, landing on my breast and sliding down to rest in between my t.i.ts.

The very last thrust he gave me sent me over the edge. The second o.r.g.a.s.m was just as intense as the first and left me a puddle of jelly.

We lay there panting, sweaty, and exhausted. Trying to gulp air as if we were fish searching for water as we flopped in a new atmosphere. I wanted to fall back asleep. My eyes felt heavy as the tiredness I felt went bone deep.

Just as my breathing slowed and my mind started to turn off, my phone beeped.

"f.u.c.k," I muttered, reaching out and feeling around my nightstand. Cracking one eye, I brought the phone to my face, too tired to open both.

Joe: Be on time today.

I rolled my eyes, tossing the phone to the floor. Yawning, I moving away from Flash and snuggled with my pillow. I had hours until I needed to be there for dinner. It was a holiday, for s.h.i.t"s sake, and I needed rest after having listened to Flash snore all night.

Comfortable and sated sleep took me quickly. Everything faded away.

"Izzy," a voice said inside my dream, but I ignored it. "Izzy," the voice repeated.

"What?" I mumbled, annoyed to have my darkness interrupted.

"Izzy," Flash said, shaking my shoulders. "What time do we have to be at your brother"s?"

"Two," I muttered, placing the pillow over my head.

"It"s one thirty, babe."

I jumped from the bed, my heart racing at the thought of being late. "f.u.c.k. Why did you let me sleep so long?" I grabbed my jeans off the dresser, slipping them on and quickly fastening them. Then I turned to see Flash staring at me. "Get your a.s.s up. We gotta go."

"Is someone scared of her brother?" He smiled, stretching out across my bed.

"No. I just don"t want to hear bulls.h.i.t about being late."

"p.u.s.s.y." He laughed, climbing off the bed.

"If you ever want my p.u.s.s.y again, you"ll move your a.s.s." I threw his dirty clothes at him before he could react. They hit him square in the chest and fell to his feet.

"What the f.u.c.k, dude?" he asked, holding out his hands.

"Put something on. You can"t go like that," I said, waving my hands up and down.

"My clothes are outside."

I crossed my arms over my chest, highly irritated at this point. "Flash, move it. Stop f.u.c.king around. Get your s.h.i.t and get ready. I"m leaving in ten with or without you."

"Fine," he said, pulling on his jeans before stomping out the door as I walked into my closet to grab a cami.

It was bad enough that I was bringing Flash with me. Joe hated him. f.u.c.k, all my brothers hated him. Hopefully, with it being a holiday, they could put aside their bulls.h.i.t and welcome him inside. I could hope, but I knew the reality. I"d be playing interference the entire day to stop fists from flying.

Exactly ten minutes later, I grabbed my keys off the counter and threw on my heels. Then I stood by the front door, about to walk out, when Flash rounded the corner looking as good as biker Flash could. His outfit wasn"t fancy, but it would do. Time to get the cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k over with.


3 - Izzy Thank goodness Anthony showed up when we did. I wouldn"t have to hear Joe"s mouth about being the last one to dinner.

"Hey, Anth."

Anthony hugged me, moving in closer to my ear and whispering, "Why the f.u.c.k did you bring him?"

I looked at Flash, giving him a smile before responding to Anthony. "He didn"t have anywhere else to go." I batted my eyelashes at him as he backed away and gave Flash a once-over.

"Joe is going to s.h.i.t a motherf.u.c.king brick." Anthony winked and grinned.

"Just thought I"d keep the day interesting."

"Hey, man," Flash said as he walked up to Anthony with his hand outstretched.

"Long time no see, Sam." Anthony grasped his hand, shaking it for longer than normal.

"Yeah." Flash flinched from the handshake. Then he flexed his hands as Anthony released him. "It"s Flash now."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. This s.h.i.t should go over real well with my family. Anthony looked at me, and I shrugged before pinching my nose.

"Stay behind me," I said, looking at Flash and pointing at the ground.


""Cause Joe won"t punch me when he sees you, but by all means," I said, motioning in front of me with my hand. "Go ahead in front if you want a fist in the face as a greeting."

Flash grimaced and sighed. "I don"t know why your brother doesn"t f.u.c.kin" like me."

"Maybe "cause you"ve been f.u.c.king his little sister for years."

Flash mumbled something under his breath, moving to stand behind me as we approached the door. As Anthony knocked, I fidgeted with my hands, praying that the day didn"t turn into a cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k.

"f.u.c.ker hated me before that," Flash snarled behind me.

Anthony"s fists didn"t relent as he pounded on the door.

"Why don"t you just open it?"

"This isn"t Ma"s and I don"t just walk in without being told it"s okay," he said, landing another blow.

"p.u.s.s.y," I whispered, moving around Anthony and walking inside.

Flash laughed, following behind me as Anthony grumbled.

"Smells d.a.m.n good in here." I inhaled deeply.

"Hey, sis," Joe said, walking over to hug me.

"I brought someone. I hope you don"t mind." I smiled, looking up into his eyes. I knew I was laying it on thick, but I was just trying to cushion the blow.

"Who?" Joe asked, looking over my shoulder. "Really?" he growled in my ear, grabbing my shoulder.

"Come on, Joey. He didn"t have anywhere else to be. He was in town and I told him he could spend the day with us. I know you made enough food for an entire army." I batted my eyelashes at Joe.

"He"s here now." Joe shook his head, staring down at me. "Next time ask, Izzy."

"Okay," I whispered against his chest, giving him a squeeze before ducking under his arms.

Joe held out his hand to Flash as Anthony walked by and grimaced. "Nice to see you again, Sam," Joe bit out through gritted teeth.

"I go by Flash now."

I cringed at his response. I always knew Flash wasn"t the most intelligent man, but to reply to my brother in that way was just plain idiotic-or he had a death wish.

"Whatever," Joe said, rolling his eyes. "Welcome to my home." He pulled Flash closer. "If you hurt my sister, I"ll f.u.c.king bury you. Got me?"

"Easy now, City. I wouldn"t dream of it. We"re just friends." He stood toe to toe with Joe, gripping his shoulder.

I swear to f.u.c.k that all I could see was a train wreck. I thought I was standing in the middle of a Looney Tunes cartoon. There had to be a big kaboom coming at any second. Joe and Flash wouldn"t be parting on a happy note, but hopefully they could keep their hands to themselves for Thanksgiving.

"I don"t care who the f.u.c.k you think you are or what MC you"re in. You"re still Sam to me and I can still whip your a.s.s. Just so we"re clear." Joe glared at him.

Suzy"s arms slid around Joe as she looked at Flash. "Everything okay, baby?" she asked.

"Just perfect, sugar. This is Sam, Izzy"s friend."

She released him, holding out her hand to Flash. "Hi, Sam. I"m Suzy. Nice to meet you," she said, smiling.

"It"s my pleasure, Suzy." He pulled her hand to his lips and gently kissed it. "You have a beautiful home."

"Thank you, Sam."

Joe growled. Honest to motherf.u.c.king G.o.d, the man growled. I knew that my brother was a caveman, but this was beyond the realm of normal behavior. Flash looked at Joe, his lips turning up in a half-smirk before he turned back to Suzy.

"Joe"s a very lucky man. I hope you don"t mind me crashing the party." Sam looked to Joe with a s.h.i.t-eating grin before he looked at Suzy.

Yep-death wish.

"Not at all. Come on in and make yourself at home," Suzy said with a smile before stepping aside and wrapping her arms around my big brother.

"Let"s go say hi to my parents, dumba.s.s," I said to Flash, grabbing his shirt and pulling him toward the living room.

"Why the f.u.c.k am I a dumba.s.s?" he asked, looking at me with a furrowed brow.

I stopped, turning to face him. "Starting s.h.i.t with my brother," I whispered, glaring at him.

"Dude, I gotta stand up to the guy. I can"t be a doormat. Show no weakness."

"You"re a f.u.c.king moron." I laughed. "Ma," I said, entering the room.

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