She shrugs. "They"re boys. They"ll fight until it"s sorted."

"Doesn"t mean I have to be a part of it." I shake my head, checking my appearance in her mirror as I run my fingers through my hair. "So, what"s supposed to happen now? What was the point of all this?"

"That"s probably something Drake wants to talk to you about himself. But, Caitlin you should know that now you"re here, things are going to change for you. Drake isn"t just going to let you walk out of here. Neither is Aiden for that matter."

"I don"t understand," I say with a frown before turning with a start when a voice sounds behind me.

"You"ll understand soon enough," Aiden says, tilting his head to indicate that he wants us to follow him, and we do. He leads us back out to the common area where Drake and Jared are looking slightly p.i.s.sed off at each other.

"Thanks for that," I tell Jared as I hold out the sweatshirt he leant me.

"It was no problem," he states, reaching out to take it from my hands, but grabbing at air when Drake grabs the jumper from my hands and throws over his shoulder on the floor.

"What the f.u.c.k, Drake? That was beyond childish!" I yell, glaring at him as he folds his arms across his chest and glares at Jared.

"Well he should know that you don"t loan your f.u.c.king sweatshirt to another man"s woman. That s.h.i.t is just f.u.c.king wrong."

"This is why you came back, isn"t it? Because of Jared. You were jealous and you came to stake your claim on your woman? Well, guess what, Drake. I"m not your woman. Not anymore."

"I think we"d better leave you two alone," the woman says, taking a hold of the arms of both Aiden, and Jared, who resists for a moment, before walking with them out of there, closing the door of the common area behind them and leaving Drake and me alone.

I hear Jared complain that he needs to sort things out with me, but after something Aiden says that I can"t make out, he falls quiet and goes with them.




"I am not your woman! Not anymore!" I hiss at Drake the moment I think the others are out of earshot.

He steps toward me and immediately, I suck in my breath, his closeness affecting me in ways I don"t want to admit. Keeping his eyes on mine, he reaches down and lifts my left hand, holding it in front of my face.

"Really?" he counters, showing me the gold and diamond ring I still wear on my wedding finger. I"ve never been able to take it off. "This ring says otherwise."

I s.n.a.t.c.h my hand away. "Well it obviously meant more to me than it did to you. I see you"re not wearing yours anymore."

His hands move to grip me by the upper arms and he pulls me against him roughly, looking down at me and forcing me to arch my neck backward to look up at him. "I never broke my vows," he growls.

"Don"t," I whisper, closing my eyes as a wave of emotion hits me. I won"t have him use my relationship with Jared against me. "You were dead and I waited for almost four years. Was I supposed to be alone forever?"

"You were supposed to believe in me. I promised you I"d be back."

"That"s not fair," I cry, pushing against his chest with my hands but not escaping his grasp. "You were gone. I kept your memory alive for years. I kept your G.o.dd.a.m.n fish alive as well. I even kept your f.u.c.king clothes until twelve months ago. And where were you? I was mourning your lossand where were you!?!"

Before I know what"s happening, his mouth is on mine and our arms are wrapped around each other, my fingers sliding into his hair and gripping its length as his tongue enters my mouth, reclaiming me as his. When we pull apart, I"m shaking.

"I was trying to fix things to find my way back to you," he murmurs, his voice rough and raw as he speaks.

I slap him across the face, shocking him with my anger. "Don"t do that to me again," I hiss, feeling too messed up to deal with the man of my past and the man of my present in the same building. "Just tell me what the f.u.c.k is going on. That woman told me I"m not allowed to leave. What the h.e.l.l am I supposed to do Drake? Sit around in a hanger all day and night like a prisoner?"

He steps back, giving me that much needed s.p.a.ce to breathe, before he answers.

"No. You"re going back to work but it will be with us."


"Yes. Aiden takes on private military contracts. He"s been helping me covertly over the last few years. He can do things that the law can"t. We"ve just come back from talking to Commander Greer, and he"s agreed to work with us on the Le Doux case. I"ve made it clear that I"ll only be working with you."

"So, they"re just going to forget their vendetta against you and work with you now?"

"The information I have, is worth a h.e.l.l of a lot more to them than I am. Besides, I"m already dead."

"Then I guess that sorts out the issue of whether we"re still married or not."

He steps toward me. "Trix, you"ll always be mine. And to prove it, I"m going to let you go. You"ll find your way back to me."

"What?" I frown, not understanding what he means until a sharp pain enters my thigh and suddenly, my body grows heavy and my world turns black for what feels like a split second, but obviously isn"t, because when I open my eyes, I"m back at Site Seventeen.

"Ah, you"re up," says Greer. "Best get some coffee into you. We"ve got a big day ahead of us." He hands me a mug from which I take a sip, suddenly wondering if I"m Dorothy and this has all been one incredible, technicoloured dream.

"What"s going on?" I ask.

"Well, in light of your procurement of the payroll list, I"ve decided I was too hasty in firing you. After all, it was Birdwood who switched out the vile Drake gave you, a search of her house after she was taken out, saw that we found the real one. So I guess I was wrong. But we"re going to fix that. You"re going to take on the role of Emery"s partner now, and the two of you will work with Drake to get this case under control once and for all. We"re finally going to shut Le Doux down."

"Wait? I"m an agent again?"

"Of course. Now get off your a.r.s.e and get to work. We"ve got a long road ahead of us."


I hope you enjoyed your sneak peek inside the Deep Cover series. It will continue in 2015 as a monthly release and will follow on from the final book in my Fire & Lies Series, releasing in February.

In the meantime, you can go back to where this world of corruption began with the introduction of Aiden, and Jared in Partners, Fire & Lies Prequel OUT NOW.

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Or sign up for my newsletter and never miss a release again ABOUT LILLIANA ANDERSON.

Bestselling Author of the A Beautiful Series, Alter and the Confidante Trilogy, Lilliana has always loved to read and write, considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer.

Australian born and bred, she writes New Adult Romance revolving around her authentically Aussie characters as well as a biographical trilogy based on an ex-Sydney s.e.x worker, named Angelien.

Lilliana feels that the world should see Australia for more than just it"s outback and tries to show characters in more of a city setting. When she isn"t writing, she wears the hat of "wife and mother" to her husband and four children.

Before Lilliana turned to writing, she worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities and communications before transferring to commerce/law at university.

Originally from Sydney"s Western suburbs, she currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.


For updates or to ask questions/ send comments, you can contact me at follow me on twitter @Confidante_Lili visit my website or facebook where I am most active- Thank you so much for taking the time to read my work. I hope to have a very long writing career, producing books and characters you"ll come to love.

If you enjoyed reading, please take a moment to let someone know. Use the social media options on your device to share this book on Facebook or Twitter, and if you have time, leave a rating and review I love to read your comments.


The Confidante Trilogy Confidante: The Brothel Confidante: The Escort Beautiful Series Too Close A Beautiful Struggle Phoenix A Beautiful Forever Commitment A Beautiful Melody A Beautiful Rock Devotion Entwined Series Our Hearts Entwined Our Lives Entwined Drawn Series Drawn Drawn 2 Obsession Drawn 2 Redemption Fire & Lies Series Partners Prequel.

Played Book One (December 2014).

Paid Book Two (February 2015) Deep Cover.

Case 001 (as a part of the Owned Anthology, re-releasing February, 2015) Case 002 (March, 2015).

Case 003 (April, 2015).

Lesley Jones Copyright 2014 Lesley Jones.

All Rights Reserved.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fict.i.tiously. Other names, characters, places and incidents are products of the Author"s imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organisations or places is entirely coincidental.

All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the Author. All songs, song t.i.tles and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.


This e-book contains s.e.xually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. This e-book is intended for adults ONLY. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

Editing & formatting by Swish Design & Editing A NOTE FOR THE READER.

This book has been written using UK English and contains euphemisms and slang words that form part of the Australian spoken word, which is the basis of this book"s writing style.

Please remember that the words are not misspelled, they are slang terms and form part of the everyday, Australian/UK lifestyle. This book has been written using UK English.

If you would like further explanation, or to discuss the translation or meaning of a particular word, please do not hesitate to contact the author contact details have been provided, for your convenience, at the end of this book.

I hope you enjoy a look into the Australian way of life.



I stand on the edge of the stage, eyes closed, arms raised, caught in the draft of the giant fans sitting in the wings, my hair lifting off my neck and it feels good, so f.u.c.king good. I count the beats to the final drum roll of our last song for the night... for the tour in fact, and wait for the roar of the crowd as I pull my earpiece out. I open my eyes and look out at the sea of faces, arms waving in the air as Jet throws his arm over my shoulder and kisses my cheek. He"s wearing a white feather boa around his neck, black leather jeans and he"s shirtless and barefoot. Gunner Vance and Dom Trip, our drummer and ba.s.s guitarist join us front and centre of the stage and we all take a bow.

We"re done. Eighteen months on the road is finally over. I"m going straight back to England tomorrow and I won"t have to look at the ugly f.u.c.king faces of my other three bandmates until sometime next year. Well, I"ll probably see Gunner at some stage as we live not far from each other, but the other two are crazy Americans and unless we have any public appearances scheduled, then naaa, I"m done travelling for a while. I"m heading home, home to England, my house, my dogs, brothers, nieces and nephews and I can"t f.u.c.king wait.

A pair of knickers land at my feet as a girl screams, "Reed, take me home, take me home and f.u.c.k me." I bend my knees and shield my eyes from the house lights that are starting to come on so I can get a better look at her.

Jet leans down and says in my ear, "Get her up here, just in case the rest don"t show man."

I look up at him. "Can you see her? What"s she look like?"

He shakes his head and winks at me. "I don"t give a f.u.c.k. She has holes, at least three that are of interest to me, get her up here and let"s get back to the room to play."

I tap the security bloke on the shoulder and point to the girl that screamed out to be f.u.c.ked. I"m not sure if they"re her knickers Dom now has on his head or not, but I"m sure it"s not gonna be long till we find out. The giant security guard lifts the girl up over the barriers, and onto the stage. She turns around to the crowd and punches the air, earning herself a ma.s.sive cheer and a few boos. Jet hooks his arm over her shoulder and steers her off stage while we all follow.

No nonsense tonight, no backstage meet and greets, no fake smiles, just straight in the cars and back to the hotel to play. Gunner and Dom are both married and their wives are backstage waiting for them as we head toward the corridor. There are people hanging about everywhere and as a beer gets shoved into my hand, I pause for a second and take a few swigs.

"Mr. Reed, sorry to trouble you sir, but I wanted to give you these and wondered if you"d just take a look at them?" I lift up my and look at the bloke standing next to me, he"s more of a kid than a bloke, nineteen at most. He has a few sheets of paper rolled up in his hand and he"s holding them out to me.

"What are they?" I ask, gesturing with my chin at the paper.

"They"re songs, sir. Songs that I"ve written. I"ve put my email address and mobile number on the bottom, I just thought, well..." He blushes and looks down at the floor. "I"m good. What I write is good f.u.c.king s.h.i.t and I just need a break. I just need someone to listen."

f.u.c.k, I might be a p.r.i.c.k a lot of the time, but I"m not a complete a.r.s.ehole, especially when it comes to kids that need a break. That was me once, all I needed was a break and Jet happened to come along and hand it to me on a plate, after he"d tried unsuccessfully to get me to suck him off that is. But once we established that wasn"t going to happen, he invited me to join the band anyway, and the rest as they say... Is f.u.c.king history.

"What"s your name, mate?" I ask.

"Mitch, Mitch.e.l.l White. It"s all on there."

I give him a wink. "Okay, Mitch Mitch.e.l.l White It"s All On There. I"ll take these back to England with me and I"ll have a look at them. If there"s anything I see with potential, I"ll be in touch. How"s that sound?"

His eyes widen. "Seriously, you"re not just f.u.c.king with me?"

Jet appears at the kid"s side and runs his hand over his chest. "Ohhh, pretty new toys. For me?"

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