"Hey, woman, good to see you here," Deanna said as she came up beside Griz and placed her arm around his waist. His arm automatically went around her shoulders, where he brought her in closer.

"Hi, h.e.l.l Mouth," I smiled.

She glared at me and then Killer, but turned back to me and ordered, "Ivy, I ain"t h.e.l.l Mouth to you-"

"No, but she"ll answer to s.l.u.tguts, wench, hooker, sin eater...haven"t we been through this? Anyway, she"ll answer to just about anything else really." Julian smiled at me as he walked up to our group with a very s.e.xy man beside him. "This is Mattie, my partner and Zara"s brother."

"Hi." I smiled and held out my hand to shake. He shook it and said, "It"s nice to meet you."

Julian clapped with glee and announced, "We need a nickname for you." He then went on pondering it.

"b.i.t.c.hface?" Deanna offered. I glared at her, but it was Fox who hissed, "You better f.u.c.kin" not."

Deanna smiled. "Relax, killer, I was just jesting."

"Chatter," Talon said.

"Ooooh, good one, Hawk-eye," Julian said.

"Definitely suits her," Griz laughed.

A blush finally rose to my cheeks from my earlier comments.

"Come on, Chatter. Let"s go see what Zara"s doing with the tribe of kids. You can meet her and Mattie"s parents too." Julian grinned a cheeky I-know-something-you-don"t grin. I looked to Fox who grimaced. Were Zara and Mattie"s parent that bad?

"Fox?" I asked.

"Brace yourself, cupcake, brace. You think the three you met yesterday were in any way crazy...wait till you meet Wildcat"s mum."

"She isn"t that bad," Mattie offered.

Julian turned to his man, took both of his hands and said gently, "My sweet, s.e.xy man, you are a part of her loins, so maybe you don"t see it so much. But your dear mother is cray-cray, in a sweet, want to choke her way."

Mattie shuddered. "Please never talk of her loins again."

"I second that." Talon glared.

"But," Julian added, "alas, we love her. We truly do because she made two beautiful children. Isn"t that right, Cap"," Julian asked Talon.

I giggled at him. Julian had been right. These bikers were scary, but once you were in their fold, you could see the love they had for their partners...or else there was no way in h.e.l.l Julian would get away with anything he said or did.

I smiled up at Fox, who was grinning back down at me. Does that mean I"m a part of this fold because of this man? Yes, it does. I"m not ashamed to admit I really like that. Fox just touched his mouth to mine when Julian said, "Oh no, once you two start, I"ll have to pry you both apart with a crowbar." He tugged me away from Fox"s arms. I laughed when I saw the deathly glare Fox was sending Julian, who ignored it, saying to me, "I know it"s all new and sweet, my little rose petal, but he has to know he"s got to share you with us. It"s what we do, and besides, I"m sure, by the way he watches you take everything in, you"ll be getting more action between the sheets tonight."

I sure hope so.

With Deanna and Mattie following, Julian led me by my hand to the back yard. That was where I met the loud, funny, quirky, hot-man crazed Nancy, and the sweet, mild-mannered, caring Richard. I also got to meet Cody, Maya, Drake and Ruby, all of them cute in their own way. Cody being the oldest definitely took his role seriously. He watched the twins like an eagle, while he also played cards with Maya. Then I met Swan, Deanna and Griz"s gorgeous little girl, who had a white head of hair. She came up with a young girl name Josie. I found out later Josie"s ordeal. It was no wonder she was quiet. I was happy to hear that Zara"s parents had adopted her.

The men came outside to start cooking and drinking...well, more than they were inside. Often I felt eyes on me, and every time I searched, I saw Fox watching me with a small smile upon his s.e.xy face. If I was b.u.t.ter, I would have melted into a puddle.

We ate at the picnic benches outside in the warm sun. I had the best day getting to know everyone, even the other bikers seemed less and less scary to me by the end of the day. In the end, I was becoming more comfortable with them all and only had a few slip ups of talking too much around good looking people. What was the best though was the fact that they thought nothing of it. They all accepted me as I came and I think that had a lot to do with the man I was with. I could sense that they all wanted Fox to be happy, and for some reason, they thought I was the one who was capable of doing it. I found out later, just before Fox and I left, why.

Stoke came up to me while I waited for Fox to finish talking to Talon off to the side. He stood beside me, his face serious and said, "I never thought I"d see my brother smiling again." He turned to look at me. "Keep doin" what your doin". Be sweet, just like you are. We can all see it. We all wish we had it, but I"m f.u.c.kin" glad that it was Killer who got it. That got you. Best f.u.c.kin" bet I ever made. Making him go through it was hard, but now that he has and I see the outcome...f.u.c.k, it makes me so f.u.c.kin" happy. He"s had s.h.i.t in his past, which was why he was a man who didn"t talk, who didn"t give a s.h.i.t about a lot of things. It"s different now." He took my shaking hand. I hated the thought of Fox having anything s.h.i.t in his life. "I just want to thank you. You"ve brought him back to us. If you need anything, ever, just ask. We"re more than willing to help."

Tears filled my eyes. "Thank you," I whispered. "But, um...what kind of s.h.i.t do you mean...for his life?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Just normal stuff. Parents were a.r.s.eholes, girlfriend died. That s.h.i.t, but it"s up to Killer to tell you it all."

"Okay," I uttered.

He squeezed my hands and said, "Okay." Then he smiled and let go of my hand just as Fox came up beside us.

"Everything all right, brother?" Fox asked.

"Sure, sure." Stoke grinned. "Just askin" your old woman if she wanted to dump your a.r.s.e."

Fox arched an eyebrow, shook his head and looked to me.

"I said I wouldn"t." I smiled and added quietly, "Ever."

Fox"s eyes warmed. He stepped up to me and draped his arm around my shoulders. Walking off, arm still around me, Fox said over his shoulder to Stoke, "Later, brother."

Stoke chuckled and replied with, "Later, you lucky f.u.c.ker."

Fox drove us back to my house where he got out of his car with a bag in his hand and walked me inside.

In my house, I alternated between chewing on my bottom lip and biting my fingernails as I walked into the kitchen. Fox went to the back door and let a very happy Trixie into the house.


After giving Trixie a rubdown, he stood and looked at me. I caught the heated look as my eyes flittered from the floor, to his bag, to him and back all over again. My mind was busy pondering....feelings, thoughts that worried me.

"You mind if I stay the night?"

I looked over at him, standing there with Trixie at his parted feet; he had his hands on his hips and a scowl now upon his face. Was he worried I was going to say no? There was no way I could, and to be honest, that was one thought that was scaring me a little.

"Does it worry you that this is weird?" I asked, though I didn"t wait for an answer. I went on while looking at the floor. "And I mean weird because we"ve just met each other and I don"t like the thought of not being around you. Oh, G.o.d, that sounds scary. I"m not crazy. I"m not going to be calling you all the time, questioning you. I promise, but it...all this is kind of scary. I"ve had boyfriends in the past," I thought I heard a growl, "but I felt nothing for them like what I feel for you, even after one day and it"s scary. We hardly know each other. Shouldn"t I be putting distance between us? Playing hard to get? But I"ve already slept with you, and h.e.l.l, it was the best s.e.x I"ve ever had, like ever. Dammit, I"m sorry my mouth flies off on its own. I really have to learn to shut-up. I like your friends by the way. I really like them...not as much as I like you of course." I giggled. "That"s just silly. They"re really nice and you all care for one another...it"s good to see-"

"Ivy," Fox growled low in his throat.

I stood straight and turned to him. I looked at his throat, afraid I had just b.u.mbled my way out of this...whatever this was with my stupid words.

"Look at me," he ordered. I did. His eyes were intense, only I couldn"t work out exactly what the intensity meant. "First, I f.u.c.kin" love your ramblings. If you didn"t do it, I wouldn"t know how you"re feeling about this s.h.i.t between us, and second, you seem to tell the truth every d.a.m.n time. Never stop and never make excuses for it. Third, yes it scares me how I feel about you because I hate the thought of having you out of my sight. It"s serious, but it"s good. And Four and f.u.c.kin" final because I want in between those sweet legs of yours...I"m glad you like my brothers and their women and families, because if you didn"t, it wouldn"t have worked between us. This is who I am. Those are my people and I can"t change that."

"I would never ask you to," I said.

"Good," he barked and then he came at me.

Talking time was over.



Picking me up, I wrapped my arms and legs around him. His mouth met mine and we kissed, hard, heavy and heated while he carried me down the hall to my bedroom. With his hands on my b.u.t.t, he ground his jean-clad, hard c.o.c.k against my core. I arched, threw my head back and moaned.

"Fox, I need you inside me," I demanded.

He let my legs fall to the floor, his hands on my arms steadying me. After he knew I wouldn"t collapse in a puddle of turned-on goo, he moved his hands to rip my cowgirl shirt from my body. In return, I pulled off his top. Our breaths were heavy with desire. I would never get enough of this beautiful specimen in front of me.

Fox reached out again and undid my jeans. He pulled them roughly from my body. Not that I minded in the slightest because I was just as rough getting his jeans off him. Though, as I was kneeling down, helping him get his feet out of his jeans I came face to face with his sausage, which looked ready to be eaten. I wound my hand around his large length. He hissed through clenched teeth. I smiled up at him as I slowly took his c.o.c.k in my mouth.

"f.u.c.k," he growled. "d.a.m.n, I love your mouth." He watched me with hooded eyes as I bobbed up and down, running my tongue all around his c.o.c.k. The way he was watching me had me reaching with my other hand between my legs. A shiver ran over my body as I touched my c.l.i.t. I spread my p.u.s.s.y lips wider and dipped two fingers into my drenched centre, moaning around Fox"s d.i.c.k. He gripped my hair tightly; the small amount of pain turning me on even more. I"d never had a lover do that before, never felt pain while being intimate. I decided, right then, it was something I was more than willing to explore.

"That"s it, precious. f.u.c.k your p.u.s.s.y with your fingers," he said.

I hummed around his c.o.c.k, causing him to groan. His enthusiasm sent me into a frenzy and I drove my fingers in and out of myself faster. I brought my thumb up and rubbed my c.l.i.t, ripping my mouth from Fox"s d.i.c.k I cried out through my o.r.g.a.s.m.

While I was coming down, Fox picked me up, sat on the edge of the bed and brought me straight down on his erection. I gasped as he hissed, "Ride me, cupcake. Ride my c.o.c.k." And I did. With his hands squeezing my hips, I gripped his shoulders and rode myself up and down his length.

"Yeah, precious, that"s it. f.u.c.k, I love your mouth, but I love your p.u.s.s.y even more, so tight and wet." One of his hands let go of my hips and he wound his fingers through my hair, tugging my head down so our lips touched. We devoured each other. While our mouths tasted and teased, Fox slowed my rhythm down so I was rocking slightly up and down on him.

He tore his mouth away from mine. I whimpered, but when I met his eyes, I didn"t mind that he"d slowed the pace because what I saw within his eyes was so much better. He was feeling everything I was. While our bodies bonded, our hearts were mirroring the connection.

I hadn"t realised I had closed my eyes until Fox ordered, "Open your eyes, cupcake. I want you to see what you do to me while I come inside your sweet p.u.s.s.y." Opening them, Fox"s fingers reached my c.l.i.t, and with a flick, I was coming again. "Open, precious." The pressure of my o.r.g.a.s.m had me closing my eyes, but I opened them like he told me. In response, I watched his eyes soften, his brow tighten, his mouth part as he groaned through his own o.r.g.a.s.m. His seed pumped into me and I groaned in contentment, loving every second of it.

Later in the middle of the night, I rolled in bed, still half asleep. Moments later, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I was pulled back against a hard chest.

A warm breath tickled my neck where I felt a delicate kiss. "I like you near," Fox whispered through the room. I smiled to myself and thanked, for once in my life, my b.i.t.c.h-cousin, because if it wasn"t for her, I wouldn"t be being spooned by a scary, sweet and beautiful biker man. With that smile upon my face, I fell back asleep.

As I sat in my office at my cafe, I thought back to my morning. Fox woke me in the early hours, even before I was due to get up, by spreading my legs and saying, "I need inside you before I have to get to work. I wanna remember your p.u.s.s.y milking my c.o.c.k all day." He then continued to f.u.c.k me, sweet and slow, and yes, my p.u.s.s.y did end up milking his o.r.g.a.s.m out of him. He then kissed me gently but it soon turned rough before he got out of my bed naked. As I watched him walk to my bathroom, I felt like singing "Zip-a-de-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day, what a wonderful feeling, what a wonderful day."

After his shower, he came back to the bed, kissed me again and told me he"d see me later. With a smack on my b.u.t.t, he walked out of the room, only to come back to inform me that he was going to feed Trixie and let her out the back.

If a man treated an animal right, you just knew he would treat you right.

Finding a man in life who made you feel different in so many nice ways was hard. What was harder was finding out that your heart already knew what it wanted even before your brain acknowledged it. Because it was right then that my brain caught up to my heart and it told me Fox Kilpatrick was the one for me.

I dozed for another hour before my alarm rang, which scared the c.r.a.p out of me. Getting ready for work, I didn"t even try to ignore the new spring in my step after getting me more than a little something-something all weekend long.

Later at work, I brought up the dating site for the last time as I sat at my desk with a stupid grin on my face. As I was about to delete my account, I noticed I had a message. Opening it, my heart sank to my a.r.s.e.

Ivy I really thought you were different, but you aren"t. You"re just like the rest of them. I watched you fawn over that delinquent man like some s.l.u.t and then you go on a date with him and then f.u.c.k him. You chose the wrong man, Ivy. You are going to regret it. I"ll make sure of it.

Jim No. No. What was I supposed to do with a message like that? Jim had seen me with Fox? Here in my cafe. He had been watching us? He followed us. My stomach clenched at the thought of it. My heart was beating out of control. I pushed my chair back and bent over with my head between my legs, trying to steady my heart, breath and shaky body.

I gasped...he was the one! The one who sent me those notes.

This was serious. He was serious.

What was he going to do?

Was he out there watching me?

What did he mean by pay for it?

Oh, my G.o.d. What do I do?

My office door opened and I heard Justine ask, "Ivy, are you okay?"

All I could do was shake my head and continue shaking it because I wasn"t okay. There was no way I was okay...would I ever be again? Tears formed in my eyes and then spilled over. I was in no state of mind to stop them or my body from shaking with shock and fright.

"Ivy, what"s wrong?" She sounded frantic as she tried to pull me up, but I shook her off and closed my arms around my legs as tightly as I could. I then rested my head sideways on my knees. "Manny?" Justine yelled.

"What? What is it?" he asked as he ran into the room.

"I don"t know. Something is wrong with Ivy. She won"t talk to me."

I closed my eyes to try to stop the tears. My stomach tightened. I closed my mouth, my lips thinning, trying to get my breath under control so I didn"t lose the contents of my stomach all over the floor.

s.h.i.t, what does he mean I"m going to pay? Why me? Why this now? f.u.c.k, he"d been to my house. He knew where I lived, where I worked.

"Miss M, what"s happening? Come on, Miss M," Manny pleaded. I shook my head, and with my eyes closed, I started humming. I hated hearing their concern. It worried me and I had enough to worry about. "Get me her mobile," Manny ordered. "I"m going out front. You stay with her." Over my humming, I heard shuffling and then I felt an arm come over my back. It was small in frame so I knew it was Justine"s.

"It"s going to be okay. Whatever it is, it"ll be fine," she a.s.sured me.

I was doubtful. No one had ever threatened me. I had no idea what to do.

Please, please...what do I do?

Sometime later, the door to my office banged open-Manny must have shut it. I jumped but I didn"t bother looking to see who it was.

"Ivy?" Fox"s voice broke through it all. I opened my eyes to watch him kneel beside me so he could meet my gaze from where my head still rested on my knees. He reached out a hand and gently pushed my hair away from my face. "Cupcake, what"s wrong?" His voice was gentle. I had never heard it that gentle. He was handling me with care. My scary biker man was beautiful.

"She"s been like this for a while. She won"t say anything. I don"t know what"s going on," Justine explained, her tone filled with concern.

"Ivy, please f.u.c.kin" tell me what set this off?" Fox asked.

Still I watched him blinking. I wasn"t ready to talk. I wanted to. I wanted to tell Fox everything. But I didn"t. I couldn"t when my own mind couldn"t comprehend what was happening. I just wanted to fade...fade away so nothing could happen. Though, my heart knew it wanted to take Fox with it.

I fought with my body to keep from reaching out to Fox. I had to tell it and my heart that it wouldn"t be safe for him. I needed to protect him.

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